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a guest
Aug 24th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &7» &6KnockFFA &7┃ &7
  5. #
  6. #
  7. #
  9. every 1 minutes:
  10. set {Minuten} to "%minute%"
  11. set {Stunden} to "%hour%"
  12. if {Stunden} is "23":
  13. if {Minuten} is "1":
  14. set {SpielerVorGestern} to {SpielerGestern}
  15. set {NeueSpielerVorGestern} to {NeueSpielerGestern}
  16. set {SpielerGestern} to {SpielerHeute}
  17. set {NeueSpielerGestern} to {NeueSpielerHeute}
  18. set {NeueSpielerHeute} to 0
  19. set {SpielerHeute} to 0
  20. delete {JoinHeute::*}
  21. if {Gestern} is true:
  22. set {VorGestern} to true
  23. set {Gestern} to true
  24. on join:
  25. if {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  26. set {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} to true
  27. add 1 to {RegestrierteSpieler}
  28. add 1 to {NeueSpielerHeute}
  29. if {JoinHeute::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  30. set {JoinHeute::%player's uuid%} to true
  31. add 1 to {SpielerHeute}
  32. command /Serverstats:
  33. trigger:
  34. play "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 5
  35. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Serverstatistiken" to player
  36. set {Stammspieler} to "%{SpielerHeute}-{NeueSpielerHeute}%"
  37. set {StammspielerGestern} to "%{SpielerGestern}-{NeueSpielerGestern}%"
  38. set {StammspielerVorGestern} to "%{SpielerVorGestern}-{NeueSpielerVorGestern}%"
  39. if {Gestern} is not set:
  40. set {SpielerGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  41. set {NeueSpielerGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  42. set {StammspielerGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  43. if {VorGestern} is not set:
  44. set {SpielerVorGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  45. set {NeueSpielerVorGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  46. set {StammspielerVorGestern} to "&cNicht geladen .."
  47. wait 0.001 ticks
  48. format slot 0 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  49. format slot 1 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  50. format slot 2 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  51. format slot 3 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  52. format slot 5 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  53. format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&6Serverstatistiken" with lore "&7&m----------------------|| &6Registriert: &7%{RegestrierteSpieler}%||&7&m----------------------|| &eSpieler Heute: &7%{SpielerHeute}%|| &7Stammspieler Heute: &7%{Stammspieler}%|| &7Neue Spieler Heute: &7%{NeueSpielerHeute}%||&7&m----------------------|| &eSpieler Gestern: &7%{SpielerGestern}%|| &7Stammspieler Gestern: &7%{StammspielerGestern}%|| &7Neue Spieler Gestern: &7%{NeueSpielerGestern}%||&7&m----------------------|| &eSpieler VorGestern: &7%{SpielerVorGestern}%|| &7Stammspieler VorGestern: &7%{StammspielerVorGestern}%|| &7Neue Spieler VorGestern: &7%{NeueSpielerVorGestern}%||&7&m----------------------" to be unstealable
  54. format slot 6 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  55. format slot 7 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  56. format slot 8 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  57. command /Serverstatsdelete:
  58. trigger:
  59. send "&7Alle Stats wurden gelöscht!"
