
A Boring World Ch. 6 [FIN]

Jan 3rd, 2013
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  1. >You slump to your knees
  2. >Thoughts race through your head
  3. >You think you hear Twilight saying something, but you can’t tell
  4. >Pinkie Pie is dead
  5. >Killed by Discord
  6. >But you know who really killed her
  7. >Discord is nothing but a rabid dog, a slave to his instincts and desires
  8. >No, the real killer was you
  9. >You freed Discord
  10. >And now, the one pony in this world who had liked you,
  11. >Who had trusted you enough to bring you to Discord’s statue without question
  12. >She was gone, and you had no one to blame but yourself
  13. >You want to scream
  14. >All the rage, hopelessness and sorrow that has been rushing through you wells up all at once
  15. >The rest of the world fades as your vision blurs
  16. >You can feel something hit your face, but you ignore it
  17. >You just want to lay here forever
  18. >A sharp pain hits you
  19. >You gasp, and look up
  20. >Twilight has stomped on your hand
  21. >Its started bleeding again
  22. >It’s a miracle you haven’t run out of blood yet
  23. >Twilight looks at you
  24. >Tears are flowing freely down her face
  25. >But there’s something else in her eyes
  26. >”You think I’ll just let you give up after all you’ve done?!”
  27. >She twists her hoof into your hand
  28. >”Anon, I have a theory. So pay attention!”
  29. >Tears come unwillingly to you as the pain flows through you
  30. I…I’m listening
  31. >”Anon, you said you had super strength, right? What exactly did you mean by that?”
  32. Er, well I punched a hole through my cell door, as well as ripped off my shackles
  33. >Twilight nods
  34. >She doesn’t look surprised
  35. >”You don’t have super strength, Anon.”
  36. >What
  37. What do you mean? Are you saying the thick door I punched through was made out of candy or something?
  38. >”No, Anon, I believe you aren’t just able to remove strong enchantments. I believe you are a true magic sink.”
  39. Ok Twilight, that’s fascinating. And that means what exactly?
  40. >She sighs
  41. >”Listen. A magic sink is something that resists magic. It can hold massive amounts of energy, but has no use for it beyond a simple energy source. There are many kinds of magic sinks, most being relatively limited in the types of magic it can absorb.”
  42. >”You, however, are more than what we would call a regular magic sink. Magic has absolutely no effect on you, regardless of its form.”
  43. Ok, so you’re saying magic and enchantments don’t work on me. I guess that explains your light show earlier. What exactly were you trying to do?
  44. >She blushes
  45. >”I was trying to blow up your head”
  46. >Well then
  47. So if I’m immune to your magic, and enchantments casted on me or objects I touch don’t work, how exactly does that explain how I can punch through walls?
  48. >”Anon, didn’t you hear me? I said magic won’t work on you, regardless of its form. Equestria is a world filled with nothing but magic, including its inhabitants and materials.
  49. >”When you punched that door, you must have been focusing on it giving way to your touch, and so the magic inside it merely gave away and it fell before your hand.”
  50. >Shit
  51. >That’s awesome
  52. Then why did it still hurt my hand? Speaking of which, could you…?
  53. >Twilight lifts her hoof off your hand. “Anon, I don’t think you understand how badly your hand is injured. The fact that a brush of wind doesn’t hurt it surprises me.”
  54. Did that go through your head when you stomped on it?
  55. >She blushes again
  56. >God damn that’s cute
  57. >”Well I slapped you too, but nothing was working so I freaked out. I wasn’t about to let my theory go to waste.”
  58. >You look at her
  59. >She stares back at you
  60. >You aren’t sure if she still hates you
  61. >What you do know is that what she told you is important
  62. >You might stand a chance
  63. >You’ll atone for your mistake if it’s the last thing you do
  64. >Which it might be
  65. >’Operation: Punch Discord in the Face’ is back on track
  67. >You stand up
  68. >You wobble as you do so
  69. >Looks like the blood loss is catching up
  70. >You squeeze your hand shut, and the pain helps bring you back to reality
  71. >You look down to Twilight
  72. Ok Twilight, here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to go and start releasing the ponies from the cells. Clearly no one in Equestria believes that someone could possibly get out and free all their friends, and Discord is no exception. Once you get them out, get them out and down to Canterlot as fast as possible. Find a safe place to go, and take out any undead that get in your way.
