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- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_bumpmine_detonate_delay)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_bumpmine_arm_delay)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_arm_delay)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_fuse_max)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_fuse_min)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_delay_max)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_delay_min)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_distance_max)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_distance_min)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_max_before_cleanup)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_auto_cleanup_time)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_grenadepreview)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (snd_max_pitch_shift_inaccuracy)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (steam_controller_haptics)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_verbose_changelevel_spew)
- Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads)
- maxplayers set to 64
- Error: Material "debug/debugluxels" uses unknown shader "DebugLuxels"
- V8 Version: 5.8.283
- FcConfigAppFontAddDir /home/denis/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/panorama/fonts/ took 4.332 ms.
- KV Conditional: Unknown symbol INPUTSWAPAB
- KV Conditional: Unknown symbol INPUTSWAPAB
- KV Conditional: Unknown symbol INPUTSWAPAB
- Error: Material "___fillrate_0" uses unknown shader "FillRate"
- Error: Material "___debugnormalmap_1" uses unknown shader "DebugNormalMap"
- Error: Material "___debugdrawenvmapmask_2" uses unknown shader "DebugDrawEnvmapMask"
- Error: Material "___debugdepth_3" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
- Error: Material "___debugdepth_4" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/constant_color)
- CUiComponent_OptionsMenu::CUiComponent_OptionsMenu
- Steam config directory: /home/denis/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/platform/config
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_bg_highlight
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_sel_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_pickup_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_preview_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_bottom_bar_button_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_bottom_bar_button_highlight_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_default_dialog
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_discount_corner
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_preview_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tooltip_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tab_selected
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tab_unselected
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/btn_econ_blue
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/button_econ_blue_over
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
- --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight
- Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"
- Did not detect any valid joysticks.
- Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"
- Unknown command "tr_completed_training"
- Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"
- Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#Panorama_CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint' on panel 'RosettaInfoText'
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
- Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"
- Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"
- Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead"
- Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
- NET_CloseAllSockets
- Got SDR network config. Loaded revision 244 OK
- Performing ping measurement
- RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=Attempting config=OK anyrelay=Attempting (Performing ping measurement)
- AuthStatus (steamid:76561198802153584): OK (OK)
- Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"
- Did not detect any valid joysticks.
- Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"
- Unknown command "tr_completed_training"
- Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/snowfield)
- Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
- Telling Steam it is safe to update the app
- **** Panel id-op-reward-image-item-image-container has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
- **** Panel id-op-reward-image-item-image-container has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
- PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
- PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
- PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
- Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
- Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'tyo1'.
- Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'gtpe'.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "eom-winner"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-mainmenu-mission-card-bg"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-op-mainmenu-top"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-tournament-pass-status"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- Ping measurement completed
- Ping location: gru=25+2,lim=139+13/104+2,scl=122+12,iad=148+14,atl=171+17/161+14,ord=165+16/165+14,okc=167+16,lhr=199+19,ams=240+24/205+19,lax=207+20/206+16,fra=231+23/213+19,sgp=372+37/367+33
- RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (OK)
- Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
- Refreshing ping measurements
- RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (Refreshing ping measurements)
- Ping measurement has been active for 5.0s. Sending what we have to GC
- ams: 204ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=6ms)
- atl: 161ms via iad (front=148ms, back=13ms)
- bom: 398ms via gru (front=24ms, back=374ms)
- can: 398ms via cant (front=398ms, back=0ms)
- canm: 398ms via cant (front=398ms, back=0ms)
- cant: 398ms via direct route
- canu: 398ms via cant (front=398ms, back=0ms)
- dxb: 357ms via direct route
- eat: 222ms via gru (front=24ms, back=198ms)
- fra: 212ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=14ms)
- gru: 24ms via direct route
- hkg: 337ms via direct route
- iad: 148ms via direct route
- jnb: 358ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=160ms)
- lax: 206ms via okc (front=167ms, back=39ms)
- lhr: 198ms via direct route
- lim: 103ms via gru (front=24ms, back=79ms)
- lux: 212ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=14ms)
- maa: 397ms via gru (front=24ms, back=373ms)
- mad: 228ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=30ms)
- man: 410ms via ord (front=163ms, back=247ms)
- okc: 167ms via direct route
- ord: 163ms via direct route
- par: 214ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=16ms)
- pwg: 402ms via direct route
- pwj: 399ms via direct route
- pwu: 401ms via direct route
- pww: 425ms via direct route
- pwz: 389ms via direct route
- scl: 123ms via direct route
- sea: 206ms via ord (front=163ms, back=43ms)
- sgp: 367ms via hkg (front=337ms, back=30ms)
- sha: 367ms via shau (front=367ms, back=0ms)
- sham: 367ms via shau (front=367ms, back=0ms)
- shat: 367ms via shau (front=367ms, back=0ms)
- shau: 367ms via direct route
- shb: 384ms via direct route
- sto: 228ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=30ms)
- sto2: 231ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=33ms)
- syd: 360ms via okc (front=167ms, back=193ms)
- tsn: 379ms via tsnm (front=379ms, back=0ms)
- tsnm: 379ms via direct route
- tsnt: 379ms via tsnm (front=379ms, back=0ms)
- tsnu: 379ms via tsnm (front=379ms, back=0ms)
- tyo: 319ms via gru (front=24ms, back=295ms)
- tyo1: 306ms via okc (front=167ms, back=139ms)
- vie: 220ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=22ms)
- waw: 224ms via lhr (front=198ms, back=26ms)
- Ping measurement completed
- Ping location: gru=24+2,lim=139+13/103+2,scl=123+12,iad=148+14,atl=169+16/161+14,ord=163+16,okc=167+16,lhr=198+19,ams=240+24/204+19,lax=207+20/206+16,fra=231+23/212+19,sgp=373+37/367+33
- RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (Refreshing ping measurements)
- Received Steam datagram ticket for server steamid:90131119013128203 vport 0.
