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Rat Fink - CSGO dev console with no fps drop

a guest
Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_bumpmine_detonate_delay)
  2. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_bumpmine_arm_delay)
  3. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_arm_delay)
  4. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_fuse_max)
  5. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_fuse_min)
  6. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_delay_max)
  7. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_delay_min)
  8. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_distance_max)
  9. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_distance_min)
  10. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_max_before_cleanup)
  11. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_auto_cleanup_time)
  12. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_grenadepreview)
  13. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (snd_max_pitch_shift_inaccuracy)
  14. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (steam_controller_haptics)
  15. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime)
  16. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_verbose_changelevel_spew)
  17. Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads)
  18. maxplayers set to 64
  19. Error: Material "debug/debugluxels" uses unknown shader "DebugLuxels"
  20. V8 Version: 5.8.283
  21. FcConfigAppFontAddDir /home/denis/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/panorama/fonts/ took 4.332 ms.
  22. KV Conditional: Unknown symbol INPUTSWAPAB
  23. KV Conditional: Unknown symbol INPUTSWAPAB
  24. KV Conditional: Unknown symbol INPUTSWAPAB
  25. Error: Material "___fillrate_0" uses unknown shader "FillRate"
  26. Error: Material "___debugnormalmap_1" uses unknown shader "DebugNormalMap"
  27. Error: Material "___debugdrawenvmapmask_2" uses unknown shader "DebugDrawEnvmapMask"
  28. Error: Material "___debugdepth_3" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
  29. Error: Material "___debugdepth_4" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
  30. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/constant_color)
  31. CUiComponent_OptionsMenu::CUiComponent_OptionsMenu
  32. Steam config directory: /home/denis/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/platform/config
  34. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_bg
  35. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_bg_highlight
  36. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_sel_bg
  37. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_pickup_bg
  38. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_preview_bg
  39. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_bottom_bar_button_bg
  40. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_bottom_bar_button_highlight_bg
  41. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_default_dialog
  42. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg
  43. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
  44. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
  45. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_discount_corner
  46. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_preview_bg
  47. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tooltip_bg
  48. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tab_selected
  49. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tab_unselected
  50. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/btn_econ_blue
  51. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/button_econ_blue_over
  52. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg
  53. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
  54. --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
  55. Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"
  56. Did not detect any valid joysticks.
  57. Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"
  58. Unknown command "tr_completed_training"
  59. Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"
  60. Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
  61. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
  62. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  63. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  64. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  65. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  66. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  67. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  68. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  69. **** Unable to localize '#Panorama_CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint' on panel 'RosettaInfoText'
  70. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
  71. Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"
  72. Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"
  73. Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead"
  74. Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
  75. NET_CloseAllSockets
  76. Got SDR network config. Loaded revision 244 OK
  77. Performing ping measurement
  78. RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=Attempting config=OK anyrelay=Attempting (Performing ping measurement)
  79. AuthStatus (steamid:76561198802153584): OK (OK)
  80. Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"
  81. Did not detect any valid joysticks.
  82. Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"
  83. Unknown command "tr_completed_training"
  84. Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"
  85. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/snowfield)
  86. Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
  87. Telling Steam it is safe to update the app
  88. **** Panel id-op-reward-image-item-image-container has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
  89. **** Panel id-op-reward-image-item-image-container has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
  90. PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
  91. PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
  92. PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
  93. Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
  94. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'tyo1'.
  95. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'gtpe'.
