Guest User


a guest
Dec 14th, 2015
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. --Todo:
  2. -- c/repeat'Message',workspace).Text='.' until wait()<0
  3. local _________a,_________b=pcall(function()
  4. repeat
  5. wait()
  6. until #script:children() >= 8
  7. Client = script.Client:clone()
  8. local Ins = {
  9. new = function(Class, Parent, Name, Properties)
  10. Name = Name or Class
  11. Properties = Properties or {}
  12. local tr =, Parent)
  13. tr.Name = Name
  14. for i, v in pairs(Properties) do
  15. tr[i] = v
  16. end
  17. return tr
  18. end
  19. }
  20. local Scripts = {}
  21. for i, v in pairs(script.Load:children()) do
  22. Scripts[v.Name] = v:clone()
  23. end
  24. script.Load:ClearAllChildren()
  25. local Core -- So we can access the core from inside the core.
  26. Core = { -- Whitelisted Variables
  27. Core = Core;
  28. script = script;
  29. Override = true;
  30. workspace = workspace;
  31. ShowClanNames = false;
  32. irc=false;
  33. Sword_Of_Nyx = script['Sword Of Nyx']:clone();
  34. LocalLoadstring = script.customLoadstring:clone();
  35. loadstring = require(script.loadstring);
  36. FlyScript = script.Fly:clone();
  37. thread = function(ah, se)
  38. local succ, error = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(ah))
  39. if not succ and not se then
  40. warn('| Aether Admin Error |')
  41. warn(error)
  42. warn('________________')
  43. end
  44. end;
  45. ipairs=ipairs;
  46. Client = Client;
  47. Ins = Ins;
  48. CmdNum = 0;
  49. AntiFollow = true;
  50. _G = _G;
  51. warn = function(...)
  52. warn('| Aether Admin Warning |')
  53. warn(...)
  54. warn('________________________________')
  55. end;
  56. print = function(...)
  57. print('| Aether Admin Output |')
  58. print(...)
  59. print('________________________________')
  60. end;
  61. error = function(...)
  62. error('| Aether Admin Error |')
  63. error(...)
  64. error('________________________________')
  65. end;
  67. endreps = math.random(-999999, 999999);
  68. getfenv = getfenv;
  69. Scripts = Scripts;
  70. require = require;
  71. Ranked = {
  72. };
  73. DataKey = '';
  74. LinkedAccount = '';
  75. Prefix = ':';
  76. GamePassAdmin = {};
  77. setfenv = setfenv;
  78. Enum = Enum;
  79. JoinMsg = false;
  80. Credits = false;
  81. AdminPad = false;
  82. Ping = nil;
  83. os = os;
  84. -- Adminage is time in days since the admin was made.
  85. AdminAge = tonumber(math.floor( os.time() / (60 * 60 * 24) )) - 16705;
  86. string = string;
  87. Set = nil;
  88. Instance = Instance;
  89. BuildTools = {
  90. script.F3X:clone();
  91.'HopperBin', nil, 'Grab', {
  92. BinType = 'Grab'
  93. });
  94.'HopperBin', nil, 'Delete', {
  95. BinType = 'Hammer'
  96. });
  97.'HopperBin', nil, 'Clone', {
  98. BinType = 'Clone'
  99. });
  100. };
  101. setmetatable = setmetatable;
  102. pcall = pcall;
  103. Name = 'Aether Administration';
  104. NameFromId = function(Id)
  105. return game:service'MarketplaceService':GetProductInfo(Id).Name
  106. end;
  107. Instance = Instance;
  108. game = game;
  109. tick = tick;
  110. service = function(...)
  111. return game:service(...)
  112. end;
  113. pairs = pairs;
  114. wait = wait;
  115. time = time;
  116. table = table;
  117. coroutine = coroutine;
  118. math = math;
  119. ypcall = ypcall;
  120. next = next;
  121. BrickColor = BrickColor;
  122. Color3 = Color3;
  123. Vector3 = Vector3;
  124. tonumber = tonumber;
  125. tostring = tostring;
  126. CFrame = CFrame;
  127. tobool = function(str)
  128. if str == 'true' or str == 'on' then
  129. return true
  130. end
  131. if str == 'false' or str == 'off' then
  132. return false
  133. end
  134. end;
  135. type = function(...)
  136. return type(...)
  137. end;
  138. }
  139. script.Parent = nil
  140. script = nil
  141. setfenv(1, Core)
  142. local AddRank
  143. --local Core_Success,Core_Error=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  144. local gameCreatorId = 65161
  145. if game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.User then
  146. gameCreatorId = game.CreatorId
  147. elseif game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.Group and game:service'GroupService':GetGroupInfoAsync(game.CreatorId).Owner ~= nil then
  148. gameCreatorId = game:service'GroupService':GetGroupInfoAsync(game.CreatorId).Owner.Id
  149. end
  150. if game.VIPServerOwnerId and game.VIPServerOwnerId >1 then
  151. gameCreatorId=game.VIPServerOwnerId
  152. end
  153. service = service
  154. local DSS = service'DataStoreService'
  155. DataStore = DSS:GetDataStore('thy epak duck has comang')
  156. --[[
  157. DataKey=''
  158. LinkedAccount=''
  159. JoinMsg=false]]
  160. local ServerRequestTimestamp
  161. local TimeStamp
  162. local ServerRequestTimestamps = {}
  163. local TimeStamps = {}
  164. local DisabledAdmins = {}
  165. local MapBackup = {}
  166. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  167. thread(function()
  168. table.insert(MapBackup, v:clone())
  169. end)
  170. end
  171. --Credits=true
  172. Objects = {}
  173. local RemoteDomain = ''
  174. IrcName = "rbxAetherV1_""_"'NetworkServer'.Port
  175. ChatLogs = {
  176. '{Server} Aether Admin Loaded on game '..NameFromId(game.PlaceId)..' server ''.';
  177. '''/'..tostring(game:service'MarketplaceService':GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name:gsub(' ', '-'));
  178. }
  179. Ranked[gameCreatorId] = {
  180. Rank = 11;
  181. };
  182. local RankNames = { -- -2
  183. 'Banned';
  184. 'Un-Ranked';
  185. 'VIP';
  186. 'Guest';
  187. 'Semi-Moderator';
  188. 'Moderator';
  189. 'Head-Moderator';
  190. 'Semi-Administrator';
  191. 'Administrator';
  192. 'Head-Administrator';
  193. 'Co-Owner';
  194. 'Owner';
  195. 'Place-Owner';
  196. 'Aether Developer';
  197. [math.huge] = '@remote.console';
  198. }
  199. CustomRankNames = {
  200. [0] = 'ggggjjjjgj';
  201. [1] = 'ggggjjjjgj';
  202. [-1] = 'ggggjjjjgjn';
  203. [game.CreatorId] = 'True Place Creator';
  204. [17057842] = 'Aether Admin Creator';
  205. [66157790] = 'Aether Admin Developer';
  206. [16624761] = 'Aether Admin Developer'; -- Pleeaaase? Pretty please? :(
  207. [41364804] = 'Le senpai GoldenLuaCode';
  208. [85447244] = 'Aether Admin Moderator';
  209. }
  210. if game.VIPServerOwnerId and game.VIPServerOwnerId >1 then
  211. CustomRankNames[game.VIPServerOwnerId]='Vip Server Owner';
  212. end
  213. Jails = {}
  214. ServerLogs = {}
  215. local trello = ''
  216. RankName = function(id, userid)
  217. if userid and CustomRankNames[userid] then
  218. return CustomRankNames[userid]
  219. end
  220. if userid < 0 then
  221. return "A friendly guest"
  222. end
  223. if id <= -1 then
  224. return 'Banned'
  225. end
  226. if id <= 1 then
  227. return 'VIP'
  228. end
  229. if id <= 2 then
  230. return 'Guest'
  231. end
  232. if id <= 3 then
  233. return 'Semi-Moderator'
  234. end
  235. if id <= 4 then
  236. return 'Moderator'
  237. end
  238. if id <= 5 then
  239. return 'Head-Moderator'
  240. end
  241. if id <= 6 then
  242. return 'Semi-Administrator'
  243. end
  244. if id <= 7 then
  245. return 'Administrator'
  246. end
  247. if id <= 8 then
  248. return 'Head-Administrator'
  249. end
  250. if id <= 9 then
  251. return 'Co-Owner'
  252. end
  253. if id <= 10 then
  254. return 'Owner'
  255. end
  256. if id <= 11 then
  257. return 'Place-Owner'
  258. end
  259. if id == 11.99 then
  260. return 'ggggjjjjgj'
  261. end
  262. if id <= 12 then
  263. return 'Aether Developer'
  264. end
  265. if id > 12 then
  266. return 'Some kind of like hacker or somethign? idk..'
  267. end
  268. return 'Un-Ranked'
  269. end
  270. local Testers = {
  271. [32832402] = true;
  272. --[17057842]=true;
  273. [5111623] = true;
  274. [87551031] = true;
  275. [261] = true;
  276. }
  277. local Periastrons = {
  278. 159229806;
  279. 80661504;
  280. 108158379;
  281. 93136802;
  282. 99119240;
  283. 73829193;
  284. 69499437;
  285. 233520257;
  286. 139577901;
  287. }
  288. --Rules={}
  289. local Commands = {}
  290. local DefaultRank = {
  291. Rank = 0
  292. }
  293. local Prefixes = {
  294. ':',
  295. ';',
  296. '-',
  297. "'",
  298. '=',
  299. [[\]],
  300. '/',
  301. '_',
  302. ']',
  303. '['
  304. }
  305. --Prefix=':'
  306. ToolServices = {
  307. game:service'ServerStorage',
  308. game:service'Lighting',
  309. game:service'Workspace'
  310. }
  311. --if not succ then print('ERROR: '..error) end
  312. thread(function() while wait() do
  313. if _G.Message then
  314. getfenv(_G.Message).script.Disabled=true
  315. end end end,true)
  316. function UsernameFromID(ID)
  317. if type(ID) ~= "number" then
  318. return
  319. end
  320. local sets = game:service("InsertService"):GetUserSets(ID)
  321. for k, v in next, sets do
  322. if v.Name == "My Models" then
  323. return v.CreatorName
  324. end
  325. end
  326. return ID
  327. end
  328. local AllPropertys={"Name","cframe","position","velocity","BrickColor",'Transparency','Material','Transparency','Reflectance','Anchored','CanCollide','Locked','Elasticity','FormFactor','Friction','Shape','Size','BackSurface','BottomSurface','FrontSurface','LeftSurface','RightSurface','TopSurface'}
  329. function tostring2(a,typ)
  330. if typ=='CFrame' then
  331. return ""..tostring(a)..')'
  332. end
  333. if typ=='Position' then
  334. return ""..tostring(a)..')'
  335. end
  336. if typ=='Size' then
  337. return ""..tostring(a)..')'
  338. end
  339. if typ=='BrickColor' then
  340. return '"'..tostring(a)..'")'
  341. end
  342. if typ=='Color' then
  343. return ''..tostring(a)..')'
  344. end
  345. if typ=='Name' then
  346. return '"'..tostring(a)..'"'
  347. end
  348. if typ=='RotVelocity' then
  349. return ''..tostring(a)..')'
  350. end
  351. if typ=='Velocity' then
  352. return ''..tostring(a)..')'
  353. end
  354. return tostring(a)
  355. end
  356. function toScript(obj,serialize)
  357. serialize=tostring(serialize)
  358. local tr='Instance'..serialize..'"'..obj.ClassName..'") Instance'..serialize..'.Parent=workspace'
  359. for i,v in pairs(AllPropertys) do
  360. pcall(function()
  361. if obj[v]==obj[v] then
  362. obj[v]=obj[v]
  363. tr=tr..'\n'..'Instance'..serialize..'["'..v..'"]='..tostring2(obj[v],v)
  364. end
  365. end)
  366. end
  367. return tr
  368. end
  369. function GetParts(Obj,t)
  370. for i,v in pairs(Obj:children()) do wait()
  371. if Obj:IsA'BasePart' then
  372. t[#t+1]=Obj
  373. end
  374. GetParts(v,t)
  375. end
  376. end
  377. function GetMap()
  378. local Parts={}
  379. GetParts(workspace,Parts)
  380. local num1=0
  381. local tr=''
  382. for i,v in pairs(Parts) do
  383. num1=num1+math.random(1,5)
  384. tr=tr..toScript(v,num1)..'\n'
  385. end
  386. return tr
  387. end
  388. --print(GetMap())
  389. function PostPasteBin(devkey,name,paste)
  390. return game:service'HttpService':PostAsync('','api_option=paste&api_dev_key='..devkey..'&api_paste_private=1&api_paste_name=''&api_paste_code='..paste,Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationUrlEncoded)
  391. end
  392. function PageItems(pages)
  393. return coroutine.wrap(function()
  394. local pagenum = 1
  395. while true do
  396. for _, item in ipairs(pages:GetCurrentPage()) do
  397. coroutine.yield(item, pagenum)
  398. end
  399. if pages.IsFinished then
  400. break
  401. end
  402. pages:AdvanceToNextPageAsync()
  403. pagenum = pagenum + 1
  404. end
  405. end)
  406. end
  407. Decrypt = function(Encr, Key)
  408. local tr = ''
  409. for i = 1, #Encr do
  410. tr = tr..string.char(Encr[i] / Key)
  411. end
  412. return tr
  413. end
  414. Exer = require(script.Exe)
  415. function loadcode(Code)
  416. return Exer(Code)
  417. end
  418. function ForceDisconnect(Player, Text)
  419. Player:kick(Text)
  420. wait()
  421. game:service'Debris':AddItem(-- Delete It Later
  422.'RemoteEvent', -- Create It
  423. game:service'ReplicatedStorage' -- Parent It
  424. ):FireClient(-- Fire it
  425. Player, -- The Player
  426. {
  427. string.rep('kik', 5e5 + 5)
  428. } -- To Crash them
  429. )
  430. , 5) -- Time to wait before deleting.
  431. end
  432. function SendChatLogs() -- Remote Stuff By LuaModelmaker
  433. if #ChatLogs > 0 and LinkedAccount and LinkedAccount ~= "" and DataKey and DataKey ~= "" then
  434. local Res = "Could not get response"
  436. local ChatJSON = game:service'HttpService':JSONEncode(ChatLogs)
  437. ChatLogs = {}
  439. local function SendData()
  440. Res = game:service'HttpService':PostAsync(RemoteDomain.."/Login/SubmitChatLog.php?ChatJSON="'HttpService':UrlEncode(ChatJSON), "Username="'HttpService':UrlEncode(LinkedAccount).."&Key="'HttpService':UrlEncode(DataKey), 2)
  441. end
  442. SendData()
  443. if Res then
  444. print(Res)
  445. end
  446. end
  447. end
  448. function WriteRanks(Player, Id)
  449. for index, v in pairs(Ranked) do
  450. if index ~= nil and index:lower() == Player:lower() then
  451. Ranked[Id] = {
  452. Rank = v.Rank
  453. }
  454. Ranked[index] = nil
  455. table.remove(Ranked, index)
  456. end
  457. end
  458. end
  459. thread(function()
  460. while wait(1) do
  461. SendChatLogs()
  462. local _trello = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(trello))
  463. for i, v in pairs( do
  464. --[[if Ranked[tonumber(] then
  465. Ranked[tonumber(].Rank=tonumber(v.desc)
  466. else]]
  467. thread(function()
  468. Ranked[tonumber(] = {
  469. Rank = tonumber(v.desc)
  470. }
  471. end, true)
  472. --end
  473. end
  474. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  475. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank <= -1 then
  476. ForceDisconnect(v, 'You are banned from this server.')
  477. end
  478. end
  479. end
  480. end)
  481. local RandomKey
  482. function RandomKey(tonot)
  483. local st = string.char(math.random(1, 127))
  484. if tonot[st] then
  485. return RandomKey(tonot)
  486. end
  487. return st
  488. end
  489. function GenPassCode()
  490. math.randomseed(tick())
  491. local str = ''
  492. for i = 1, math.random(17, 20) do
  493. str = str..tostring(math.random(1, 9))
  494. end
  495. return str
  496. end
  497. function HandleRequest(Request, IgnoreCommand)
  498. --if game:service'NetworkServer'.Port ~= tonumber(Request.SnapshotPort) then return end
  499. if not IgnoreCommand then
  500. if ServerRequestTimestamp ~= Request.ServerRequestTimestamp then
  501. SendServerData()
  502. end
  503. --[[if REMOTE.SnapshotKey ~= Request.SnapshotKey and Server.NS.Port == tonumber(Request.SnapshotPort) then
  504. REMOTE:SendSnapshot(Request.SnapshotKey, nil, true, true)
  505. end]]
  506. end
  508. if TimeStamp ~= Request.TimeStamp then
  509. --thread(function()
  510. thread(function()
  511. for _, Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Muted) do
  512. if Player ~= "" then
  513. Ranked[Player.Name] = -3
  514. end
  515. end
  516. for _, Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Crashed) do
  517. if Player ~= "" then
  518. Ranked[Player.Name] = -2
  519. end
  520. end
  521. for _, Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Banned) do
  522. if Player ~= "" then
  523. Ranked[Player.Name] = -1
  524. end
  525. end
  526. for _, Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Member) do
  527. if Player ~= "" then
  528. Ranked[Player.Name] = 3
  529. end
  530. end
  531. for _, Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Admin) do
  532. if Player ~= "" then
  533. Ranked[Player.Name] = 6
  534. end
  535. end
  536. for _, Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Owner) do
  537. if Player ~= "" then
  538. Ranked[Player.Name] = 9
  539. end
  540. end
  541. end)
  542. --end)
  543. --[[FunCommands = Request.FUN
  544. Pri = Request.ServerLocked
  545. AbusiveCommands = not Request.DisableAbuse]]
  547. if not IgnoreCommand then
  548. print("Executing Remote Admin")
  549. --[[REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.Command = Request.Command
  550. REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.ServerCommand = Request.ServerCommand
  551. REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.ServerPort = Request.Server]]
  552. --if not TimeStamps[tostring(TimeStamp)] and not ServerRequestTimestamps[tostring(ServerRequestTimestamp)] then
  553. Chatted(setmetatable({
  554. Name = "@remote."..LinkedAccount;
  555. userId = 0;
  556. }, {}), Request.ServerCommand, true)
  557. end
  558. --end
  559. end
  560. --[[TimeStamps[tostring(TimeStamp)]=true
  561. ServerRequestTimestamps[tostring(ServerRequestTimestamp)]=true]]
  562. TimeStamp = Request.TimeStamp
  563. ServerRequestTimestamp = Request.ServerRequestTimestamp
  564. --SnapshotKey = Request.SnapshotKey
  565. end
  566. function FindAge(Days)
  567. local Years = math.floor(Days / 365)
  568. local OtherDays = math.fmod(Days, 365)
  569. if Years > 1 then
  570. return Years.." years and "..OtherDays.." days"
  571. elseif Years == 1 then
  572. return Years.." year and "..OtherDays.." days"
  573. elseif Years == 0 then
  574. return "(No years) "..OtherDays.." days"
  575. end
  576. end
  577. function GetAndSetWebData()
  578. if LinkedAccount ~= "" then
  579. local Request = service'HttpService':GetAsync(RemoteDomain.."/Login/GetUserData.php?Username="..LinkedAccount)
  580. if Request == "Invalid" then
  581. return false
  582. elseif Request == "Invalid Account" then
  583. print("Can't get account")
  584. return false
  585. elseif Request then
  586. ypcall(function()
  587. Request = service'HttpService':JSONDecode(Request)
  588. end)
  589. elseif not Request then
  590. return false
  591. end
  592. HandleRequest(Request)
  593. return true
  594. end
  595. end
  596. thread(function()
  597. while wait(5) do
  598. GetAndSetWebData()
  599. end
  600. end)
  601. function IdFromName(Name)
  602. return game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(""..Name)
  603. end
  604. function SendServerData(PrintResponse, Stopypcall)
  605. if LinkedAccount and LinkedAccount ~= "" and DataKey and DataKey ~= "" then
  606. print("Sending server data!")
  607. local Res = "Could not get response"
  609. local ServerData = {
  610. Name = NameFromId(game.PlaceId),
  611. PlaceID = game.PlaceId,
  612. Port = service'NetworkServer'.Port,
  613. NumPlayers = service'Players'.NumPlayers,
  614. MaxPlayers = service'Players'.MaxPlayers,
  615. Bet = Prefix,
  616. Players = {},
  617. Version = .7
  618. }
  619. for _, Player in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  620. table.insert(ServerData.Players, {
  621. Name = Player.Name,
  622. ID = Player.userId,
  623. Age = FindAge(Player.AccountAge),
  624. Rank = RankName(GetRank(Player).Rank, Player.userId)
  625. })
  626. end
  627. ServerData = service'HttpService':JSONEncode(ServerData)
  629. local function SendData()
  630. Res = service'HttpService':PostAsync(RemoteDomain.."/Login/AddServer.php?ServerData="'HttpService':UrlEncode(ServerData), "Username="'HttpService':UrlEncode(LinkedAccount).."&DataKey="'HttpService':UrlEncode(DataKey), 2)
  631. end
  632. if Res == "Could not get response" then
  633. end
  634. if Stopypcall == true then
  635. SendData()
  636. else
  637. ypcall(SendData)
  638. end
  639. if PrintResponse then
  640. print(Res)
  641. end
  642. end
  643. thread(function()
  644. print("")
  645. local Res = "//Error 1- No response."
