

Sep 8th, 2016
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  1. i want to talk about my experiences in the last week and how to learn from it
  2. 17 minutes
  3. You
  4. idk thats not really a good description but i guess ill just start
  5. 16 minutes
  6. You
  7. every year in Berlin theres this big consumer electronics expo. I got a job there. ill go to uni in october so i have a lot of time, and took up that job
  8. 16 minutes
  9. I'm 18, turned 18 2 days ago :)
  10. 16 minutes
  11. You
  12. anyway, my job was to put VR goggles on people, sit at the info desk etc, all that stuff
  13. 16 minutes
  14. Thanks!
  15. 16 minutes
  16. anyways, i actually liked work a lot
  17. 15 minutes
  18. and the people i worked with
  19. 15 minutes
  20. but they were all like 5 to 10 years older than me. most of them anyways. we werea group of 12
  21. 15 minutes
  22. 6 of them just wanted to work a few days and get the money, but me and some others were actually hanging out after work etc
  23. 15 minutes
  24. the thing is, im 18 but have barely any social skills
  25. 14 minutes
  26. the only people i can call friends only love playing minecraft etc
  27. 14 minutes
  28. so anyways i took this opportunity to just throw myself out there and i loved it
  29. 14 minutes
  30. but im not really that comfortable with myself yet
  31. 14 minutes
  32. and its really depressing to think what all the people ive worked with, what they probably have been doing for their eigteenth birthday
  33. 13 minutes
  34. its really important its like the 21st in the US
  35. 13 minutes
  36. ive probably hugged more people in the last 7 days than in the last 7 years lol
  37. 13 minutes
  38. so there was this afterparty at the end, and i was there and after a few beers went on to awkwardly take part in the dancing
  39. 13 minutes
  40. thats just one of the things that i missedo ut on learning earlier
  41. 12 minutes
  42. i feel
  43. 12 minutes
  44. while other people my age would be experienced in all that already
  45. 12 minutes
  46. i dont know jack shit about clothing like, i used to just randomly grab something from my wardrobe back in high school
  47. 11 minutes
  48. i started putting a bit more effort into it, hetting more clothes i liked online etc
  49. 11 minutes
  50. but i still have no idea what im doing lol
  51. 11 minutes
  52. same with my hair
  53. 11 minutes
  54. i have a general idea of what i want, but not how to achieve it, if it would look good on me etc
  55. 10 minutes
  56. and so anyway, what i forgot to mention
  57. 10 minutes
  58. on that aftershow party with all the people who worked for that company (the #1 german tv station)
  59. 10 minutes
  60. ARD
  61. 10 minutes
  62. (its not really a company)
  63. 10 minutes
  64. there were like 2 other guys who mustnt have been much older than me
  65. 10 minutes
  66. like 18
  67. 10 minutes
  68. and they were sticking out of the crowd like sore thumbs
  69. 9 minutes
  70. although they were dancing etc as if theybe been doing it all their lives
  71. 9 minutes
  72. so how about me im not only 5 years younger than my peers but also have no idea how to act in those situations
  73. 9 minutes
  74. i mean it did go well over the time at work.. we got along really well and we said we have to meet again
  75. 8 minutes
  76. but im not sure if thats just a phrase
  77. 8 minutes
  78. also theres lollapalooza coming up this weekend im sure some of them will go there
  79. 8 minutes
  80. i think thats fun but ive also never been to a festival before
  81. 7 minutes
  82. and again i feel like i'd be sticking out like a sore thumb between all those cool people who dress well and look good, id be sticking out
  83. 7 minutes
  84. ând when i go to uni in october, its for computer science
  85. 7 minutes
  86. but i dont know how to find friends at uni outside the people i also go to lectures with etc.
  87. 6 minutes
  88. thats pretty much it, for now.
  89. 5 minutes
  90. like, if my people from work, were still in a group chat, are like, lets go to a bar on friday, id be like yea sure lets do it, but i wouldnt know how to order etc
  91. 4 minutes
  92. You
  93. this is me
  94. 3 minutes
  95. You
  96. i look soo young
  97. 3 minutes
  98. im hoping i can remain friends with them
  99. 3 minutes
  100. oh that also reminds me
  101. 3 minutes
  102. me, a coworker of mine and another girl that was working in the hall near us took a taxi home
  103. 2 minutes
  104. paid for by the taxpayer :p because ARD is one of the two german state tv channels
  105. 2 minutes
  106. if thats the right way of putting it
  107. 2 minutes
  108. anyways she said something about i need to ___ my friends
  109. 1 minute
  110. forgot what it was
  111. 1 minute
  112. and i was jokingly like, go ahead, were here
  113. 1 minute
  114. and she said, no, my real friends
  115. 1 minute
  116. im not upset about that anyways
  117. 1 minute
  118. and we were all really drunk so you shouldnt put too much on whats said in that context i guess
  119. 1 minute
  120. but its just sad that i couldnt call anyone a real friend
  121. just now
  122. You
  123. but hopefully when i go to uni. and ill want to figure out the hair styling and fashion part out by then so yea
  124. just now
  125. thats enough for now :)
  126. just now
  127. i hope you can get an idea of whats going on in my head and write something
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