
Cave App

Nov 10th, 2018
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  1. Name: Gioanna "Cave" Cavendish
  2. Pronouns: She/Her
  3. Age: 18
  4. Height: 7'8"
  5. Race: Goliath
  6. Class: Warlock / Fighter (will start off as Fighter 1, all other levels will be in Warlock)
  7. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  9. Personality: Cave is a rebellious, impulsive, aggressive, and immature mess. She is an abrasive, emotionally closed-off gal of few words. While she can't be called evil, she doesn't mind inconveniencing innocent folk for her own gain, and outright torment people she feels have it coming. To many, she comes off as an irredeemable thug with no morals, but that is not true.
  11. Cave places a tremendous value on ambition, and standing up for yourself. She feels making the effort to do so is far more important, and worthy than respect, than actually succeeding. She will certainly bully innocent people (by intimidating, manipulating, or stealing from them, but never outright harming them), and if they shrug it off and let her, she will feel justified doing so. If they make a determined effort to resist, she will respect them. Similarly, she believes a person must earn their status in society, again whether or not they succeed: she has great respect for the hard workers on the bottom rungs, who try but fail to raise their ranks, and an even greater respect for those who do. Inversely, she holds no respect whatsoever for the high society nobles who've never worked a day in their lives, and deep down feels she hasn't earned her status herself.
  13. Her most virtuous attribute is her sense of loyalty. Towards those she cares about, she wouldn't dare let anyone lay a finger on them, and she'd rather die than betray them. A slight against them is equivalent to a slight against her, in her mind... which ultimately is certainly hypocritical of her considering how she treats people she's neutral towards. It's not hard to get her to care about someone, too: even though she might not outwardly show it at first, she can become quite fond of someone with little interaction.
  15. A lot of her awful behavior stems from her low sense of worth. When you hate yourself, you become deadened to the consequences of your actions.
  17. Background: Noble
  19. Many years ago, a Goliath clan was destroyed by invaders, leaving very few survivors. Two of these survivors included a twenty-something Goliath named Jekona, and her practically newborn baby sister Gionna. Wandering the woods, miles away from where she once lived, she met an elf nobleman named Eowyn Cavendish. Enamored by him (and his luxurious lifestyle), Jekona started a whirlwind romance. She took to the intricacies of high society quite quickly, which quickly led to marriage. Jekona discarded her last name (which would have been the name of the now demolished clan), and became Jekona Cavendish. Gionna, who was a toddler at the time, also became a Cavendish. She does not like being referred to as "Lady Cavendish," but adopted the nickname "Cave," and prefers it to her own name.
  21. Unlike Jekona, Cave didn't mesh well with the high society, which is surprising considering she was the one raised in it. Because of that, she felt like she was meant to be a part of Goliath culture instead, despite not having a firm grasp on what it was. She also definitely resents Jekona for discarding her heritage, and also believes the false rumors Jekona married out of a desire for luxury instead of love. In this, she considers Eowyn an innocent in the matter and actually gets along well with him; he's far more patient with her than she deserves, and it's from him that she eventually learned the basics of magic, as well as her selfless urge to protect innocents. Eowyn has certainly earned his status as a Noble in Gionna's eyes.
  23. Her habitual sneaking out at night has very recently lead her to her current situation. During a party, she (and several others) were tricked into partaking in a magic ritual. Supposedly, it was to summon a very weak ice devil, for fun, thrills, and to cool some drinks. Her limited knowledge of magic made her believe this was legit; she could certainly recognize aspects of the ritual related to ice and fiends. In truth, the ritual was one to make a warlock pact with an archfiend with control over ice. Since it happened so recently, she hasn't quite gotten a handle on how it works yet, but she does know she ain't gonna serve no stinking evil fiend, and she's looking for a way to avoid its corrupting influence (even as she takes advantage of its power).
  25. Trivia:
  27. - I feel she would get along well with Nathair!
  28. - Smokes, and dresses in the closest in-universe equivalents to punk fashion.
  29. - Allergic to shellfish
  30. - Her first name is pronounced like Fiona, but with a hard G.
  31. - Has a deeply ingrained phobia of fire, but her Fight / Flight / Freeze instincts are perpetually set to Fight.
  32. - Born without the markings Goliaths usually have. As their culture believes the markings indicate a Goliath's fate, it was believed she wouldn't live longer than a few months. This prophecy nearly came to pass.
  36. Character sheet:
  37. Timezone: EST
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