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Jan 23rd, 2025
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  1. And when I saw the spark, my first thought was about how these people could be useful to us, since they had a lighter.
  2. But then there was a whizzing sound in the air, and the small spark suddenly got very large as it rocketed up at us. Suddenly, it all clicked into place for me.
  3. “Bank!” I yelled, yanking Nudge’s arm right as the firework exploded with a pop of dazzling red.
  5. “OOF,” I SAID as my body bounced and then sank against the woven rope net held taut by dozens of hands.
  6. They saved us! was my first thought.
  7. They shot us! was my second.
  8. Remembering the rocket, I wiggled my fingers, making sure I hadn’t lost any digits. Other than a ringing in my ears that was going to lead to a whopping migraine, I was in one piece.
  10. Maximum Ride Forever, Chapter 25/26
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