  73. >She looks at you for a moment, then nods
  74. >You turn to go, but she grabs your pants
  75. >”Anon, what are you planning to do?”
  76. >You take a deep breath, and try to put on a smile
  77. >It’s weak, but you aren’t terribly happy
  78. I’m going to go punch Discord, of course
  79. >Before she can respond, you sprint down the corridor
  81. >You soon reach the entrance to the main arena
  82. >The gate is closed, and you look out to see what’s happening
  83. >The crowd’s roar echoes through the bars of the gate
  84. >A grey pegasus with skew eyes is fighting against what appears to be a lion
  85. >A very large lion
  86. >She has a spear, and is attempting to push back the lion
  87. >It roars and swipes at the pony, knocking the spear out of her hooves
  88. >The pony tries to fly, but her wings are pinned to her side
  89. >She begins to run, much to the crowds delight
  90. >You’ve had enough
  91. >You put your hands on the bars, and close your eye to concentrate
  92. >You pull, and the bars pull right out of the wall
  93. >You take a deep breath, and step into the light of the arena
  95. >The lion is still chasing the poor pony, who is now in hysterics as she runs
  96. >She spots you, and begins to make a mad dash towards you
  97. >You take another deep breath as she runs past you, the lion seconds behind her
  98. >Spotting new prey that isn’t moving, it changes its focus
  99. The lion is made of magic
  100. Stop the magic
  101. Stop the magic
  102. >The lion pounces
  103. >Only to stop in its track as its front canine makes contact with your shoulder
  104. >The lion falls to the ground, looking confused
  105. >You look down at it, and it roars again
  106. >It gets up, and paces around you
  107. >As it prepares to leap, it disappears into thin air
  108. >And Discord takes its place
  109. >”Oh well isn’t this just a most wonderful surprise! If it isn’t my good friend Anon?”
  110. >You fix him with your best glare, clenching your unbroken fist
  111. >”My, are you still angry at me? I can’t imagine why.”
  112. >He begins to float, circling around you, taunting you
  113. >”Is it because I encased you in the ground? You were freed, weren’t you? Though I’ll admit you don’t exactly look so great from it”
  114. >The crowd laughs, and you look up at them
  115. >These ponies aren’t undead
  116. >Discord notices the look, and pulls your head back to him
  117. >”I see you’ve noticed my loyal subjects! Aren’t they just fantastic? Mmmm yes, all they had to do was give up their friends and family, and swear to worship me. Of course, only one per family, so the first to do so are here! The rest? Well, I imagine you saw them, seeing how you came from the fighters entrance.”
  118. >He laughs, and after a moment you hear the crowd laugh with him
  119. >At least now you understand the two lines outside
  120. >”Ah, but where was I? Oh right, why you look so angry! Well if it isn’t the trapping thing… could you know about Pinkie?”
  121. >Your fist clenches harder, and you can feel your nose flare
  122. >”Ah ha! There’s the ticket! Well if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t want her to die either! I just needed to kill one of the elements, and I didn’t want to be unfair by choosing my least favorite pony!”
  123. >He leans in forward, whispering in your ear
  124. >”But we can’t go against eenie meenie miney mo, can we?”
  125. >Ok brain, we’ve waited long enough
  126. >Can we lose our shit now?
  128. >You roar, and jump at Discord, attempting to punch him
  129. >He leaps back, laughing as he disappears into the air again
  130. >”Now now Anon, none of that! You see, I have different plans for you!”
  131. >You grit your teeth
  132. >Fucking Discord
  133. >Before you can do anything more, the ground in front of you opens up, and you can hear gears moving
  134. >You back up as a platform rises up out of the ground
  135. >You gasp, as well as the crowd
  136. >It seems Discord had kept this to himself
  137. >Chained to the platform, sitting on her knees, was Celestia
  139. >”Oh yes Anon, that’s right! Don’t you and Celestia have problems with each other? I will admit, she was never very fun.”