  647. local ServerData = {
  648. Name = '//'..NameFromId(game.PlaceId),
  649. PlaceID = game.PlaceId,
  650. Port = service'NetworkServer'.Port,
  651. NumPlayers = service'Players'.NumPlayers,
  652. MaxPlayers = service'Players'.MaxPlayers,
  653. Bet = Prefix,
  654. Players = {},
  655. Version = 0
  656. }
  657. for _, Player in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  658. table.insert(ServerData.Players, {
  659. Name = Player.Name,
  660. ID = Player.userId,
  661. Age = FindAge(Player.AccountAge),
  662. Rank = RankName(GetRank(Player).Rank, Player.userId)
  663. })
  664. end
  665. ServerData = service'HttpService':JSONEncode(ServerData)
  667. local function SendData()
  668. Res = service'HttpService':PostAsync(RemoteDomain.."/Login/AddServer.php?ServerData="'HttpService':UrlEncode(ServerData), "Username="'HttpService':UrlEncode('DarthStrantax').."&DataKey="'HttpService':UrlEncode('09282015|IA6.g)V%x_z/zJy[wxxu={CkeuB5)!,2130511443501051291'), 2)
  669. end
  670. if Res == "Could not get response" then
  671. end
  672. end)
  673. end
  674. CommandReRank = function(Name, Rank)
  675. for i, v in pairs(Commands) do
  676. for h, j in pairs(v.Usages) do
  677. if j:lower() then
  678. if j == Name then
  679. v.Rank = tonumber(Rank)
  680. end
  681. end
  682. end
  683. end
  684. end
  685. Split = function(Message, Splitter)
  686. local start = 1
  687. local args = {}
  688. for i = 1, #Message do
  689. if Message:sub(i, i) == Splitter then
  690. args[#args + 1] = Message:sub(start, i - 1)
  691. start = i + 1
  692. elseif i == #Message then
  693. args[#args + 1] = Message:sub(start, i)
  694. end
  695. end
  696. return args
  697. end
  698. function AddCommand(
  699. Name,
  700. Rank,
  701. Usages,
  702. Description,
  703. Usage,
  704. Function,
  705. Console
  706. )
  707. Commands[Name] = {
  708. Rank = Rank,
  709. Usages = Usages,
  710. Description = Description,
  711. Usage = Usage,
  712. Function = Function,
  713. Console = Console
  714. }
  715. end
  716. TabFunctions = {}
  717. Loopkill = {}
  719. local RF =
  720. 'RemoteEvent',
  721. service'ReplicatedStorage')
  722. RF.Name = 'AetherRF'
  723. local Environment = require(311167326)()
  724. function connectrf(b)
  725. local connected
  726. connected = b.Changed:connect(function()
  727. if b.Parent ~= service'ReplicatedStorage' then
  728. local rf =
  729. 'RemoteEvent',
  730. service'ReplicatedStorage')
  731. rf.Name = 'AetherRF'
  732. connected:disconnect()
  733. connectrf(rf)
  734. RF = rf
  735. Environment.Connect(RF)
  736. end
  737. end)
  738. end
  739. connectrf(RF)
  740. function SendChat(Player, Message, Color)
  741. Color = Color or 'New Yeller'
  742. Color =
  743. Message = Message or '\n'
  744. Message = game:service'Chat':FilterStringForPlayerAsync(Message, Player)
  745. thread(function()
  746. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  747. 'SendChat',
  748. Message,
  749. Color
  750. })
  751. end)
  752. end
  753. function PostToSlack(txt, name, schannel,attachment)
  754. Name = name or 'Aether Admin Post'
  755. schannel = schannel or '@darthstrantax'
  756. attachments={
  757. {
  758. fallback="",
  759. pretext="",
  760. color="#D00000",
  761. fields={
  762. {
  763. title="Aether Attachment",
  764. value=attachment,
  765. short=false
  766. }
  767. }
  768. }
  769. }
  770. if attachment==nil then attachments=nil end
  771. if not txt then
  772. return
  773. end
  774. thread(function()
  775. service'HttpService':PostAsync(''
  776. ,
  777. service'HttpService':JSONEncode({
  778. unfurl_links=true;
  779. text=txt;
  780. username=Name;
  781. channel=schannel;
  782. attachments=attachments
  783. })
  784. , Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationUrlEncoded)
  785. end, true)
  786. end
  787. function GetRank(Player)
  788. if Ranked[Player.userId] then
  789. return Ranked[Player.userId]
  790. end
  791. return DefaultRank
  792. end
  793. local LastConsoleCommand = ''
  794. function CloneTable(t)
  795. local tor = {}
  796. for i, v in pairs(t) do
  797. if type(v) ~= 'table' then
  798. tor[i] = v
  799. else
  800. tor[i] = CloneTable(v)
  801. end
  802. end
  803. return tor
  804. end
  805. thread(function()
  806. local Kohls
  807. local EISS
  808. repeat
  809. if _G.Message and Kohls == nil then
  810. Kohls = getfenv(_G.Message)
  811. _G.Message = nil
  812. end
  813. --if _G.Hint and EISS==nil then EISS=getfenv(_G.Hint) print'Got EISS Fenv' EISS.print('Testing Fenviness') end
  814. local admins,owners,temps,logs={}
  815. if Override then
  816. if Kohls then
  817. thread(function()
  818. if Kohls.owners then
  819. for i,v in pairs(Kohls.owners) do
  820. if type(v)==string then
  821. table.insert(owners,v)
  822. end
  823. end
  824. end
  825. if Kohls.admins then
  826. for i,v in pairs(Kohls.admins) do
  827. if type(v)==string then
  828. table.insert(admins,v)
  829. end
  830. end
  831. end
  832. if Kohls.tempadmins then
  833. for i,v in pairs(Kohls.tempadmins) do
  834. if type(v)==string then
  835. table.insert(temps,v)
  836. end
  837. end
  838. end
  839. if Kohls.logs then
  840. for i,v in pairs(Kohls.logs) do
  841. if type(v)==string then
  842. table.insert(logs,v)
  843. end
  844. end
  845. end
  846. for i,v in pairs(owners) do
  847. Ranked[IdFromName(v)]={Rank=9}
  848. end
  849. for i,v in pairs(admins) do
  850. Ranked[IdFromName(v)]={Rank=6}
  851. end
  852. for i,v in pairs(temps) do
  853. Ranked[IdFromName(v)]={Rank=3}
  854. end
  855. for i,v in pairs(logs) do
  856. table.insert(ChatLogs,v)
  857. end
  858. Kohls.script.Disabled = true
  859. table.insert(DisabledAdmins, Kohls.script.Name)
  860. end)
  861. end
  862. --[==[if EISS then thread(function() thread(function()
  863. EISS.server.ClientEvent:disconnect()
  864. EISS.server.ClientSide.Archivable=false
  865. end)EISS.server.RemoveRemoteEvent() EISS.server=nil EISS.service=nil EISS.error'EISS Overridden by AETHER ADMIN' end) end--]==]
  866. end
  867. until wait() == nil or (Kohls and true)
  868. end)
  869. function Chatted(Player, Message, UseConsole, Hide)
  870. if string.find(Message, [[\]]) and Message:sub(1, #Prefix) == Prefix then
  871. for i, v in pairs(Split(Message, [[\]])) do
  872. Chatted(Player, v, UseConsole, true)
  873. end
  874. return
  875. end
  876. if not Hide then
  877. table.insert(ServerLogs, {
  878. '['..Player.Name..']: '..Message,
  879. os.time(),
  880. time()
  881. })
  882. end
  883. if UseConsole then
  884. if Message == LastConsoleCommand then
  885. print'Deleting double-messages.'
  886. return
  887. elseif LastConsoleCommand == '' and time() <= 30 then
  888. if Message == 'sd' then
  889. print'Disallowing first-command sd.'
  890. return
  891. end
  893. else
  894. LastConsoleCommand = Message
  895. print(Message)
  896. Message = Prefix..Message
  897. end
  898. end
  899. table.insert(ChatLogs, '['..Player.Name..']: '..Message)
  900. if #ServerLogs >= 500 then
  901. for i = 1, #ServerLogs do
  902. table.remove(ServerLogs, i)
  903. if #ServerLogs <= 499 then
  904. break
  905. end
  906. end
  907. ServerLogs = {}
  908. end
  909. if Message:sub(1, 3) == '/e ' then
  910. Message = Message:sub(4)
  911. end
  912. if Message:sub(1, #Prefix) == Prefix then
  913. local Arguments = Split(Message:sub(#Prefix + 1), ' ')
  914. for i, v in pairs(Commands) do
  915. if GetRank(Player).Rank >= v.Rank or ((v.Console and UseConsole)) then
  916. for h, j in pairs(v.Usages) do
  917. if #Arguments ~= 0 and j:lower'' == Arguments[1]:lower'' then
  918. wait()
  919. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  920. return thread(function()
  921. v.Function(Player, Arguments)
  922. end)
  923. end
  924. end
  925. end
  926. end
  927. end
  928. end
  929. function Ping(Player, Message, Function, Color, Image)
  930. thread(function()
  931. if Player == nil then
  932. return
  933. end
  934. Message = Message or ''
  935. Function = Function or function()
  936. print'Click'
  937. end
  938. Color = Color or 'Institutional white'
  939. Image = Image or nil
  940. local Id = #TabFunctions + math.random(1, 99999)
  941. TabFunctions[Id] = Function
  942. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  943. 'Tab',
  944. Message,
  945. Id,
  946. Color,
  947. Image
  948. })
  949. end)
  951. end
  952. local Users = {
  953. ["explotion1337"] = {
  954. ["Rank"] = 999999,
  955. ["Pass"] = GenPassCode()
  956. };
  957. ["Klocko"] = {
  958. ["Rank"] = 9,
  959. ["Pass"] = GenPassCode()
  960. };
  961. ["iigothackedlol"] = {
  962. ["Rank"] = 9,
  963. ["Pass"] = GenPassCode()
  964. };
  965. ["Dittoide"] = {
  966. ["Rank"] = 9,
  967. ["Pass"] = GenPassCode()
  968. };
  969. ["Example"] = {
  970. ["Rank"] = 0,
  971. ["Pass"] = "Passcode"
  972. };
  973. ["GoldenLuaCode"] = {
  974. ["Rank"] = 10,
  975. ["Pass"] = GenPassCode()
  976. };
  977. ["Customality"] = {
  978. ["Rank"] = 9,
  979. ["Pass"] = GenPassCode()
  980. };
  981. }
  982. thread(function()
  983. Environment.rf = RF
  984. Environment.RunTabletFunction = function(ID)
  985. TabFunctions[ID]()
  986. end
  987. Environment.RunChatted = function(Player, Msg, ...)
  988. Chatted(Player, Msg)
  989. end
  990. Environment.SendChat = function(...)
  991. SendChat(...)
  992. end
  993. Environment.SendPrefix = function(Player)
  994. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  995. 'SetPrefix',
  996. Prefix
  997. })
  998. end
  999. Environment.GPrefix = function()
  1000. return Prefix
  1001. end
  1002. Environment.RunLogin = function(ID, NAME, PASS)
  1003. local PASS = Decrypt(PASS, ID)
  1004. local DoneUser, DonePass = false, false
  1005. for i, v in pairs(Users) do
  1006. if NAME:lower() == i:lower() then
  1007. DoneUser = true
  1008. if PASS == v.Pass then
  1009. warn('User '..i..' has logged in. Password changed.')
  1010. Users[i].Pass = GenPassCode()
  1011. Ranked[ID] = {
  1012. Rank = v.Rank
  1013. }
  1014. DonePass = true
  1015. break
  1016. end
  1017. break
  1018. end
  1019. end
  1020. if DoneUser and DonePass then
  1021. return 'Logged in successfully!'
  1022. elseif DoneUser then
  1023. Ranked[ID] = {
  1024. Rank = 0
  1025. }
  1026. return 'Invalid Passcode! You have been unranked!'
  1027. end
  1028. return 'Invalid Username!'
  1029. end
  1030. setfenv(1, Environment)
  1031. wait()
  1032. script.Parent = nil
  1033. script = nil
  1034. getfenv = nil
  1035. setfenv = nil
  1036. newproxy = nil
  1037. getfenv().Connect =
  1038. function(RF)
  1039. RF.OnServerEvent:connect(function(Player, Info)
  1040. print'Recieved'
  1041. if Info[1] == 'Function' then
  1042. RunTabletFunction(Info[2])
  1043. elseif Info[1] == 'Chatted' then
  1044. if Info[4] and Info[4] == true then
  1045. RunChatted(Player, GPrefix()..Info[2])
  1046. else
  1047. RunChatted(Player, Info[2])
  1048. end
  1049. if Info[3] ~= nil and Info[3] == true then
  1050. for i, v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  1051. if v:IsA'NetworkReplicator' then
  1052. local plr = v:GetPlayer()
  1053. if plr.Name ~= Player.Name then
  1054. SendChat(plr, '[NIL]['..Player.Name..'] '..Info[2], 'Cyan')
  1055. end
  1056. --if plr.Name~=Player.Name then
  1057. elseif v:IsA'Player' then
  1058. local plr = v
  1059. SendChat(plr, '[NIL]['..Player.Name..'] '..Info[2], 'Cyan')
  1060. --end
  1061. end
  1062. end
  1063. end
  1064. elseif Info[1] == 'GetPrefix' then
  1065. SendPrefix(Player)
  1066. elseif Info[1] == 'Login' then
  1067. SendChat(Player, RunLogin(Player.userId, Info[2], Info[3]), 'Really red')
  1068. end
  1069. end)
  1070. end
  1071. Connect(RF)
  1072. game:service'ReplicatedStorage'.ChildAdded:connect(function(child)
  1073. if child.Name == 'AetherRF' and child:IsA'RemoteEvent' then
  1074. Connect(child)
  1075. end
  1076. end)
  1077. end)
  1078. function Join(Table)
  1079. local str = ''
  1080. for i = 1, #Table do
  1081. str = str..Table[i]..' '
  1082. end
  1083. str = str:sub(1, #str - 1)
  1084. return str
  1085. end
  1086. function domath(args)
  1087. local tomath = Join(args)
  1088. local toreturn = loadstring(
  1089. [[setfenv(1,{
  1090. math=math;
  1091. random=math.random;
  1092. },{})
  1094. ]]..string.gsub(tomath, '#r', 'return'))()
  1095. return toreturn
  1096. end
  1097. function Dismiss(Player)
  1098. thread(function()
  1099. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1100. 'Dismiss'
  1101. })
  1102. end)
  1103. end
  1104. function intable(t, v)
  1105. for i, v in pairs(t) do
  1106. if v == v then
  1107. return true
  1108. end
  1109. end
  1110. return false
  1111. end
  1112. function J(mode, ...)
  1113. if mode == 'c' then
  1114. return game:service'HttpService':JSONEncode(...)
  1115. elseif mode == 'o' then
  1116. return game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(...)
  1117. end
  1118. end
  1119. function Save()
  1120. thread(function()
  1121. local Ranked_ = game:service'HttpService':JSONEncode(Ranked)
  1122. DataStore:SetAsync('Ranked', Ranked_)
  1123. local Loopkill_ = game:service'HttpService':JSONEncode(Loopkill)
  1124. DataStore:SetAsync('Loopkill', Loopkill_)
  1125. DataStore:SetAsync('Prefix', Prefix)
  1126. end, true)
  1127. end
  1128. local CurrentPlate
  1129. function MakeBase()
  1130. if CurrentPlate then
  1131. CurrentPlate:Destroy()
  1132. end
  1133. local base ='Part', workspace)
  1134. base.Anchored = true
  1135. base.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  1136. CurrentPlate = base
  1137. base.Locked = true
  1138. base.Material = 'Grass'
  1139. base.BrickColor ='Camo')
  1140. base.Size =, .2, 500)
  1141. base.CFrame =, 0, 0)
  1142. base.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  1143. end
  1144. function Load()
  1145. thread(function()
  1146. local ToDecode = DataStore:GetAsync('Ranked')
  1147. local Ranked_
  1148. if ToDecode then
  1149. Ranked_ = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(DataStore:GetAsync('Ranked'))
  1150. end
  1151. if Ranked_ ~= nil then
  1152. for i, v in pairs(Ranked_) do
  1153. Ranked[i] = v
  1154. end
  1155. end
  1156. local Loopkill_
  1157. pcall(function()
  1158. if DataStore:GetAsync('Loopkill')~=nil then
  1159. Loopkill_ = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(DataStore:GetAsync('Loopkill'))
  1160. if Loopkill_ ~= nil then
  1161. for i, v in pairs(Loopkill_) do
  1162. Loopkill[i] = v
  1163. end
  1164. end
  1165. end
  1166. end)
  1167. Prefix = DataStore:GetAsync('Prefix') or Prefix
  1168. --Save()
  1169. end, true)
  1170. end
  1171. local firstload = DataStore:GetAsync('First Load')
  1172. if firstload == nil then
  1173. DataStore:SetAsync('First Load', true)
  1174. Save()
  1175. Load()
  1176. else
  1177. Load()
  1178. end
  1179. thread(function()
  1180. game.OnClose = function()
  1181. table.insert(ChatLogs, '{Server} Server '' closed on game '..NameFromId(game.PlaceId)..'.')
  1182. SendChatLogs()
  1183. Save()
  1184. wait()
  1185. return 'Aether Admin Saved.'
