

Aug 31st, 2013
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  1. Locations: It is noted that, the locations revolve around a single planet at the start, but planets and other realms will be added to the role-play.
  5. Adria: The starting planet for role-players. Adria is a super planet consisting of vast variety of environments, from barren wastelands to lush, beautiful rainforests. The people of Adria have many species, and they don’t know of planet earth…yet. No one is allowed to own guns unless you are a police officer, military unit, or something else; just to prevent murders and less violence within Adria. Only Bellwich allows guns to be in possession of civilians, you also need a badge or certificate indicating permission.
  7. Kaenra: Kaenra is the largest island located on Adria. The people of Kaenra have always been the pinnacle of technology. No other area on Adria has better technology than this massive super island. They power things via magical energy plants and pollution is slightly lessened due to such, but they are having problems storing the magical waste products that are made. Kaenra is divided in three sections, south, central, and north.
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  9. South Kaenra: The country of South Kaenra is the most econimcally and poor society of the Continent of Kaenra. Since its loss of the war it has had to pay full debt to all the damage it did to the other Countries of Kaenra. It currently houses the biggest black market in all of Adria and if you want to purchase a gun and not be tied to your country this is where its done. The borders of this country is open and the population is mostly human and in some places Modern Orc tribes have been moving in.
  11. SKC: S.K.C is the South Kaenra capitol and is probably the only plausible city within the country. It is large and is not currently walled off. Several roads wind through the city letting horse drawn cartridges and riders stay safely off the civilian populated grounds. The city itself has more then a dozen ports where ships can leave and venture out from the city. Some of these hangers, mind you, are not authorized and are run by black markets.
  13. FallHaven: FallHaven was the leader in The cultist influence forces in South Kaenra. With losing the war, it has become nothing more but a cesspool of evil and at some point all villains and murders wind up here to reload on drugs, supplies, weapons, and handymen. There are again dozens of hangers but none of them are authorized. Stolen guns and goods are sold here and surprisingly it appears that a modern Orc pack has taken command of the city and a Orc chief himself is reporting to the South Kaenra capitol as he is in charge of FallHaven. FallHaven is also the home of OrcGuns which can be held without a permit but are hard to come by in other continents.
  15. DustyCloud: The city of DustyCloud is relatively new the South Kaenra and is one of the big three cities within the country. It's main purpose is to connect South Kaenra to the above cloud Continent Skaedia with the cities own air tunnel and teleportation system. Within the country, it and S.K.C is the most technologically advanced. The Crime rate is low here and if you wish to purchase a crummy ship for low prices this is where you should head too.
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  18. Central Kaenra: Central Kaenra is the largest country on the continent and has been populated by elven folk most noticbly Forest Elves that onced Dwelled on Airene. Why this has happened is a mystery, but lately elves have been getting high ranked positions within Central Kaenra's goverment. The borders are patrolled often and you cannot just walk in willy nilly. You will need to show identification. Imp slaves are still used in Central Kaenra and Goblins are slowly working their way up from being slaved and getting their own rights.
  20. New Elven: The city of New Elven is large and high tech and is famous for Kaenra's first and the worlds largest Magic Dome which houses hospitals, arenas, communities for the rich, and magic ship ports. Guns are constantly being made here and if you want to find a job as a gunsmith or in the medical field travel to this city! It as its name suggests is quite new to Central Kaenra and is on its way to becoming the capitol. Most of the population in this city is Forest Elves.
  22. Capital City: Central Kaenra's current capitol is Capital City. This was once the leading city in Kaenra during its alliance to the Cultist of Exus. It is slowly withering down and many are trying to transfer the capitol title to NewElven because of this cities involvement in the war. In these times Goblin folk area more common in the city as this is the first place where the Goblin laws have been passed giving them more rights. The first Goblin chief also resides on the cities council. This is a great place to settle down and it has a average crime rate and is filled with the best schools around.
  24. Agrica: This Central Kaenra town resides on the edge of the continent and is known for its actual sea ships and its fishing industry. Naga have started to become a respected race around these parts and the small villages that dot around Agrica providing the fishing buisiness taxes. For a good job, this is where you should start.
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  26. North Kaenra: North Kaenra is what the continent is known for. It is in fact the smallest country and is the only country on the continent which did not side with Exus during the war. Most of the land is populated with high tech BioDome cities but I shall list the largest three.