  97. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  98. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "eom-winner"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  99. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-mainmenu-mission-card-bg"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  100. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-op-mainmenu-top"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  101. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-tournament-pass-status"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  102. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  103. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  104. Ping measurement completed
  105. Ping location: gru=25+2,lim=139+13/104+2,scl=122+12,iad=148+14,atl=171+17/161+14,ord=165+16/165+14,okc=167+16,lhr=199+19,ams=240+24/205+19,lax=207+20/206+16,fra=231+23/213+19,sgp=372+37/367+33
  106. RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (OK)
  107. Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
  108. Refreshing ping measurements
  109. RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (Refreshing ping measurements)
  110. Ping measurement has been active for 5.0s. Sending what we have to GC
  111. ams: 204ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=6ms)
  112. atl: 161ms via iad (front=148ms, back=13ms)
  113. bom: 398ms via gru (front=24ms, back=374ms)
  114. can: 398ms via cant (front=398ms, back=0ms)
  115. canm: 398ms via cant (front=398ms, back=0ms)
  116. cant: 398ms via direct route
  117. canu: 398ms via cant (front=398ms, back=0ms)
  118. dxb: 357ms via direct route
  119. eat: 222ms via gru (front=24ms, back=198ms)
  120. fra: 212ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=14ms)
  121. gru: 24ms via direct route
  122. hkg: 337ms via direct route
  123. iad: 148ms via direct route
  124. jnb: 358ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=160ms)
  125. lax: 206ms via okc (front=167ms, back=39ms)
  126. lhr: 198ms via direct route
  127. lim: 103ms via gru (front=24ms, back=79ms)
  128. lux: 212ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=14ms)
  129. maa: 397ms via gru (front=24ms, back=373ms)
  130. mad: 228ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=30ms)
  131. man: 410ms via ord (front=163ms, back=247ms)
  132. okc: 167ms via direct route
  133. ord: 163ms via direct route
  134. par: 214ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=16ms)
  135. pwg: 402ms via direct route
  136. pwj: 399ms via direct route
  137. pwu: 401ms via direct route
  138. pww: 425ms via direct route
  139. pwz: 389ms via direct route
  140. scl: 123ms via direct route
  141. sea: 206ms via ord (front=163ms, back=43ms)
  142. sgp: 367ms via hkg (front=337ms, back=30ms)
  143. sha: 367ms via shau (front=367ms, back=0ms)
  144. sham: 367ms via shau (front=367ms, back=0ms)
  145. shat: 367ms via shau (front=367ms, back=0ms)
  146. shau: 367ms via direct route
  147. shb: 384ms via direct route
  148. sto: 228ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=30ms)
  149. sto2: 231ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=33ms)
  150. syd: 360ms via okc (front=167ms, back=193ms)
  151. tsn: 379ms via tsnm (front=379ms, back=0ms)
  152. tsnm: 379ms via direct route
  153. tsnt: 379ms via tsnm (front=379ms, back=0ms)
  154. tsnu: 379ms via tsnm (front=379ms, back=0ms)
  155. tyo: 319ms via gru (front=24ms, back=295ms)
  156. tyo1: 306ms via okc (front=167ms, back=139ms)
  157. vie: 220ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=22ms)
  158. waw: 224ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=26ms)
  159. Ping measurement completed
  160. Ping location: gru=24+2,lim=139+13/103+2,scl=123+12,iad=148+14,atl=169+16/161+14,ord=163+16,okc=167+16,lhr=198+19,ams=240+24/204+19,lax=207+20/206+16,fra=231+23/212+19,sgp=373+37/367+33
  161. RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (Refreshing ping measurements)
  162. Received Steam datagram ticket for server steamid:90131119013128203 vport 0.
  163. Started tracking Steam Net Connection to =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0, handle 415bbdb3
  164. Requesting session from gru#304 ( Ping = 24+0=24 (front+back=total).
  165. Requesting session from scl#94 ( Ping = 123+52=175 (front+back=total).
  166. [#1096531379 SDR server steamid:90131119013128203(vport 0)] Selecting gru#304 ( as primary. (Ping = 24+0=24 (front+back=total).)
  167. [#1096531379 SDR server steamid:90131119013128203(vport 0)] Selecting scl#94 ( as backup #1 (Ping = 123+52=175 (front+back=total).)
  168. PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
  170. SignalXWriteOpportunity(4)
  171. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
  172. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  173. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  174. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  175. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  176. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  177. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  178. **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
  179. **** Unable to localize '#Panorama_CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint' on panel 'RosettaInfoText'
  181. DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 204 of 3078 remaining
  182. **** Panel has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
  183. Connecting to public(=[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0) ...
  184. Server using 'public' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id ffffffffffffffff
  185. Associating NetChan CLIENT (=[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0) with Steam Net Connection handle 415bbdb3
  186. Connected to =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0
  188. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  189. Map: de_dust2
  190. Players: 14 (2 bots) / 16 humans
  191. Build: 7621
  192. Server Number: 149
  194. Error: Material "___fillrate_0" uses unknown shader "FillRate"
  195. Error: Material "___debugnormalmap_1" uses unknown shader "DebugNormalMap"
  196. Error: Material "___debugdrawenvmapmask_2" uses unknown shader "DebugDrawEnvmapMask"
  197. Error: Material "___debugdepth_3" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
  198. Error: Material "___debugdepth_4" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
  199. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
  200. Error: Material "debug/debugluxels" uses unknown shader "DebugLuxels"
  201. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/constant_color)
  202. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/snowfield)
  203. SignalXWriteOpportunity(3)
  204. Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 1.
