
breff paranoid as fuck

Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. bicdq: and got to 36 % after 3hrs i think XD
  2. bicdq: they have quite a few alts from some of the more serious guilds playing there
  3. cocamoca99: cheating
  4. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Lol, panicked at the end of that try
  5. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Also, that sounds nice
  6. cocamoca99: you got couples in the guild?
  7. bicdq: there was 1 before
  8. bicdq: and im not sure but i think there is another 1 jiust joined now
  9. cocamoca99: i wouldnt know how to feel about a couple in the guild
  10. bicdq: personally not a fan :P
  11. cocamoca99: im guessing its marux and the guy that just spoke
  12. cocamoca99: the one that joined
  13. bicdq: nah haha
  14. bicdq: its the priest thendris and
  15. bicdq: shaman meifa
  16. cocamoca99: aaaaa ok
  17. cocamoca99: they dont seem to speak
  18. bicdq: they had another couple back in hfc
  19. cocamoca99: lol so many couples
  20. bicdq: i think where the girl had some drama
  21. bicdq: and the caused the guy to bail out of the raid team too
  22. bicdq: but that was before i joined
  23. cocamoca99: that sucks
  24. bicdq: so im not sure
  25. Crusers: there is still marriage in guild :P
  26. bicdq: and yeah the new couple doesnt seem too chatty yet
  27. bicdq: they pretty new
  28. bicdq: that voice just then was meifa :P
  29. bicdq: this she is polish
  30. cocamoca99: right
  31. cocamoca99: what happens if she moves through the beam?
  32. cocamoca99: boss gets energy?
  33. bicdq: the idea is to absorb the energy with either hte maiden or with players
  34. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Nah, it just does a load of damage to the raid
  35. bicdq: any unsoaked energy goes to the boss
  36. cocamoca99: ok
  37. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: So that wiped us then
  38. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: because of the healing debuff that applies to the people soaking
  39. cocamoca99: the stacks are a healing debuff too?
  40. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: it's difficult to heal people up if the maiden goes through the purple beam
  41. cocamoca99: WHAT IS THIS FIGHT
  42. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Yeh, that's why we don't take them to 8 stacks
  43. bicdq: :P
  44. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: by then it's a big enough healing debuff that stuff like the chaos ois a real issue
  45. cocamoca99: that looks like such a *** of a spot
  46. cocamoca99: this dk likes his army
  47. bicdq: its a big deal for them :P
  48. cocamoca99: haha i love this guy
  49. cocamoca99: wtf
  50. bicdq: the dk? :P
  51. cocamoca99: yeah
  52. bicdq: :D
  53. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: :D Juggy
  54. cocamoca99: should have heard him before
  55. cocamoca99: he made the funniest scream
  56. bicdq: lol
  57. cocamoca99: when he almost stepped on the green stuff
  58. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: He accidently hit push to talk whilst screaming
  59. cocamoca99: haha ye
  60. cocamoca99: legend
  61. bicdq: haha
  62. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: I'll try and clip it tomorro
  63. Crusers: im pretty sure that me and bic heard already all kinds of juggy screams :P
  64. bicdq: ive had some weird ones recorded too
  65. cocamoca99: you guys have any kills on youtube?
  66. bicdq: the other dk who is rip tonight due to irl posts his stuff on youtube
  67. cocamoca99: whats his name?
  68. bicdq: uh sec ill try find the channel haha
  69. bicdq:
  70. cocamoca99: "gnomespwns"
  71. cocamoca99: there is a video called Bicpls
  72. cocamoca99: im watching that
  73. cocamoca99: hahaha is that Bicdq screaming
  74. bicdq: yeah lol :P
  75. cocamoca99: what did you get
  76. cocamoca99: high tf?
  77. bicdq: that was when i was playing my DH
  78. bicdq: and got the leggy ring
  79. cocamoca99: oooohhhh thats biss
  80. bicdq: yeah was back in NH tier
  81. bicdq: they had another recording of me getting extremely trolled..
  82. cocamoca99: i dont see that one
  83. cocamoca99: i see a rank 1 on elisande
  84. cocamoca99: and augur fails xD
  85. bicdq:
  86. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Lol, all of Breff's video pictures
  87. cocamoca99: hahaha was that a bad legendary?
  88. bicdq: yeah haha
  89. bicdq: it was from blingtron
  90. cocamoca99: what?
  91. bicdq: i fucked up my loot spec
  92. cocamoca99: blingtron?
  93. bicdq: i had it set to frost
  94. bicdq: instead of fire
  95. cocamoca99: blingtron gives legendaries?!
  96. bicdq: and got a really piece of shit frost one instead accidentaly
  97. bicdq: yeah it does haha
  98. bicdq: it can* at least
  99. cocamoca99: i had no idea
  100. bicdq: yeah the augur wipe compilation is pretty good :P
  101. cocamoca99: im watching his frost challenge thingy
  102. cocamoca99: and im kinda surprised how hard it looks
  103. cocamoca99: i was just jumping over the ice
  104. cocamoca99: half the time at least
  105. bicdq: he did that whenn it was released haha
  106. bicdq: was a lot harder initially
  107. bicdq: think they nerfed some parts of the fight
  108. cocamoca99: ah right would make sense
  109. cocamoca99: haha his relief at the end
  110. bicdq: yeah XD
  111. cocamoca99: is this guy the leader?
  112. bicdq: which guy?
  113. cocamoca99: the guy talking all posh
  114. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Yeh, Breff is the guild master
  115. bicdq: lol
  116. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: LOL
  117. bicdq: which guy you think has
  118. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: talking all posh :p
  119. bicdq: posh accent? :D
  120. cocamoca99: the guy asking some other guy why he moved
  121. Crusers: lol
  122. Crusers: lisp posh accent ?:D
  123. bicdq: i was alt tabbed
  124. bicdq: was he talking about lisp?
  125. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Haskell is from royalty
  126. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: kappa
  127. Crusers: definitly not daghra :P
  128. cocamoca99: im guessing he isnt because you're trolling :P
  129. bicdq: Lisp likes to pretend he is leading
  130. cocamoca99: he named himself lisp?
  131. bicdq: it was his old character name
  132. bicdq: he likes to name himself after
  133. bicdq: antiquated programming languages
  134. cocamoca99: haha
  135. cocamoca99: i didnt even know lisp
  136. bicdq: because he is *that* cool
  137. cocamoca99: haha you seem to like him
  138. bicdq: he is the brother of the gm
  139. bicdq: he gets away with a lot because of his family ties imo
  140. cocamoca99: wow you really don't like him :P
  141. cocamoca99: but yes i guess you can get away with alot if your brother runs the guild
  142. cocamoca99: haha danger zone
  143. cocamoca99: fitting i suppose
  144. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: GOOD NIGHT
  145. cocamoca99: awesome raid
  146. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: Cheers for tuning in for Avatar fun times
  147. cocamoca99: you're all awesome
  148. Broadcaster Twitch Prime Jonnybelock: good luck on mistress!
  149. cocamoca99: thanks
  150. bicdq: see you coca :P, gl with your raiding haha
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