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Jan 20th, 2016
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  1. Mark Twain once claimed, “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” Arguably one of the most controversial speakers worldwide, America’s dear business magnate Donald Trump has scored the support of millions of Americans. His secret technique? It is none other than the art of confidence. His social media is packed with jeers at other potential presidential candidates, nearly to the point of defamation and slander. But who can blame him? Who is more capable, more charming, and has better hair than Donald Trump?
  2. Not everyone has the talents and skills necessary to become President of the United States. Scholastic states that “It takes a special kind of person, someone tough, smart, and driven, just to run for the job. It takes still more talent and character to hold up under the pressures of life in the White House.” Trump’s character is in such proliferation that it is even apparent on his physical features. Just by looking at his reverent facial expression gives off a radiant warmth, resembling the stature of a President. The skill required to form his tuft of hair from a single strand of hair truly exemplifies his glory. His rise to power is, at the very least, an assurance.
  3. Change is needed in America. In the American government system, Congress places a massive check on the power of the President, severely limiting him. However, restraints don’t stop Donald Trump. He all but threatens reform during his rule as President, claiming he will make “America great again”. Being a multi-billionaire, who can deny his statements? No other individual is as capable as him as making America rich again, as he has experience being a ruthless businessman, fighting his way to the top to where he is now. America in 19 trillion dollars of debt? No problem, he has only had four bankruptcies in his life, the blame on them each casted on someone other than himself. You live, you learn.
  4. Donald Trump’s prowess is such that he deserves the Prime Minister position in Canada. He is merely too great to limit his power in America, his boundaries are eternal and should be stretched to other nations. With power comes change, which the world needs. Trump’s perfection will spread throughout the world and peace will finally be established. He is the hero that everyone seeks, the pride and joy of creation.
  5. Being the essence of holiness on Earth, Donald Trump at the very least deserves presidency and eventually world domination. He has proved himself to be a successful and talented man, having limitless ambition and the skill to change the world to a better place. In Donald Trump we trust.
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