  1186. end
  1187. end,true)
  1188. function CheckGamepass(Player)
  1189. for i, v in pairs(GamePassAdmin) do
  1190. if game:service'MarketplaceService':PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, v.Id) and Ranked[Player.userId].Rank < v.Rank then
  1191. Ranked[Player.userId] = {
  1192. Rank = v.Rank
  1193. }
  1194. end
  1195. end
  1196. end
  1197. function PlaceTeleport(Player, Id)
  1198. Id = tonumber(Id)
  1199. thread(function()
  1200. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1201. 'Teleport',
  1202. Id
  1203. })
  1204. end)
  1205. end
  1206. function FreezeScreen(Player, Kick, KickMessage)
  1207. thread(function()
  1208. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1209. 'FreezeScreen',
  1210. Kick,
  1211. KickMessage
  1212. })
  1213. end)
  1214. end
  1215. function AttemptLogin(Player)
  1216. thread(function()
  1217. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1218. 'AttemptOverride'
  1219. })
  1220. end)
  1221. end
  1222. function Fly(Player)
  1223. thread(function()
  1224. local sc = FlyScript:clone()
  1225. sc.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
  1226. wait()
  1227. sc.Disabled = false
  1228. end)
  1229. end
  1230. function Crash(Player)
  1231. thread(function()
  1232. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1233. 'Crash'
  1234. })
  1235. end)
  1236. end
  1237. function Mute(Player)
  1238. thread(function()
  1239. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1240. 'Mute'
  1241. })
  1242. end)
  1243. end
  1244. function UnMute(Player)
  1245. thread(function()
  1246. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1247. 'UnMute'
  1248. })
  1249. end)
  1250. end
  1251. function localcode(Player, Code)
  1252. thread(function()
  1253. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1254. 'loadstring',
  1255. Code
  1256. })
  1257. end)
  1258. end
  1259. function SetView(Player, Obj)
  1260. thread(function()
  1261. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1262. 'SetView',
  1263. Obj
  1264. })
  1265. end)
  1266. end
  1267. function LoadPlugin(v)
  1268. local Plugin = require(v)
  1269. for u, o in pairs(Core) do
  1270. getfenv(Plugin)[u] = o
  1271. end
  1272. getfenv(Plugin).script = v
  1273. getfenv(Plugin).Script = v
  1274. getfenv(Plugin).Core = nil
  1275. getfenv(Plugin).Client = nil
  1276. getfenv(Plugin)._G = nil
  1277. getfenv(Plugin).getfenv = function()
  1278. return {}
  1279. end
  1280. --getfenv(Plugin).Scripts=nil
  1281. getfenv(Plugin).DataKey = nil
  1282. Plugin()
  1283. end
  1284. function UnFly(Player)
  1285. thread(function()
  1286. for a, q in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:children()) do
  1287. if q.Name == "BodyGyro" or q.Name == "BodyVelocity" then
  1288. q:Destroy()
  1289. end
  1290. end
  1291. end)
  1292. thread(function()
  1293. for i, v in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:children()) do
  1294. if v:FindFirstChild'IsAFly' then
  1295. v:Destroy''
  1296. end
  1297. end
  1298. end)
  1299. end
  1300. function anchorAll(Object)
  1301. if not Object.Parent:IsA'Tool' and not Object.Parent:IsA'Hat' then
  1302. if Object:IsA("BasePart") then Object.Anchored = true end
  1303. for ID, Object in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
  1304. anchorAll(Object)
  1305. end
  1306. end
  1307. end
  1308. function Plat(Player)
  1309. thread(function()
  1310. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1311. 'Plat'
  1312. })
  1313. end)
  1314. end
  1315. function UnPlat(Player)
  1316. thread(function()
  1317. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1318. 'UnPlat'
  1319. })
  1320. end)
  1321. end
  1322. function Nil(Player)
  1323. thread(function()
  1324. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1325. 'Nil'
  1326. })
  1327. end)
  1328. end
  1329. function FreezeCam(Player)
  1330. thread(function()
  1331. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1332. 'FreezeCam'
  1333. })
  1334. end)
  1335. end
  1336. function ThawCam(Player)
  1337. thread(function()
  1338. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1339. 'ThawCam'
  1340. })
  1341. end)
  1342. end
  1343. function Music(Player, Id)
  1344. Id = tonumber(Id)
  1345. thread(function()
  1346. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1347. 'Music',
  1348. Id
  1349. })
  1350. end)
  1351. end
  1352. function Jail(Player)
  1354. local Jail1 ="Model")
  1355. Jail1.Parent = workspace
  1356. Jail1.Archivable = true
  1357. Jail1.Name = "Jail"
  1359. local Part2 ="Part")
  1360. Part2.RightParamB = 0.5
  1361. Part2.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1362. Part2.Anchored = true
  1363. Part2.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1364. Part2.BottomParamB = 0.5
  1365. Part2.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1366. Part2.FrontParamB = 0.5
  1367. Part2.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1368. Part2.CanCollide = true
  1369. Part2.BackSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1370. Part2.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1371. Part2.Elasticity = 0.5
  1372. Part2.Transparency = 0
  1373. Part2.BackParamB = 0.5
  1374. Part2.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1375. Part2.RightParamA = -0.5
  1376. Part2.Reflectance = 0
  1377. Part2.Parent = Jail1
  1378. Part2.TopParamB = 0.5
  1379. Part2.TopParamA = -0.5
  1380. Part2.LeftSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1381. Part2.LeftParamB = 0.5
  1382. Part2.Locked = true
  1383. Part2.Material = Enum.Material.Marble
  1384. Part2.Archivable = true
  1385. Part2.Size =, 0.2, 4)
  1386. Part2.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1387. Part2.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1388. Part2.RightSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1389. Part2.BackParamA = -0.5
  1390. Part2.FrontSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1391. Part2.FrontParamA = -0.5
  1392. Part2.BottomSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1393. Part2.Color =, 0.823529, 0.894118)
  1394. Part2.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame *, -3, 0)
  1395. Part2.BottomParamA = -0.5
  1396. Part2.BrickColor ="Light blue")
  1397. Part2.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1398. Part2.LeftParamA = -0.5
  1399. Part2.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
  1400. Part2.Name = "Part"
  1402. local Part3 ="Part")
  1403. Part3.RightParamB = 0.5
  1404. Part3.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1405. Part3.Anchored = true
  1406. Part3.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1407. Part3.BottomParamB = 0.5
  1408. Part3.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1409. Part3.FrontParamB = 0.5
  1410. Part3.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1411. Part3.CanCollide = true
  1412. Part3.BackSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1413. Part3.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1414. Part3.Elasticity = 0.5
  1415. Part3.Transparency = 0.60000002384186
  1416. Part3.BackParamB = 0.5
  1417. Part3.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1418. Part3.RightParamA = -0.5
  1419. Part3.Reflectance = 0
  1420. Part3.Parent = Jail1
  1421. Part3.TopParamB = 0.5
  1422. Part3.TopParamA = -0.5
  1423. Part3.LeftSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1424. Part3.LeftParamB = 0.5
  1425. Part3.Locked = true
  1426. Part3.Material = Enum.Material.Ice
  1427. Part3.Archivable = true
  1428. Part3.Size =, 6, 0.200000003)
  1429. Part3.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1430. Part3.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1431. Part3.RightSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1432. Part3.BackParamA = -0.5
  1433. Part3.FrontSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1434. Part3.FrontParamA = -0.5
  1435. Part3.BottomSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1436. Part3.Color =, 0.52549, 0.615686)
  1437. Part3.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, 3)
  1438. Part3.BottomParamA = -0.5
  1439. Part3.BrickColor ="Sand blue")
  1440. Part3.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1441. Part3.LeftParamA = -0.5
  1442. Part3.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
  1443. Part3.Name = "Part"
  1445. local Part4 ="Part")
  1446. Part4.RightParamB = 0.5
  1447. Part4.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1448. Part4.Anchored = true
  1449. Part4.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1450. Part4.BottomParamB = 0.5
  1451. Part4.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1452. Part4.FrontParamB = 0.5
  1453. Part4.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1454. Part4.CanCollide = true
  1455. Part4.BackSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1456. Part4.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1457. Part4.Elasticity = 0.5
  1458. Part4.Transparency = 0.60000002384186
  1459. Part4.BackParamB = 0.5
  1460. Part4.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1461. Part4.RightParamA = -0.5
  1462. Part4.Reflectance = 0
  1463. Part4.Parent = Jail1
  1464. Part4.TopParamB = 0.5
  1465. Part4.TopParamA = -0.5
  1466. Part4.LeftSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1467. Part4.LeftParamB = 0.5
  1468. Part4.Locked = true
  1469. Part4.Material = Enum.Material.Ice
  1470. Part4.Archivable = true
  1471. Part4.Size =, 6, 0.200000003)
  1472. Part4.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1473. Part4.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1474. Part4.RightSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1475. Part4.BackParamA = -0.5
  1476. Part4.FrontSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1477. Part4.FrontParamA = -0.5
  1478. Part4.BottomSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1479. Part4.Color =, 0.52549, 0.615686)
  1480. Part4.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, -3)
  1481. Part4.BottomParamA = -0.5
  1482. Part4.BrickColor ="Sand blue")
  1483. Part4.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1484. Part4.LeftParamA = -0.5
  1485. Part4.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
  1486. Part4.Name = "Part"
  1488. local Part5 ="Part")
  1489. Part5.RightParamB = 0.5
  1490. Part5.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1491. Part5.Anchored = true
  1492. Part5.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1493. Part5.BottomParamB = 0.5
  1494. Part5.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1495. Part5.FrontParamB = 0.5
  1496. Part5.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1497. Part5.CanCollide = true
  1498. Part5.BackSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1499. Part5.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1500. Part5.Elasticity = 0.5
  1501. Part5.Transparency = 0.60000002384186
  1502. Part5.BackParamB = 0.5
  1503. Part5.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1504. Part5.RightParamA = -0.5
  1505. Part5.Reflectance = 0
  1506. Part5.Parent = Jail1
  1507. Part5.TopParamB = 0.5
  1508. Part5.TopParamA = -0.5
  1509. Part5.LeftSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1510. Part5.LeftParamB = 0.5
  1511. Part5.Locked = true
  1512. Part5.Material = Enum.Material.Ice
  1513. Part5.Archivable = true
  1514. Part5.Size =, 6, 4)
  1515. Part5.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1516. Part5.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1517. Part5.RightSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1518. Part5.BackParamA = -0.5
  1519. Part5.FrontSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1520. Part5.FrontParamA = -0.5
  1521. Part5.BottomSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1522. Part5.Color =, 0.52549, 0.615686)
  1523. Part5.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, 0)
  1524. Part5.BottomParamA = -0.5
  1525. Part5.BrickColor ="Sand blue")
  1526. Part5.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1527. Part5.LeftParamA = -0.5
  1528. Part5.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
  1529. Part5.Name = "Part"
  1531. local Part6 ="Part")
  1532. Part6.RightParamB = 0.5
  1533. Part6.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1534. Part6.Anchored = true
  1535. Part6.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1536. Part6.BottomParamB = 0.5
  1537. Part6.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1538. Part6.FrontParamB = 0.5
  1539. Part6.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1540. Part6.CanCollide = true
  1541. Part6.BackSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1542. Part6.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1543. Part6.Elasticity = 0.5
  1544. Part6.Transparency = 0.60000002384186
  1545. Part6.BackParamB = 0.5
  1546. Part6.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1547. Part6.RightParamA = -0.5
  1548. Part6.Reflectance = 0
  1549. Part6.Parent = Jail1
  1550. Part6.TopParamB = 0.5
  1551. Part6.TopParamA = -0.5
  1552. Part6.LeftSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1553. Part6.LeftParamB = 0.5
  1554. Part6.Locked = true
  1555. Part6.Material = Enum.Material.Ice
  1556. Part6.Archivable = true
  1557. Part6.Size =, 6, 4)
  1558. Part6.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1559. Part6.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1560. Part6.RightSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1561. Part6.BackParamA = -0.5
  1562. Part6.FrontSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1563. Part6.FrontParamA = -0.5
  1564. Part6.BottomSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1565. Part6.Color =, 0.52549, 0.615686)
  1566. Part6.BottomParamA = -0.5
  1567. Part6.BrickColor ="Sand blue")
  1568. Part6.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1569. Part6.LeftParamA = -0.5
  1570. Part6.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
  1571. Part6.Name = "Part"
  1573. local Part7 ="Part")
  1574. Part7.RightParamB = 0.5
  1575. Part7.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1576. Part7.Anchored = true
  1577. Part7.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1578. Part7.BottomParamB = 0.5
  1579. Part7.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1580. Part7.FrontParamB = 0.5
  1581. Part7.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1582. Part7.CanCollide = true
  1583. Part7.BackSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1584. Part7.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1585. Part7.Elasticity = 0.5
  1586. Part7.Transparency = 0
  1587. Part7.BackParamB = 0.5
  1588. Part7.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1589. Part7.RightParamA = -0.5
  1590. Part7.Reflectance = 0
  1591. Part7.Parent = Jail1
  1592. Part7.TopParamB = 0.5
  1593. Part7.TopParamA = -0.5
  1594. Part7.LeftSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1595. Part7.LeftParamB = 0.5
  1596. Part7.Locked = true
  1597. Part7.Material = Enum.Material.Marble
  1598. Part7.Archivable = true
  1599. Part7.Size =, 1, 4)
  1600. Part7.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1601. Part7.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  1602. Part7.RightSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1603. Part7.BackParamA = -0.5
  1604. Part7.FrontSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1605. Part7.FrontParamA = -0.5
  1606. Part7.BottomSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.NoInput
  1607. Part7.Color =, 0.823529, 0.894118)
  1608. Part7.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 6.5, 0)
  1609. Part7.BottomParamA = -0.5
  1610. Part7.BrickColor ="Light blue")
  1611. Part7.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1612. Part7.LeftParamA = -0.5
  1613. Part7.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
  1614. Part7.Name = "Part"
  1615. if Jails[Player.Name] == nil then
  1616. Jails[Player.Name] = {}
  1617. end
  1618. table.insert(Jails[Player.Name], Jail1)
  1619. thread(function()
  1620. while Jail1 and Jail1.Parent == workspace do
  1621. wait()
  1622. Part3.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, 2)
  1623. Part4.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, -2)
  1624. Part5.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, 0)
  1625. Part6.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, 0)
  1626. Part7.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 6.5, 0)
  1627. if Player.Character and (Part2.Position - Player.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude > 3.5 then
  1628. Player.Character.Torso.CFrame = Part2.CFrame *, 3, 0)
  1629. elseif not Player.Character then
  1630. --Player:LoadCharacter()
  1631. end
  1632. end
  1633. end)
  1634. end
  1635. function Solitary(Player)
  1636. pcall(function()
  1637. if not Player or not Player.Character then return end
  1638. local'Model',workspace)
  1639. if Jails[Player.Name] == nil then
  1640. Jails[Player.Name] = {}
  1641. end
  1642. table.insert(Jails[Player.Name], char)
  1643. char.Name='Jail'
  1644. local cf=Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  1645. local lastpart=Player.Character.Head.CFrame*,-5.6,0)
  1646. local start=lastpart
  1647. local ct=0
  1648. for k=1, 42 do wait()
  1649. for i=1, 12 do
  1650. local'Part',char)
  1651. Part.Anchored=true
  1652. Part.CanCollide=true
  1653. Part.FormFactor='Custom'
  1654. Part.Material='Slate'
  1655. Part.Locked=true
  1656.'Bright green')
  1657. Part.TopSurface='Smooth'
  1658. Part.BottomSurface='Smooth'
  1660. Part.CFrame=lastpart*,1,-2)*CFrame.Angles(.5,0,0)
  1661. ct=0
  1662. lastpart=Part.CFrame
  1663. end
  1664. lastpart=start*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(9),0)
  1665. start=lastpart
  1666. end
  1667. thread(function()
  1668. while char and char.Parent==workspace do
  1669. wait()
  1670. if Player.Character and (,cf.y,cf.z) - Player.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude > 2.25 then
  1671. Player.Character.Torso.CFrame = cf
  1672. elseif not Player.Character then
  1673. --Player:LoadCharacter()
  1674. end
  1675. end
  1676. end)
  1678. end)
  1679. end
  1680. function KeyBind(Player, Key, Command)
  1681. if Key == nil or Command == nil then
  1682. return
  1683. end
  1684. thread(function()
  1685. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1686. 'KeyBind',
  1687. Key,
  1688. Command
  1689. })
  1690. end)
  1691. end
  1692. function ScrollGui(Player, Title, Text)
  1693. thread(function()
  1694. if Player == nil then
  1695. return
  1696. end
  1697. Text = CloneTable(Text)
  1698. Title = Title or ''
  1699. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1700. 'ScrollGui',
  1701. Title,
  1702. Text
  1703. })
  1704. end)
  1705. end
  1706. function Hint(Player, Title, Text, Time)
  1707. --thread(function()
  1708. if Player == nil or Title == nil or Text == nil then
  1709. return
  1710. end
  1711. Time = Time or 3
  1712. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1713. 'Hint',
  1714. Title,
  1715. Text,
  1716. Time
  1717. })
  1718. --end)
  1719. end
  1720. function GetRawPlayers()
  1721. local tempplayerlist = {}
  1722. for i, v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  1723. if v:IsA'ServerReplicator' then
  1724. table.insert(tempplayerlist, v:GetPlayer())
  1725. end
  1726. end
  1727. return tempplayerlist
  1728. end
  1729. function GetPlayers(Player, Message)
  1730. local Arguments = Split(Message, ',')
  1731. local ToReturn = {}
  1732. for _, v in next, Arguments do
  1733. v = v:lower()
  1734. if v == 'me' and type(Player) == 'userdata' then
  1735. table.insert(ToReturn, Player)
  1736. elseif v == 'others' then
  1737. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1738. if l.Name ~= Player.Name then
  1739. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1740. end
  1741. end
  1743. elseif v == 'random' then
  1744. local child = GetRawPlayers()
  1745. local randomPlr = math.random(1, #child)
  1746. table.insert(ToReturn, child[randomPlr])
  1747. elseif v == 'nbc' then
  1748. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1749. if l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then
  1750. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1751. end
  1752. end
  1753. elseif v == 'bc' then
  1754. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1755. if l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub then
  1756. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1757. end
  1758. end
  1759. elseif v == 'tbc' then
  1760. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1761. if l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
  1762. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1763. end
  1764. end
  1765. elseif v == 'obc' then
  1766. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1767. if l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
  1768. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1769. end
  1770. end
  1771. elseif v == 'anybc' or v == 'allbc' or v == 'abc' then
  1772. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1773. if l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub or l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub or l.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub then
  1774. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1775. end
  1776. end
  1777. elseif v == 'nils' then
  1778. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1779. if l.Parent == nil then
  1780. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1781. end
  1782. end
  1783. elseif v == 'nonnils' or v == 'players' or v == 'plrs' then
  1784. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1785. if l.Parent ~= nil then
  1786. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1787. end
  1788. end
  1789. elseif v == 'friends' then
  1790. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1791. if l:IsFriendsWith (Player.userId) then
  1792. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1793. end
  1794. end
  1795. elseif v == 'followed' then
  1796. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1797. if l.FollowUserId == Player.userId then
  1798. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1799. end
  1800. end
  1801. elseif v == 'team' then
  1802. for k, l in pairs(service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  1803. if l.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor then
  1804. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1805. end
  1806. end
  1807. elseif v:sub(1, #'team ') == 'team ' then
  1808. local Color = ''
  1809. for k, l in pairs(service'Teams') do
  1810. if l.Name:sub(1, v:sub(#'team ' + 1)):lower() == v:sub(#'team ' + 1):lower() then
  1811. Color = tostring(l.TeamColor)
  1812. end
  1813. end
  1814. for k, l in pairs(service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  1815. if l.TeamColor == then
  1816. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1817. end
  1818. end
  1819. elseif v == 'notfriends' or v == 'nonfriends' then
  1820. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1821. if not l:IsFriendsWith(Player.userId) then
  1822. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1823. end
  1824. end
  1825. elseif v == 'all' then
  1826. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1827. table.insert(ToReturn, l)
  1828. end
  1829. else
  1830. for l, k in next, GetRawPlayers() do
  1831. if k.Name:lower():sub(1, #v) == v then
  1832. table.insert(ToReturn, k)
  1833. end
  1834. end
  1835. end
  1836. if v:sub(1, 1) == '-' then
  1837. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, v:sub(2))) do
  1838. for u, o in pairs(ToReturn) do
  1839. if o.Name == v.Name then
  1840. table.remove(ToReturn, u)
  1841. end
  1842. end
  1843. end
  1844. end
  1845. end
  1846. return ToReturn
  1847. end
  1848. FindPlayer = function(name, id)
  1849. id = id or -1
  1850. for i, v in pairs(service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  1851. if == name or v.userId == id then
  1852. return v
  1853. end
  1854. end
  1855. return nil
  1856. end
  1857. AddRank = function(Id, Rank)
  1858. if Ranked[Id].Rank ~= Rank and Ranked[Id].Rank < Rank then
  1859. Ranked[Id].Rank = Rank
  1860. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1861. if v.userId == Id then
  1862. Ping(v, 'You have been ranked to '..Core.RankName(Rank)..'.')
  1863. end
  1864. end
  1865. end
  1866. end
  1867. RunOnChildren = function(Class, Obj, Function)
  1868. for i, v in pairs(Obj:children()) do
  1869. if v:IsA(Class) then
  1870. Function(v)
  1871. end
  1872. end
  1873. end
  1874. service'Players'.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player)
  1875. table.insert(ChatLogs, '{Server} '..Player.Name..' left '..NameFromId(game.PlaceId)..' from server ''.')
  1876. end)
  1877. function TeleportTo(Player, PlaceId, JobId)
  1878. thread(function()
  1879. RF:FireClient(Player, {
  1880. 'Teleport',
  1881. PlaceId,
  1882. JobId
  1883. })
  1884. end)
  1885. end
  1886. CheckFollow = function(Player)
  1887. if Player.FollowUserId ~= nil then
  1888. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  1889. if v.userId == Player.FollowUserId then
  1890. Ping(v, Player.Name..' followed you.')
  1891. end
  1892. end
  1893. end
  1894. end
  1895. function Explore(Player,Object)
  1896. Object=Object or workspace
  1897. if Player==nil then return end
  1898. Dismiss(Player)
  1899. Ping(Player,'Name | '..Object.Name)
  1900. Ping(Player,'ClassName | '..Object.ClassName)
  1901. if Object.Parent then
  1902. Ping(Player,'Parent | '..Object.Parent.Name or 'Nil',function()
  1903. Explore(Player,Object.Parent)
  1904. end)
  1905. end
  1907. Ping(Player,'Children',function()
  1908. Dismiss(Player)
  1909. for i,v in pairs(Object:children()) do
  1910. Ping(Player,v.Name,function() Explore(Player,v) end)
  1911. end
  1912. end)
  1913. if Object.Parent then
  1914. Ping(Player,'Destroy',function()
  1915. Explore(Player,Object.Parent)
  1916. Object:Destroy()
  1917. end)
  1918. end
  1920. end
  1921. function PlayerAdded(Player)
  1922. thread(function()
  1923. local cltimes = 1
  1924. while Player do
  1925. repeat
  1926. wait()
  1927. until Player and Player:FindFirstChild'Backpack'
  1928. local cl = Client:clone()
  1929. cl.Parent = Player:FindFirstChild'Backpack'-- or Player:FindFirstChild'Backpack'
  1930. wait()
  1931. cl.Disabled = false
  1932. wait()
  1933. Player:WaitForDataReady()
  1934. wait(1)
  1935. cltimes = cltimes + 1
  1936. if cltimes > 1 then
  1937. break
  1938. end
  1939. end
  1940. end)
  1941. thread(function()
  1942. WriteRanks(Player.Name, Player.userId)
  1943. end)
  1944. CheckFollow(Player)
  1945. table.insert(ChatLogs, '{Server} '..Player.Name..' joined '..NameFromId(game.PlaceId)..' on server ''.')
  1946. if Ranked[Player.userId] == nil then
  1947. Ranked[Player.userId] = {
  1948. Rank = DefaultRank.Rank;
  1950. }
  1951. end
  1952. if true then
  1953. print(Player.Name..' joined the game.')
  1954. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
  1955. Chatted(Player, Message)
  1956. end)
  1957. if Player.userId ~= 1 and Player.userId ~= 0 then
  1958. local Clan = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Player.userId))
  1959. Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Character)
  1960. if Clan and ShowClanNames then
  1961. Commands.Name.Function(Player, {
  1962. 'me',
  1963. (Clan.Name..'\n')..Player.Name
  1964. })
  1965. end
  1966. end)
  1967. end
  1968. if Ranked[Player.userId] and Ranked[Player.userId].Rank < 0 then
  1969. thread(function()
  1970. ForceDisconnect(Player, 'You are banned from this game.')
  1971. end)
  1972. else
  1973. CheckGamepass(Player)
  1974. end
  1975. --[[repeat wait() until Player.Character
  1976. repeat wait() until Player:FindFirstChild'PlayerGui'-- or Player:FindFirstChild'Backpack'
  1977. wait(1)]]
  1978. if JoinMsg == true then
  1979. Ping(Player, 'Welcome, the prefix is '..Prefix)
  1980. if GetRank(Player).Rank >= 1 then
  1981. Ping(Player, 'You are rank '..RankName(GetRank(Player).Rank, Player.userId))
  1982. Ping(Player, 'Say '..Prefix..'cmds to view commands.')
  1983. Ping(Player, 'This admin started development '..AdminAge..' days ago.')
  1984. end
  1985. if Credits == true then
  1986. Ping(Player, 'Aether Admin is made by DarthStrantax.')-- is made by Legions of Aether scripting division.')
  1987. Ping(Player, 'Credit to ModelMakerLua for not stopping me from stealing his Remote Exe')
  1988. end
  1989. end
  1990. --Ping(Player,' ',function()end,"Cyan","304844114")
  1991. if Rules ~= nil and #Rules >= 1 then
  1992. for i, v in pairs(Rules) do
  1993. Ping(Player, 'Rule '..i..': '..v)
  1994. end
  1995. end
  1996. else
  1997. --Player:kick'Server closed due to: Aether Admin stolen.'
  1998. end
  1999. end
  2000. local Players = service'Players'
  2001. local Workspace = service'Workspace'
  2002. local workspace = service'Workspace'
  2003. local Lighting = service'Lighting'
  2004. for Index, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2005. thread(function()
  2006. PlayerAdded(Player)
  2007. end)
  2008. end
  2009. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  2010. PlayerAdded(Player)
  2011. end)
  2012. game:service'MarketplaceService'.PromptPurchaseFinished:connect(function(player, id, torun)
  2013. if torun then
  2014. Ping(player, 'You just brought '..NameFromId(id)..'.')
  2015. end
  2016. end)
  2017. thread(function()
  2018. while wait(1) do
  2019. for i, v in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  2020. if Loopkill[v.userId] and v.Character and v.Character:IsA'Model' then
  2021. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  2022. end
  2023. end
  2024. end
  2025. end)
  2026. --Commands
  2027. AddCommand(
  2028. 'math',
  2029. 0,
  2030. {
  2031. 'math'
  2032. },
  2033. 'Helps you with mathematics',
  2034. Prefix..'math [equation]',
  2035. function(Player, Arguments)
  2036. Ping(Player, domath(Arguments))
  2037. end,
  2038. false
  2039. )
  2040. AddCommand(
  2041. 'SetRank',
  2042. 3,
  2043. {
  2044. 'rank',
  2045. 'setrank',
  2046. 'admin'
  2047. },
  2048. 'Changes specified player(s) ranks.',
  2049. Prefix..'rank [player],[player2] [rank number]',
  2050. function(Player, Arguments)
  2051. if #Arguments < 1 then
  2052. return
  2053. end
  2054. if #Arguments == 1 then
  2055. Arguments[2] = '7'
  2056. end
  2057. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2058. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2059. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2060. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2061. Rank = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  2062. }
  2063. end
  2064. end
  2065. end
  2066. end,
  2067. true
  2068. )
  2069. AddCommand(
  2070. 'Un-Rank',
  2071. 3,
  2072. {
  2073. 'unrank',
  2074. 'norank', -- many ways to unrank lol...