  60. delete {firstjoin::*}
  61. delete {RegestrierteSpieler}
  62. delete {NeueSpielerHeute}
  63. delete {JoinHeute::*}
  64. delete {SpielerHeute}
  65. delete {VorGestern}
  66. delete {Gestern}
  94. #
  95. # Spielevents
  96. #
  97. on join:
  98. setup skoreboard for player
  99. set title of skoreboard player to "&7➶ &6&e&lK&r&6NOCKFFA &7➷"
  100. set slot 2 of skoreboard player to "&6Map:"
  101. set slot 3 of skoreboard player to "&7» &b%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%"
  102. set slot 4 of skoreboard player to "&3"
  103. set slot 5 of skoreboard player to "&6Liga:"
  104. set slot 6 of skoreboard player to "&7» %{KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%}%"
  105. set slot 7 of skoreboard player to "&b"
  106. set slot 8 of skoreboard player to "&6Platzierung:"
  107. set slot 9 of skoreboard player to "&7» &e##%{rangliste.%player%}%"
  108. set slot 10 of skoreboard player to "&c"
  109. set slot 11 of skoreboard player to "&6Elo:"
  110. set slot 12 of skoreboard player to "&7» &a%{KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%}%"
  111. set slot 13 of skoreboard player to "&d"
  112. set slot 14 of skoreboard player to "&6Killstreak:"
  113. set slot 15 of skoreboard player to "&7» &30"
  114. every 2.5 seconds:
  115. loop all players:
  116. setup skoreboard for loop-player
  117. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6&e&lK&r&6NOCKFFA &7➷"
  118. wait 0.3 seconds
  119. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6K&e&lN&r&6OCKFFA &7➷"
  120. wait 0.3 seconds
  121. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KN&e&lO&r&6CKFFA &7➷"
  122. wait 0.3 seconds
  123. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KNO&e&lC&r&6KFFA &7➷"
  124. wait 0.3 seconds
  125. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KNOC&e&lK&r&6FFA &7➷"
  126. wait 0.3 seconds
  127. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KNOCK&e&lF&r&6FA &7➷"
  128. wait 0.3 seconds
  129. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KNOCKF&e&lF&r&6A &7➷"
  130. wait 0.3 seconds
  131. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KNOCKFF&e&lA &7➷"
  132. wait 0.3 seconds
  133. set title of skoreboard loop-player to "&7➶ &6KNOCKFFA &7➷"
  134. setup skoreboard for loop-player
  135. set slot 2 of skoreboard loop-player to "&6Map:"
  136. set slot 3 of skoreboard loop-player to "&7» &b%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%"
  137. set slot 4 of skoreboard loop-player to "&3"
  138. set slot 5 of skoreboard loop-player to "&6Liga:"
  139. set slot 6 of skoreboard loop-player to "&7» %{KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%}%"
  140. set slot 7 of skoreboard loop-player to "&b"
  141. set slot 8 of skoreboard loop-player to "&6Platzierung:"
  142. set slot 9 of skoreboard loop-player to "&7» &e##%{rangliste.%loop-player%}%"
  143. set slot 10 of skoreboard loop-player to "&c"
  144. set slot 11 of skoreboard loop-player to "&6Elo:"
  145. set slot 12 of skoreboard loop-player to "&7» &a%{KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%}%"
  146. set slot 13 of skoreboard loop-player to "&d"
  147. set slot 14 of skoreboard loop-player to "&6Killstreak:"
  148. set slot 15 of skoreboard loop-player to "&7» &30"
  149. on worldchange:
  150. wait 1 ticks
  151. set player's gamemode to adventure
  152. on chat:
  153. cancel event
  154. if player has permission "KNOCKFFA.ADMIN":
  155. broadcast "&7[&a%{KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}%&7] &c%player% &8┃ &f%message%"
  156. else:
  157. broadcast "&7[&a%{KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}%&7] &e%player% &8┃ &f%message%"
  158. on break:
  159. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  160. cancel event
  161. on inventory click:
  162. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  163. cancel event
  164. on drop:
  165. cancel event
  166. on pickup:
  167. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  168. cancel event
  169. on hunger meter change:
  170. cancel event
  171. on damage:
  172. if damage cause is fall:
  173. cancel event
  174. on place:
  175. wait 5 seconds
  176. set event-block to redstone block
  177. wait 1 seconds
  178. set event-block to air
  179. command /build:
  180. permission: KNOCKFFA.*
  181. permission message: {@prefix}&cDazu hast du keine Berechtigung
  182. trigger:
  183. if {build.%player%} is not set:
  184. send "{@prefix}Du bist nun im &aBaumodus"
  185. set player's gamemode to creative
  186. set {build.%player%} to true
  187. else:
  188. delete {build.%player%}
  189. set player's gamemode to survival
  190. send "{@prefix}Du bist nicht mehr &cBaumodus"
  191. on damage:
  192. victim's y-coordinate is higher than {KNOCKFFA.PVPhöhe.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%}:
  193. cancel event
  194. wait 1 ticks
  195. heal victim
  197. on any movement:
  198. if {asdf} is not set:
  199. player's y-coordinate is smaller than {KNOCKFFA.TODESHÖHE.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%}:
  200. if {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%} is not set:
  201. set player's gamemode to adventure
  202. set {numbaraaa} to random element out of {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  203. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{numbaraaa}%}
  204. delete {respawn.%player%}
  205. clear player's inventory
  206. set slot 4 of player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  207. if {delay.%player's UUID%} is not set:
  208. wait 2 ticks
  209. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  210. loop {KNOCKFFA.ELO::*}:
  211. add 1 to {_size}
  212. if {} is not set:
  213. set {} to loop-index
  214. else:
  215. set {_n} to 0
  216. loop {_size} times:
  217. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  218. {{_n}%} is not set
  219. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  220. stop loop
  221. wait a tick
  222. set {_n} to size of {*}
  223. loop {*}:
  224. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  225. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  226. wait a tick
  227. set {_result} to 1
  228. loop {*}:
  229. set {rangliste.%loop-value%} to "%{_result}%"
  230. add 1 to {_result}
  231. loop all players:
  232. if {Angriff.%loop-player%.%player%} is true:
  233. add 1 to {KNOCKFFA.KILLS.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  234. add 1 to {KNOCKFFA.TODE.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  235. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 0 and 499: #UNRANKED
  236. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  237. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  238. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  239. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  240. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  241. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  242. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  243. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  244. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  245. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  246. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  247. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  248. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  249. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  250. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  251. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  252. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  253. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  254. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  255. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  256. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  257. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  258. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  259. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  260. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  261. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  262. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  263. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  264. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  265. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  266. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  267. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  268. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  269. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  270. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  271. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  272. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  273. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  274. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  275. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  276. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  277. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  278. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  279. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  280. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  281. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  282. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  283. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  284. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  285. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  286. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  287. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  288. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  289. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  290. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  291. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  292. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  293. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  294. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  295. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  296. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  297. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  298. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  299. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  300. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  301. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  302. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  303. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  304. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  305. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  306. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  307. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  308. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  309. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  310. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  311. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  312. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  313. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  314. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  315. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  316. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  317. set {ELORANDOM} to 30
  318. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  319. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  320. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  321. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  322. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  323. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  324. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  325. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  326. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  327. set {ELORANDOM} to 25
  328. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  329. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  330. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  331. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  332. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  333. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  334. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  335. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  336. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  337. set {ELORANDOM} to 20
  338. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  339. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  340. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  341. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  342. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  343. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  344. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  345. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  346. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  347. set {ELORANDOM} to 15
  348. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  349. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  350. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  351. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  352. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  353. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  354. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  355. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  356. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  357. set {ELORANDOM} to 10
  358. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  359. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  360. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  361. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  362. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  363. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  364. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  365. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  366. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  367. set {ELORANDOM} to 5
  368. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  369. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  370. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  371. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  372. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  373. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  374. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  375. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  380. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 500 and 999: #BRONZE 1
  381. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  382. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  383. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  384. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  385. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  386. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  387. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  388. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  389. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  390. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  391. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  392. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  393. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  394. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  395. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  396. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  397. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  398. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  399. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  400. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  401. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  402. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  403. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  404. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  405. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  406. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  407. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  408. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  409. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  410. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  411. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  412. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  413. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  414. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  415. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  416. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  417. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  418. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  419. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  420. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  421. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  422. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  423. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  424. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  425. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  426. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  427. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  428. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  429. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  430. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  431. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  432. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  433. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  434. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  435. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  436. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  437. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  438. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  439. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  440. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  441. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  442. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  443. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  444. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  445. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  446. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  447. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  448. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  449. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  450. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  451. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  452. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  453. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  454. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  455. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  456. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  457. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  458. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  459. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  460. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  461. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  462. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  463. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  464. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  465. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  466. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  467. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  468. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  469. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  470. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  471. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  472. set {ELORANDOM} to 30
