
RP in Forgotten Fae 3

Aug 15th, 2019
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  1. TemptingKiss: Hello, there.
  2. Guest_Malacath2704: Hello
  3. TemptingKiss: I'm Dehma, it's nice to meet you.
  4. Guest_Malacath2704: I am fem nice to meet you to little girl where are your parents?
  5. TemptingKiss: /me Looking down at her fully figured womanly body, just in a much smaller package she thinks how to respond for a moment. "Dead, where are yours?"
  6. Guest_Malacath2704: I killed mine I am a demon
  7. Guest_Malacath2704: Why are you here alone little girl
  8. TemptingKiss: I'm just waiting.
  9. Guest_Malacath2704: For who?
  10. TemptingKiss: I'm not sure yet.
  11. Guest_Malacath2704: So tell me about yourself
  12. TemptingKiss: I'm not really sure what to say, what would you like to know?
  13. Guest_Malacath2704: How old are you
  14. TemptingKiss: I don't remember, I stopped counting around sixty-seven. How old are you?
  15. Guest_Malacath2704: PFFFFFT YOUR OLDER THEN ME?!
  16. TemptingKiss: /me Blinks a bit at the shift in tone. "I'll have to take your word for it. Is that... unsettling?"
  17. Guest_Malacath2704: You look like a-a child
  18. TemptingKiss: /me looking down at her body, once again, she says in a flat tone. "I honestly hadn't noticed, I was created to look this way."
  19. Guest_Malacath2704: W-What are you
  20. TemptingKiss: /me glancing in his direction she tilted her head to the side. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"
  21. Guest_Malacath2704: No just more curious
  22. TemptingKiss: /me She looked down at her knees and shrugged ever so slightly. "I'm a mask, that is what they said, though I don't really understand what it means. I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you."
  23. TemptingKiss: /me She looked at Geraint and smiled softly from behind her mask. "Hello, again."
  24. Guest_Malacath2704: Mask like the group ?
  25. Rebourn: ][ Welcome back, Malacath. I deleted you already cause I wasn't sure you're interested. Nice to see ya. ][
  26. TemptingKiss: I don't understand what that is.
  27. Guest_Malacath2704: (Mask is a hacker group.)
  28. Rebourn: /me The King emerges from the back room, waving to the two as he chuckled somewhat nervously. "Hope I'm not interrupting. Miss Dehma, please fill me in on his business here, unless the lad can speak for himself."
  29. TemptingKiss: No, not like that. I am not of an organization that deals in information. I am from one that deals in assassination.
  30. TemptingKiss: /me Her eyes seem vacant for a moment while compiling her words. "I believe that my appearance took him by surprise as he claims to be of younger age than himself. I think he is confused on who, or what, I am. But, I am sure he is capable of saying as such. Welcome back." Her eyes softened slightly once finishing the report of sorts.