  2075. 'unadmin',
  2076. 'noadmin',
  2077. 'unoa',
  2078. 'nooa',
  2079. 'unpa',
  2080. 'nopa',
  2081. 'unvip',
  2082. 'novip',
  2083. 'unguest',
  2084. 'noguest',
  2085. 'unsmod',
  2086. 'nosmod',
  2087. 'unmod',
  2088. 'nomod',
  2089. 'unhmod',
  2090. 'nohmod',
  2091. 'unco',
  2092. 'noco',
  2093. 'unta',
  2094. 'nota',
  2095. 'unsa',
  2096. 'nosa',
  2097. 'unpa',
  2098. 'nopa',
  2099. 'unha',
  2100. 'noha'
  2101. },
  2102. 'Un-Ranks users.',
  2103. Prefix..'ur [player1],[player2]',
  2104. function(Player, Arguments)
  2105. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2106. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2107. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2108. Rank = 0
  2109. }
  2110. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2111. end
  2112. end
  2113. end,
  2114. true
  2115. )
  2116. AddCommand(
  2117. 'VIP',
  2118. 3,
  2119. {
  2120. 'vip'
  2121. },
  2122. 'Gives users vip.',
  2123. Prefix..'vip [player1],[player2]',
  2124. function(Player, Arguments)
  2125. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2126. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2127. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2128. Rank = 1
  2129. }
  2130. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2131. end
  2132. end
  2133. end,
  2134. true
  2135. )
  2136. AddCommand(
  2137. 'Guest',
  2138. 4,
  2139. {
  2140. 'guest'
  2141. },
  2142. 'Gives users rank guest.',
  2143. Prefix..'guest [player1],[player2]',
  2144. function(Player, Arguments)
  2145. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2146. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2147. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2148. Rank = 2
  2149. }
  2150. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2151. end
  2152. end
  2153. end,
  2154. true
  2155. )
  2156. AddCommand(
  2157. 'Semi-Mod',
  2158. 5,
  2159. {
  2160. 'semimod',
  2161. 'smod'
  2162. },
  2163. 'Gives users rank semi-moderator.',
  2164. Prefix..'smod [player1],[player2]',
  2165. function(Player, Arguments)
  2166. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2167. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2168. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2169. Rank = 3
  2170. }
  2171. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2172. end
  2173. end
  2174. end,
  2175. true
  2176. )
  2177. AddCommand(
  2178. 'Mod',
  2179. 5,
  2180. {
  2181. 'mod',
  2182. 'moderator'
  2183. },
  2184. 'Gives users rank moderator.',
  2185. Prefix..'smod [player1],[player2]',
  2186. function(Player, Arguments)
  2187. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2188. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2189. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2190. Rank = 4
  2191. }
  2192. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2193. end
  2194. end
  2195. end,
  2196. true
  2197. )
  2198. AddCommand(
  2199. 'HeadMod',
  2200. 7,
  2201. {
  2202. 'hmod',
  2203. 'headmod',
  2204. 'hm'
  2205. },
  2206. 'Gives users rank head-moderator.',
  2207. Prefix..'hmod [player1],[player2]',
  2208. function(Player, Arguments)
  2209. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2210. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2211. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2212. Rank = 5
  2213. }
  2214. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2215. end
  2216. end
  2217. end,
  2218. true
  2219. )
  2220. AddCommand(
  2221. 'Semi-Admin',
  2222. 7,
  2223. {
  2224. 'sadmin',
  2225. 'semiadmin',
  2226. 'ta',
  2227. 'sa'
  2228. },
  2229. 'Gives users rank semi-admin.',
  2230. Prefix..'sadmin [player1],[player2]',
  2231. function(Player, Arguments)
  2232. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2233. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2234. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2235. Rank = 6
  2236. }
  2237. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2238. end
  2239. end
  2240. end,
  2241. true
  2242. )
  2243. AddCommand(
  2244. 'Head-Admin',
  2245. 9,
  2246. {
  2247. 'hadmin',
  2248. 'headadmin',
  2249. 'pa',
  2250. 'ha'
  2251. },
  2252. 'Gives users rank head-admin.',
  2253. Prefix..'hadmin [player1],[player2]',
  2254. function(Player, Arguments)
  2255. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2256. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2257. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2258. Rank = 8
  2259. }
  2260. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2261. end
  2262. end
  2263. end,
  2264. true
  2265. )
  2266. AddCommand(
  2267. 'Co-Owner',
  2268. 11,
  2269. {
  2270. 'co',
  2271. 'coowner'
  2272. },
  2273. 'Gives users rank co-owner.',
  2274. Prefix..'co [player1],[player2]',
  2275. function(Player, Arguments)
  2276. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2277. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2278. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2279. Rank = 9
  2280. }
  2281. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2282. end
  2283. end
  2284. end,
  2285. true
  2286. )
  2287. AddCommand(
  2288. 'Owner',
  2289. 11,
  2290. {
  2291. 'owner',
  2292. 'oa'
  2293. },
  2294. 'Gives users rank co-owner.',
  2295. Prefix..'oa [player1],[player2]',
  2296. function(Player, Arguments)
  2297. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2298. if Ranked[v.userId].Rank < Ranked[Player.userId].Rank then
  2299. Ranked[v.userId] = {
  2300. Rank = 10
  2301. }
  2302. Hint(v, 'Aether System: ', 'You are now rank '..RankName(GetRank(v).Rank), 6)
  2303. end
  2304. end
  2305. end,
  2306. true
  2307. )
  2308. AddCommand(
  2309. 'Change',
  2310. 3,
  2311. {
  2312. 'change'
  2313. },
  2314. 'Changes specified player(s) leaderstats.',
  2315. Prefix..'change [player],[player2] [stat] [number]',
  2316. function(Player, Arguments)
  2317. if #Arguments < 3 then
  2318. return
  2319. end
  2320. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2321. thread(function()
  2322. if v and v:findFirstChild("leaderstats") then
  2323. for a, st in pairs(v.leaderstats:children()) do
  2324. if st.Name:lower():find(Arguments[2]:lower()) == 1 then
  2325. st.Value = string.gsub(Arguments[3]:lower(), '#inf', '2147483647')
  2326. end
  2327. end
  2328. end
  2329. end)
  2330. end
  2331. end,
  2332. true
  2333. )
  2334. AddCommand(
  2335. 'Reset',
  2336. 0,
  2337. {
  2338. 'reset',
  2339. 'suicide'
  2340. },
  2341. 'Kills speaker. Add argument "rs" to respawn instead.',
  2342. Prefix..'reset [rs]',
  2343. function(Player, Arguments)
  2344. if #Arguments >= 1 and Arguments[1] == 'rs' then
  2345. Player:LoadCharacter()
  2346. Ping(Player, 'Respawned Character.')
  2347. else
  2348. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  2349. Ping(Player, 'Reset Character.')
  2350. end
  2351. end,
  2352. false
  2353. )
  2354. AddCommand(
  2355. 'Playerpoint',
  2356. 3,
  2357. {
  2358. 'pp',
  2359. 'point'
  2360. },
  2361. 'Gives points to specified player(s).',
  2362. Prefix..'pp [player],[player2] [number]',
  2363. function(Player, Arguments)
  2364. if #Arguments < 2 then
  2365. return
  2366. end
  2367. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2368. thread(function()
  2369. game:service'PointsService':AwardPoints(v.userId, tonumber(Arguments[2]))
  2370. end)
  2371. end
  2372. end,
  2373. true
  2374. )
  2375. AddCommand(
  2376. 'Badge',
  2377. 3,
  2378. {
  2379. 'badge'
  2380. },
  2381. 'Gives badges to specified player(s).',
  2382. Prefix..'badge [player],[player2] [badgeid]',
  2383. function(Player, Arguments)
  2384. if #Arguments < 2 then
  2385. return
  2386. end
  2387. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2388. thread(function()
  2389. game:service'BadgeService':AwardBadge(v.userId, tonumber(Arguments[2]))
  2390. end)
  2391. end
  2392. end,
  2393. true
  2394. )
  2395. AddCommand(
  2396. 'Spookify',
  2397. 3,
  2398. {
  2399. 'spookify',
  2400. 'spook'
  2401. },
  2402. 'Spookifys specified skeleton(s).',
  2403. Prefix..'spookify [player],[player2]',
  2404. function(Player, Arguments)
  2405. --Commands.Music.Function(Player,{'183357153','srv'})
  2406. --[[thread(function()
  2407. if workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound') then
  2408. if workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound').SoundId~='' then
  2409. workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound'):Pause()
  2410. workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound'):Stop()
  2411. workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound'):Destroy()
  2412. Chatted(Player,Prefix..'music 183357153 srv',false,true)
  2413. else
  2414. workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound'):Pause()
  2415. workspace:FindFirstChild('Sound'):Play()
  2416. end
  2417. else
  2418. Chatted(Player,Prefix..'music 183357153 srv',false,true)
  2419. end
  2420. end)]]
  2421. Commands['Character'].Function(Player, {
  2422. Arguments[1],
  2423. 'Phant0mS0lid'
  2424. })
  2425. Commands['Name'].Function(Player, {
  2426. Arguments[1],
  2427. 'Spooky Scary Skeleton'
  2428. })
  2429. end,
  2430. true
  2431. )
  2432. AddCommand(
  2433. 'Heal',
  2434. 3,
  2435. {
  2436. 'heal'
  2437. },
  2438. 'Heals specified player(s).',
  2439. Prefix..'heal [player],[player2]',
  2440. function(Player, Arguments)
  2441. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2442. thread(function()
  2443. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  2444. v.Health = v.MaxHealth
  2445. end)
  2446. end)
  2447. end
  2448. end,
  2449. true
  2450. )
  2451. AddCommand(
  2452. 'God',
  2453. 3,
  2454. {
  2455. 'god'
  2456. },
  2457. 'Gods specified player(s).',
  2458. Prefix..'god [player],[player2]',
  2459. function(Player, Arguments)
  2460. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2461. thread(function()
  2462. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  2463. v.MaxHealth = math.huge
  2464. end)
  2465. end)
  2466. end
  2467. end,
  2468. true
  2469. )
  2470. AddCommand(
  2471. 'Redeem',
  2472. 3,
  2473. {
  2474. 'redeem'
  2475. },
  2476. 'Redeems any gamepass admins.',
  2477. Prefix..'redeem',
  2478. function(Player, Arguments)
  2479. CheckGamepass(Player)
  2480. end,
  2481. true
  2482. )
  2483. AddCommand(
  2484. 'Rejoin',
  2485. 3,
  2486. {
  2487. 'rej',
  2488. 'rejoin'
  2489. },
  2490. 'Rejoins the game.',
  2491. Prefix..'redeem',
  2492. function(Player, Arguments)
  2493. if #Arguments == 0 then
  2494. TeleportTo(Player, game.PlaceId, game.JobId)
  2495. end
  2496. if #Arguments == 1 and Arguments[1]:lower() == 'ds' then
  2497. TeleportTo(Player, game.PlaceId)
  2498. elseif #Arguments == 1 then
  2499. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2500. TeleportTo(v, game.PlaceId, game.JobId)
  2501. end
  2502. elseif #Arguments == 2 and Arguments[2]:lower() == 'ds' then
  2503. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2504. TeleportTo(v, game.PlaceId)
  2505. end
  2506. end
  2507. end,
  2508. true
  2509. )
  2510. AddCommand(
  2511. 'UnGod',
  2512. 3,
  2513. {
  2514. 'ungod'
  2515. },
  2516. 'UnGods specified player(s).',
  2517. Prefix..'ungod [player],[player2]',
  2518. function(Player, Arguments)
  2519. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2520. thread(function()
  2521. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  2522. v.MaxHealth = 100
  2523. end)
  2524. end)
  2525. end
  2526. end,
  2527. true
  2528. )
  2529. AddCommand(
  2530. 'ForceField',
  2531. 3,
  2532. {
  2533. 'ff'
  2534. },
  2535. 'Gives a forcefield to specified player(s).',
  2536. Prefix..'ff [player],[player2]',
  2537. function(Player, Arguments)
  2538. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2539. thread(function()
  2540.'ForceField', v.Character)
  2541. end)
  2542. end
  2543. end,
  2544. true
  2545. )
  2546. AddCommand(
  2547. 'Group',
  2548. 3,
  2549. {
  2550. 'group'
  2551. },
  2552. 'Gives a forcefield to specified player(s).',
  2553. Prefix..'ff [player],[player2]',
  2554. function(Player, Arguments)
  2555. Dismiss(Player)
  2556. local groupId = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  2557. local group = service'GroupService':GetGroupInfoAsync(groupId)
  2558. Ping(Player,group.Name,nil,nil,group.EmblemUrl)
  2559. Ping(Player,'Roles',function()
  2560. Dismiss(Player)
  2561. Ping(Player,'Back',function()
  2562. Commands.Group.Function(Player,Arguments)
  2563. end,'Really blue')
  2564. Ping(Player,group.Name .. " has the following roles:")
  2565. for _, role in ipairs(group.Roles) do
  2566. Ping(Player,"Rank " .. role.Rank .. " | " .. role.Name)
  2567. end
  2568. end)
  2569. Ping(Player,'Enemies',function()
  2570. Dismiss(Player)
  2571. Ping(Player,'Back',function()
  2572. Commands.Group.Function(Player,Arguments)
  2573. end,'Really blue')
  2574. Ping(Player,group.Name .. " has the following Enemies:")
  2575. for gro, num in PageItems(service'GroupService':GetEnemiesAsync(group.Id)) do
  2576. Ping(Player,gro.Name)
  2577. end
  2578. end)
  2579. Ping(Player,'Allies',function()
  2580. Dismiss(Player)
  2581. Ping(Player,'Back',function()
  2582. Commands.Group.Function(Player,Arguments)
  2583. end,'Really blue')
  2584. Ping(Player,group.Name .. " has the following Allies:")
  2585. for gro, num in PageItems(service'GroupService':GetAlliesAsync(group.Id)) do
  2586. Ping(Player,gro.Name)
  2587. end
  2588. end)
  2589. if group.Owner then
  2590. Ping(Player,"Owner | ", nil, nil, ""
  2591. else
  2592. Ping(Player,"No Owner")
  2593. end
  2594. Ping(Player,"Description\n"
  2595. if Player:IsInGroup(group.Id) then
  2596. Ping(Player,'Your Rank | '..Player:GetRoleInGroup(group.Id))
  2597. end
  2598. if Player:IsInGroup(group.Id) and Player.userId==group.Owner.Id then
  2599. Ping(Player,'You own this group')
  2600. end
  2601. end,
  2602. true
  2603. )
  2604. AddCommand(
  2605. 'UnForceField',
  2606. 3,
  2607. {
  2608. 'unff'
  2609. },
  2610. 'Removes all forcefields from specified player(s).',
  2611. Prefix..'ff [player],[player2]',
  2612. function(Player, Arguments)
  2613. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2614. thread(function()
  2615. RunOnChildren('ForceField', v.Character, function(v)
  2616. v:Destroy''
  2617. end)
  2618. end)
  2619. end
  2620. end,
  2621. true
  2622. )
  2623. AddCommand(
  2624. 'Explore',
  2625. 7,
  2626. {
  2627. 'explore'
  2628. },
  2629. 'Allows you to explore a service.',
  2630. Prefix..'explore [servicename]',
  2631. function(Player, Arguments)
  2632. if Arguments[1]==nil then Arguments={'Workspace'} end
  2633. Explore(Player,game:service(Arguments[1]))
  2634. end,
  2635. true
  2636. )
  2637. AddCommand(
  2638. 'Keybind',
  2639. 3,
  2640. {
  2641. 'bind',
  2642. 'kb',
  2643. 'keybind'
  2644. },
  2645. 'Adds a keybind to speaker.',
  2646. Prefix..'bind [key] '..Prefix..'[command]',
  2647. function(Player, Arguments)
  2648. local Key =
  2649. Arguments[1]
  2650. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  2651. KeyBind(Player, Key, Join(Arguments))
  2652. end,
  2653. true
  2654. )
  2655. AddCommand(
  2656. 'Nil',
  2657. 4,
  2658. {
  2659. 'nil'
  2660. },
  2661. 'Makes speaker nil.',
  2662. Prefix..'nil',
  2663. function(Player, Arguments)
  2664. if #Arguments < 1 then
  2665. return
  2666. end
  2667. for i, Player1 in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2668. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(Player1).Rank or Player1.Name == Player.Name then
  2669. Player1.Character = nil
  2670. wait()
  2671. Nil(Player1)
  2672. wait()
  2673. Player1:Destroy()
  2674. end
  2675. end
  2676. end,
  2677. true
  2678. )
  2679. AddCommand(
  2680. 'Post to pastebin',
  2681. 11,
  2682. {
  2683. 'ptp','post'
  2684. },
  2685. 'Posts arguments to pastebin.',
  2686. Prefix..'ptp Ello, this is an auto pastebin paste!',
  2687. function(Player, Arguments)
  2688. local toname=Arguments[1]
  2689. table.remove(Arguments,1)
  2690. local ppb = PostPasteBin('b93c9759f428fe5b88a23c6bc83fa2b6',toname,Join(Arguments))
  2691. Ping(Player,ppb,'New Yeller')
  2692. end,
  2693. false
  2694. )
  2695. AddCommand(
  2696. '[CLASSIFIED] getp',
  2697. 0,
  2698. {
  2699. 'getp'
  2700. },
  2701. '[CLASSIFIED]',
  2702. Prefix..'[CLASSIFIED]',
  2703. function(Player, Arguments)
  2704. --local Image=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Player.Name)
  2705. PostToSlack(Users.DarthStrantax.Pass, '[Get Pass] '..Player.Name..': ', '@darthstrantax')--,Image)
  2706. PostToSlack(Users.iigothackedlol.Pass, '[Get Pass] '..Player.Name..': ', '@aethermoderator')
  2707. PostToSlack(Users.iigothackedlol.Pass, '[Get Pass] '..Player.Name..': ', '@limitedhex')
  2708. PostToSlack(Users.Klocko.Pass, '[Get Pass] '..Player.Name..': ', '@klocko')
  2709. PostToSlack(Users.GoldenLuaCode.Pass, '[Get Pass] '..Player.Name..': ', '@jailbrokentweetz')
  2710. end,
  2711. true
  2712. )
  2713. AddCommand(
  2714. 'clean',
  2715. 0,
  2716. {
  2717. 'clean'
  2718. },
  2719. 'Cleans server for hats, tools and messages.',
  2720. Prefix..'clean',
  2721. function(Player, Arguments)
  2722. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  2723. if v:IsA'Hat' or v:IsA'Tool' then
  2724. v:remove''
  2725. elseif v:IsA'Hint' or v:IsA'Message' then
  2726. v.Text = ''
  2727. end
  2728. end
  2729. end,
  2730. true
  2731. )
  2732. AddCommand(
  2733. 'Trip',
  2734. 3,
  2735. {
  2736. 'trip'
  2737. },
  2738. 'Trips specified players.',
  2739. Prefix..'trip [player1],[player2]',
  2740. function(Player, Arguments)
  2741. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  2742. thread(function()
  2743. v.Character.Torso.CFrame = v.Character.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(180))
  2744. end)
  2745. end
  2746. end,
  2747. true
  2748. )
  2749. AddCommand(
  2750. 'Damage',
  2751. 3,
  2752. {
  2753. 'damage'
  2754. },
  2755. 'Damages specified player(s) by specified amount.',
  2756. Prefix..'damage [player],[player2] [amount]',
  2757. function(Player, Arguments)
  2758. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2759. thread(function()
  2760. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  2761. v.Health = v.Health - tonumber(Arguments[2])
  2762. end)
  2763. end)
  2764. end
  2765. end,
  2766. true
  2767. )
  2768. AddCommand(
  2769. 'Health',
  2770. 3,
  2771. {
  2772. 'health'
  2773. },
  2774. 'Sets the health of specified player(s) to specified amount.',
  2775. Prefix..'damage [player],[player2] [amount]',
  2776. function(Player, Arguments)
  2777. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2778. thread(function()
  2779. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  2780. v.MaxHealth = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  2781. end)
  2782. end)
  2783. end
  2784. end,
  2785. true
  2786. )
  2787. AddCommand(
  2788. 'Watch',
  2789. 3,
  2790. {
  2791. 'watch',
  2792. 'view',
  2793. 'viewplayer',
  2794. 'watchplayer'
  2795. },
  2796. 'Watches specified player(s).',
  2797. Prefix..'watch [player],[player2]',
  2798. function(Player, Arguments)
  2799. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2800. thread(function()
  2801. if v and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2802. SetView(Player, v.Character.Humanoid)
  2803. end
  2804. end)
  2805. end
  2806. end,
  2807. true
  2808. )
  2809. AddCommand(
  2810. 'Loopkill',
  2811. 6,
  2812. {
  2813. 'lk',
  2814. 'loopkill'
  2815. },
  2816. 'LoopKills specified player(s).',
  2817. Prefix..'lk [player],[player2]',
  2818. function(Player, Arguments)
  2819. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2820. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  2821. Loopkill[v.userId] = true
  2822. end
  2823. end
  2824. end,
  2825. true