- Started tracking Steam Net Connection to =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0, handle 415bbdb3
- Requesting session from gru#304 ( Ping = 24+0=24 (front+back=total).
- Requesting session from scl#94 ( Ping = 123+52=175 (front+back=total).
- [#1096531379 SDR server steamid:90131119013128203(vport 0)] Selecting gru#304 ( as primary. (Ping = 24+0=24 (front+back=total).)
- [#1096531379 SDR server steamid:90131119013128203(vport 0)] Selecting scl#94 ( as backup #1 (Ping = 123+52=175 (front+back=total).)
- PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
- SignalXWriteOpportunity(4)
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback'
- **** Unable to localize '#Panorama_CSGO_Spray_Cursor_Hint' on panel 'RosettaInfoText'
- DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 204 of 3078 remaining
- **** Panel has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
- Connecting to public(=[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0) ...
- Server using 'public' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id ffffffffffffffff
- Associating NetChan CLIENT (=[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0) with Steam Net Connection handle 415bbdb3
- Connected to =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
- Map: de_dust2
- Players: 14 (2 bots) / 16 humans
- Build: 7621
- Server Number: 149
- Error: Material "___fillrate_0" uses unknown shader "FillRate"
- Error: Material "___debugnormalmap_1" uses unknown shader "DebugNormalMap"
- Error: Material "___debugdrawenvmapmask_2" uses unknown shader "DebugDrawEnvmapMask"
- Error: Material "___debugdepth_3" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
- Error: Material "___debugdepth_4" uses unknown shader "DebugDepth"
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: panoramabackbufferscreenspace)
- Error: Material "debug/debugluxels" uses unknown shader "DebugLuxels"
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/constant_color)
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/snowfield)
- SignalXWriteOpportunity(3)
- Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 1.
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/weapons/v_models/tablet/tablet_screen)
- Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/bloomadd)
- Error reading file resource/overviews/
- Rat Fink connected.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "sliding-panel--TERRORIST"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "sliding-panel--CT"! Panel is possibly created dynamically.
- C_EconWearableGib must never render without parent (models/weapons/w_models/arms/w_glove_sporty.mdl) models/weapons/w_models/arms/w_glove_sporty.mdl sporty_green
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "Tu hermana trola" - 28 in 2 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "IGÃ1" - 137 in 1 hit
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- Crb4yg0M connected.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "kpO+" - 72 in 3 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 122 in 4 hits
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "kpO+" - 52 in 2 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 27 in 1 hit
- Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 110 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "Crb4yg0M" - 78 in 3 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "Crb4yg0M" - 106 in 1 hit
- onii-chan uwu connected.
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- ✯UseYourBrain✯ connected.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "IGÃ1" - 75 in 6 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "IGÃ1" - 95 in 3 hits
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wind connected.
- @DECORACAO.ALASER connected.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "xzz" - 65 in 3 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "xzz" - 112 in 4 hits
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "PapaeL" - 44 in 2 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "PapaeL" - 175 in 3 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 138 in 1 hit
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- egancarry connected.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "kpO+" - 50 in 2 hits
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 118 in 4 hits
- Monduras connected.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 138 in 1 hit
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- DiulLL connected.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 109 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "PapaeL" - 28 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "PapaeL" - 125 in 4 hits
- Resource materials/panorama/images/icons/equipment/world.svg failed to load.