  31. Guest_Malacath2704: Ahhhh you tricked me.
  32. TemptingKiss: I do not understand.
  33. Guest_Malacath2704: So you are a werewolf right?
  34. TemptingKiss: Are you asking me...?
  35. Guest_Malacath2704: No
  36. TemptingKiss: Appologies.
  37. Rebourn: Mala why are you here.
  38. Rebourn: /me The Fae King growled low toward Dehma, wanting to talk to the lad as his ears lowered.
  39. TemptingKiss: /me Returning her gaze to the carpet infront of her she dulls the voice of the male.
  40. Rebourn: Can't speak for yourself, boy?
  41. Guest_Malacath2704: I can.
  42. Rebourn: Very well, let's have a chat.
  43. Guest_Malacath2704: And i am no boy. Ok you start the “chat”.
  44. Rebourn: I did. I asked you why you're here, mate.
  45. Guest_Malacath2704: Exploring.
  46. Rebourn: You have any questions about the RP?
  47. Guest_Malacath2704: Just trying to meet new people.
  48. Rebourn: This isn't the place to do so. It's a RP room.
  49. Guest_Malacath2704: Well then i shall take my leave.
  50. XDEnigma: (( Greetings ))
  51. Rebourn: ][ Welcome, mate. There's a casual rp in progress if you wish to hop in, I can share the setting or answer any questions you may have. ][
  52. XDEnigma: (( yes please setting, if you dont mind me joining in ))
  53. Rebourn: ][ Not at all. ^^ Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-Prince and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  54. TemptingKiss: /me Yawning quietly to herself she curls up on the seat she's found herself in on the couch, hugging her knees she tucks her face against her kneecaps, not really giving a second thought to the previous male.
  55. Rebourn: /me The Fae King only huffed and groaned to himself, making his way toward the familiar Dehma as he sat next to her. With a sigh and a stretch, he scrunched his nose from the thought of the stranger. "Shall we discuss your pernament stay here?" A corner of his lips twitched in a smile as he moved his long sword from his back to the ground with an almost loud thud.
  56. TemptingKiss: /me The shifting of weight on the couch had her raising her head, despite her knowing he was coming over anyway, and she smiled behind the locked mask up at him. "Here is much nicer than out there." She nodded her head once.
  57. Rebourn: /me Smiling at her, he nodded in return before looking around with tightened lips, trying to see the appeal. "Is it cause it's a corner?" With a pause, he settled in his seat, leaning back as he got comfortable. "Quiet, perhaps?"
  58. TemptingKiss: /me She looked down at the cushion infront of her and thought on the question a moment. "It is not always quiet, but no one has tried to hurt me here. It is relaxing, much less dangerous in here with all of you than out there running." She let her head rest against the couch. "So tired from being out there. Lost my shoes a few months ago, my feet are angry about it." She spoke in a factual, low tone, as if it was nothing but information, but she felt the corner of her mouth tug in a smirk. "I have begun to like these statues, too. They don't seem to mind the changes I've made to them." She nods her head towards the closest one who was wearing a large wig, and bathing clothes. "When they sleep, they don't notice anything."
  59. XDEnigma: /me A young looking female tilted her heads towards the sky, the breeze brushed against her ivory skin and played with her black hair. Her black furry ears stuck out of her head perking and twitching from side to side. Her long black hair flowed down her body clinging to her curvy body, her tail flicked back and forth behind her as she spaced out looking ahead of her. She huffed out a moan as she trunged through the heavily wooded forest in the country of Fenryn. "This town better exist.. or im gonna smash some skulls in when I get back..." She grumbled. As she continued to walk, a tree root sticking out of the ground caught the left foot of the female and she came crashing down. She cursed out some nonsense as she looked at her feet to see a tree root sticking out. "Son of a..." she stood up with a groan and wiped the dirt from her back leather stitched pants and her favorite halter top. She stomped off in a temper until she finally reached the entrance of the village. "Oh thank goodness..." She adjusted herself and walked looking for the nearest tavern or place to get a drink.
  60. Rebourn: ][ Hahah, nice entrance, doll. I keep forgetting to edit my setting xD But the manor is a good ways away from the village, and there's no man-made path to it either. Perhaps I can try to sway Tempting to come to the tavern and we can stumble into each other or something? ][
  61. TemptingKiss: ((Piggie back ride or no go.))
  62. XDEnigma: (( I know, I figure ill make my way up there shes stubborn enough XDD))
  63. XDEnigma: (( piggie back XDDD hehehehe))
  64. TemptingKiss: (( ^__^ ))
  65. Rebourn: ][ x'D Alright you don't gotta wait for us to go so you can come closer and we can interact. & I'll carry you like Yoda anywhere, Lil Missy :P ][