  205. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/weapons/v_models/tablet/tablet_screen)
  206. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/bloomadd)
  207. Error reading file resource/overviews/
  208. Rat Fink connected.
  211. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "sliding-panel--TERRORIST"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  212. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "sliding-panel--CT"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
  213. C_EconWearableGib must never render without parent (models/weapons/w_models/arms/w_glove_sporty.mdl) models/weapons/w_models/arms/w_glove_sporty.mdl sporty_green
  214. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  215. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  216. -------------------------
  217. Damage Given to "Tu hermana trola" - 28 in 2 hits
  218. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  219. -------------------------
  220. Damage Taken from "IGÃ1" - 137 in 1 hit
  221. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  222. Crb4yg0M connected.
  223. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  224. -------------------------
  225. Damage Given to "kpO+" - 72 in 3 hits
  226. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  227. -------------------------
  228. Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 122 in 4 hits
  229. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  230. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  231. -------------------------
  232. Damage Given to "kpO+" - 52 in 2 hits
  233. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  234. -------------------------
  235. Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 27 in 1 hit
  236. Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 110 in 1 hit
  237. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  238. -------------------------
  239. Damage Given to "Crb4yg0M" - 78 in 3 hits
  240. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  241. -------------------------
  242. Damage Taken from "Crb4yg0M" - 106 in 1 hit
  243. onii-chan uwu connected.
  244. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  245. ✯UseYourBrain✯ connected.
  246. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  247. -------------------------
  248. Damage Given to "IGÃ1" - 75 in 6 hits
  249. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  250. -------------------------
  251. Damage Taken from "IGÃ1" - 95 in 3 hits
  252. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wind connected.
  253. @DECORACAO.ALASER connected.
  254. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  255. -------------------------
  256. Damage Given to "xzz" - 65 in 3 hits
  257. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  258. -------------------------
  259. Damage Taken from "xzz" - 112 in 4 hits
  260. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  261. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  262. -------------------------
  263. Damage Given to "PapaeL" - 44 in 2 hits
  264. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  265. -------------------------
  266. Damage Taken from "PapaeL" - 175 in 3 hits
  267. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  268. -------------------------
  269. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  270. -------------------------
  271. Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 138 in 1 hit
  272. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  273. egancarry connected.
  274. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  275. -------------------------
  276. Damage Given to "kpO+" - 50 in 2 hits
  277. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  278. -------------------------
  279. Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 118 in 4 hits
  280. Monduras connected.
  281. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  282. -------------------------
  283. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  284. -------------------------
  285. Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 138 in 1 hit
  286. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  287. DiulLL connected.
  288. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  289. -------------------------
  290. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  291. -------------------------
  292. Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 109 in 1 hit
  293. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  294. -------------------------
  295. Damage Given to "PapaeL" - 28 in 1 hit
  296. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  297. -------------------------
  298. Damage Taken from "PapaeL" - 125 in 4 hits
  299. Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
  300. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  301. -------------------------
  302. Damage Given to "kpO+" - 28 in 1 hit
  303. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  304. -------------------------
  305. Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 111 in 1 hit
  306. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  307. -------------------------
  308. Damage Given to "IGÃ1" - 8 in 1 hit
  309. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  310. -------------------------
  311. Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 110 in 1 hit
  312. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
  313. -------------------------
  314. Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
  315. -------------------------
  316. Damage Taken from "IGÃ1" - 108 in 4 hits
  317. Error reading file materials/panorama/images/ui_textures/flare.png.
  318. DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1058 of 1060 remaining
  319. DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1105 of 1107 remaining
  321. prx connected.