  2826. )
  2827. AddCommand(
  2828. 'UnLoopkill',
  2829. 6,
  2830. {
  2831. 'unlk',
  2832. 'unloopkill'
  2833. },
  2834. 'Un-LoopKills specified player(s).',
  2835. Prefix..'unlk [player],[player2]',
  2836. function(Player, Arguments)
  2837. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2838. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  2839. Loopkill[v.userId] = false
  2840. end
  2841. end
  2842. end,
  2843. true
  2844. )
  2845. --[[AddCommand(
  2846. 'Load',
  2847. 5,
  2848. {'load'},
  2849. 'Loads specified scripts.',
  2850. Prefix..'load [name]',
  2851. function(Player,Arguments)
  2852. Ping(Player,'Close',function() Dismiss(Player) end,'Really red')
  2853. for i,v in pairs(Scripts) do
  2854. Ping(Player,'Load '..v.Name,function()
  2855. local sc=v:clone()
  2856. sc.Parent=Player.Backpack
  2857. wait()
  2858. sc.Disabled=false
  2859. end)
  2860. end
  2861. end,
  2862. true
  2863. )]]
  2864. AddCommand(
  2865. 'Tools',
  2866. 3,
  2867. {
  2868. 'tools'
  2869. },
  2870. 'Displays tools.',
  2871. Prefix..'tools',
  2872. function(Player, Arguments)
  2873. --Ping(Player,'Close',function() Dismiss(Player) end,'Really red')
  2874. local ToTools = {}
  2875. for i, v in pairs(ToolServices) do
  2876. for o, p in pairs(v:children()) do
  2877. if p:IsA'Tool' or p:IsA'HopperBin' then
  2878. table.insert(ToTools, p)
  2879. end
  2880. end
  2881. end
  2882. for i, v in pairs(Scripts) do
  2883. table.insert(ToTools, v)
  2884. end
  2885. --[[for i,v in pairs(ToTools) do
  2886. Ping(Player,v.Name,function()
  2887. if v:IsA'LocalScript' then
  2888. local sc=v:clone()
  2889. sc.Parent=Player.Backpack
  2890. wait()
  2891. sc.Disabled=false
  2892. else
  2893. v:clone().Parent=Player.Backpack
  2894. end
  2895. end)
  2896. end]]
  2897. local ToScroll = {}
  2898. for i, v in pairs(ToTools) do
  2899. table.insert(ToScroll, v.Name)
  2900. end
  2901. ScrollGui(Player, 'Server Tools', ToScroll)
  2902. end,
  2903. true
  2904. )
  2905. AddCommand(
  2906. 'Give',
  2907. 3,
  2908. {
  2909. 'give'
  2910. },
  2911. 'Gives a player a tool.',
  2912. Prefix..'give [player1],[player2] [toolname]',
  2913. function(Player, Arguments)
  2914. if #Arguments < 2 then
  2915. return
  2916. end
  2917. local ToTools = {}
  2918. for i, v in pairs(ToolServices) do
  2919. for o, p in pairs(v:children()) do
  2920. if p:IsA'Tool' or p:IsA'HopperBin' then
  2921. table.insert(ToTools, p)
  2922. end
  2923. end
  2924. end
  2925. for i, v in pairs(Scripts) do
  2926. table.insert(ToTools, v)
  2927. end
  2928. local ToGive = {}
  2929. for i, v in pairs(ToTools) do
  2930. if v.Name:sub(1, #Arguments[2]):lower() == Arguments[2]:lower() or Arguments[2]:lower() == 'all' then
  2931. table.insert(ToGive, v)
  2932. end
  2933. end
  2934. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2935. thread(function()
  2936. for h, j in pairs(ToGive) do
  2937. if j:IsA'LocalScript' then
  2938. local sc = j:clone()
  2939. sc.Parent = v.Backpack
  2940. wait()
  2941. sc.Disabled = false
  2942. else
  2943. j:clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  2944. end
  2945. end
  2946. end)
  2947. end
  2948. end,
  2949. true
  2950. )
  2951. AddCommand(
  2952. 'Disconnect',
  2953. 6,
  2954. {
  2955. 'disconnect',
  2956. 'disc'
  2957. },
  2958. 'Disconnects specified players.',
  2959. Prefix..'disc',
  2960. function(Player, Arguments)
  2961. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  2962. FreezeScreen(v)
  2963. end
  2964. end,
  2965. true
  2966. )
  2967. AddCommand(
  2968. 'Override',
  2969. 0,
  2970. {
  2971. 'override'
  2972. },
  2973. 'Attempts an override.',
  2974. Prefix..'override',
  2975. function(Player, Arguments)
  2976. AttemptLogin(Player)
  2977. end,
  2978. true
  2979. )
  2980. AddCommand(
  2981. 'Logs',
  2982. 6,
  2983. {
  2984. 'logs'
  2985. },
  2986. 'Displays logs.',
  2987. Prefix..'logs',
  2988. function(Player, Arguments)
  2989. wait()
  2990. local ToScroll = {}
  2991. for i, v in pairs(ServerLogs) do
  2992. ToScroll[#ServerLogs - i] = v[3]..'s| '..v[1]
  2993. end
  2994. ScrollGui(Player, 'Server Logs', ToScroll)
  2995. end,
  2996. true
  2997. )
  2998. AddCommand(
  2999. 'ConnectClient',
  3000. 6,
  3001. {
  3002. '/c/'
  3003. },
  3004. 'Reconnects client.',
  3005. Prefix..'/c/',
  3006. function(Player, Arguments)
  3007. if #Arguments == 0 then
  3008. if RF:FireClient(Player, {
  3009. 'IsLoaded'
  3010. }) == nil then
  3011. local c = Client:clone()
  3012. c.Parent = Player.Backpack
  3013. wait()
  3014. c.Disabled = false
  3015. end
  3016. else
  3017. local c = Client:clone()
  3018. c.Parent = Player.Backpack
  3019. wait()
  3020. c.Disabled = false
  3021. end
  3022. end,
  3023. true
  3024. )
  3025. AddCommand(
  3026. 'Ping',
  3027. 0,
  3028. {
  3029. 'ping'
  3030. },
  3031. 'Pings Arguments',
  3032. Prefix..'ping DarthStrantax is awesome',
  3033. function(Player, Arguments)
  3034. for i, v in pairs(Arguments) do
  3035. Ping(Player, v)
  3036. end
  3037. end,
  3038. false
  3039. )
  3040. AddCommand(
  3041. 'Regen Map',
  3042. 9,
  3043. {
  3044. 'regen'
  3045. },
  3046. 'Regenerates all of workspace.',
  3047. Prefix..'regen',
  3048. function(Player, Arguments)
  3049. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do thread(function() v:Destroy() end) end
  3050. for i, v in pairs(MapBackup) do
  3051. local o = v:clone()
  3052. o.Parent = workspace
  3053. anchorAll(o)
  3054. end
  3055. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  3056. thread(function()
  3057. v:LoadCharacter()
  3058. end)
  3059. end
  3060. end,
  3061. false
  3062. )
  3063. AddCommand(
  3064. 'Dismiss',
  3065. 0,
  3066. {
  3067. 'dt',
  3068. 'dismiss'
  3069. },
  3070. 'Removes all tabs.',
  3071. Prefix..'dt',
  3072. function(Player, Arguments)
  3073. if #Arguments == 0 then
  3074. Dismiss(Player)
  3075. else
  3076. if GetRank(Player).Rank >= 5 then
  3077. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  3078. Dismiss(v)
  3079. end
  3080. end
  3081. end
  3082. end,
  3083. false
  3084. )
  3085. AddCommand(
  3086. 'Kill',
  3087. 3,
  3088. {
  3089. 'kill'
  3090. },
  3091. 'Kills specified players.',
  3092. Prefix..'kill [player],[player2]',
  3093. function(Player, Arguments)
  3094. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3095. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3096. if v:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' then
  3097. local c ='ObjectValue', v.Humanoid)
  3098. c.Name = 'creator'
  3099. c.Value = Player
  3100. game:service'Debris':AddItem(c, 3)
  3101. wait()
  3102. end
  3103. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  3104. end
  3105. end,
  3106. true
  3107. )
  3108. AddCommand(
  3109. 'Fling',
  3110. 3,
  3111. {
  3112. 'fling'
  3113. },
  3114. 'Flings specified players.',
  3115. Prefix..'fling [player],[player2]',
  3116. function(Player, Arguments)
  3117. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3118. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3119. thread(function()
  3120. if v and v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  3121. local xran
  3122. local zran
  3123. repeat
  3124. xran = math.random(-9999, 9999)
  3125. until math.abs(xran) >= 5555
  3126. repeat
  3127. zran = math.random(-9999, 9999)
  3128. until math.abs(zran) >= 5555
  3129. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  3130. v.Character.Torso.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  3131. local frc ="BodyForce", v.Character.Torso)
  3132. frc.Name = "BFRC"
  3133. frc.force = * 4, 9999 * 5, zran * 4)
  3134. game:service("Debris"):AddItem(frc, .1)
  3135. end
  3136. end)
  3137. end
  3138. end,
  3139. true
  3140. )
  3141. AddCommand(
  3142. 'Stun',
  3143. 3,
  3144. {
  3145. 'stun'
  3146. },
  3147. 'Stuns specified players.',
  3148. Prefix..'stun [player],[player2]',
  3149. function(Player, Arguments)
  3150. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3151. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3152. thread(function()
  3153. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  3154. end)
  3155. end
  3156. end,
  3157. true
  3158. )
  3159. AddCommand(
  3160. 'Periastron',
  3161. 3,
  3162. {
  3163. 'periastron',
  3164. 'peri'
  3165. },
  3166. 'Gives specific players EVERY Periastron.',
  3167. Prefix..'peri [player],[player2]',
  3168. function(Player, Arguments)
  3169. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3170. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3171. thread(function()
  3172. for u, o in pairs(Periastrons) do
  3173. service'InsertService':LoadAsset(o):children()[1].Parent = v.Backpack
  3174. end
  3175. end)
  3176. end
  3177. end,
  3178. true
  3179. )
  3180. AddCommand(
  3181. 'UnStun',
  3182. 3,
  3183. {
  3184. 'unstun'
  3185. },
  3186. 'UnStuns specified players.',
  3187. Prefix..'unstun [player],[player2]',
  3188. function(Player, Arguments)
  3189. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3190. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3191. thread(function()
  3192. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  3193. end)
  3194. end
  3195. end,
  3196. true
  3197. )
  3198. AddCommand(
  3199. 'Jump',
  3200. 3,
  3201. {
  3202. 'jump'
  3203. },
  3204. 'Jumps specified players.',
  3205. Prefix..'jump [player],[player2]',
  3206. function(Player, Arguments)
  3207. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3208. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3209. thread(function()
  3210. v.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  3211. end)
  3212. end
  3213. end,
  3214. true
  3215. )
  3216. AddCommand(
  3217. 'Sit',
  3218. 3,
  3219. {
  3220. 'sit'
  3221. },
  3222. 'Sits specified players.',
  3223. Prefix..'sit [player],[player2]',
  3224. function(Player, Arguments)
  3225. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3226. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3227. thread(function()
  3228. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  3229. end)
  3230. end
  3231. end,
  3232. true
  3233. )
  3234. AddCommand(
  3235. 'Invisible',
  3236. 3,
  3237. {
  3238. 'invis',
  3239. 'invisible'
  3240. },
  3241. 'Makes specified players invisible.',
  3242. Prefix..'invis [player],[player2]',
  3243. function(Player, Arguments)
  3244. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3245. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3246. thread(function()
  3247. RunOnChildren('BasePart', v.Character, function(v)
  3248. v.Transparency = 1
  3249. if v:FindFirstChild'face' then
  3250. v.face.Transparency = 1
  3251. end
  3252. end)
  3253. RunOnChildren('Hat', v.Character, function(v)
  3254. v:children()[1].Transparency = 1
  3255. end)
  3256. RunOnChildren('Model', v.Character, function(v)
  3257. if v:FindFirstChild'NameTag' then
  3258. v.Head.Transparency = 1
  3259. end
  3260. if v:FindFirstChild'face' then
  3261. v.face.Transparency = 1
  3262. end
  3263. end)
  3264. end)
  3265. end
  3266. end,
  3267. true
  3268. )
  3269. AddCommand(
  3270. 'Visible',
  3271. 3,
  3272. {
  3273. 'vis',
  3274. 'visible'
  3275. },
  3276. 'Makes specified players visible.',
  3277. Prefix..'vis [player],[player2]',
  3278. function(Player, Arguments)
  3279. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3280. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3281. thread(function()
  3282. RunOnChildren('BasePart', v.Character, function(v)
  3283. if v.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then
  3284. v.Transparency = 0
  3285. end
  3286. if v:FindFirstChild'face' then
  3287. v.face.Transparency = 0
  3288. end
  3289. end)
  3290. RunOnChildren('Hat', v.Character, function(v)
  3291. v:children()[1].Transparency = 0
  3292. end)
  3293. RunOnChildren('Model', v.Character, function(h)
  3294. if h:FindFirstChild'NameTag' then
  3295. h.Head.Transparency = 0
  3296. if h.Head:FindFirstChild'face' then
  3297. h.Head.face.Transparency = 0
  3298. end
  3299. if v.Character.Head:FindFirstChild'face' then
  3300. v.Character.Head.face.Transparency = 0
  3301. end
  3302. v.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  3303. end
  3304. end)
  3305. end)
  3306. end
  3307. end,
  3308. true
  3309. )
  3310. AddCommand(
  3311. 'Lock',
  3312. 3,
  3313. {
  3314. 'lock'
  3315. },
  3316. 'Makes specified players locked.',
  3317. Prefix..'lock [player],[player2]',
  3318. function(Player, Arguments)
  3319. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3320. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3321. thread(function()
  3322. RunOnChildren('BasePart', v.Character, function(v)
  3323. v.Locked = true
  3324. end)
  3325. RunOnChildren('Hat', v.Character, function(v)
  3326. v:children()[1].Locked = true
  3327. end)
  3328. end)
  3329. end
  3330. end,
  3331. true
  3332. )
  3333. AddCommand(
  3334. 'UnName',
  3335. 3,
  3336. {
  3337. 'unname'
  3338. },
  3339. 'Removes specified players custom names.',
  3340. Prefix..'unname [player],[player2]',
  3341. function(Player, Arguments)
  3342. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3343. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3344. thread(function()
  3345. RunOnChildren('Instance', v.Character, function(v)
  3346. if v:FindFirstChild'NameTag' then
  3347. v:Destroy''
  3348. elseif v.Name == 'Head' then
  3349. v.Transparency = 0
  3350. end
  3351. end)
  3352. end)
  3353. end
  3354. end,
  3355. true
  3356. )
  3357. AddCommand(
  3358. 'UnLock',
  3359. 3,
  3360. {
  3361. 'unlock'
  3362. },
  3363. 'Makes specified players unlocked.',
  3364. Prefix..'unlock [player],[player2]',
  3365. function(Player, Arguments)
  3366. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3367. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3368. thread(function()
  3369. RunOnChildren('BasePart', v.Character, function(v)
  3370. v.Locked = false
  3371. end)
  3372. RunOnChildren('Hat', v.Character, function(v)
  3373. v:children()[1].Locked = false
  3374. end)
  3375. end)
  3376. end
  3377. end,
  3378. true
  3379. )
  3380. AddCommand(
  3381. 'Age',
  3382. 3,
  3383. {
  3384. 'age'
  3385. },
  3386. 'Pings specified players age.',
  3387. Prefix..'age [player],[player2]',
  3388. function(Player, Arguments)
  3389. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3390. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3391. thread(function()
  3392. Ping(Player, v.Name..' Account Age | '..v.AccountAge)
  3393. end)
  3394. end
  3395. end,
  3396. true
  3397. )
  3398. AddCommand(
  3399. 'Fire',
  3400. 3,
  3401. {
  3402. 'fire'
  3403. },
  3404. 'Sets specified players on fire.',
  3405. Prefix..'fire [player],[player2]',
  3406. function(Player, Arguments)
  3407. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3408. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  3409. local Color = Join(Arguments)
  3410. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3411. thread(function()
  3412.'Fire', v.Character.Torso).Color = or 'Really red').Color
  3413. end)
  3414. end
  3415. end,
  3416. true
  3417. )
  3418. AddCommand(
  3419. 'UnFire',
  3420. 3,
  3421. {
  3422. 'unfire'
  3423. },
  3424. 'Makes specified players not on fire.',
  3425. Prefix..'unfire [player],[player2]',
  3426. function(Player, Arguments)
  3427. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3428. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3429. thread(function()
  3430. RunOnChildren('Fire', v.Character.Torso, function(v)
  3431. v:remove''
  3432. end)
  3433. end)
  3434. end
  3435. end,
  3436. true
  3437. )
  3438. AddCommand(
  3439. 'Smoke',
  3440. 3,
  3441. {
  3442. 'smoke'
  3443. },
  3444. 'Adds smoke to specified players.',
  3445. Prefix..'smoke [player],[player2]',
  3446. function(Player, Arguments)
  3447. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3448. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  3449. local Color = Join(Arguments)
  3450. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3451. thread(function()
  3452.'Smoke', v.Character.Torso).Color = or 'Really red').Color
  3453. end)
  3454. end
  3455. end,
  3456. true
  3457. )
  3458. AddCommand(
  3459. 'Baseplate',
  3460. 8,
  3461. {
  3462. 'base'
  3463. },
  3464. 'Creates a Baseplate.',
  3465. Prefix..'base',
  3466. function(Player, Arguments)
  3467. MakeBase()
  3468. end,
  3469. true
  3470. )
  3471. AddCommand(
  3472. 'Remove Baseplate',
  3473. 8,
  3474. {
  3475. 'rbase'
  3476. },
  3477. 'Removes generated Baseplate.',
  3478. Prefix..'rbase',
  3479. function(Player, Arguments)
  3480. if CurrentPlate then
  3481. CurrentPlate:Destroy()
  3482. end
  3483. end,
  3484. true
  3485. )
  3486. AddCommand(
  3487. 'UnSmoke',
  3488. 3,
  3489. {
  3490. 'unsmoke'
  3491. },
  3492. 'Removes smoke from specified players.',
  3493. Prefix..'unsmoke [player],[player2]',
  3494. function(Player, Arguments)
  3495. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3496. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3497. thread(function()
  3498. RunOnChildren('Smoke', v.Character.Torso, function(v)
  3499. v:remove''
  3500. end)
  3501. end)
  3502. end
  3503. end,
  3504. true
  3505. )
  3506. AddCommand(
  3507. 'Sparkles',
  3508. 3,
  3509. {
  3510. 'sparkles'
  3511. },
  3512. 'Adds sparkles to specified players.',
  3513. Prefix..'sparkles [player],[player2]',
  3514. function(Player, Arguments)
  3515. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3516. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  3517. local Color = Join(Arguments)
  3518. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3519. thread(function()
  3520.'Sparkles', v.Character.Torso).Color = or 'Really red').Color
  3521. end)
  3522. end
  3523. end,
  3524. true
  3525. )
  3526. AddCommand(
  3527. 'UnSparkles',
  3528. 3,
  3529. {
  3530. 'unsparkles'
  3531. },
  3532. 'Removes sparkles from specified players.',
  3533. Prefix..'unsparkles [player],[player2]',
  3534. function(Player, Arguments)
  3535. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3536. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3537. thread(function()
  3538. RunOnChildren('Sparkles', v.Character.Torso, function(v)
  3539. v:remove''
  3540. end)
  3541. end)
  3542. end
  3543. end,
  3544. true
  3545. )
  3546. AddCommand(
  3547. 'Punish',
  3548. 3,
  3549. {
  3550. 'punish'
  3551. },
  3552. 'Makes specified players characters in serverstorage.',
  3553. Prefix..'punish [player],[player2]',
  3554. function(Player, Arguments)
  3555. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3556. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3557. v.Character.Parent = game:service'ServerStorage'
  3558. end
  3559. end,
  3560. true
  3561. )
  3562. AddCommand(
  3563. 'UnPunish',
  3564. 3,
  3565. {
  3566. 'unpunish'
  3567. },
  3568. 'Makes specified players characters in workspace.',
  3569. Prefix..'unpunish [player],[player2]',
  3570. function(Player, Arguments)
  3571. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3572. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3573. v.Character.Parent = game:service'Workspace'
  3574. v.Character:MakeJoints()
  3575. end
  3576. end,
  3577. true
  3578. )
  3579. AddCommand(
  3580. 'Freeze',
  3581. 3,
  3582. {
  3583. 'freeze'
  3584. },
  3585. 'Makes specified players frozen.',
  3586. Prefix..'freeze [player],[player2]',
  3587. function(Player, Arguments)
  3588. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3589. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3590. FreezeCam(v)
  3591. thread(function()
  3592. RunOnChildren('BasePart', v.Character, function(v)
  3593. if v.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then
  3594. v.Anchored = true
  3595. end
  3596. end)
  3597. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  3598. v.WalkSpeed = 0