  30. Engardon: Engardon is the first built BioDome in North Kaenra. During the last years of the war it was a military rally point and now houses North Kaenra's large military projects which includes magical bombers and a large storage of guns. The civilian count in the BioDome is low and is mostly populated by scientists and warriors/soldiers. To get in here you must have some sort of occupation that implies you belong inside Engardon.
  32. Virunana: Virunana is the second BioDome built in North Kaenra. This BioDome is made up of mostly a human large populace and houses several large hospital compounds to heal even the worst of injures. All Cyborg experiments are currently held in this BioDome. It costs a lot to enter this city and live here though!
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  37. Azjholhara: The continent of Ashjolhara is found connecting the two continents Exus and Airene. Ashjolhara houses decent sized cities and the humans of the land are known for not taking part in the Airene and Exus war. The races are abundant here, but Azjolhara are most known for the cyclops population that is found; the land is particularly forestry, grassy plains, and it's border is separated by Airenes mountain range. Exus tends to have border wars for the turf on Azjholhara at times, but overall it's a neutral land. Due to it connecting Airene on its mountain border, the people of Azjholhara and Airene have had few contact.
  39. Elsanberg: The city of Elsanberg is known to be the city that accepts the most races, particularly ogre. Ogres are actually the founders of Elsanberg but Orcish, trolls, hobbits, dwarves, and various other races had moved in to the city. The ogre houses are extra large to support their enormous size, but they have taverns dotting the area as well as restaraunts and other stores.
  41. Mock'Tin: Very few species enter this capital of the Moon tribe; the moon tribe is a large tribe of cyclops that populate the area. The buildings are enormous, and need such due to the cyclops large size. The cyclops are usually against most races except the subhumans and Orcs. They still come to war with them though, and Nagas despise the cyclops beyond any other race. Mock'Tin has several wooden stake walls surrounding stony buildings, the walls are as large as the buildings and it's nearly impossible to take this tribe out without having an army.
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  45. Airiene: Airene is the largest continent on Adria and the countries that existed on it was the main opposition against Exus forces.
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  47. The CoastLine Desert: The CoastLine Desert is one of the largest deserts that exist on Ariene. It stretches down the Western Coastline of the massive Continent and is the only area where sea travel can be accessed easily on the continent, as the rest of Airene is bordered by mountain ridges. Usually, the coastline desert is referred to as "The greater land"
  49. Bellwich: Is a black market city, crime is rampant throughout the place and guns are able to be legally in possession here. Here, you can hire hitmen and order goods such as narcotics and poisons. Although this may be a criminal paradise; Bellwich does have an array of inns and bars for friends to come and chatter, it also is where people from around the world go to to find a decent rare mark to hunt or perhaps a good bounty; rumor has it a seriel killer is in Bellwich, though. And he's been at it for more than five years now. Walls stretch to the sky above; which block view of just exactly what happens within the massive city scape.
  51. Urugania: A very large city that is presumably the capital for the primitave Urugans, most Urugans cannot speak English intelligibly and speak their native tongue. They usually assault the traders whom enter their turf as well as explorers and take them to prisons; not even asking anything, they are more brutal than the orcish people and take no exception to humans or any race; even their naga cousins. Urugania is located in the far reaches of the coastline desert, and the creatures sometimes enjoy burrowing in order to survive.
  53. BrassTusks: Since the Great War, the Tribe of BrassTusks have merged every other Orc tribe in The CoastLine Desert into itself. As customary each Orc of this tribe has the tips depending on rank and status of their Tusk's replaced with Brass tips. They have become close with Bellwich due to the war and they regularly trade. Becoming a Orc friend is a easy task if you gain the respect of this large and friendly Orc Chief.
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  55. Airene Mountain Country: This is a private country in Airene which was purchased by Bah'Qwell near the end of the Cultist war. He has given it up to all the Orcish folk and its current owner is Bah'Qwell even though he has given it little attention. It basically is run by the many cities and small setllements within the Country. It is located nearest towards the Coastline desert and stretches for a good part of the entire continental mountain range
  57. Mon'Tah: This city is located within the mountains of Airene; the people of Mon'Tah are cursed with an affliction that forces one to be part golem, part human; also called "Sub humans" The sub humans use mostly rock and other minerals for their foundation, some use mud which hardens over time; the sub humans in Mon'Tah live in gigantic rocky huts that help support their size. Though they don't think of any race as trash besides the undead, the sub humans despise witchcraft and mages, and will arrest any sign of magick craft in vicinity.