  322. Closing Steam Net Connection to =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0, handle 415bbdb3 (1000 Disconnect)
  323. Disassociating NetChan CLIENT (=[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0) from Steam Net Connection handle 415bbdb3
  324. Summary of connection to #1096531379 SDR server steamid:90131119013128203(vport 0):
  325. End-to-end connection: connected
  326. Remote host is in data center 'gru'
  327. Current rates:
  328. Sent: 62.3 pkts/sec 5.2 K/sec
  329. Recv: 64.1 pkts/sec 12.2 K/sec
  330. Ping:26ms Max latency variance: 3.3ms
  331. Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
  332. Est avail bandwidth: 1024.0KB/s
  333. Bytes buffered: 0
  334. Lifetime stats:
  335. Totals
  336. Sent: 31,331 pkts 3,608,329 bytes
  337. Recv: 34,451 pkts 25,018,155 bytes
  338. Recv w seq: 34,450 pkts
  339. Dropped : 20 pkts 0.06%
  340. OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
  341. Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
  342. SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
  343. Ping histogram: (27027 total samples)
  344. 0-25 : 9749 36%
  345. 25-50 :17278 64%
  346. 50-75 : 0 0%
  347. 75-100 : 0 0%
  348. 100-125 : 0 0%
  349. 125-150 : 0 0%
  350. 150-200 : 0 0%
  351. 200-300 : 0 0%
  352. 300+ : 0 0%
  353. Ping distribution:
  354. 5% of pings <= 24ms
  355. 50% of pings <= 26ms
  356. 75% of pings <= 27ms
  357. 95% of pings <= 30ms
  358. 98% of pings <= 31ms
  359. Connection quality histogram: (115 measurement intervals)
  360. 100 : 97 84% (All packets received in order)
  361. 99+ : 18 16%
  362. 97-99 : 0 0%
  363. 95-97 : 0 0%
  364. 90-95 : 0 0%
  365. 75-90 : 0 0%
  366. 50-75 : 0 0%
  367. <50 : 0 0%
  368. dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
  369. Connection quality distribution:
  370. 50% of intervals >= 100%
  371. 75% of intervals >= 100%
  372. 95% of intervals >= 99%
  373. 98% of intervals >= 99%
  374. Latency variance histogram: (34216 total measurements)
  375. <1 : 29922 87%
  376. 1-2 : 3614 11%
  377. 2-5 : 603 2%
  378. 5-10 : 71 0%
  379. 10-20 : 6 0%
  380. >20 : 0 0%
  381. TX Speed histogram: (582 total samples)
  382. 0 - 16 KB/s: 582 100%
  383. 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
  384. 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
  385. 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
  386. 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
  387. 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
  388. 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
  389. 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
  390. Transmit speed distribution:
  391. 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  392. 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  393. 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  394. 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  395. 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  396. RX Speed histogram: (582 total samples)
  397. 0 - 16 KB/s: 582 100%
  398. 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
  399. 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
  400. 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
  401. 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
  402. 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
  403. 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
  404. 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
  405. Receive speed distribution:
  406. 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  407. 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  408. 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  409. 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  410. 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  411. Rate stats received from remote host 19.2s ago:
  412. Sent: 68.1 pkts/sec 49.0 K/sec
  413. Recv: 63.5 pkts/sec 7.8 K/sec
  414. Ping:25ms Max latency variance: ???ms
  415. Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
  416. Bytes buffered: 0
  417. Lifetime stats received from remote host 119.4s ago:
  418. Totals
  419. Sent: 26,526 pkts 19,458,048 bytes
  420. Recv: 23,857 pkts 2,983,936 bytes
  421. Recv w seq: 23,856 pkts
  422. Dropped : 0 pkts 0.00%
  423. OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
  424. Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
  425. SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
  426. Ping histogram: (20748 total samples)
  427. 0-25 : 7897 38%
  428. 25-50 :12851 62%
  429. 50-75 : 0 0%
  430. 75-100 : 0 0%
  431. 100-125 : 0 0%
  432. 125-150 : 0 0%
  433. 150-200 : 0 0%
  434. 200-300 : 0 0%
  435. 300+ : 0 0%
  436. Ping distribution:
  437. 5% of pings <= 24ms
  438. 50% of pings <= 26ms
  439. 75% of pings <= 27ms
  440. 95% of pings <= 30ms
  441. 98% of pings <= 31ms
  442. Connection quality histogram: (78 measurement intervals)
  443. 100 : 78 100% (All packets received in order)
  444. 99+ : 0 0%
  445. 97-99 : 0 0%
  446. 95-97 : 0 0%
  447. 90-95 : 0 0%
  448. 75-90 : 0 0%
  449. 50-75 : 0 0%
  450. <50 : 0 0%
  451. dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
  452. Connection quality distribution:
  453. 50% of intervals >= 100%
  454. 75% of intervals >= 100%
  455. 95% of intervals >= 100%
  456. 98% of intervals >= 100%
  457. Latency variance histogram not available
  458. TX Speed histogram: (468 total samples)
  459. 0 - 16 KB/s: 468 100%
  460. 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
  461. 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
