
30,000 pounds of Bananas

Jun 27th, 2012
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  1. >Day 327 in Equestria
  2. >It had been nearly a year since you arrived in this land of pastel colored p0nies.
  3. >Almost a year since you had been able to do what you love.
  4. >Drive your truck cross country to deliver goods and materials.
  5. >It felt good to be back on the road after so much down time in P0nyville.
  6. >When you appeared on the outskirts of town the residents of P0nyville were at first frightened of you.
  7. >Well not so much you but the large vehicle you drove up in.
  8. >You were a long haul trucker before you came here and when you were pulled through to this world your rig came with you.
  9. >It took a bit of time but you were able to convince them you meant no harm and your truck was just a machine.
  10. >After meeting Twilight and her friends, Pinkie threw her customary welcome party and everyone was a lot friendlier towards you.
  11. >You spent the next few weeks with Twilight trying to figure out how you got here and if you could be sent home.
  12. >Meanwhile she asked you questions about your home, human culture and especially your truck.
  13. >You explain the internal combustion engine to her, the fuel source and a general run down of the transportation industry back home.
  14. >She sits fascinated as you describe the inner workings of the machinery.
  15. >As time passed it became clear you were never going to be able to return home.
  16. >Resolving to find your place in this new world you wondered if you could manage to get your truck running again.
  17. >Most transport here was done by train or pony drawn cart.
  18. >Since diesel was nonexistent you would need an alternate fuel.
  19. >With time, a lot of help from Twilight and some modifications to the engine you were back in action.
  20. >You are still not entirely sure what the new fuel is made of though.
  21. >It could be made of liquid rainbows and unicorn farts for all you care.
  22. >You had your truck up and running and that is all that mattered.
  23. >Your first job was for Applejack.
  24. >Delivering a truckload of apples to Manehatten.
  25. >Normally she and Big Mac would have had to deliver them to the train station one cart load at a time before filling up a train car.
  26. >You were able to fill your trailer in one load and delivery it straight to the customer in Manehatten.
  27. >As word got around of your delivery business you began to get more large shipment orders.
  28. >The fact you could go places the train system had yet to reach and were able to haul more than any one pony pulled cart could made you the perfect choice for some deliveries.
  29. >You had gained a reputation as reliable and efficient over your time in Equestria.
  30. >A fact that brought you to the attention of Celestia.
  32. >One week ago
  33. >You were summoned to Canterlot to meet with Princess Celestia.
  34. >Entering the royal court you are greeted by the Princess.
  35. >”Hello Anonymous, it is a pleasure to see you again.”
  36. “It’s wonderful to see you as well your highness.”
  37. >”You may be wonder why I asked you to come here today and the reason is I would like to offer you a job.”
  38. “A job your majesty?”
  39. >”Yes, it was brought to my attention that your work is efficient and faster than other forms available.”
  40. >”Your transportation service has also come highly recommended by a few individuals.”
  41. >”I am in need of those services.”
  42. “I See, may I ask what it is I will be shipping?”
  43. >“But of course you may.”
  44. >”On the other side of the mountain range, on which Canterlot resides, and a few days carriage ride away are the royal plantations.”
  45. >”That is where your future cargo is grown, golden delicious bananas.”
  46. >“They have very particular growing needs and the environment in the area is perfect for that.”
  47. >”Unfortunately there are no nearby train stations so transporting them has been a challenge.”
  48. >”The only options have been to haul them by cart but doing so takes upwards of a week with pony pulled carts laden with bananas.”
  49. >”Pegasus drawn cart would cut down on delivery time but are prohibitively expensive and simply can’t handle the amounts needed.”
  50. >”With the carrying capacity and speed of your “truck?” you may be just what I have been looking for.”
  51. >”So Anon, are you interested?”
  54. >Here you are a stone’s throw from Canterlot .
  55. >About to crest the last mountain to make your way back to the city.
  56. >It had only taken you 3 days to get from Canterlot to the plantations and back to this point.
  57. >Once you made you way over the mountains with their steep and winding roads it was more or less a straight shot to you destination.
  58. >As soon as you were on the open plains you put the hammer down and enjoyed the ride.
  59. >Not a single weigh station or highway patrol in sight.
  60. >Aside from a guard station which let you through with no trouble when you showed them the royal order from Celestia.
  61. >When you arrived at the loading area of the plantation the workers were surprised.
  62. >Not only by your truck but also your speedy arrival.
  63. >They loading you up.
  64. >Damn you had never seen so many bananas.
  65. >They packed them into your open top trailer as high as they could.
  66. >Must have been at least 30,000 pounds of the yellow fruit in there.
  67. >Someone in Canterlot must really like bananas.
  68. >So here you are making your way down the last steep mountain road leading down into Canterlot.
  69. >Just a few more miles to go.
  70. >With any luck Celestia will be so impressed she may give you a bonus.
  71. >Hopefully this will be a regular gig.
  72. >It was so nice to be back on the road.
  73. >Was a smooth trip.
  74. >Going to be nice to head home though.
  75. >Sitting on your ass for 3 days straight is harder than you would think.
  76. >It will be nice to relax and spend some time with Twilight.
  77. >The 2 of you had grown quite close over the past year between her curiosity about your world and helping get you back on the road.
  78. >What can you say; you always did fall for the nerdy types.
  80. >You are so lost in thought you didn’t notice you are picking up speed.
  81. >As you come to a curve in the road you apply the brakes.
  82. >The pedal reaches the floor without so much as a sound.
  84. >Cutting the wheel you barely make the sweeping curve.
  85. >Only to be faced with the steepest part of the road that leads straight into Canterlot.
  86. >Jamming your foot on the useless brakes you begin to panic.
  88. >With the weight of 30,000 pound of bananas behind you it would be hard to stop even with brakes.
  89. >You continue to pick up speed.
  90. >Soon you are barreling down at close to 90mph.
  91. >Up ahead you see a carriage.
  92. >You are able to dodge, only barely, as you rocket past.
  93. >Unfortunately you are still heading straight into Canterlot with no way to stop.
  94. >You make it to the gates of Canterlot.
  95. >The pegasus guards flying out of the way to avoid you as you roar through.
  96. >Swerving to keep from hitting ponies you smash into a cart parked on the side of the road.
  97. >You do your best to maintain control but at the speed you’re going it’s not easy.
  98. >Clipping a few street lamps and sideswiping a carriage you get yourself back on the road.
  99. >All of this has done little to slow your momentum.
  100. >Still going a good 70mph you look up to see the stone wall ahead.
  101. “fuck…”
  103. >The sound of metal slamming into stone could be heard across Canterlot.
  104. >Smoke and flames could be seen rising from the crash site.
  105. >Celestia felt the castle shake before rushing to her balcony.
  106. >Quickly she flew to the scene of the wreckage.
  107. >Landing with the grace only she possesses she looks upon the smoke rising from the burning heap of twisted steel.
  108. >Apparently unicorn farts are quite flammable.
  109. >Turning her gaze on the street leading to the crash site her breath catches in her throat at what she sees.
  110. >There along the road lay Anons cargo.
  111. >Smeared for 400 yards are 30,000 pounds of mashed bananas.
  112. >Celestia breaks down in tears at the sight.
  113. End
  115. Inspired by Harry Chapin’s song, 30,000 pounds of bananas
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