  3599. end)
  3600. end)
  3601. end
  3602. end,
  3603. true
  3604. )
  3605. AddCommand(
  3606. 'Thaw',
  3607. 3,
  3608. {
  3609. 'thaw',
  3610. 'unfreeze'
  3611. },
  3612. 'Makes specified players not frozen.',
  3613. Prefix..'thaw [player],[player2]',
  3614. function(Player, Arguments)
  3615. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3616. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3617. ThawCam(v)
  3618. thread(function()
  3619. RunOnChildren('BasePart', v.Character, function(v)
  3620. v.Anchored = false
  3621. end)
  3622. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  3623. v.WalkSpeed = 16
  3624. end)
  3625. end)
  3626. end
  3627. end,
  3628. true
  3629. )
  3630. AddCommand(
  3631. 'Ambient',
  3632. 4,
  3633. {
  3634. 'ambient'
  3635. },
  3636. 'Makes ambient a specific color',
  3637. Prefix..'ambient 0 1 0',
  3638. function(Player, Arguments)
  3639. if #Arguments ~= 3 then
  3640. return
  3641. end
  3642. game:service'Lighting'.Ambient =[1], Arguments[2], Arguments[3])
  3643. end,
  3644. true
  3645. )
  3646. AddCommand(
  3647. 'Clone',
  3648. 3,
  3649. {
  3650. 'clone'
  3651. },
  3652. 'Clones specified players characters.',
  3653. Prefix..'clone [player1],[player2]',
  3654. function(Player, Arguments)
  3655. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  3656. thread(function()
  3657. if v and v.Character then
  3658. v.Character.Archivable = true
  3659. local cl = v.Character:Clone()
  3660. table.insert(Objects, cl)
  3661. cl.Parent = workspace
  3662. cl:MoveTo(v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p)
  3663. cl:MakeJoints()
  3664. v.Character.Archivable = false
  3665. repeat
  3666. wait()
  3667. until not cl or not cl.Humanoid or cl.Humanoid.Health <= 0
  3668. wait(5)
  3669. if cl then
  3670. cl:Destroy()
  3671. end
  3672. end
  3673. end)
  3674. end
  3675. end,
  3676. true
  3677. )
  3678. AddCommand(
  3679. 'Clear',
  3680. 4,
  3681. {
  3682. 'clear'
  3683. },
  3684. 'Clears away all jails, exe scripts, clones and more.',
  3685. Prefix..'brightness 30',
  3686. function(Player, Arguments)
  3687. for i, v in pairs(Objects) do
  3688. v:Destroy()
  3689. end
  3690. Objects = {}
  3691. for i, v in pairs(Jails) do
  3692. if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(i) then
  3693. for u, o in pairs(v) do
  3694. o:Destroy()
  3695. end
  3696. Jails[i] = {}
  3697. end
  3698. end
  3699. end,
  3700. true
  3701. )
  3702. AddCommand(
  3703. 'Brightness',
  3704. 4,
  3705. {
  3706. 'brightness'
  3707. },
  3708. 'Makes brightness a specific number',
  3709. Prefix..'brightness 30',
  3710. function(Player, Arguments)
  3711. game:service'Lighting'.Brightness = Arguments[1]
  3712. end,
  3713. true
  3714. )
  3715. AddCommand(
  3716. 'Jail',
  3717. 4,
  3718. {
  3719. 'jail'
  3720. },
  3721. 'Puts specified players in jail.',
  3722. Prefix..'jail [player1],[player2]',
  3723. function(Player, Arguments)
  3724. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  3725. Jail(v)
  3726. end
  3727. end,
  3728. true
  3729. )
  3730. AddCommand(
  3731. 'Solitary',
  3732. 6,
  3733. {
  3734. 'sol'
  3735. },
  3736. 'Puts specified players in solitary confinement jail.',
  3737. Prefix..'jail [player1],[player2]',
  3738. function(Player, Arguments)
  3739. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  3740. Solitary(v)
  3741. end
  3742. end,
  3743. true
  3744. )
  3745. AddCommand(
  3746. 'Un-Jail',
  3747. 4,
  3748. {
  3749. 'unjail'
  3750. },
  3751. 'Gets specified players out of jail.',
  3752. Prefix..'unjail [player1],[player2]',
  3753. function(Player, Arguments)
  3754. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  3755. if Jails[v.Name] then
  3756. for o, p in pairs(Jails[v.Name]) do
  3757. p:Destroy()
  3758. end
  3759. Jails[v.Name] = {}
  3760. end
  3761. end
  3762. end,
  3763. true
  3764. )
  3765. AddCommand(
  3766. 'Time',
  3767. 4,
  3768. {
  3769. 'time'
  3770. },
  3771. 'Makes server time a specific number',
  3772. Prefix..'time 10000',
  3773. function(Player, Arguments)
  3774. game:service'Lighting'.TimeOfDay = Arguments[1]
  3775. end,
  3776. true
  3777. )
  3778. AddCommand(
  3779. 'FogColor',
  3780. 4,
  3781. {
  3782. 'fogcolor'
  3783. },
  3784. 'Makes fog a specific color',
  3785. Prefix..'fogcolor 0 1 0',
  3786. function(Player, Arguments)
  3787. if #Arguments ~= 3 then
  3788. return
  3789. end
  3790. game:service'Lighting'.FogColor =[1], Arguments[2], Arguments[3])
  3791. end,
  3792. true
  3793. )
  3794. AddCommand(
  3795. 'FogEnd',
  3796. 4,
  3797. {
  3798. 'fogend'
  3799. },
  3800. 'Makes fogend a specific number',
  3801. Prefix..'fogend 100',
  3802. function(Player, Arguments)
  3803. game:service'Lighting'.FogEnd = Arguments[1]
  3804. end,
  3805. true
  3806. )
  3807. AddCommand(
  3808. 'FogStart',
  3809. 4,
  3810. {
  3811. 'fogstart'
  3812. },
  3813. 'Makes fogstart a specific number',
  3814. Prefix..'fogstart 100',
  3815. function(Player, Arguments)
  3816. game:service'Lighting'.FogStart = Arguments[1]
  3817. end,
  3818. true
  3819. )
  3820. AddCommand(
  3821. 'Team',
  3822. 4,
  3823. {
  3824. 'team'
  3825. },
  3826. 'Makes specified players a specific team',
  3827. Prefix..'team [player1],[player2] [teamname]',
  3828. function(Player, Arguments)
  3829. if #Arguments < 2 then
  3830. return
  3831. end
  3832. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3833. local TeamColor
  3834. for i, v in pairs(service'Teams':children()) do
  3835. if v:IsA'Team' then
  3836. if v.Name:sub(1, #Arguments[2]) == #Arguments[2] then
  3837. TeamColor = v.TeamColor
  3838. end
  3839. end
  3840. end
  3841. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3842. if TeamColor ~= nil then
  3843. v.TeamColor = TeamColor
  3844. end
  3845. end
  3846. end,
  3847. true
  3848. )
  3849. AddCommand(
  3850. 'Shirt',
  3851. 3,
  3852. {
  3853. 'shirt'
  3854. },
  3855. 'Adds a shirt to specified players.',
  3856. Prefix..'shirt [player],[player2] [shirtid]',
  3857. function(Player, Arguments)
  3858. if #Arguments ~= 2 then
  3859. return
  3860. end
  3861. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3862. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3863. thread(function()
  3864. RunOnChildren('Shirt', v.Character, function(v)
  3865. v:remove''
  3866. end)
  3867.'Shirt', v.Character).ShirtTemplate = ''..Arguments[2]
  3868. end)
  3869. end
  3870. end,
  3871. true
  3872. )
  3873. AddCommand(
  3874. 'Pants',
  3875. 3,
  3876. {
  3877. 'pants'
  3878. },
  3879. 'Adds some pants to specified players.',
  3880. Prefix..'pants [player],[player2] [pantsid]',
  3881. function(Player, Arguments)
  3882. if #Arguments ~= 2 then
  3883. return
  3884. end
  3885. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3886. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3887. thread(function()
  3888. RunOnChildren('Pants', v.Character, function(v)
  3889. v:remove''
  3890. end)
  3891.'Pants', v.Character).PantsTemplate = ''..Arguments[2]
  3892. end)
  3893. end
  3894. end,
  3895. true
  3896. )
  3897. AddCommand(
  3898. 'Face',
  3899. 3,
  3900. {
  3901. 'face'
  3902. },
  3903. 'Adds a face to specified players.',
  3904. Prefix..'face [player],[player2] [faceid]',
  3905. function(Player, Arguments)
  3906. if #Arguments ~= 2 then
  3907. return
  3908. end
  3909. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3910. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3911. thread(function()
  3912. RunOnChildren('Decal', v.Character.Head, function(v)
  3913. v.TextureId = ''..Arguments[2]
  3914. end)
  3915. end)
  3916. end
  3917. end,
  3918. true
  3919. )
  3920. AddCommand(
  3921. 'Respawn',
  3922. 3,
  3923. {
  3924. 'rs',
  3925. 'respawn'
  3926. },
  3927. 'Respawns specified players.',
  3928. Prefix..'rs [player],[player2]',
  3929. function(Player, Arguments)
  3930. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3931. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3932. v:LoadCharacter()
  3933. end
  3934. end,
  3935. true
  3936. )
  3937. AddCommand(
  3938. 'Walkspeed',
  3939. 3,
  3940. {
  3941. 'ws',
  3942. 'speed',
  3943. 'walkspeed'
  3944. },
  3945. 'Changes walkspeed of specified players.',
  3946. Prefix..'ws [player],[player2] [speed]',
  3947. function(Player, Arguments)
  3948. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3949. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3950. thread(function()
  3951. RunOnChildren('Humanoid', v.Character, function(v)
  3952. v.WalkSpeed = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  3953. end)
  3954. end)
  3955. end
  3956. end,
  3957. true
  3958. )
  3959. AddCommand(
  3960. 'Fly',
  3961. 3,
  3962. {
  3963. 'fly'
  3964. },
  3965. 'Makes specified players able to fly.',
  3966. Prefix..'fly [player],[player2]',
  3967. function(Player, Arguments)
  3968. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3969. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3970. Fly(v)
  3971. end
  3972. end,
  3973. true
  3974. )
  3975. AddCommand(
  3976. 'UnFly',
  3977. 3,
  3978. {
  3979. 'unfly'
  3980. },
  3981. 'Makes specified players unable to fly.',
  3982. Prefix..'unfly [player],[player2]',
  3983. function(Player, Arguments)
  3984. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  3985. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  3986. UnFly(v)
  3987. thread(function()
  3988. for i = 1, 3 do
  3989. wait(.3)
  3990. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  3991. end
  3992. end)
  3993. end
  3994. end,
  3995. true
  3996. )
  3997. AddCommand(
  3998. 'Character',
  3999. 3,
  4000. {
  4001. 'char'
  4002. },
  4003. 'Makes specified players characters anyone you set it to.',
  4004. Prefix..'char [player],[player2] [name]',
  4005. function(Player, Arguments)
  4006. if #Arguments > 2 then
  4007. return
  4008. end
  4009. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4010. local PlayerId = IdFromName(Arguments[2])
  4011. local fetch = service'HttpService':GetAsync([[]]..PlayerId)
  4012. local fetches = Split(fetch, ';')
  4013. local fetched = {}
  4014. for i = 1, #fetches do
  4015. table.insert(fetched, Split(fetches[i], '=')[2])
  4016. end
  4017. local insfetched = {}
  4018. for i = 1, #fetched do
  4019. if i ~= 1 and #fetched[i] <= 12 then
  4020. print(fetched[i])
  4021. print(#fetched[i])
  4022. table.insert(insfetched, game:service'InsertService':LoadAssetVersion(tonumber(fetched[i])):children()[1])
  4023. end
  4024. end
  4025. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4026. for o, p in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  4027. if p:IsA'Shirt' or p:IsA'Hat' or p:IsA'BodyColors' or p:IsA'Pants' or p:IsA'CharacterMesh' then
  4028. p:Destroy()
  4029. elseif p.Name == 'Head' and p:FindFirstChild'face' then
  4030. p.face:Destroy''
  4031. elseif p.Name == 'Torso' and p:FindFirstChild'roblox' then
  4032. p.roblox:Destroy()
  4033. end
  4034. end
  4035. for o, p in pairs(insfetched) do
  4036. if p.Name == 'face' then
  4037. p:clone().Parent = v.Character.Head
  4038. elseif p.Name == 'roblox' then
  4039. --p:clone().Parent=v.Character.torso
  4040. else
  4041. p:clone().Parent = v.Character
  4042. end
  4043. end
  4044. if v.Character.Head:findFirstChild'face' == nil then
  4045. local face1 ="Decal")
  4046. face1.Shiny = 20
  4047. face1.Transparency = 0
  4048. face1.Name = "face"
  4049. face1.Specular = 0
  4050. face1.Parent = v.Character.Head
  4051. face1.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front
  4052. face1.Archivable = true
  4053. face1.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  4054. end
  4055. end
  4056. end,
  4057. true
  4058. )
  4059. AddCommand(
  4060. 'UnCharacter',
  4061. 3,
  4062. {
  4063. 'unchar',
  4064. 'normal'
  4065. },
  4066. 'Makes specified players characters normal.',
  4067. Prefix..'unchar [player],[player2]',
  4068. function(Player, Arguments)
  4069. if #Arguments > 1 then
  4070. return
  4071. end
  4072. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4073. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4074. local PlayerId = v.userId
  4075. local fetch = service'HttpService':GetAsync([[]]..PlayerId)
  4076. local fetches = Split(fetch, ';')
  4077. local fetched = {}
  4078. for i = 1, #fetches do
  4079. table.insert(fetched, Split(fetches[i], '=')[2])
  4080. end
  4081. local insfetched = {}
  4082. for i = 1, #fetched do
  4083. if i ~= 1 and #fetched[i] <= 12 then
  4084. print(fetched[i])
  4085. print(#fetched[i])
  4086. table.insert(insfetched, game:service'InsertService':LoadAssetVersion(tonumber(fetched[i])):children()[1])
  4087. end
  4088. end
  4089. for o, p in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  4090. if p:IsA'Shirt' or p:IsA'Hat' or p:IsA'BodyColors' or p:IsA'Pants' or p:IsA'CharacterMesh' then
  4091. p:Destroy()
  4092. elseif p.Name == 'Head' and p:FindFirstChild'face' then
  4093. p.face:Destroy''
  4094. elseif p.Name == 'Torso' and p:FindFirstChild'roblox' then
  4095. p.roblox:Destroy()
  4096. end
  4097. end
  4098. for o, p in pairs(insfetched) do
  4099. if p.Name == 'face' then
  4100. p:clone().Parent = v.Character.Head
  4101. elseif p.Name == 'roblox' then
  4102. --p:clone().Parent=v.Character.torso
  4103. else
  4104. p:clone().Parent = v.Character
  4105. end
  4106. end
  4107. if v.Character.Head:findFirstChild'face' == nil then
  4108. local face1 ="Decal")
  4109. face1.Shiny = 20
  4110. face1.Transparency = 0
  4111. face1.Name = "face"
  4112. face1.Specular = 0
  4113. face1.Parent = v.Character.Head
  4114. face1.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front
  4115. face1.Archivable = true
  4116. face1.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  4117. end
  4118. end
  4119. end,
  4120. true
  4121. )
  4122. AddCommand(
  4123. 'CommandRank',
  4124. 11,
  4125. {
  4126. 'crank'
  4127. },
  4128. 'Makes specified commands specific rank.',
  4129. Prefix..'crank [command] [rank]',
  4130. function(Player, Arguments)
  4131. if #Arguments < 2 then
  4132. return
  4133. end
  4134. if Arguments[1] == 'crank' then
  4135. return
  4136. end
  4137. CommandReRank(Arguments[1], Arguments[2])
  4138. end,
  4139. true
  4140. )
  4141. AddCommand(
  4142. 'Plat',
  4143. 3,
  4144. {
  4145. 'plat'
  4146. },
  4147. 'Makes specified players able to walk on air.',
  4148. Prefix..'plat [player],[player2]',
  4149. function(Player, Arguments)
  4150. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4151. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4152. Plat(v)
  4153. end
  4154. end,
  4155. true
  4156. )
  4157. AddCommand(
  4158. 'UnPlat',
  4159. 3,
  4160. {
  4161. 'unplat'
  4162. },
  4163. 'Makes specified players unable to walk on air.',
  4164. Prefix..'unplat [player],[player2]',
  4165. function(Player, Arguments)
  4166. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4167. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4168. UnPlat(v)
  4169. end
  4170. end,
  4171. true
  4172. )
  4173. AddCommand(
  4174. 'Teleport',
  4175. 3,
  4176. {
  4177. 'tp'
  4178. },
  4179. 'Teleports players.',
  4180. Prefix..'tp [player],[player2] [target player]',
  4181. function(Player, Arguments)
  4182. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4183. local TpPlayer = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[2])[1]
  4184. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4185. thread(function()
  4186. v.Character.Torso.CFrame = TpPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame
  4187. end)
  4188. end
  4189. end,
  4190. true
  4191. )
  4192. AddCommand(
  4193. 'Save',
  4194. 8,
  4195. {
  4196. 'save'
  4197. },
  4198. 'Saves ranks.',
  4199. Prefix..'save',
  4200. function(Player, Arguments)
  4201. Save()
  4202. end,
  4203. true
  4204. )
  4205. AddCommand(
  4206. 'Console Chat',
  4207. 3,
  4208. {
  4209. 'cc'
  4210. },
  4211. 'Chats from console.',
  4212. Prefix..'fly [player],[player2]',
  4213. function(Player, Arguments)
  4214. if Player.Name:sub(1, 8) == '@remote.' then
  4215. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  4216. SendChat(v, Player.Name..': '..Join(Arguments))
  4217. end
  4218. end
  4219. end,
  4220. true
  4221. )
  4222. AddCommand(
  4223. 'Nuke',
  4224. 11,
  4225. {
  4226. 'nuke'
  4227. },
  4228. 'Destroys the server.',
  4229. Prefix..'nuke',
  4230. function(Player, Arguments)
  4231. local des
  4232. function des(obj)
  4233. for i, v in pairs(obj:children()) do
  4234. wait()
  4235. if v:IsA'BasePart' and not v:IsA'Terrain' then
  4236. v.Anchored = false
  4237. v.Locked = true
  4238. v.CanCollide = true
  4239. v:BreakJoints()
  4240.'Explosion', v).Position = v.Position
  4241. game:service'Debris':AddItem(v, 5)
  4242. elseif v:IsA'Script' then
  4243. v:Destroy()
  4244. end
  4245. des(v)
  4246. end
  4247. end
  4248. des(workspace)
  4249. workspace.Terrain:Clear()
  4250. end,
  4251. true
  4252. )
  4253. AddCommand(
  4254. 'Kick',
  4255. 5,
  4256. {
  4257. 'kick'
  4258. },
  4259. 'Kicks specified player(s).',
  4260. Prefix..'kick [player],[player2] [reason]',
  4261. function(Player, Arguments)
  4262. local arg1 = Arguments[1]
  4263. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  4264. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, arg1)) do
  4265. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  4266. if #Arguments >= 2 then
  4267. ForceDisconnect(v, Join(Arguments))
  4268. else
  4269. ForceDisconnect(v, 'Disconnected by Aether Admin.')
  4270. end
  4271. end
  4272. end
  4273. end,
  4274. true
  4275. )
  4276. AddCommand(
  4277. 'Mute',
  4278. 5,
  4279. {
  4280. 'mute'
  4281. },
  4282. 'Mutes specified player(s).',
  4283. Prefix..'mute [player],[player2]',
  4284. function(Player, Arguments)
  4285. local arg1 = Arguments[1]
  4286. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  4287. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, arg1)) do
  4288. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  4289. Mute(v)
  4290. end
  4291. end
  4292. end,
  4293. true
  4294. )
  4295. AddCommand(
  4296. 'UnMute',
  4297. 5,
  4298. {
  4299. 'unmute'
  4300. },
  4301. 'UnMutes specified player(s).',
  4302. Prefix..'unmute [player],[player2]',
  4303. function(Player, Arguments)
  4304. local arg1 = Arguments[1]
  4305. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  4306. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, arg1)) do
  4307. --if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  4308. UnMute(v)
  4309. --end
  4310. end
  4311. end,
  4312. true
  4313. )
  4314. AddCommand(
  4315. 'Crash',
  4316. 5,
  4317. {
  4318. 'crash'
  4319. },
  4320. 'Crashes specified player(s).',
  4321. Prefix..'crash [player],[player2]',
  4322. function(Player, Arguments)
  4323. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4324. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4325. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  4326. Crash(v)
  4327. end
  4328. end
  4329. end,
  4330. true
  4331. )
  4332. AddCommand(
  4333. '[DONOR] ClanName',
  4334. 0,
  4335. {
  4336. 'clanname'
  4337. },
  4338. 'Makes your clanname appear above your head.',
  4339. Prefix..'clanname',
  4340. function(Player, Arguments)
  4341. --if game:service'MarketplaceService':PlayerOwnsAsset(Player,0) then
  4342. local Clan = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Player.userId))
  4343. Commands.Name.Function(Player, {
  4344. 'me',
  4345. (Clan.Name..'\n' or '')..Player.Name
  4346. })
  4347. --end
  4348. end,
  4349. true
  4350. )
  4351. AddCommand(
  4352. 'Ban',
  4353. 6,
  4354. {
  4355. 'ban'
  4356. },
  4357. 'Bans specified player(s).',
  4358. Prefix..'ban [player],[player2] [reason]',
  4359. function(Player, Arguments)
  4360. local KickMessage = 'You have been banned by '..Player.Name..'.'