  462. 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
  463. 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
  464. 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
  465. 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
  466. 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
  467. Transmit speed distribution:
  468. 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  469. 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  470. 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  471. 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  472. 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  473. RX Speed histogram: (468 total samples)
  474. 0 - 16 KB/s: 468 100%
  475. 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
  476. 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
  477. 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
  478. 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
  479. 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
  480. 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
  481. 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
  482. Receive speed distribution:
  483. 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  484. 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  485. 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  486. 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  487. 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
  488. Primary router: gru#304 ( Ping = 25+0=25 (front+back=total)
  489. Current rates:
  490. Sent: 62.4 pkts/sec 5.7 K/sec
  491. Recv: 64.0 pkts/sec 12.1 K/sec
  492. Ping:25ms Max latency variance: 2.0ms
  493. Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
  494. Bytes buffered: 0
  495. Lifetime stats:
  496. Totals
  497. Sent: 31,354 pkts 3,902,151 bytes
  498. Recv: 34,471 pkts 25,020,595 bytes
  499. Recv w seq: 34,451 pkts
  500. Dropped : 20 pkts 0.06%
  501. OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
  502. Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
  503. SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
  504. Ping histogram: (139 total samples)
  505. 0-25 : 61 44%
  506. 25-50 : 78 56%
  507. 50-75 : 0 0%
  508. 75-100 : 0 0%
  509. 100-125 : 0 0%
  510. 125-150 : 0 0%
  511. 150-200 : 0 0%
  512. 200-300 : 0 0%
  513. 300+ : 0 0%
  514. Ping distribution:
  515. 5% of pings <= 24ms
  516. 50% of pings <= 26ms
  517. 75% of pings <= 27ms
  518. 95% of pings <= 29ms
  519. 98% of pings <= 31ms
  520. Connection quality histogram: (117 measurement intervals)
  521. 100 : 100 85% (All packets received in order)
  522. 99+ : 17 15%
  523. 97-99 : 0 0%
  524. 95-97 : 0 0%
  525. 90-95 : 0 0%
  526. 75-90 : 0 0%
  527. 50-75 : 0 0%
  528. <50 : 0 0%
  529. dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
  530. Connection quality distribution:
  531. 50% of intervals >= 100%
  532. 75% of intervals >= 100%
  533. 95% of intervals >= 99%
  534. 98% of intervals >= 99%
  535. Latency variance histogram: (34216 total measurements)
  536. <1 : 29925 87%
  537. 1-2 : 3606 11%
  538. 2-5 : 608 2%
  539. 5-10 : 71 0%
  540. 10-20 : 6 0%
  541. >20 : 0 0%
  542. No connection transmit speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
  543. No connection recieve speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
  544. Rate stats received from remote host 19.2s ago:
  545. Sent: 68.0 pkts/sec 49.8 K/sec
  546. Recv: 63.6 pkts/sec 8.0 K/sec
  547. Ping:25ms Max latency variance: ???ms
  548. Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
  549. Bytes buffered: 0
  550. Lifetime stats received from remote host 119.5s ago:
  551. Totals
  552. Sent: 26,524 pkts 19,802,112 bytes
  553. Recv: 23,857 pkts 3,031,040 bytes
  554. Recv w seq: 23,855 pkts
  555. Dropped : 0 pkts 0.00%
  556. OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
  557. Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
  558. SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
  559. Ping histogram: (96 total samples)
  560. 0-25 : 38 40%
  561. 25-50 : 58 60%
  562. 50-75 : 0 0%
  563. 75-100 : 0 0%
  564. 100-125 : 0 0%
  565. 125-150 : 0 0%
  566. 150-200 : 0 0%
  567. 200-300 : 0 0%
  568. 300+ : 0 0%
  569. Ping distribution:
  570. 5% of pings <= 24ms
  571. 50% of pings <= 26ms
  572. 75% of pings <= 26ms
  573. 95% of pings <= 29ms
  574. 98% of pings <= 30ms
  575. Connection quality histogram: (77 measurement intervals)
  576. 100 : 77 100% (All packets received in order)
  577. 99+ : 0 0%
  578. 97-99 : 0 0%
  579. 95-97 : 0 0%
  580. 90-95 : 0 0%
  581. 75-90 : 0 0%
  582. 50-75 : 0 0%
  583. <50 : 0 0%
  584. dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
  585. Connection quality distribution:
  586. 50% of intervals >= 100%
  587. 75% of intervals >= 100%
  588. 95% of intervals >= 100%
  589. 98% of intervals >= 100%
  590. Latency variance histogram not available
  591. No connection transmit speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
  592. No connection recieve speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
  593. Backup router: scl#94 ( Ping = 123+52=175 (front+back=total)
  595. Removing Steam Net Connection for =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0, handle 415bbdb3
  598. Discarding inactive session scl#94 ( for connection 1096531379. ConnectionShutdown
  599. Discarding inactive session gru#304 ( for connection 1096531379. ConnectionShutdown
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