  140. >Celestia looks like she normally does, except her coat and hair seems dull and listless
  141. >”Even the Oh-So-Powerful-Celestia is no match for me. I’ll commend her; she wasn’t as easy to corrupt as the Elements of Harmony were when I was freed last year! Quite the challenge, oh yes, but all fall before chaos!”
  142. >Discord’s words bring you back to the train ride
  143. >Pinkie explained how they had been tricked by Discord, and all had become the opposite of their strongest quality
  144. >You had found it hard to believe that Pinkie could be anything but cheerful
  145. >So what was Celestia’s strongest quality? What would she be like?
  146. >You hear a snap, and notice the chains binding Celestia have been broken
  147. >The crowd is roaring now, hurting your ears
  148. >”Hello, Anon.”
  149. Hello Celestia
  150. >”Do you remember how I said I was going to kill you slowly?”
  151. You’ve asked me this before Celestia, of course I remember
  152. >”I’ve changed my mind”
  153. >Huh
  154. >You didn’t expect that at all
  155. >You guess anger was her biggest quality?
  156. >So she’s friendly now!
  157. So you’re saying you’re going to help me kill Discord?
  158. >Celestia begins laughing
  159. >Twilight is better at this theory thing than you
  160. >”Oh no, Anon, that’s not what I mean at all! I’m still going to kill you. It’s just going to be fast!”
  161. >You see her eyes go skew momentarily, before she leaps at you
  162. >Shit, self-control was her biggest quality?!
  163. >That’s bull!
  164. >Before you can continue contemplating, Celestia falls upon you
  165. >You are pushed down to the ground
  166. >Breath knocked out #3
  167. >She rises up again, and you see that familiar yellow glow
  168. >Sun explodey blast time now, huh?
  169. >You begin to focus
  170. >A large bang goes all around you, and the light fades away
  171. >”What?! But how?!”
  172. >Celestia backs up slowly as you get up to your feet
  173. >Her eyes are wide; she couldn’t imagine anyone living through that
  174. >The only one who had done anything to her was Discord
  175. >And now, you were going to follow suit
  176. >You clenched your broken fist
  177. >Not even Celestia would take your perfect right from Discord
  178. >No matter how much she had tortured you
  179. >If anything, it was fitting you’d take her out with the fist she herself had mangled
  180. >Or at least, she mangled it first
  181. >You charge forward
  182. >Celestia stumbles back
  183. >Just as your fist is about to connect, she smirks and twists, leaping to the side
  184. >Damn she’s fast
  185. >You fly past, and she kicks you in the side
  186. >She’s moving, so it isn’t a full kick, but you still grunt as you fall to the ground
  187. >So apparently you aren’t good at reading bluffs
  188. >Who knew?
  189. >Ok, time for Plan B
  190. >You get up to your feet as fast as you can, and run at Celestia again
  191. >She backs up, but your fist isn’t clenched
  192. >You run straight at her, and tackle her like before
  193. >This time, she goes over
  194. >As you both fall to the ground, you feel a tingling in your hands
  195. >You look at Celestia as she lies down on the ground, and you can see a yellow right rushing up your arms
  196. >You almost jump back, but you notice she isn’t moving
  197. >This isn’t her doing
  198. >You steadily release your grip around Celestia’s neck, and the flow of magic stops
  199. >You suddenly feel awake
  200. >You look down at your hands and see the blood from your left has stopped flowing
  201. >It’s healed
  202. >Crooked though, so you imagine a punch would still hurt
  203. >A small flex of your hand confirms just that
  204. >You get back to your feet, and notice how eerily quiet it is
  205. >The crowd stares as their once princess lays on the ground
  206. >The monkey who arrived but a month ago just took out one of the most powerful beings in Equestria
  207. >With what they see as a simple tackle
  208. >A muttering begins to flow through the crowd
  209. >You look around the arena until you find Discord
  210. >He sits on a large throne
  211. >His mouth is hanging open
  212. >It closes when he notices you looking at him
  213. >He smiles, and appears in front of you
  214. >”Well. I think it’s safe to say you’ve shocked us all, Anon. I think, now, I am willing to let you join me in my conquest of Equestria!”