  59. HrathGar: Is the Main Orc Tribe of the mountain country of Airene. As always, the chief of this Tribe reports to Ba'Qwell back in the canyonlands but is still a noticable figure within Ariene itself. The Tribe is quite close to Mon'Tah and the Orcs have bad and good history with the Mon'Tah. Currently they are fighting over the topic of Goblins who are migrating this way now that many of them were freed from slavery. The two groups of people have both agreed with the other cities and countriese of Ariene that the Goblins have to find places to live but now Mon'Tah and HrathGar might possibly go to war to figure out who will give up land for the Goblins. The Goblin's themselves are a neutral force and are willing to fight both sides to get what they deserve.
  61. Tribal land of Senhellis: The Tribal lands of Senhelli belong to the Senhelli people who were the native inhabitants of the Airene Mountain Country. Land was stripped from them by the HrathGar and Montah settlements and so they have issued blood war on all invaders of their land. So far they have yet to make any actual attacks on the other settlements though. Their relationship with the Goblins are and have been horrible. If the Goblins do make permenent settlements within the Mountain Country, they are sure to do battle with the Senhelli.
  63. Goblin camps: The Goblins who were once slaves to a multitude of settlements have started to be freed as there inteligence came to light. They have begun to migrate towards Airene and finally towards the Mountain country to build a home for themselves. However the arguments between HrathGar and Mon'Tah seem to be in their way. To achieve a home they have made attacks on both cities and begun moving their camps onto their land.
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  67. Exus: The continent of Exus was once called outland, but now is actually brought back thanks to the valiant efforts of the various men and women whom overthrew Radiel from control of Del Roden. Thanks to this, all of Adria can yet again remain in peace; as the great undead overmind was finally overthrown. However, it is unknown if Radiel was dead or not; and speculation has it that he is hiding, and undead influence still happens to be seen throughout Exus mostly.
  69. Del Roden: Del Roden is the capital city of Exus now under control of the group that defeated the Cultists influence. It is now a large city with several inns, hotels, general stores, and smith houses alike. Del Roden still has the massive castle that was refined into a new one, which the new leader now owns. Most of the population is Orcish but the races all live in peace here, as there are orcs, humans, Elven, and other known races that live here.
  71. Del Haas: Del Haas is the name of the main encampment of the largest Argonian tribe, the lizardmen of Del Haas have a decent alliance with the Orcish tribe in the CanyonLands but they have had records of warfare in the past. Now they are at a moment of peace where the two tribes work equally at the moment, but that may change. Del Haas appears as several stone structures and stretched hide of the Lizardmens hunts as decorations, they usually only use stone for building and their weapon tech is actually quite decent, they're not as high as human weaponry but they are indeed very well with handling weapons.
  73. League of Reformation: This area is where most of the cultists that once resided in Exus have been shipped to. It is more like a prison compound where the cultists are slowly broke free of their demonic beliefs and reformed.
  75. CanyonLands: The CanyonLands is a large area filled with Canyons and steep cliffs. It is still home to the greatest gathering of Orcs that ever existed except now all the Orcs live under one Chief which is still the legendary Nobb, Ba'Qwell. Rocks were hollowed out and now most of the Orcs sleep indoors. It is rumored that lately The Canyon lands have had Orcguns shipped to them from Southern Kaenra. They are now at peace with Exus and have several Ambassadors over in Del Roden.
  77. Cemetary of the Cultist: This is a large plot of land within the country and continent part of Exus which is still grey with death and is known to be populated by the last standing extremist cultist. The undead near this area are still aplenty and despite the efforts from the people of Exus and their allies over the years it is slow work reducing the Cemetary to nothing. Somehow the cultist are getting in and out of the Cemetary because lately, Hired guns are appearing with actual guns! It is hard for the people of Exus to identify these hired hands because all the cultist have donned on masks. The mages wear ceremonial robes and the hired guns were modern body armor type suits. No one knows what is going on within the dephs of this horrid region from the past.
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  81. Kaina: Kaina is a massive set of land submerged in a massive sheet of ice. The thick ice covers all of the continent, and this is where the Ice Trolls reside. The continent is on the south of the planet and is one of the polar ice caps.