  473. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  474. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  475. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  476. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  477. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  478. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  479. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  480. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  481. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  482. set {ELORANDOM} to 25
  483. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  484. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  485. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  486. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  487. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  488. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  489. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  490. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  491. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  492. set {ELORANDOM} to 20
  493. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  494. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  495. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  496. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  497. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  498. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  499. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  500. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  501. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  502. set {ELORANDOM} to 15
  503. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  504. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  505. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  506. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  507. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  508. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  509. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  510. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  511. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  512. set {ELORANDOM} to 10
  513. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  514. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  515. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  516. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  517. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  518. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  519. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  520. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  521. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 1000 and 1499: #BRONZE 2
  522. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  523. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  524. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  525. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  526. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  527. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  528. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  529. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  530. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  531. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  532. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  533. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  534. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  535. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  536. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  537. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  538. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  539. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  540. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  541. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  542. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  543. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  544. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  545. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  546. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  547. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  548. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  549. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  550. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  551. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  552. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  553. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  554. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  555. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  556. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  557. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  558. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  559. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  560. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  561. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  562. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  563. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  564. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  565. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  566. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  567. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  568. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  569. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  570. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  571. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  572. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  573. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  574. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  575. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  576. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  577. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  578. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  579. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  580. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  581. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  582. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  583. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  584. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  585. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  586. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  587. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  588. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  589. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  590. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  591. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  592. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  593. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  594. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  595. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  596. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  597. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  598. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  599. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  600. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  601. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  602. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  603. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  604. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  605. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  606. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  607. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  608. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  609. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  610. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  611. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  612. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  613. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  614. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  615. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  616. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  617. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  618. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  619. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  620. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  621. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  622. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  623. set {ELORANDOM} to 30
  624. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  625. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  626. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  627. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  628. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  629. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  630. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  631. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  632. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  633. set {ELORANDOM} to 25
  634. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  635. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  636. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  637. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  638. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  639. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  640. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  641. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  642. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  643. set {ELORANDOM} to 20
  644. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  645. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  646. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  647. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  648. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  649. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  650. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  651. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  652. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  653. set {ELORANDOM} to 15
  654. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  655. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  656. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  657. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  658. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  659. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  660. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  661. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  662. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 1500 and 1999: #BRONZE 3
  663. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  664. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  665. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  666. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  667. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  668. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  669. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  670. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  671. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  672. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  673. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  674. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  675. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  676. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  677. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  678. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  679. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  680. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  681. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  682. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  683. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  684. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  685. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  686. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  687. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  688. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  689. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  690. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  691. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  692. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  693. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  694. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  695. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  696. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  697. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  698. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  699. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  700. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  701. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  702. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  703. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  704. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  705. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  706. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  707. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  708. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  709. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  710. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  711. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  712. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  713. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  714. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  715. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  716. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  717. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  718. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  719. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  720. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  721. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  722. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  723. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  724. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  725. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  726. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  727. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  728. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  729. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  730. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  731. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  732. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  733. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  734. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  735. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  736. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  737. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  738. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  739. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  740. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  741. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  742. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  743. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  744. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  745. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  746. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  747. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  748. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  749. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  750. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  751. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  752. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  753. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  754. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  755. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  756. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  757. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  758. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  759. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  760. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  761. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  762. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  763. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  764. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  765. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  766. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  767. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  768. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  769. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  770. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  771. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  772. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  773. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  774. set {ELORANDOM} to 30