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "kpO+" - 28 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "kpO+" - 111 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Damage Given to "IGÃ1" - 8 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "TrLL™ Yato" - 110 in 1 hit
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Given
- -------------------------
- Player: Rat Fink - Damage Taken
- -------------------------
- Damage Taken from "IGÃ1" - 108 in 4 hits
- Error reading file materials/panorama/images/ui_textures/flare.png.
- DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1058 of 1060 remaining
- DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1105 of 1107 remaining
- prx connected.
- Closing Steam Net Connection to =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0, handle 415bbdb3 (1000 Disconnect)
- Disassociating NetChan CLIENT (=[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0) from Steam Net Connection handle 415bbdb3
- Summary of connection to #1096531379 SDR server steamid:90131119013128203(vport 0):
- End-to-end connection: connected
- Remote host is in data center 'gru'
- Current rates:
- Sent: 62.3 pkts/sec 5.2 K/sec
- Recv: 64.1 pkts/sec 12.2 K/sec
- Ping:26ms Max latency variance: 3.3ms
- Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
- Est avail bandwidth: 1024.0KB/s
- Bytes buffered: 0
- Lifetime stats:
- Totals
- Sent: 31,331 pkts 3,608,329 bytes
- Recv: 34,451 pkts 25,018,155 bytes
- Recv w seq: 34,450 pkts
- Dropped : 20 pkts 0.06%
- OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
- Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
- SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
- Ping histogram: (27027 total samples)
- 0-25 : 9749 36%
- 25-50 :17278 64%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- 75-100 : 0 0%
- 100-125 : 0 0%
- 125-150 : 0 0%
- 150-200 : 0 0%
- 200-300 : 0 0%
- 300+ : 0 0%
- Ping distribution:
- 5% of pings <= 24ms
- 50% of pings <= 26ms
- 75% of pings <= 27ms
- 95% of pings <= 30ms
- 98% of pings <= 31ms
- Connection quality histogram: (115 measurement intervals)
- 100 : 97 84% (All packets received in order)
- 99+ : 18 16%
- 97-99 : 0 0%
- 95-97 : 0 0%
- 90-95 : 0 0%
- 75-90 : 0 0%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- <50 : 0 0%
- dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
- Connection quality distribution:
- 50% of intervals >= 100%
- 75% of intervals >= 100%
- 95% of intervals >= 99%
- 98% of intervals >= 99%
- Latency variance histogram: (34216 total measurements)
- <1 : 29922 87%
- 1-2 : 3614 11%
- 2-5 : 603 2%
- 5-10 : 71 0%
- 10-20 : 6 0%
- >20 : 0 0%
- TX Speed histogram: (582 total samples)
- 0 - 16 KB/s: 582 100%
- 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
- 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
- 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
- 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
- 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
- 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
- 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
- Transmit speed distribution:
- 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- RX Speed histogram: (582 total samples)
- 0 - 16 KB/s: 582 100%
- 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
- 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
- 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
- 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
- 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
- 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
- 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
- Receive speed distribution:
- 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- Rate stats received from remote host 19.2s ago:
- Sent: 68.1 pkts/sec 49.0 K/sec
- Recv: 63.5 pkts/sec 7.8 K/sec
- Ping:25ms Max latency variance: ???ms
- Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
- Bytes buffered: 0
- Lifetime stats received from remote host 119.4s ago:
- Totals
- Sent: 26,526 pkts 19,458,048 bytes
- Recv: 23,857 pkts 2,983,936 bytes
- Recv w seq: 23,856 pkts
- Dropped : 0 pkts 0.00%
- OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
- Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
- SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
- Ping histogram: (20748 total samples)
- 0-25 : 7897 38%
- 25-50 :12851 62%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- 75-100 : 0 0%
- 100-125 : 0 0%
- 125-150 : 0 0%
- 150-200 : 0 0%
- 200-300 : 0 0%
- 300+ : 0 0%
- Ping distribution:
- 5% of pings <= 24ms
- 50% of pings <= 26ms
- 75% of pings <= 27ms
- 95% of pings <= 30ms
- 98% of pings <= 31ms
- Connection quality histogram: (78 measurement intervals)
- 100 : 78 100% (All packets received in order)
- 99+ : 0 0%
- 97-99 : 0 0%
- 95-97 : 0 0%
- 90-95 : 0 0%