  215. >You look at Discord
  216. >He’s extended his claw towards you
  217. >You smile at him, and reach out to take it with your mangled hand
  218. >As your hands meet, Discord attempts his own magic on you; daggers and claws fly at you from all directions
  219. >Your smile larger as they bounce of you harmlessly
  220. >Discord attempts to dissipate, but you have him now
  221. >You tighten your grip, ignoring your hand’s protests
  222. >You can feel Discords energy flowing into you
  223. >It isn’t doing too much, you just feel very awake
  224. >Like you just chugged twenty energy drinks and a pot of coffee
  225. >He struggles feebly as his energy continues to drain
  226. >You clench your good fist
  227. >You swear you can feel it shudder with joy
  228. This, Discord. This is for Pinkie.
  229. >You yank Discord forward as you throw your fist
  230. >They connect
  231. >Discords face stops
  232. >Your fist doesn’t
  233. >There’s a unanimous gasp as your fist goes right through Discord’s skull
  234. >All his magic is gone, so there’s nothing to protect him
  235. >No way to dissipate and return to his normal form
  236. >You let go of his claw as he falls
  237. >As he hits the ground, you feel as if you can hear his voice echo through the stadium
  238. >”Wasn’t this fun…?”
  239. >You fall to your knees
  240. >The crowd erupts into cheers as the sky returns to normal
  241. >The undead ponies are being sucked back with the dark purple
  242. >You sit on the ground, and await Celestia’s awakening
  243. >She’ll want to arrest you.
  245. Epilogue
  246. >Day Peaceful in Equestria
  247. >The sun is shining
  248. >The birds are singing
  249. >A beautiful day for an execution
  250. >A massive crowd is gathered in the fields outside Ponyville
  251. >The execution was originally meant to take place in the throne room of Canterlot, but every pony involved in the incident wanted to see it
  252. >Regardless of what side they were on
  253. >It was funny; after you killed Discord, Celestia awoke and you gave yourself to her
  254. >She immediately took you back to her dungeon, with guards keeping an eye on you at all times
  255. >Outside, ponies who weren’t helping restore Ponyville and Canterlot to normal were arguing over the fate of the hairless monkey
  256. >One side wanted you to be executed; they knew you had freed Discord, and that regardless of your part in his ultimate defeat, it was a conflict that should never had happened in the first place
  257. >The other side wished for you to be freed, and not only that, but actually wanted you to be given a place in royalty. They believed the one who had defeated both Celestia and Discord within a matter of minutes is something too powerful to kill, and some had even taken it so far as to consider you a god.
  258. >Most of the latter were those who had seen you fight, but it didn’t really matter what they thought
  259. >Celestia’s word was still law, but she was swayed by your atonement. So, she deemed that she would no longer torture you for years to come, but instead give you a swift death
  260. >Protestors from the former group and those not in either group swiftly fought for a large execution so that everyone would see the price of such foolishness, and Applejack happily offered up her land for use
  261. >She still hated you, more than any of the others. She was glad to see you go
  262. >Twilight had more or less forgiven you, though she still agreed with whatever Celestia said.
  263. >You talked to Twilight a few times in the month before your execution was to take place. It was nice to have someone visit you
  264. >Fluttershy had never hated you, it seems. She was sad Pinkie died, but she didn’t blame you. Luckily, she wasn’t allowed to visit you since everyone still thought you raped her.
  265. >Rarity and Rainbow Dash stayed aloof. Rarity decided that since she had never taken an interest in you, she’d continue to leave you alone. Rainbow was too loyal to Fluttershy and Pinkie to stand being near you, even though she had once liked you
  266. >You walk forward on the stage erected in the middle of the fields
  267. >Apparently this field was going to be an Orchard once the apple family got enough money to tend to that much more apples
  268. >Good to see your actions gave the old field a purpose
  269. >The pony headsman stood to the side, a wicked looking axe leaning on his shoulder
  270. >Celestia stepped forward, standing beside you
  271. >She motioned, and the guard behind you pushed you down onto your knees
  272. >Your hands and feet were shackled once again, though you didn’t see the point
  273. >Nowhere to run
  274. >You hear Celestia clear her throat, and the crowd quiets down immediately
  275. >”Welcome, Subjects!”