  775. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  776. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  777. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  778. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  779. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  780. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  781. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  782. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  783. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  784. set {ELORANDOM} to 25
  785. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  786. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  787. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  788. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  789. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  790. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  791. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  792. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  793. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  794. set {ELORANDOM} to 20
  795. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  796. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  797. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  798. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  799. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  800. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  801. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  802. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  803. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 2000 and 2999: #Silber 1
  804. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  805. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  806. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  807. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  808. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  809. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  810. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  811. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  812. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  813. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  814. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  815. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  816. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  817. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  818. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  819. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  820. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  821. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  822. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  823. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  824. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  825. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  826. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  827. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  828. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  829. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  830. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  831. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  832. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  833. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  834. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  835. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  836. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  837. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  838. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  839. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  840. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  841. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  842. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  843. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  844. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  845. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  846. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  847. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  848. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  849. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  850. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  851. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  852. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  853. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  854. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  855. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  856. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  857. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  858. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  859. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  860. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  861. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  862. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  863. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  864. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  865. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  866. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  867. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  868. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  869. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  870. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  871. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  872. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  873. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  874. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  875. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  876. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  877. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  878. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  879. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  880. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  881. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  882. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  883. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  884. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  885. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  886. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  887. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  888. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  889. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  890. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  891. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  892. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  893. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  894. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  895. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  896. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  897. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  898. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  899. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  900. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  901. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  902. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  903. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  904. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  905. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  906. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  907. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  908. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  909. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  910. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  911. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  912. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  913. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  914. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  915. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  916. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  917. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  918. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  919. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  920. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  921. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  922. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  923. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  924. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  925. set {ELORANDOM} to 30
  926. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  927. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  928. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  929. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  930. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  931. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  932. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  933. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  934. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  935. set {ELORANDOM} to 25
  936. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  937. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  938. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  939. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  940. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  941. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  942. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  943. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  944. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 3000 and 3999: #Silber 2
  945. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  946. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  947. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  948. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  949. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  950. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  951. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  952. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  953. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  954. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  955. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  956. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  957. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  958. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  959. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  960. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  961. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  962. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  963. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  964. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  965. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  966. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  967. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  968. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  969. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  970. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  971. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  972. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  973. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  974. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  975. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  976. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  977. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  978. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  979. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  980. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  981. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  982. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  983. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  984. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  985. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  986. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  987. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  988. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  989. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  990. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  991. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  992. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  993. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  994. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  995. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  996. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  997. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  998. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  999. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1000. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1001. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1002. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1003. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1004. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1005. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1006. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1007. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1008. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1009. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1010. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1011. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1012. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1013. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1014. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1015. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1016. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1017. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1018. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1019. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1020. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1021. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1022. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1023. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1024. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1025. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1026. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  1027. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1028. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1029. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1030. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1031. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1032. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1033. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1034. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1035. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1036. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  1037. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1038. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1039. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1040. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1041. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1042. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1043. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1044. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1045. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1046. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  1047. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1048. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1049. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1050. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1051. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1052. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1053. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1054. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1055. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1056. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  1057. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1058. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1059. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1060. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1061. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1062. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1063. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1064. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1065. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1066. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  1067. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1068. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1069. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1070. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1071. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1072. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1073. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1074. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1075. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1076. set {ELORANDOM} to 30
  1077. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1078. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1079. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1080. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1081. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1082. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1083. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1084. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1085. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 4000 and 4999: #Silber 3
