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a guest
Feb 18th, 2019
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  1. DNS - Domain Name System - :53
  2. HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol - :80 (HTTPS - :443)
  3. SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - :25
  4. POP3 - Post Office Protocol - :110
  5. IMAP - Intrernet Message Access Protocol - :143
  6. MTA - Mail Transfer Agent
  7. MDA - Mail Delivery Agent
  8. FTP - File Transfer Protocol - :20 (client), :21 (server)
  9. TFTP - Trivial FTP - :69
  10. DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - :68 (client), :67 (server)
  11. TELNET - Teletype Protocol - :23
  12. SSH - Secure Shell - :22
  13. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
  14. UDP - User Datagram Protocol
  15. MAC - Media Access Control
  16. LLC - Logical Link Control
  17. TDM - Time Divion Multiplex
  18. FDM - Frequence Division Multiplex
  19. CDMA - Code Division Multiplex (TDCDMA,T-SCOMA,COMA-2000)
  20. CIDR - Classless Inter Domain Routing
  21. NAT - Network Adress Translation
  22. Default Rute - 0.x.x.x
  23. LoopBack Adrese - 127.x.x.x
  24. Link Local - 169.254.x.x (DHCP ne radi)
  25. Test Net - 192.0.2.x
  26. Multicast - 224-239.x.x.x
  27. Eksperimentalne - 240-255.x.x.x
  28. Privatne /8 A - 10.x.x.x
  29. Privatne /12 B - 172.16-31.x.x
  30. Privatne /16 C - 192.168.x.x
  31. DSL - Digital Subscribe line
  32. T568A - ZB Z NB P PB N SB S (B Verzija obrne N i Z)
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