  66. TemptingKiss: (( Carry me, you will. Tired I am.))
  67. Rebourn: ][ <_< <3 ][
  68. TemptingKiss: (( ^~^ In the least demanding way possible, of course. I'm not literally going to force you to carry me around, haha. ))
  69. TemptingKiss: ((Welcome back, casual RP in progress. ^__^ ))
  70. Guest_Uma358668: (Ok)
  71. Guest_Uma358668: (Prince G my father wants to meet I think I’m gonna go)
  72. Rebourn: /me He shut his eyes to the girl's soothing voice, his ears sometimes twitching at the reminder or her mask, of her barrier. He wondered why it lingered and the significance she held to it. He grunted in acknowledgment and waved a hand in dismissal at her spew of info. "I could always use an assassin on my side, though if you wish, we can discuss something better than that. Have any interests?" His curiosity moved him to view the statues, snorting as he tried not to laugh too hard at the ridiculous looking things. "They notice, but I think they like you. They are living in some way. It's their body that is only temporarily moveable." Cocking an eyebrow at the wig, he hummed approvingly. "But it's a very nice touch, maybe people will like them more."
  73. Rebourn: ][ Shall I accompany you? Or you got it?
  74. Guest_Uma358668: (Do what you wish I won’t take you away from your rp)
  75. Rebourn: ][ I'm on PC, it's okay. ][
  76. Guest_Uma358668: (Ok I’ll invite you then)
  77. Rebourn: ][ Alright. ][
  78. XDEnigma: /me Finding a tavern, she introduced herself to the bar keep. They talked as she drank, the rumors and gossip about the manor's secrecy, that it was supposily high in the hills. Her curiousity was peaked. She asked around the place trying to find someone to take her up there, flirting and using her charm, no one would budge. The said she would be a moron to try. She huffed, "well does someone at least have a map!" The barkeep chuckled, he pulled out an old tattered looking piece of paper. With coin exchanged, She finally had something. Feeling the warth of the booze gave her courage as she stepped out of the tavern and headed towards the base of the hills. The sun started to set, dusk was upon her but her fox-like eyes adjust with ease. She tilted her head up and began the climb, following the old tattered map in her possesion. It seemed like hours passed, she whimpered, and then in a small tantrum she yelled out in frustration. "where the hell is it!!"
  79. BookWriter: (( Yo, can I get the setting please? I also wanna know more about the Fae coven itself. ))
  80. XDEnigma: (( hello ))
  81. Rebourn: ][ Welcomeee. Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-Prince and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  82. Rebourn: ][ The Fae Coven is in the works of creation and recruitment, after the falling of the Fae Empire. My OC is the last heir, and has taken up the responsibility to regrow and rebirth the once grand kingdom. ][
  83. BookWriter: (( What exactly is a Fae in the lore you have researched? )
  84. Rebourn: ][ It's all based and inspired from the Fae species in a book series called uh... shit. Lemme see, I didn't read it myself. ][
  85. XDEnigma: (( hehehe))
  86. BookWriter: (( Fae are well known in most cultures. That is why I'm asking, a example being Fae-folk. ))
  87. TemptingKiss: /me Her gaze stayed studied on the stone statues for a moment, once saying that they notice what she does to them while not moving she wondered if she should do something nice for them, perhaps choose nicer clothing. Her understanding of the statues expanding slightly while she trained her eyes to the couch cushion scratching the mask to relieve an itch on her cheek. "I was bred and trained to be an assassin by my creators, while I was among the best I did not stay with them for long. Sold to a high noble family to become a mask for their daughter." She got quiet for a moment then spoke with ease still. "You actually met her... Nori. I would not mind protecting this home for you personally, though... I promised her I would try not to kill... anymore." She seemed a bit upset about that last bit of information and she shifted the hem of the mask up her nose slightly, though it seemed to seize up to her touch and not move far. "She says she believes me to be adept at delegation and politics, but... I believe it to be her wish for me to do as she did." She looked up at him and with a gentleness behind her eyes she said quietly to him, "I suppose what I mean to say is I do not know what to do."
