

Mar 2nd, 2019
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  1. Tsuken (a Male Dragon) steps out of the teleport booth.
  2. Tsuken rushes out. What? WHAT!?
  3. l tsuken
  4. The Stormdrake is an exceedingly elusive breed of dragon. So elusive, in fact, that the one standing before you on two digitigrade legs might as well be the only one of his kind. He's also very aptly named. At a glance, Tsuken is a sleek, leanly muscled mass of seafoam green and deep, dark grey. Every inch of his six-and-a-half foot frame is covered in a pliable, resilient hide, dorsal regions dominated by a consistent black, with a gradient spanning all the way to his ventral side. Black gives way to dark grey, which drifts directly into that eye-pleasing shade of blue-green, his flesh and irises echoing this color.
  5. Curiously, the colored parts of his body occasionally pulse with seemingly random flashes of light, almost as if diffusing through roiling clouds that churn just beneath the surface of his hide. Shimmering vespers of ionized air can occasionally be seen drifting across his surface. And if you watch them long enough, there's a certain order to the way they move across his form, fading from existence for long periods of time, before appearing elsewhere on his body. At times, they almost seem to coalesce into denser, more corporeal tendrils of what appears to be pure energy, whiter in hue at the center, with only the light emanating from their mass to indicate that they're much the same color as he.
  6. At the end of a masculine, angular muzzle lie two eyes, two pools of practically jade hue sitting in black pools. They're eyes that wear the kind, caring look of a protector. And yet, the mischief is there, lingering at the edges of his muzzle. His lips are straight save for a downward fang-like structure on either side that protrudes along the sides of his chin. The nose at the end of that muzzle is blunted; draconic nostrils perched atop, sweeping slightly inward down to his lips. His nose is quite soft, much like a horse's.
  7. Fully six horns of dark ebon crown his head, two on either jaw, backswept slightly upward toward his long, pointed ears, the bottom of which is a bit smaller than its upper twin. Above these ears, and slightly further forward on his skull are his primary horns. Sweeping, ridged horns that extend directly back before they sweep out and back inward in a shallow crescent. From his back, two wings protrude, looking like a series of five fingers with great, blue-green sails draped between them. Those wing paws are quite dexterous, and can usually be found settled upon his shoulders, draping those leathers over his arms like a big, glimmering cloak. The paws and spines themselves are dark grey, a gradient that ends at the lean, strong-muscled roots at his shoulder blades.
  8. At the moment, the drake wears nothing. Not all that atypical for one of his breed, really. With such nudity comes even more detail, however. Inquisitive eyes will find his frame to hover somewhere between the build of a swimmer and that of a runner. His musculature is in no way bulky; he is streamlined and agile, clearly favoring maneuverability and stamina over strength and poise. His smooth chest is featureless, his stomach lacking the navel that a mammal might have, instead wearing only a very vague, minor dip where the muscle is less dense. His thighs and hips are powerful and well aligned with his torso. There is barely not enough muscle definition for the archetypical "V" to appear along the junction between trunk and limbs.
  9. Of course, being naked, it's bluntly easy to puzzle out his gender. A plump, promising sheath rests at the bottom of his stomach, with the usual, dangling sac beneath. They match the coloration of his belly, with the equipment within a hue or two brighter than the rest. Nine inches in length, it's got a plump, round bulb at its root, with five cartilaginous ridges sweeping along the underbelly, angled back toward his groin, and a spear tip glans. Granted, if you're getting a good look at that, chances are good that his guardian-esque gaze is a whole lot more... Inviting.
  10. (( Excellent NSFW art done by Qwertydragon! - ))
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