

Aug 18th, 2015
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  1. Tag Titles: [b][url=""]Trailblazers (c)[/url][/b] vs [b][url=""]DOA[/url][/b] vs [b][url=""]Power Trip[/url][/b] started off with Bradshaw and Rocky circling each other. As soon as Rocky went for a lockup, Bradshaw whipped him into DOA's corner, tagged in Hakushi, and started double-teaming Rocky. They beat him down in the corner with a series of kicks, followed by a corner lariat from Bradshaw! Rocky staggered out of the corner, and Bradshaw took advantage, hitting a deadly combination of hard lariats and stiff punches before hitting the ropes for the Clothesline From Hell. As Bradshaw rebounded from the ropes, Rocky had him scouted and hit a stunning spinebuster! Rocky didn't let up, and picked Bradshaw up off the mat before whipping him into a corner. To Rocky's chagrin, however, this was the Power Trip's corner. Joanna tagged herself in, and went right for Rocky, matching him strike for strike before ducking his windup jab and tossing him into Pillman's corner. The two Power Trip members kept on brutalizing him until he was able to reverse Pillman's jump-through corner lariat into a flatliner, sending Pillman's face right into the mat! The beleaguered Rocky staggered to his corner, hoping to tag Stevie in, but Stevie just scowled and let go of the tag rope, tossing it into Rocky's face. Maivia was shocked, and Pillman took advantage. As Joanna knocked both members of DOA off the apron with big boots, Pillman springboarded off the ropes, nailing the despondent Rocky with Air Pillman for the 3.
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