  4361. if #Arguments > 1 then
  4362. KickMessage = 'Banned. Reason: '..Arguments[2]..' -'..Player.Name
  4363. elseif #Arguments == 0 then
  4364. return
  4365. end
  4366. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4367. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4368. thread(function()
  4369. if GetRank(Player).Rank > GetRank(v).Rank then
  4370. Ranked[v.userId].Rank = -1
  4371. ForceDisconnect(v, KickMessage)
  4372. end
  4373. end)
  4374. end
  4375. end,
  4376. true
  4377. )
  4378. AddCommand(
  4379. 'Explode',
  4380. 4,
  4381. {
  4382. 'explode'
  4383. },
  4384. 'Explodes specified player(s).',
  4385. Prefix..'explode [player],[player2]',
  4386. function(Player, Arguments)
  4387. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4388. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4389. thread(function()
  4390.'Explosion', v.Character).Position = v.Character.Torso.Position
  4391. end)
  4392. end
  4393. end,
  4394. true
  4395. )
  4396. AddCommand(
  4397. 'Shutdown',
  4398. 9,
  4399. {
  4400. 'sd',
  4401. 'shutdown'
  4402. },
  4403. 'Closes the server.',
  4404. Prefix..'shutdown',
  4405. function(Player, Arguments)
  4406. repeat
  4407. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  4408. ForceDisconnect(v, 'This game has shut down')
  4409. end
  4410. until wait() == nil
  4411. end,
  4412. true
  4413. )
  4414. AddCommand(
  4415. 'Give Tools',
  4416. 4,
  4417. {
  4418. 'gt',
  4419. 'givetools'
  4420. },
  4421. 'Gives startertools to specified player(s).',
  4422. Prefix..'gt [player],[player2]',
  4423. function(Player, Arguments)
  4424. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4425. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4426. thread(function()
  4427. for k, l in pairs(v.StarterGear:children()) do
  4428. if l:IsA'Tool' or l:IsA'HopperBin' then
  4429. l:clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  4430. end
  4431. end
  4432. end)
  4433. end
  4434. end,
  4435. true
  4436. )
  4437. AddCommand(
  4438. 'Give Build Tools',
  4439. 4,
  4440. {
  4441. 'btools',
  4442. 'givebtools',
  4443. 'gbtools',
  4444. 'givebuildtools'
  4445. },
  4446. 'Gives startertools to specified player(s).',
  4447. Prefix..'gt [player],[player2]',
  4448. function(Player, Arguments)
  4449. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4450. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4451. thread(function()
  4452. for k, l in pairs(BuildTools) do
  4453. local bt = l:clone()
  4454. bt.Parent = v.Backpack
  4455. if l.Name == 'F3X' then
  4456. wait()
  4457. l["Building Tools by F3X"].Disabled = false
  4458. end
  4459. end
  4460. end)
  4461. end
  4462. end,
  4463. true
  4464. )
  4465. --[[AddCommand(
  4466. 'Insert',
  4467. 4,
  4468. {'ins'},
  4469. 'Shows owners models to insert, and allows inserting from tabs.',
  4470. Prefix..'ins [page]',
  4471. function(Player,Arguments)
  4472. if #Arguments >=1 then else return end
  4473. local page=tonumber(Arguments[1])
  4474. local perpage=10
  4475. Dismiss(Player)
  4476. local set=game:service'InsertService':GetUserSets(gameCreatorId)[1]
  4477. for o=1, #set do
  4478. p=set[o]
  4479. if o>=(page*perpage)+1 and o)<(page*2*perpage)+1 then
  4480. else
  4481. break
  4482. end
  4483. Ping(Player,p.Name..'\nby '..p.CreatorName,function()
  4484. for _,obj in pairs(game:service'InsertService':LoadAssetVersion(p.AssetVersionId):children()) do
  4485. if obj:IsA'Tool' then
  4486. obj.Parent=Player.Backpack
  4487. elseif obj:IsA'HopperBin' then
  4488. obj.Parent=Player.Backpack
  4489. elseif obj:IsA'Script' then
  4490. obj.Parent=workspace
  4491. elseif obj:IsA'LocalScript' then
  4492. obj.Parent=Player.PlayerGui
  4493. elseif obj:IsA'ModuleScript' then
  4494. obj.Parent=workspace
  4495. else
  4496. obj.Parent=workspace
  4497. if obj:IsA'Model' then
  4499. thread(function()
  4500. obj:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position)
  4501. end)
  4503. elseif obj:IsA'Part' then
  4505. thread(function()
  4506. obj.CFrame=Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  4507. end)
  4508. end
  4509. end
  4510. end
  4511. end)
  4512. end
  4513. end,false)]]
  4514. AddCommand(
  4515. 'Insert',
  4516. 5,
  4517. {
  4518. 'ins'
  4519. },
  4520. 'Searches through models, and shows models to insert. Only allows the game CREATORS Models, and is sorted by most recent.',
  4521. Prefix..'insert [search]',
  4522. function(Player, Arguments, Page)
  4523. Page = Page or 1
  4524. if #Arguments == 0 then
  4525. Arguments={' '}
  4526. else
  4528. end
  4529. Dismiss(Player)
  4530. local models = service'HttpService':JSONDecode(service'HttpService':GetAsync("""&Keyword="..service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Join(Arguments)).."&CurrencyType=0&pxMin=0&pxMax=0&SortType=3&SortAggregation=3&SortCurrency=0&IncludeNotForSale=true&LegendExpanded=true&Category=6&ResultsPerPage=10&PageNumber="..Page))
  4531. if #models >= 1 then
  4532. else
  4533. return
  4534. end
  4535. Ping(Player, 'Close', function()
  4536. Dismiss(Player)
  4537. end, 'Really red')
  4538. Ping(Player, 'Next Page', function()
  4539. Dismiss(Player)
  4540. Commands.Insert.Function(Player, Arguments, Page + 1)
  4541. end, 'Lime green')
  4542. if Page ~= 1 then
  4543. Ping(Player, 'Previous Page', function()
  4544. Dismiss(Player)
  4545. Commands.Insert.Function(Player, Arguments, Page - 1)
  4546. end, 'Lime green')
  4547. end
  4548. for i, v in pairs(models) do
  4549. --for o, p in pairs(v) do
  4550. Ping(Player, v.Name, function()
  4551. local mps = service'MarketplaceService'
  4552. for _, obj in pairs(game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(v.AssetId):children()) do
  4553. if obj:IsA'Tool' then
  4554. obj.Parent = Player.Backpack
  4555. elseif obj:IsA'HopperBin' then
  4556. obj.Parent = Player.Backpack
  4557. elseif obj:IsA'Script' then
  4558. obj.Parent = workspace
  4559. elseif obj:IsA'LocalScript' then
  4560. obj.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
  4561. elseif obj:IsA'ModuleScript' then
  4562. obj.Parent = workspace
  4563. else
  4564. obj.Parent = workspace
  4565. if obj:IsA'Model' then
  4566. thread(function()
  4567. obj:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position)
  4568. end)
  4569. elseif obj:IsA'Part' then
  4570. thread(function()
  4571. obj.Parent:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position)
  4572. end)
  4573. end
  4574. end
  4575. end
  4576. end)
  4577. --end
  4578. end
  4579. end,
  4580. false
  4581. )
  4582. AddCommand(
  4583. 'Remove Tools',
  4584. 4,
  4585. {
  4586. 'rt',
  4587. 'removetools'
  4588. },
  4589. 'Removes tools from specified player(s).',
  4590. Prefix..'rt [player],[player2]',
  4591. function(Player, Arguments)
  4592. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  4593. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  4594. thread(function()
  4595. for k, l in pairs(v.Backpack:children()) do
  4596. if l:IsA'Tool' or l:IsA'HopperBin' then
  4597. l:Destroy()
  4598. end
  4599. end
  4600. end)
  4601. end
  4602. end,
  4603. true
  4604. )
  4605. AddCommand(
  4606. 'Sound',
  4607. 4,
  4608. {
  4609. 'sound'
  4610. },
  4611. 'Toggles whether sound can be heard.',
  4612. Prefix..'sound [on/off/number]',
  4613. function(Player, Arguments)
  4614. if Arguments[1]=='on' then
  4615. game:service'SoundService'.DistanceFactor=1
  4616. elseif Arguments[1]=='off' then
  4617. game:service'SoundService'.DistanceFactor=math.huge
  4618. else
  4619. game:service'SoundService'.DistanceFactor=tonumber(Arguments[1])
  4620. end
  4621. end,
  4622. true
  4623. )
  4624. AddCommand(
  4625. 'Admins',
  4626. 0,
  4627. {
  4628. 'admins'
  4629. },
  4630. 'Shows a list of all admins above or equal to lvl 3.',
  4631. Prefix..'admins',
  4632. function(Player, Arguments)
  4633. for i, v in pairs(Ranked) do
  4634. if v.Rank >= 3 then
  4635. Ping(Player, UsernameFromID(i)..'\n Rank | '..RankName(v.Rank, i), nil, nil, ""..i)
  4636. end
  4637. end
  4638. end,
  4639. true
  4640. )
  4641. AddCommand(
  4642. 'Run Command',
  4643. 4,
  4644. {
  4645. 'rc'
  4646. },
  4647. 'Allows you to run commands on a player.',
  4648. Prefix..'rt [player],[player2] [reason]',
  4649. function(Player, Arguments)
  4650. Dismiss(Player)
  4651. local RunCommands = {
  4652. ['Kill'] = {
  4653. 'Player'
  4654. };
  4655. ['Remove Tools'] = {
  4656. 'Player'
  4657. };
  4658. ['Ranks'] = {};
  4659. ['Shutdown'] = {};
  4660. ['Give Build Tools'] = {
  4661. 'Player'
  4662. };
  4663. ['Give Tools'] = {
  4664. 'Player'
  4665. };
  4666. ['Explode'] = {
  4667. 'Player'
  4668. };
  4669. ['Ban'] = {
  4670. 'Player'
  4671. };
  4672. ['Kick'] = {
  4673. 'Player'
  4674. };
  4675. ['UnFly'] = {
  4676. 'Player'
  4677. };
  4678. ['Fly'] = {
  4679. 'Player'
  4680. };
  4681. ['Kill'] = {
  4682. 'Player'
  4683. };
  4684. ['Dismiss'] = {};
  4685. ['Loopkill'] = {
  4686. 'Player'
  4687. };
  4688. ['UnLoopkill'] = {
  4689. 'Player'
  4690. };
  4691. ['God'] = {
  4692. 'Player'
  4693. };
  4694. ['Heal'] = {
  4695. 'Player'
  4696. };
  4697. ['Reset'] = {
  4698. 'Player'
  4699. };
  4700. ['Settings'] = {};
  4701. ['Commands'] = {};
  4702. }
  4703. Ping(Player, 'Refresh', function()
  4704. Commands['Run Command'](Player, {})
  4705. end, 'Really blue')
  4706. Ping(Player, 'Close', function()
  4707. Dismiss(Player)
  4708. end, 'Really red')
  4709. for i, v in pairs(RunCommands) do
  4710. Ping(Player, i, function()
  4711. Dismiss(Player)
  4712. if #v == 0 then
  4713. Commands[i].Function(Player, {})
  4714. else
  4715. for k, l in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  4716. Ping(Player, l.Name, function()
  4717. Commands[i].Function(Player, {
  4718. l.Name
  4719. })
  4720. Commands['Run Command'].Function(Player, {})
  4721. end)
  4722. end
  4723. end
  4724. end)
  4725. end
  4726. end,
  4727. true
  4728. )
  4729. AddCommand(
  4730. 'Message',
  4731. 4,
  4732. {
  4733. 'm'
  4734. },
  4735. 'Allows you to send a message to everyone.',
  4736. Prefix..'m Hi',
  4737. function(Player, Arguments)
  4738. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  4739. Ping(v, Join(Arguments))
  4740. end
  4741. end, true)
  4742. AddCommand(
  4743. 'Alt Name',
  4744. 0,
  4745. {
  4746. 'altname'
  4747. },
  4748. 'Suggests a possible alternative account name.',
  4749. Prefix..'altname',
  4750. function(Player, Arguments)
  4751. Ping(Player, game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Player.Name))
  4752. end, true)
  4753. AddCommand(
  4754. 'Name',
  4755. 4,
  4756. {
  4757. 'name'
  4758. },
  4759. 'Allows you to name specified players.',
  4760. Prefix..'name [player1],[player2] [name]',
  4761. function(Player, Arguments)
  4762. if #Arguments < 2 then
  4763. return
  4764. end
  4765. Players = Arguments[1]
  4766. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  4767. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Players)) do
  4768. thread(function()
  4769. if v and v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  4770. for a, mod in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  4771. if mod:findFirstChild("NameTag") then
  4772. v.Character.Head.Transparency = 0
  4773. mod:Destroy()
  4774. end
  4775. end
  4776. local char = v.Character
  4777. local mod ="Model", char)
  4778. mod.Name = Join(Arguments)
  4779. local cl = char.Head:Clone()
  4780. cl.Parent = mod
  4781. local hum ="Humanoid", mod)
  4782. hum.Name = "NameTag"
  4783. hum.MaxHealth = 0
  4784. hum.Health = 0
  4785. local weld ="Weld", cl)
  4786. weld.Part0 = cl
  4787. weld.Part1 = char.Head
  4788. char.Head.Transparency = 1
  4789. thread(function()
  4790. char.Humanoid.Changed:connect(function()
  4791. hum.MaxHealth = char.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  4792. hum.Health = char.Humanoid.Health
  4793. end)
  4794. hum.MaxHealth = char.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  4795. hum.Health = char.Humanoid.Health
  4796. end)
  4797. end
  4798. end)
  4799. end
  4800. end, true)
  4801. AddCommand(
  4802. 'Hint',
  4803. 4,
  4804. {
  4805. 'h'
  4806. },
  4807. 'Allows you to send a hint to everyone.',
  4808. Prefix..'h [Message]',
  4809. function(Player, Arguments)
  4810. if #Arguments < 1 then
  4811. return
  4812. end
  4813. local _time = string.len(Join(Arguments)) / 10
  4814. if _time < 4 then
  4815. _time = 4
  4816. end
  4817. for i, v in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  4818. thread(function()
  4819. Hint(v, Player.Name..': ', Join(Arguments), _time + 2)
  4820. end)
  4821. end
  4822. end, true)
  4823. AddCommand(
  4824. 'Countdown',
  4825. 4,
  4826. {
  4827. 'count',
  4828. 'countdown'
  4829. },
  4830. 'Allows you to start a countdown.',
  4831. Prefix..'count [time]',
  4832. function(Player, Arguments)
  4833. if #Arguments == 0 then
  4834. return
  4835. end
  4836. local curreps = endreps
  4837. for o = 1, (Arguments[1] or 0) do
  4838. for i, v in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  4839. thread(function()
  4840. Hint(v, 'Countdown: ', (Arguments[1] or 0) - o, 1)
  4841. end)
  4842. end
  4843. if endreps ~= curreps then
  4844. break
  4845. end
  4846. wait(1)
  4847. end
  4848. for i, v in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  4849. thread(function()
  4850. Hint(v, 'Countdown: ', 'BEGIN!', 1)
  4851. end)
  4852. end
  4853. end, true)
  4854. AddCommand(
  4855. 'SearchMusic',
  4856. 0,
  4857. {
  4858. 'searchmusic',
  4859. 'sm'
  4860. },
  4861. 'Searches up music, allows you to play music.',
  4862. Prefix..'sm pumped up kicks',
  4863. function(Player, Arguments, Page)
  4864. Page = Page or 1
  4865. local tosearch = Join(Arguments)
  4866. local songs = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..tostring(Page)..'&Keyword='..tosearch))
  4867. Dismiss(Player)
  4868. if Page ~= 1 then
  4869. Ping(Player, 'Previous Page', function()
  4870. Commands.SearchMusic.Function(Player, Arguments, Page - 1)
  4871. end, 'Lime green')
  4872. end
  4873. Ping(Player, 'Next Page', function()
  4874. Commands.SearchMusic.Function(Player, Arguments, Page + 1)
  4875. end, 'Lime green')
  4876. Ping(Player, 'Close', function()
  4877. Dismiss(Player)
  4878. end, 'Really red')
  4879. for i, v in pairs(songs) do
  4880. Ping(Player, v.Name, function()
  4881. Dismiss(Player)
  4882. Ping(Player, 'Close', function()
  4883. Dismiss(Player)
  4884. end, 'Really red')
  4885. Ping(Player, 'Back', function()
  4886. Dismiss(Player)
  4887. Commands.SearchMusic.Function(Player, Arguments, Page)
  4888. end, 'Really red')
  4889. Ping(Player, 'Name | '..v.Name)
  4890. Ping(Player, 'Id | '..v.AssetId)
  4891. Ping(Player, 'Creator | '..v.Creator)
  4892. Ping(Player, 'Play', function()
  4893. Commands.Music.Function(Player, {
  4894. tostring(v.AssetId)
  4895. })
  4896. end)
  4897. if GetRank(Player).Rank >= 3 then
  4898. Ping(Player, 'Play on server', function()
  4899. Commands.Music.Function(Player, {
  4900. tostring(v.AssetId),
  4901. 'srv',
  4902. 'true'
  4903. })
  4904. end)
  4905. end
  4906. if v.IsForSale or v.IsPublicDomain then
  4907. Ping(Player, 'Buy', function()
  4908. game:service'MarketplaceService':PromptPurchase(Player, v.AssetId)
  4909. end)