  1086. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1087. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1088. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1089. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1090. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1091. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1092. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1093. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1094. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1095. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1096. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1097. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  1098. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1099. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1100. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1101. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1102. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1103. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1104. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1105. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1106. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1107. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  1108. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1109. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1110. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1111. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1112. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1113. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1114. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1115. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1116. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1117. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  1118. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1119. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1120. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1121. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1122. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1123. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1124. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1125. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1126. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1127. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  1128. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1129. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1130. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1131. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1132. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1133. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1134. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1135. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1136. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1137. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  1138. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1139. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1140. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1141. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1142. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1143. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1144. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1145. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1146. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1147. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  1148. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1149. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1150. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1151. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1152. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1153. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1154. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1155. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1156. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1157. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1158. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1159. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1160. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1161. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1162. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1163. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1164. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1165. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1166. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1167. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1168. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1169. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1170. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1171. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1172. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1173. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1174. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1175. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1176. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1177. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  1178. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1179. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1180. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1181. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1182. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1183. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1184. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1185. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1186. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1187. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  1188. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1189. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1190. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1191. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1192. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1193. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1194. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1195. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1196. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1197. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  1198. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1199. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1200. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1201. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1202. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1203. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1204. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1205. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1206. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1207. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  1208. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1209. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1210. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1211. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1212. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1213. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1214. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1215. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1216. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1217. set {ELORANDOM} to 35
  1218. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1219. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1220. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1221. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1222. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1223. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1224. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1225. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1226. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 5000 and 6499: #Gold 1
  1227. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1228. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  1229. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1230. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1231. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1232. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1233. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1234. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1235. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1236. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1237. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1238. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1239. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1240. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1241. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1242. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1243. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1244. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1245. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1246. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1247. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1248. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  1249. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1250. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1251. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1252. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1253. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1254. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1255. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1256. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1257. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1258. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  1259. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1260. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1261. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1262. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1263. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1264. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1265. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1266. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1267. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1268. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  1269. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1270. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1271. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1272. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1273. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1274. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1275. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1276. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1277. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1278. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  1279. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1280. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1281. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1282. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1283. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1284. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1285. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1286. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1287. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1288. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  1289. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1290. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1291. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1292. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1293. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1294. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1295. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1296. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1297. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1298. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  1299. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1300. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1301. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1302. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1303. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1304. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1305. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1306. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1307. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1308. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1309. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1310. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1311. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1312. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1313. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1314. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1315. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1316. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1317. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1318. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1319. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1320. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1321. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1322. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1323. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1324. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1325. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1326. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1327. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1328. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  1329. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1330. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1331. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1332. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1333. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1334. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1335. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1336. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1337. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1338. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  1339. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1340. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1341. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1342. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1343. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1344. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1345. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1346. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1347. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1348. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  1349. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1350. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1351. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1352. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1353. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1354. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1355. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1356. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1357. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1358. set {ELORANDOM} to 40
  1359. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1360. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1361. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1362. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1363. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1364. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1365. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1366. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1367. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 6500 and 7999: #Gold 2
  1368. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1369. set {ELORANDOM} to 110