  83. Iceheart: Iceheart is possibly Kainas largest city, here, Iceheart has a subspecies of Dwarves whom are adapted to the snow. They have been having difficulties getting along with the Shadowtusk tribe but they're attempting to prevent any warfare from breaking out. Although they try this there has been reported deaths of Trolls and Dwarven beings, Iceheart accepts anyone. The main population is ice dwarf, but some hobbits made their home here.
  85. Shadowtusk: Shadowtusk is a Troll village located in the center of Kaina, the trolls strategically placed it here so it'd give the enemy a hard time trudging through endless snow and frigid cold. It's rather primitive, and the population is strickty trolls; only orcish people are an exception. Shadowtusk consists of igloos, but the shadowtusk tribe also utilizes wood, bone, and hide. Anything they find is handy; and they do trade with most of the Orcish tribes located across the sea.
  87. Valley of Frost: A large valley within Kaina where the Arctic equivelent of Cave Bears roam. Tribal villages dot this Valley living off of the bears. Thousands a year die on hunting expeditions. If you want intense training this is where to go.
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  90. Skæra: Skæra is the "sky continent", It's also the continent for the rich and most wealthy people. It is located between the connecting continents and Kaenra, and is actually above the sea itself. If it were in the sea, it'd still be smaller than Kaenra; scientists and even the best of mages have no idea just how the lands started floating and becoming a continent in the sky, and are unsure if it was in the water at first as well. Skæra is a place for only the luxorias because the mines are rich with various materials that are considered to be gods little treasure. The mines are also home to several creatures and the skies also bring them dangerously close to air based creatures, but overall Skæra is not going to fall into the earth anytime soon, and will most likely stay the way it is for quite some time. It's said an earth mage and an air mage fell in love with one another; so they made this place as a monument for eachother.
  92. Ethaia: Ethaia is the first city any person new to Skaera would encounter. It serves as the crossing gate to the other cities and is the nations first defence. The city is made of military compounds filled with Skaera's own sky people who are known for their translucent skin and illuminating skin and the small wings that protrude from their heels. They too are experianced with guns and run this small Military city tight to not let any "unwantables" in. They keep records of everyone who is moving in and out of Ethaia.
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  96. Krete: Krete is an island far off the coast of Exus and can only be reached by air or water, Krete isn't very civilized and perhaps a few native tribes live within the lush forestry that is covering the entirity of the island. There is also a man known as Alexander whom owns a massive castle and is said to have servants that canter to his every whim. It's unknown what happens inside the castle of Krete but Alexander is apparently a kind man whom lets in any guest who simply asks politely.
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  98. Coral Island: Coral Island is located miles to the northwest of Krete. This area gets its name from the fact that the entire island itself is made from the dead seashells of sea creatures, AKA Coral. This is where the Naga tend to be located and gather at; they have various structures they use for housing, shopping, and religious need. This is where the naga are in charge, and any race besides them that attempts entering the Naga turf will quickly be captured and arrested.
  100. Kora: The naga city of Kora is located on Coral Island, and is actually very beautiful for a race that is so looked down upon, intricate buildings constructed of coral and beautiful decorations leading into the buildings are seen, Naga have various things included in Kora such as inns and basic buildings; however they have several young water serpants that are breed inside a hole hollowed out on the island, the hole is filled with water for the serpant, so the serpant can strike. The same process is done for naga homes, except decorations of coral is usually built around the pit and furnishing is added; The naga people also have homes on the coast and submerged in the water.
  102. Skethpatch: This is a Uruganian City within the Coral Island. It is a good distance from Kora and they rarely trade although they know of each others existance. Unless you are one of the crab people you have a low chance of ever entering the city without being placed under arrest, the Naga and the Urugans are still fighting at times and the Uruganians always try ceasing Naga property.
  104. The fields of hell: It is said that this location houses the entrance to hell itself, but scientists of course proved it is an island still being developed; and is estimated to join itself with Airene eventually. Of course Airene and this island are separated by hundreds of miles of sea. The hell fields land is very brutal, it consists of cooled, cracked up magma. People can walk on the land but there are several streams of lava that are still seen, and the cooled magma can sometimes be like ice; the thin shell of earth could suddenly break in and submerge someone in the pool of liquid rock. The hell fields are actually quite old and wildlife and some humanoids populated it in the past, currently it is home to red slimes, fire dragons, and suneaters most notably. In the center there's an actual ancient temple; but no one particularly knows just who forged it, people speculate that the humanoids did it in secret. An ancient treasure is said to reside within the fields of hells temple.----------------
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