  276. >You learned from Twilights visits that what Celestia was doing was known as the “Royal Whisper”, essentially a whisper that spreads out as far as a shout
  277. >Magic again
  278. >”Today, we gather to witness the execution of Anon Y. Mous. He has been charged with the crimes of releasing Discord, and by association, all the death and destruction Discord reaped upon the land of Equestria”
  279. >You hear boos erupt from a larger portion of the crowd
  280. >”These deaths include 117 ponies killed from the initial chaos Discord unleashed, as well as 37 ponies killed in the arena, including the Element of Laughter; Pinkie Pie.”
  281. >You grimace, but otherwise maintain composure
  282. >”This is the first execution Equestria has had to witness in over 200 years, Anon. That, combined with the fact you defeated Discord, have made this a moment that time will not soon forget.”
  283. >”Do you have any last words?”
  284. >You look up at Celestia in surprise; you honestly didn’t expect this
  285. >Last words?
  286. >You couldn’t imagine what you could say
  287. >Thoughts of initiating a riot between the two groups flash by
  288. >Making a dramatic speech
  289. >Apologizing
  290. >Shaking your head
  291. >None of these seem right
  292. >The moment stretches on, but finally what you want to say comes to mind.
  293. Celestia, could you use the Royal Whisper to spread what I say to the crowd?
  294. >She raises an eyebrow, but nods
  295. >You clear your throat
  296. Hello, everyone. I’m Anon.
  297. >The crowd remains quiet; it seems they did not expect this either
  298. >You scan it, looking for familiar faces
  299. >Twilight is smiling sadly at you
  300. >AJ is glaring
  301. >The mint green pony is staring at the ground
  302. >The grey pony you saved is crying; you guess that meant a lot to her
  303. >You scan a bit longer, and notice a large sign farther back
  304. >’Is Necrophilia your fetish?’
  305. >Well there’s Fluttershy
  306. >You smile
  307. A friend of mine, here in Ponyville, once told me something
  308. She told me something that I can see the wisdom in now, but at the time I was too blind to see it
  309. She’s gone now, and soon I will be too. So, I’ll share it with all you now, so that she can live on in each of you.
  310. ‘Buckle up, silly! This world is too great to be sad! So do yourself a favor…”
  311. >A tear rolls down your cheek
  312. ‘And smile!’
  313. >The crowd remains silent, though you can see that Twilight and her friends are crying
  314. >In fact, it seems all the ones who recognize seeing around Ponyville are letting loose the tears
  315. >”Well then, Anon.” Celestia speaks up. “Let’s carry on.”
  316. >The headsman walks over, and magic brings his axe up high
  317. >You rest your head on the table, and stare down at the basket that’ll soon be full
  318. >You smile, as big as you can
  319. I’m coming, Pinkie.
  320. >And then there was nothing
  322. >You are Celestia
  323. >The crowd has dispersed, but you remain at the stage
  324. >The sun is setting now
  325. >Anon’s body and head have already been removed
  326. >It’s been a long 3 months since Anon arrived
  327. >That stupid monkey nearly brought an end to your kingdom and potentially all of Equestria, and then rescued it, all in the span of a couple days
  328. >He then allowed himself to be captured
  329. >He did nothing to dissuade you; he didn’t jump on the opportunity of his followers to attempt a coup
  330. >And then he goes and quotes the friend he himself got killed just before he dies
  331. >Worst of all, he leaves a little gift for you
  332. >You stare at the broken shackles that had held Anon
  333. >As well as the axe, that had split in two shortly after it had severed his head
  334. >Even now, he was taunting you
  335. >You sigh
  336. Fucking Anon
  338. End
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