  88. Rebourn: ][ IT's CALLED THRONE OF GLASS ][
  89. Rebourn: ][ ][
  90. BookWriter: (( Delightful. Well let me type up my entrance with this character, then. ))
  91. XDEnigma: ( ^-^ )
  92. BookWriter: (( As I thought, they are just elves in this setting. ))
  93. TemptingKiss: ((Elves are pretty cool.))
  94. BookWriter: (( Nothing wrong with elves. Usually a fae is either speaking of a elf or of a fairy. ))
  95. TemptingKiss: ((I see.))
  96. XDEnigma: (( i love all these characters soo far... ))
  97. Rebourn: ][ I'm responding to you two now, sorry I was reading xD ][
  98. BookWriter: (( Enigma, Do you mind if I meet your character in my entrance? ))
  99. Rebourn: ][ ^^^ ][
  100. XDEnigma: (( sorry im just outside i havent found the manor yet XD))
  101. Rebourn: ][ I can wait for ya, mate or reply to Tempting first. ][
  102. XDEnigma: (( sure))
  103. BookWriter: (( Typing. ))
  104. XDEnigma: (-vibrates excitedily waiting to
  105. TemptingKiss: ((That's exactly how I felt when I first came here too. *Laughs*))
  106. XDEnigma: (( i love your avis its soo cute i wanna cuddle her ))
  107. TemptingKiss: ((*Her cheeks blush a rosy color* Awwwh. ^__^))
  108. TemptingKiss: ((I really like your look as well, looks like you put a lot of thought in it.))
  109. XDEnigma: ( im still tweaking, not exactly how i want her to look but im getting there. thankies ♥)
  110. TemptingKiss: ((I look forward to the end result, one that you're happy with.))
  111. BookWriter: /me The sun crept along the edge of the lands as a faint glimmer of light reflected on the ocular shades that rested on Rolands face. A top hat sat quite nicely on his brow, covering his raven locks as he stood against the wind on a wooden deck. Usually one would see a ship sailing the seas, though this ragged frame rode the skies. Covered in a black fog, it looked more like a ghost ship than anything, which brought with it a darkness that was simple not normal. In his royal black and red attire, Roland looked quite dashing indeed, with his ruby tipped cane in his right hand. Skeletons worked the deck, as ropes were tied off and sails were hoisted. It was finally time to explore a new place. His bearded face curved into the most wicked of smiles which would send a cold through the weak willed mortals that farmed the land. He saw them as nothing but cows or entertainment, so it was pretty obvious to guess his kin. Though, many of his kind gave them bad names. Roland was still the same as when he was a human, a asshole. Uncaring for life, only for himself. Slowly he walked forward, his footsteps drowned out by the hum of the magic turbines which spewed the dark fog. Looking over the edge, he peered down at the earth far below with his equally crimson gaze. From below, it would look as if it was just a thunderstorm moving in, though with the dark void behind them, it would be hard to make out with any normal eyes. Reaching his left hand up, he snapped his fingers which caused the turbines to cut off on the broken ship. Someone had caught his eyes. The ships point tilted downwards, before descending from the heavens themselves. It only took a matter of moments before the ship crashed into a river, sending a wave of water into the sky, flooding the banks. He looked over at the woman just in time to hear her scream. "My dear, this is Arindale. Tell me, what are you looking for? Perhaps I can assist you with my ... ship and crew." Roland said, picking up his top hat with his right hand, before bowing down gracefully to the fox-like woman, inviting her on his ship. Not many would be out this hour, so she was bound to be looking for something that might perk Rolands interest as well.