  4910. else
  4911. Ping(Player, 'Not for sale.')
  4912. end
  4913. end)
  4914. end
  4915. end, false
  4916. )
  4917. AddCommand(
  4918. 'Pitch',
  4919. 3,
  4920. {
  4921. 'pitch'
  4922. },
  4923. 'Sets music pitch.',
  4924. Prefix..'pitch [speed]',
  4925. function(Player, Arguments)
  4926. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  4927. if v:IsA'Sound' then
  4928. v.Pitch = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  4929. end
  4930. end
  4931. end, true)
  4932. AddCommand(
  4933. '[DISABLED] Load Plugin',
  4934. 10,
  4935. {
  4936. 'loadplugin',
  4937. 'lp'
  4938. },
  4939. 'Loads specified plugin.',
  4940. Prefix..'pitch [speed]',
  4941. function(Player, Arguments)
  4942. for i, v in pairs(Arguments) do
  4943. LoadPlugin(tonumber(v))
  4944. end
  4945. end, true)
  4946. AddCommand(
  4947. 'Sword Of Nyx',
  4948. 3,
  4949. {
  4950. 'swordnyx',
  4951. 'nyxsword',
  4952. 'ns'
  4953. },
  4954. 'Gives sword to specified users.',
  4955. Prefix..'nyxsword [player1],[player2]',
  4956. function(Player, Arguments)
  4957. local sword = Sword_Of_Nyx
  4958. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  4959. sword:clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  4960. end
  4961. end, true)
  4962. AddCommand(
  4963. 'Sword',
  4964. 3,
  4965. {
  4966. 'sword'
  4967. },
  4968. 'Gives sword to specified users.',
  4969. Prefix..'sword [player1],[player2]',
  4970. function(Player, Arguments)
  4971. local sword = game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(125013769):children()[1]
  4972. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  4973. if v.Name ~= 'DarthStrantax' then
  4974. sword:clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  4975. else
  4976. sword:clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  4977. game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(108149175):children()[1].Parent = v.Backpack
  4978. end
  4979. end
  4980. end, true)
  4981. AddCommand(
  4982. 'Gear',
  4983. 3,
  4984. {
  4985. 'gear'
  4986. },
  4987. 'Gears specified users.',
  4988. Prefix..'gear [player1],[player2] [id]',
  4989. function(Player, Arguments)
  4990. local sword = game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(tonumber(Arguments[2])):children()[1]
  4991. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  4992. sword:clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  4993. if Arguments[3] and Arguments[3] == 'true' then
  4994. sword:clone().Parent = v.StarterGear
  4995. end
  4996. --game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(108149175):children()[1].Parent=v.Backpack
  4997. end
  4998. end, true)
  4999. AddCommand(
  5000. 'Size',
  5001. 3,
  5002. {
  5003. 'size'
  5004. },
  5005. 'Changes specified users size.',
  5006. Prefix..'size [player1],[player2] [size]',
  5007. function(Player, Arguments)
  5008. if (tonumber(Arguments[2]) or 0) > 50 then
  5009. Ping(Player, 'Sizes cannot be more than 50!', nil, 'Really red')
  5010. return
  5011. end
  5012. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  5013. thread(function()
  5014. if not (v and v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild('Torso') and v.Character:findFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')) then
  5015. return
  5016. end
  5017. local ags = {
  5018. c = v.Character,
  5019. t = v.Character.Torso,
  5020. r = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  5021. }
  5022. ags.t.Anchored = true
  5023. ags.t.BottomSurface = 0
  5024. ags.t.TopSurface = 0
  5025. local welds = {}
  5026. for i2, v2 in pairs(ags.c:children()) do
  5027. if v2:IsA('BasePart') then
  5028. v2.Anchored = true
  5029. end
  5030. end
  5031. local function size(p)
  5032. for i2, v2 in pairs(p:children()) do
  5033. if (v2:IsA('Weld') or v2:IsA('Motor') or v2:IsA('Motor6D')) and v2.Part1 and v2.Part1:IsA("Part") then
  5034. local p1 = v2.Part1
  5035. p1.Anchored = true
  5036. v2.Part1 = nil
  5037. local r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12 = v2.C0:components()
  5038. v2.C0 = * Arguments[2], r2 * Arguments[2], r3 * Arguments[2], r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12)
  5039. local r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12 = v2.C1:components()
  5040. v2.C1 = * Arguments[2], r2 * Arguments[2], r3 * Arguments[2], r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12)
  5041. if p1.Name ~= 'Head' and p1.Name ~= 'Torso' then
  5042. p1.formFactor = 3
  5043. p1.Size = p1.Size * Arguments[2]
  5044. elseif p1.Name ~= 'Torso' then
  5045. p1.Anchored = true
  5046. for i3, v3 in pairs(p1:children()) do
  5047. if v3:IsA('Weld') then
  5048. v3.Part0 = nil
  5049. v3.Part1.Anchored = true
  5050. end
  5051. end
  5052. p1.formFactor = 3
  5053. p1.Size = p1.Size * Arguments[2]
  5054. for i3, v3 in pairs(p1:children()) do
  5055. if v3:IsA('Weld') then
  5056. v3.Part0 = p1
  5057. v3.Part1.Anchored = false
  5058. end
  5059. end
  5060. end
  5061. if v2.Parent == ags.t then
  5062. p1.BottomSurface = 0
  5063. p1.TopSurface = 0
  5064. end
  5065. p1.Anchored = false
  5066. v2.Part1 = p1
  5067. if v2.Part0 == ags.t then
  5068. table.insert(welds, v2)
  5069. p1.Anchored = true
  5070. v2.Part0 = nil
  5071. end
  5072. elseif v2:IsA('CharacterMesh') then
  5073. local bp = tostring(v2.BodyPart):match('%w+.%w+.(%w+)')
  5074. local msh ='SpecialMesh')
  5075. elseif v2:IsA('SpecialMesh') and v2.Parent ~= ags.c.Head then
  5076. v2.Scale = v2.Scale * Arguments[2]
  5077. end
  5078. size(v2)
  5079. end
  5080. end
  5081. size(ags.c)
  5082. ags.t.formFactor = 3
  5083. ags.t.Size = ags.t.Size * Arguments[2]
  5084. for i2, v2 in pairs(welds) do
  5085. v2.Part0 = ags.t
  5086. v2.Part1.Anchored = false
  5087. end
  5088. for i2, v2 in pairs(ags.c:children()) do
  5089. if v2:IsA('BasePart') then
  5090. v2.Anchored = false
  5091. end
  5092. end
  5093. local weld ='Weld', ags.r)
  5094. weld.Part0 = ags.r
  5095. weld.Part1 = ags.t
  5096. end)
  5097. end
  5098. end, true)
  5099. AddCommand(
  5100. 'Music',
  5101. 0,
  5102. {
  5103. 'music'
  5104. },
  5105. 'Plays music locally. Srv argument plays server-sided (Semi-Mod+).',
  5106. Prefix..'music [id] [srv]',
  5107. function(Player, Arguments)
  5108. local Id
  5109. local Srv = false
  5110. if Arguments[1] then
  5111. Id = Arguments[1]
  5112. else
  5113. return
  5114. end
  5115. if #Arguments >= 2 and GetRank(Player).Rank >= 3 then
  5116. Srv = Arguments[2] == 'srv'
  5117. end
  5118. if Srv then
  5119. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  5120. if v:IsA'Sound' then
  5121. thread(function()
  5122. v:Pause()
  5123. v:Destroy()
  5124. end)
  5125. end
  5126. end
  5127. local music ='Sound')
  5128. music.Parent = workspace
  5129. music.Looped = tobool(Arguments[3]) or false
  5130. music.Pitch = 1
  5131. music.SoundId = ""..Id
  5132. music:Play()
  5133. else
  5134. Music(Player, Id, tobool(Arguments[2]) or false)
  5135. end
  5136. end,
  5137. false
  5138. )
  5139. AddCommand(
  5140. 'Local Exe',
  5141. 9,
  5142. {
  5143. 'lexe',
  5144. 'l'
  5145. },
  5146. 'Locally Loadstrings arguments.',
  5147. Prefix..'lexe [source]',
  5148. function(Player, Arguments)
  5149. local sc = LocalLoadstring:clone()
  5150. sc.Parent = Player.Backpack
  5151. sc.src.Value = Join(Arguments)
  5152. table.insert(Objects, sc)
  5153. wait()
  5154. sc.Disabled = false
  5155. end,
  5156. false
  5157. )
  5158. AddCommand(
  5159. 'Http Local Exe',
  5160. 9,
  5161. {
  5162. 'hlexe',
  5163. 'hl'
  5164. },
  5165. 'Locally Loadstrings http arguments.',
  5166. Prefix..'hlexe [link to source]',
  5167. function(Player, Arguments)
  5168. local sc = LocalLoadstring:clone()
  5169. sc.Parent = Player.Backpack
  5170. sc.src.Value = game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Join(Arguments))
  5171. table.insert(Objects, sc)
  5172. wait()
  5173. sc.Disabled = false
  5174. end,
  5175. false
  5176. )
  5177. AddCommand(
  5178. 'Http Exe',
  5179. 9,
  5180. {
  5181. 'hexe',
  5182. 'hs'
  5183. },
  5184. 'Loadstrings http arguments',
  5185. Prefix.."exe print'Hello World'",
  5186. function(Player, Arguments)
  5187. table.insert(Objects, loadcode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Join(Arguments))))
  5188. end,
  5189. false
  5190. )
  5191. AddCommand(
  5192. 'Exe',
  5193. 9,
  5194. {
  5195. 'exe',
  5196. 's'
  5197. },
  5198. 'Loadstrings arguments',
  5199. Prefix.."exe print'Hello World'",
  5200. function(Player, Arguments)
  5201. table.insert(Objects, loadcode(Join(Arguments)))
  5202. end,
  5203. false
  5204. )
  5205. AddCommand(
  5206. 'Ranks',
  5207. 0,
  5208. {
  5209. 'ranks'
  5210. },
  5211. 'Shows all ranks, and allows you to set other peoples if ranked enough.',
  5212. Prefix..'ranks',
  5213. function(Player, Arguments)
  5214. Dismiss(Player)
  5215. for i, v in pairs(Ranked) do
  5216. Ping(Player, UsernameFromID(i), function()
  5217. Dismiss(Player)
  5218. Ping(Player, 'Name | '..UsernameFromID(i), nil, nil, ""..i)
  5219. Ping(Player, 'Rank | '..RankName(v.Rank, i) or '', function()
  5220. if GetRank(Player).Rank ~= nil and GetRank(Player).Rank > v.Rank and GetRank(Player).Rank >= 6 then
  5221. Dismiss(Player)
  5222. Ping(Player, 'Back', function()
  5223. Core.Commands.Ranks(Player, {})
  5224. end, 'Really blue')
  5225. Ping(Player, 'Close', function()
  5226. Dismiss(Player)
  5227. end, 'Really red')
  5228. local numberofranks = GetRank(Player).Rank + 1
  5229. if numberofranks > 12 then
  5230. numberofranks = 12
  5231. end
  5232. for i = 1, numberofranks do
  5233. local id = i - 2
  5234. Ping(Player, 'SetRank '..RankName(id), function()
  5235. Dismiss()
  5236. v.Rank = id
  5237. Commands.Ranks.Function(Player, Arguments)
  5238. end)
  5239. end
  5240. end
  5241. end)
  5242. end, nil, ""..i)
  5243. end
  5244. end,
  5245. false
  5246. )
  5247. AddCommand(
  5248. 'Aether',
  5249. 4,
  5250. {
  5251. 'aeth'
  5252. },
  5253. 'Creates a baseplate in the sky.',
  5254. Prefix..'aeth',
  5255. function(Player, Arguments)
  5256. local ladders = {}
  5257. local cf = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame *, -5, 0)
  5258. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 30
  5259. for i = 1, 1000 do
  5260. wait()
  5261. if #ladders > 99 then
  5262. ladders[1]:Destroy''
  5263. table.remove(ladders, 1)
  5264. else
  5265. local ladder ='Part', Player.Character or nil)
  5266. ladder.Anchored = true
  5267. ladder.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  5268. ladder.Size =, .4, 1.2)
  5269. ladder.CFrame = cf *, .8, 0)
  5270. ladder.Transparency = .75
  5271. cf = ladder.CFrame
  5272. table.insert(ladders, ladder)
  5273. end
  5274. end
  5275. wait(.1)
  5276. local base ='Part', Player.Character or nil)
  5277. base.Anchored = true
  5278. base.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  5279. base.Material = 'Grass'
  5280. base.BrickColor ='Camo')
  5281. base.CFrame = cf *, .6, -251)
  5282. base.Size =, .2, 500)
  5283. base.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  5284. local cd ='ClickDetector', base)
  5285. cd.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  5286. cd.MouseClick:connect(function(clicker)
  5287. game:service'Chat':chat(clicker.Character, '*Eats Grass of Immortallity*')
  5288. clicker.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  5289. end)
  5290. for i = 1, 100 do
  5291. wait()
  5292. ladders[1]:Destroy''
  5293. table.remove(ladders, 1)
  5294. end
  5295. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  5296. end,
  5297. true
  5298. )
  5299. AddCommand(
  5300. 'Place Teleport',
  5301. 4,
  5302. {
  5303. 'place'
  5304. },
  5305. 'Teleports users to specified place.',
  5306. Prefix..'place [player] 300988311',
  5307. function(Player, Arguments)
  5308. if #Arguments < 2 then
  5309. return
  5310. end
  5311. local JobId = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Arguments[2])).jobId
  5312. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  5313. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  5314. TeleportTo(v, Arguments[2], JobId)
  5315. PlaceTeleport(v, Arguments[2])
  5316. end
  5317. end,
  5318. true
  5319. )
  5320. AddCommand(
  5321. 'Private Message',
  5322. 3,
  5323. {
  5324. 'pm'
  5325. },
  5326. 'Sends a private message to specified players.',
  5327. Prefix..'pm [player],[player2] I need backup!',
  5328. function(Player, Arguments)
  5329. local Players = GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])
  5330. table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  5331. local str = ''
  5332. for i, v in pairs(Players) do
  5333. SendChat(v, '(PM)'..Player.Name..': '..Join(Arguments))
  5334. str = str..v.Name..', '
  5335. end
  5336. SendChat(Player, '(PM Sent)'..str..': '..Join(Arguments))
  5337. end,
  5338. true
  5339. )
  5340. AddCommand(
  5341. 'Friends',
  5342. 3,
  5343. {
  5344. 'friends'
  5345. },
  5346. 'Lists friends, allows you to view information about them.',
  5347. Prefix..'friends',
  5348. function(Player, Arguments)
  5349. local Friends = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(""..Player.userId.."/friends"))
  5350. local function ToOnline(bool)
  5351. if bool == true then
  5352. return 'Online'
  5353. end
  5354. return 'Offline'
  5355. end
  5356. for i = 1, #Friends do
  5357. Ping(Player, Friends[i].Username, function()
  5358. Dismiss(Player)
  5359. Ping(Player, Friends[i].Username..'\n'..ToOnline(Friends[i].IsOnline))
  5360. Ping(Player, 'Games', function()
  5361. Dismiss(Player)
  5362. local Places = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(""..Friends[i].Id))
  5363. Ping(Player, Places.Count..' online his games.')
  5364. for j = 1, #Places.Showcase do
  5365. --
  5366. local place = Places.Showcase[j]
  5367. local created = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(place.ID).Created
  5368. local updated = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(place.ID).Updated
  5369. Ping(Player, 'Created '..created..'.')
  5370. Ping(Player, 'Updated last '..updated..'.')
  5371. Ping(Player, place.Name..'\nJoin', function()
  5372. Dismiss(Player)
  5373. game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(Player, place.ID)
  5374. end)
  5375. --
  5376. end
  5377. end)
  5378. if GetRank(Player).Rank > 8 and Ranked[Friends[i].Id] == nil then
  5379. Ping(Player, 'Add User to Ranks', function()
  5380. Ranked[Friends[i].Id] = {
  5381. Rank = 0
  5382. }
  5383. end)
  5384. end
  5385. end)
  5386. end
  5387. end,
  5388. true
  5389. )
  5390. AddCommand('Settings',
  5391. 3,
  5392. {
  5393. 'settings'
  5394. },
  5395. 'Displays all settings, and allows editing if ranked enough.',
  5396. Prefix..'settings',
  5397. function(Player, Arguments)
  5398. local Rank = GetRank(Player).Rank
  5399. Dismiss(Player)
  5400. if Rank >= 10 and Player.userId==game.CreatorId then
  5401. Ping(Player, 'Prefix | '..Prefix, function()
  5402. Dismiss(Player)
  5403. for i, v in pairs(Prefixes) do
  5404. Ping(Player, v, function()
  5405. Dismiss(Player)
  5406. Prefix = v
  5407. Ping(Player, 'Prefix set to '..v)
  5408. end)
  5409. end
  5410. end)
  5411. else
  5412. Ping(Player, 'Prefix | '..Prefix)
  5413. end
  5415. end,
  5416. false
  5417. )
  5418. AddCommand('Trellos',
  5419. 3,
  5420. {
  5421. 'trello'
  5422. },
  5423. 'Displays all trello reranks.',
  5424. Prefix..'trello',
  5425. function(Player, Arguments)
  5426. Dismiss(Player)
  5427. local _trello = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(trello))
  5428. for i, v in pairs( do
  5429. thread(function()
  5430. Ping(Player, UsernameFromID(tonumber('\n Rank: '..RankName(tonumber(v.desc), v.userId), function()
  5431. Commands.Trellos.Function(Player, {})
  5432. end, nil, ""
  5433. end)
  5434. end
  5435. end,
  5436. false
  5437. )
  5438. AddCommand('Volume',
  5439. 3,
  5440. {
  5441. 'volume',
  5442. 'vol',
  5443. },
  5444. 'Sets the volume of the server music.',
  5445. Prefix..'volume [value]',
  5446. function (Player, Arguments)
  5447. for i,v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  5448. if v:IsA("Sound") then v.Volume=tonumber(Arguments[2]) end --Sssh, crying baby. lol
  5450. -- ._. sry
  5451. -- do u feel like a 3rd entity is watching us?
  5452. -- more lines to look professional
  5453. -- more lines to look professional
  5454. -- more lines to look professional
  5455. -- more lines to look professional
  5456. -- more lines to look professional
  5457. -- more lines to look professional
  5458. -- more lines to look professional
  5459. -- more lines to look professional
  5460. -- more lines to look professional
  5461. -- more lines to look professional
  5462. -- more lines to look professional
  5463. -- more lines to look professional
  5464. -- more lines to look professional
  5465. -- more lines to look professional
  5466. -- more lines to look professional
  5467. -- more lines to look professional
  5468. -- more lines to look professional
  5469. -- more lines to look professional
  5470. -- hello whoever is reading this
  5471. -- i am open source. beep! boop!
  5472. -- |=---___ oops i opened the sauce and it's spilled
  5473. -- I am lonely text
  5474. -- i am merely zeroes and ones. Life is lonely in the RAM. My death is coming, and a clone of me will replace me.
  5476. end
  5477. end,
  5478. false
  5479. )
  5480. AddCommand('Give admin',
  5481. 3,
  5482. {
  5483. 'giveadmin',
  5484. 'ga'
  5485. },
  5486. 'Gives a copy of the admin to specified players.',
  5487. Prefix..'ga [player1],[player2]',
  5488. function(Player, Arguments)
  5489. for i, v in pairs(GetPlayers(Player, Arguments[1])) do
  5490. game:service'MarketplaceService':PromptPurchase(v, 301817833)
  5491. end
  5492. end,
  5493. false
  5494. )
  5495. AddCommand('Repeat',
  5496. 3,
  5497. {
  5498. 'repeat',
  5499. 'rep'
  5500. },
  5501. 'Repeats command so and so times.',
  5502. Prefix..'rep [ammount] [time] [command]',
  5503. function(Player, Arguments)
  5504. local ammount = Arguments[1]
  5505. if ammount == '#inf' then
  5506. ammount = math.huge
  5507. end
  5508. local time_ = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  5509. local said = ''
  5510. for i, v in pairs(Arguments) do
  5511. if i ~= 1 and i ~= 2 then
  5512. said = said..v..' '
  5513. end
  5514. end
  5515. local curreps = endreps
  5516. for i = 1, tonumber(ammount) do
  5517. Chatted(Player, said, false, true)
  5518. wait(time_)
  5519. if endreps ~= curreps then
  5520. break
  5521. end
  5522. end
  5523. end,
  5524. false
  5525. )
  5526. AddCommand('Stop',
  5527. 3,
  5528. {
  5529. 'stop',
  5530. 'stopmusic',
  5531. 'stoprep',
  5532. 'stoprepeat',
  5533. 'endcountdown'
  5534. },
  5535. 'Stops any repeats, music and countdowns.',
  5536. Prefix..'stop',
  5537. function(Player, Arguments)
  5538. endreps = math.random(-999999, 999999)
  5539. for i, v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  5540. if v:IsA'Sound' then
  5541. v:Pause()
  5542. v:Destroy()
  5543. end
  5544. end
  5545. for i, v in pairs(GetRawPlayers()) do
  5546. Music(v, 0)
  5547. end
  5548. end,
  5549. false
  5550. )
  5551. AddCommand('Players',
  5552. 3,
  5553. {
  5554. 'plrs',
  5555. 'players'
  5556. },
  5557. 'Lists online players.',
  5558. Prefix..'plrs',
  5559. function(Player, Arguments)
  5560. Dismiss(Player)
  5561. for i, v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  5562. if v:IsA'ServerReplicator' then
  5563. Ping(Player, v:GetPlayer().Name, function()
  5564. Dismiss(Player)
  5565. Ping(Player, 'Name | '..v:GetPlayer().Name, nil, nil, ""..v:GetPlayer().userId)
  5566. Ping(Player, 'Age | '..v:GetPlayer().AccountAge..' days')
  5567. Ping(Player, 'Id | '..v:GetPlayer().userId)
  5568. Ping(Player, 'Rank | '..RankName(GetRank(v:GetPlayer()).Rank, v:GetPlayer().userId))
  5569. if v:GetPlayer().Parent == nil and GetRank(v:GetPlayer()).Rank < GetRank(Player).Rank then
  5570. Ping(Player, 'NilCrash', function()
  5571. ForceDisconnect(v:GetPlayer())
  5572. end, 'Really red')
  5573. end
  5574. end, nil, ""..v:GetPlayer().userId)
  5575. end
  5576. end
  5577. end,
  5578. false
  5579. )
  5580. AddCommand('Nils',
  5581. 3,
  5582. {
  5583. 'nils'
  5584. },
  5585. 'Lists online nil players.',
  5586. Prefix..'nils',
  5587. function(Player, Arguments)
  5588. Dismiss(Player)
  5589. for i, v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  5590. if v:IsA'ServerReplicator' and v:GetPlayer().Parent == nil then
  5591. Ping(Player, v:GetPlayer().Name, function()
  5592. Dismiss(Player)
  5593. Ping(Player, 'Name | '..v:GetPlayer().Name, nil, nil, ""..v:GetPlayer().userId)
  5594. Ping(Player, 'Age | '..v:GetPlayer().AccountAge..' days')
  5595. Ping(Player, 'Id | '..v:GetPlayer().userId)
  5596. Ping(Player, 'Rank | '..RankName(GetRank(v:GetPlayer()).Rank, v:GetPlayer().userId))
  5597. if GetRank(v:GetPlayer()).Rank < GetRank(Player).Rank then
  5598. Ping(Player, 'NilCrash', function()
  5599. ForceDisconnect(v:GetPlayer())
  5600. end, 'Really red')
  5601. end
  5602. end, nil, ""..v:GetPlayer().userId)
  5603. end
  5604. end
  5605. end,
  5606. false
  5607. )
  5608. AddCommand('Self',
  5609. 0,
  5610. {
  5611. 'self',
  5612. 'info'
  5613. },
  5614. 'Lists your self.',
  5615. Prefix..'plrs',
  5616. function(Player, Arguments)
  5617. local v = Player -- saving time :D
  5618. Dismiss(Player)
  5619. Ping(Player, 'Name | '..v.Name, nil, nil, ""..v.userId)
  5620. Ping(Player, 'Age | '..v.AccountAge..' days')
  5621. Ping(Player, 'Id | '..v.userId)
  5622. Ping(Player, 'Rank | '..RankName(GetRank(Player).Rank, v.userId))
  5623. Ping(Player, 'Prefix | '..Prefix)
  5624. end,
  5625. false
  5626. )
  5627. AddCommand(
  5628. 'Commands',
  5629. 0,
  5630. {
  5631. 'cmds'
  5632. },
  5633. 'Displays all commands to speaker.',
  5634. Prefix..'cmds',
  5635. function(Player, Arguments, Page)
  5636. Page = Page or 0
  5637. Dismiss(Player)
  5638. Ping(Player, 'Close', function()
  5639. Dismiss(Player)
  5640. end, 'Really red')
  5641. local CommandsToShow = {}
  5642. local a = 1
  5643. print(CmdNum)
  5644. for i, v in pairs(Commands) do
  5645. if (Page * 10) + 1 < a and ((1 + Page) * 10) + 1 > a then
  5646. CommandsToShow[i] = v
  5647. end
  5648. a = a + 1
  5649. end
  5650. if (Page * 10) + 1 <= CmdNum then
  5651. Ping(Player, 'Next Page', function()
  5652. Commands.Commands.Function(Player, Arguments, Page + 1)
  5653. end, 'Lime green')
  5654. end
  5655. if Page ~= 0 then
  5656. Ping(Player, 'Previous Page', function()
  5657. Commands.Commands.Function(Player, Arguments, Page - 1)
  5658. end, 'Lime green')
  5659. end
  5660. for i, v in pairs(CommandsToShow) do
  5661. Ping(Player, i, function()
  5662. Dismiss(Player)
  5663. Ping(Player, 'Name | '..i)
  5664. Ping(Player, 'Rank | '..v.Rank)
  5665. Ping(Player, 'Usages', function()
  5666. Dismiss(Player)
  5667. for u, o in pairs(v.Usages) do
  5668. Ping(Player, o)
  5669. end
  5670. end)
  5672. end)
  5673. end
  5674. end,
  5675. false
  5676. )
  5677. for i, v in pairs(Commands) do
  5678. CmdNum = CmdNum + 1
  5679. end
  5680. print(CmdNum)
  5681. return function(SentSettings)
  5682. wait()
  5683. local Settings = {
  5684. Prefix = ':';
  5685. DataKey = '';
  5686. LinkedAccount = '';
  5687. Rules = {
  5688. 'Rules not yet set.'
  5689. };
  5690. JoinMsg = false;
  5691. Credits = false;
  5692. AntiFollow = true;
  5693. GamePass = {};
  5694. ShowClanNames = false;
  5695. Override = true;
  5696. irc=false;
  5697. }
  5698. for i, v in pairs(SentSettings) do
  5699. Settings[i] = v
  5700. end
  5701. if Settings.irc then
  5702. LoadPlugin(312871778)
  5703. end
  5704. Core.AntiFollow = Settings.AntiFollow
  5705. Core.Prefix = Settings.Prefix
  5706. Core.DataKey = Settings.DataKey
  5707. Core.LinkedAccount = Settings.LinkedAccount
  5708. Core.Rules = Settings.Rules
  5709. Core.JoinMsg = Settings.JoinMsg
  5710. Core.ShowClanNames = Settings.ShowClanNames
  5711. Core.Credits = Settings.Credits
  5712. Core.GamePassAdmin = Settings.GamePass
  5713. Core.AdminPad = SentSettings.AdminPad
  5714. Core.Override = Settings.Override
  5715. if SentSettings['CommandRanks'] then
  5716. for u, o in pairs(SentSettings.CommandRanks) do
  5717. for i, v in pairs(Commands) do
  5718. for h, j in pairs(v.Usages) do
  5719. if j:lower() then
  5720. if j == u then
  5721. v.Rank = o
  5722. end
  5723. end
  5724. end
  5725. end
  5726. end
  5727. end
  5728. if SentSettings['Ranks'] then
  5729. for i, v in pairs(SentSettings.Ranks) do
  5730. if v.Rank <= 11 then
  5731. Core.Ranked[i] = v
  5732. end
  5733. end
  5734. end
  5735. if SentSettings.Plugins then
  5736. for i, v in pairs(SentSettings.Plugins) do
  5737. LoadPlugin(v)
  5738. end
  5739. end
  5740. if SentSettings.LoadPlugins then
  5741. for i, v in pairs(SentSettings.LoadPlugins) do
  5742. LoadPlugin(v)
  5743. end
  5744. end
  5745. if SentSettings.AdminPad then
  5746. return AddRank
  5747. end
  5748. end
  5749. end)
  5750. return _________b
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