- 75-90 : 0 0%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- <50 : 0 0%
- dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
- Connection quality distribution:
- 50% of intervals >= 100%
- 75% of intervals >= 100%
- 95% of intervals >= 100%
- 98% of intervals >= 100%
- Latency variance histogram not available
- TX Speed histogram: (468 total samples)
- 0 - 16 KB/s: 468 100%
- 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
- 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
- 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
- 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
- 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
- 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
- 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
- Transmit speed distribution:
- 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- RX Speed histogram: (468 total samples)
- 0 - 16 KB/s: 468 100%
- 16 - 32 KB/s: 0 0%
- 32 - 64 KB/s: 0 0%
- 64 - 128 KB/s: 0 0%
- 128 - 256 KB/s: 0 0%
- 256 - 512 KB/s: 0 0%
- 512 - 1024 KB/s: 0 0%
- 1024+ KB/s: 0 0%
- Receive speed distribution:
- 5% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 50% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 75% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 95% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- 98% of speeds <= 0 KB/s
- Primary router: gru#304 ( Ping = 25+0=25 (front+back=total)
- Current rates:
- Sent: 62.4 pkts/sec 5.7 K/sec
- Recv: 64.0 pkts/sec 12.1 K/sec
- Ping:25ms Max latency variance: 2.0ms
- Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
- Bytes buffered: 0
- Lifetime stats:
- Totals
- Sent: 31,354 pkts 3,902,151 bytes
- Recv: 34,471 pkts 25,020,595 bytes
- Recv w seq: 34,451 pkts
- Dropped : 20 pkts 0.06%
- OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
- Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
- SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
- Ping histogram: (139 total samples)
- 0-25 : 61 44%
- 25-50 : 78 56%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- 75-100 : 0 0%
- 100-125 : 0 0%
- 125-150 : 0 0%
- 150-200 : 0 0%
- 200-300 : 0 0%
- 300+ : 0 0%
- Ping distribution:
- 5% of pings <= 24ms
- 50% of pings <= 26ms
- 75% of pings <= 27ms
- 95% of pings <= 29ms
- 98% of pings <= 31ms
- Connection quality histogram: (117 measurement intervals)
- 100 : 100 85% (All packets received in order)
- 99+ : 17 15%
- 97-99 : 0 0%
- 95-97 : 0 0%
- 90-95 : 0 0%
- 75-90 : 0 0%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- <50 : 0 0%
- dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
- Connection quality distribution:
- 50% of intervals >= 100%
- 75% of intervals >= 100%
- 95% of intervals >= 99%
- 98% of intervals >= 99%
- Latency variance histogram: (34216 total measurements)
- <1 : 29925 87%
- 1-2 : 3606 11%
- 2-5 : 608 2%
- 5-10 : 71 0%
- 10-20 : 6 0%
- >20 : 0 0%
- No connection transmit speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
- No connection recieve speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
- Rate stats received from remote host 19.2s ago:
- Sent: 68.0 pkts/sec 49.8 K/sec
- Recv: 63.6 pkts/sec 8.0 K/sec
- Ping:25ms Max latency variance: ???ms
- Quality: 100% (Dropped:0.00% WeirdSeq:0.00%)
- Bytes buffered: 0
- Lifetime stats received from remote host 119.5s ago:
- Totals
- Sent: 26,524 pkts 19,802,112 bytes
- Recv: 23,857 pkts 3,031,040 bytes
- Recv w seq: 23,855 pkts
- Dropped : 0 pkts 0.00%
- OutOfOrder: 0 pkts 0.00%
- Duplicate : 0 pkts 0.00%
- SeqLurch : 0 pkts 0.00%
- Ping histogram: (96 total samples)
- 0-25 : 38 40%
- 25-50 : 58 60%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- 75-100 : 0 0%
- 100-125 : 0 0%
- 125-150 : 0 0%
- 150-200 : 0 0%
- 200-300 : 0 0%
- 300+ : 0 0%
- Ping distribution:
- 5% of pings <= 24ms
- 50% of pings <= 26ms
- 75% of pings <= 26ms
- 95% of pings <= 29ms
- 98% of pings <= 30ms
- Connection quality histogram: (77 measurement intervals)
- 100 : 77 100% (All packets received in order)
- 99+ : 0 0%
- 97-99 : 0 0%
- 95-97 : 0 0%
- 90-95 : 0 0%
- 75-90 : 0 0%
- 50-75 : 0 0%
- <50 : 0 0%
- dead : 0 0% (Expected to receive something but didn't)
- Connection quality distribution:
- 50% of intervals >= 100%
- 75% of intervals >= 100%
- 95% of intervals >= 100%
- 98% of intervals >= 100%
- Latency variance histogram not available
- No connection transmit speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
- No connection recieve speed distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
- Backup router: scl#94 ( Ping = 123+52=175 (front+back=total)
- Removing Steam Net Connection for =[A:1:1945921547:13766]:0, handle 415bbdb3
- Discarding inactive session scl#94 ( for connection 1096531379. ConnectionShutdown
- Discarding inactive session gru#304 ( for connection 1096531379. ConnectionShutdown
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