  112. XDEnigma: ( love the entrance ♥ hehehehe )
  113. BookWriter: ( Usually I type more and in docs so I don't make mistakes. I was a tad lazy. ))
  114. XDEnigma: (( its just for fun anyways, ))
  115. Rebourn: /me The King let them sit in silence, knowing the weight of his question, and her possible answers. While she spoke, he only nodded to each pause, a grunt sometimes to reassure her of his interest. He thought back to the elegant woman, Nori, seeking his thoughts and memories of any magic that would put the girl in such a position, being a mask for a Princess. He only sighed lightly, sitting up as he bowed his head low. "So it shall be. I can have my Head Court Priestess oversee your knowledge of so. I have plenty of books here left over from the fallen empire. I can help as well." He swallowed and stared at the lining of her mask. He parted his lips to ask of it, but only flashed her a smile before reaching a hand out. "Agree? If anything, we can try something different, but the next town but this wilderness is far, and if you wish to go, I will not stop you. But I will take you in." The King cleared his throat and waved his hand in the air, a silent but strict order to a statue to bring him some ale. The conversation got the area tense, and we wished her to feel at ease in her possible future home.
  116. XDEnigma: /me Hearing a sudden male voice, she gasped and looked around then shut her eyes. "No said there was ghosts!" Her ears layed flat against her head, as her tail curled around her leg. Opening her eyes slightly, hearing the words, assist and ship and crew, she looked at the male and blushed at her outurst. " Well you see.. Im looking for the manor thats on this god forsaken hill...?? " She cocked her head to the side, she observed him, checking out his body type and style as he bowed. "Ohh my manners!" She curtseied, "My name is Kiori, Kiori Matsumara. What is your name mister?" Her intense blue eyes watched his movements.
  117. TemptingKiss: /me She nodded her head once, noticing his gaze around the lower half of her face lingering at the mask, she too opened her mouth to tell him of it but something inside her just said to wait. Not that she wouldn't feel accepted, but that the words are difficult to say. She looked at his hand extended to her and nodded once, sitting up off the couch cushions to formally accept his offer. "I do not plan to leave, however I am thankful for sharing your home." She took his hand in hers and firmly shook it, looking him in the eyes until the statue came with some ale, the puffy wig on it's head bouncing slightly as it moved, her smirk returning she would let out a quiet laugh that sounded so soft and whimsicle.
  118. XDEnigma: (( im dying, your character and the statue dress ups ))
  119. TemptingKiss: ((I'm slowly finding out that she really enjoys harmless pranks.))
  120. XDEnigma: (( hehehe its adorable!! ))
  121. TemptingKiss: (( ^__^ Thank yew. I really like her too.))
  122. BookWriter: (( Typing. ))
  123. XDEnigma: (( do any of you have discord? you should really make a discord server for this room, that way out of character chat could be on there ))
  124. XDEnigma: (( i have one for my tavern room and it really helps ))
  125. TemptingKiss: ((I believe that there is. *Shoots an icy glance at Geraint but winks anyways* I just haven't been invited to it.))
  126. Rebourn: ][ There is! I keep forgetting to invite people uwu geez. ][
  127. BookWriter: /me Raising his right hand up with the cane, he let the bottom of it tap three times on the deck of the ship. A skeleton bridge slowly made its way to the land. "Please, come onboard. I have food aplenty in the captains quaters. We can talk as much as we like of this ... place on a hill in my abode." He said, before replacing the top hat on his head. He smiled down at her, moving his now free left hand to rest ontop of the canes jewel just as his right hand did. He stood straight, looking down at the fox like woman, not paying her outburst any mind. He could smell that she had been drinking, which would only make her more trusting if anything. It was late, and mortals often flocked to the light. The light he offered, even if it was as dark as his heart. Tilting his head, he only gave off the most kind feeling, as if he was a hearth in the midst of winter. He was the lighthouse, ready to guide her way.
  128. TemptingKiss: ((Nah, I'm not upset about it. Just wanted to poke you a bit. ^__^ ))
  129. Rebourn: ][ Shit how do I view my clipboard? ][
  130. BookWriter: (( Ornn#2410 ))
  131. TemptingKiss: ((I want to say... ctrl + v but I don't think so.))
  132. Rebourn: ][ That's paste D: ][
  133. TemptingKiss: (( *Snorts at herself*))
  134. Rebourn: ][ Tried adding ya, mate but it says I must've misspelled something ][
  135. Rebourn: ][ -Retypes reply.- :(( ][
  136. Rebourn: ][ Geraint#6278 ][
  137. TemptingKiss: (( Google says windows +v ))
  138. BookWriter: (( Ornn#0051 ))
  139. BookWriter: (( My numbers changed. weird. ))
  140. XDEnigma: (( added ))
  141. XDEnigma: (( typing))
  142. Rebourn: /me He stopped himself from giving her a questioning look at the lingering hand shake, his eyes staring right back into hers as he unyielded his stance. He only dared to look away when she did, relaxing his shoulders and spine as he replaced the small hand with the cup of mead. The King grumbled happily, sipping from the large wooden thing as he sighed with relief. His first drink to relax. He paid no mind to the wig, chuckling with her as he shook his head. "Perhaps it's grown tired of it's stone clothing."
  143. TemptingKiss: /me Nods in agreement. "I think I should try out many things until I find what it likes the most." The statue stayed offering the ale to Dehma but she shook her head at it, still reeling from the last time she drank. "What do you need?" She looked at Geraint. "Here, I mean. What do you require here."
  144. Rebourn: /me "Mmm, about everything. I have myself, my right hand man who also is my army. I have one person in my court so far, two if I wish to mention my panther friend. I could conquer the lands now if I desired, but I want an established court until I officially claim my title as Fenryn's King." He gulped a mouthful of the ale, scrunching his nose at the thought of the long and frankly boring process of the whole thing. Perhaps being a conquerer would be more ideal.. fast for him. The King only shook his head at the mental counting of loss life, a sigh following after.
  145. TemptingKiss: /me She sensed the tension in him and instinctually, whether it was Dehma's hand or Nori's hand, she reached for him but stopped a few inches away and withdrew the almost contact. "What would you do had you had an assassin in your court? Send them to finish your enemies before they began?" Her tone was still flat, seeking information and not accusatory in any way. She was simply curious of his needs of this kingdom, fallen as it is, and what he wanted for it.
  146. XDEnigma: ( sorry this one is super short i have a brain fart )
  147. XDEnigma: /me She shrugged her shoulders, and boarded this man's ship. Her tail swayed side to side in rythme with her hips as her feet touched the deck of the ship. She observed the ships shape and was impressed with woodwork. "How much is this costing me?" She smiled and reached for her coin pouch.
  148. BookWriter: /me Roland pointed at the cabin. "Let us withdraw to my quaters first, we can speak of payment and the like after we have set our destination." He said, waiting for her.
  149. XDEnigma: (( poof ))
  150. Rebourn: ][ Welp o.o ][
  151. XDEnigma: (( Im stuck on a ship!! GAHHHH XDDD ))
  152. Rebourn: ][ x'D ][
  153. Rebourn: ][ -Adds him.- In case he dc'd or somethin ][
  154. XDEnigma: (( rated your room 5 stars! ))
  155. Rebourn: /me Not noticing her attempt to comfort or console, he sipped some more and nodded at her question with a snub shrug. "Assassin or angel, I will accept if they wish to serve. I am not judgemental of career choices or previous positions. If I like what you bring to me, I will accept it." He shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. "I have no need for assassinations yet. Not sure when that will be needed either." He poured the last of his mead into his mouth with a grunt, another stone elf hurrying to his side to take the empty cup, turning away to refill it as he eyed the girl. "So can you explain your power thing? Like who was that woman you turned into to help Sage? And do you have a choice in the matter?"
  156. Rebourn: ][ Much appreciated Enigma <3 ][
  157. XDEnigma Finally reaching the manor, she huffed and puffed to the door. Raising her hand to knock, she knocked three times. She looked around looking for any servants or guards.
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