  1370. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1371. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1372. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1373. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1374. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1375. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1376. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1377. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1378. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1379. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  1380. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1381. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1382. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1383. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1384. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1385. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1386. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1387. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1388. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1389. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1390. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1391. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1392. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1393. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1394. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1395. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1396. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1397. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1398. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1399. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  1400. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1401. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1402. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1403. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1404. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1405. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1406. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1407. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1408. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1409. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  1410. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1411. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1412. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1413. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1414. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1415. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1416. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1417. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1418. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1419. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  1420. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1421. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1422. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1423. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1424. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1425. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1426. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1427. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1428. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1429. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  1430. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1431. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1432. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1433. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1434. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1435. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1436. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1437. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1438. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1439. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  1440. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1441. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1442. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1443. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1444. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1445. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1446. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1447. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1448. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1449. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  1450. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1451. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1452. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1453. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1454. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1455. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1456. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1457. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1458. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1459. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1460. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1461. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1462. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1463. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1464. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1465. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1466. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1467. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1468. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1469. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1470. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1471. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1472. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1473. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1474. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1475. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1476. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1477. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1478. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1479. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  1480. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1481. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1482. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1483. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1484. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1485. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1486. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1487. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1488. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1489. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  1490. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1491. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1492. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1493. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1494. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1495. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1496. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1497. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1498. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1499. set {ELORANDOM} to 45
  1500. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1501. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1502. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1503. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1504. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1505. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1506. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1507. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1508. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 8000 and 9499: #Gold 3
  1509. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1510. set {ELORANDOM} to 115
  1511. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1512. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1513. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1514. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1515. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1516. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1517. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1518. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1519. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1520. set {ELORANDOM} to 110
  1521. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1522. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1523. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1524. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1525. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1526. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1527. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1528. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1529. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1530. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  1531. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1532. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1533. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1534. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1535. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1536. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1537. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1538. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1539. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1540. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1541. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1542. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1543. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1544. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1545. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1546. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1547. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1548. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1549. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1550. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  1551. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1552. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1553. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1554. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1555. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1556. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1557. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1558. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1559. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1560. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  1561. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1562. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1563. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1564. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1565. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1566. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1567. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1568. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1569. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1570. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  1571. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1572. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1573. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1574. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1575. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1576. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1577. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1578. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1579. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1580. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  1581. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1582. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1583. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1584. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1585. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1586. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1587. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1588. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1589. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1590. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  1591. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1592. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1593. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1594. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1595. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1596. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1597. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1598. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1599. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1600. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  1601. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1602. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1603. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1604. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1605. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1606. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1607. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1608. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1609. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1610. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1611. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1612. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1613. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1614. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1615. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1616. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1617. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1618. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1619. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1620. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1621. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1622. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1623. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1624. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1625. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1626. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1627. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1628. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1629. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1630. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  1631. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1632. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1633. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1634. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1635. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1636. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1637. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1638. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1639. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1640. set {ELORANDOM} to 50
  1641. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1642. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1643. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1644. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1645. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1646. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1647. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1648. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1649. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 9500 and 11499: #DIAMOND 1
  1650. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1651. set {ELORANDOM} to 120
  1652. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1653. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1654. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1655. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1656. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1657. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1658. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1659. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1660. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1661. set {ELORANDOM} to 115
  1662. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1663. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1664. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1665. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1666. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1667. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1668. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1669. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1670. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1671. set {ELORANDOM} to 110
  1672. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1673. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1674. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1675. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1676. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1677. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1678. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1679. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1680. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1681. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  1682. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1683. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1684. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1685. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1686. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1687. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1688. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1689. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1690. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1691. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1692. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1693. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1694. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1695. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1696. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1697. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1698. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1699. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1700. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1701. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  1702. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1703. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1704. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1705. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1706. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1707. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1708. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1709. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1710. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1711. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  1712. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1713. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1714. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1715. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1716. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1717. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1718. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1719. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1720. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1721. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  1722. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1723. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1724. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1725. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1726. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1727. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1728. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1729. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1730. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1731. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  1732. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1733. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1734. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1735. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1736. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1737. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1738. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1739. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1740. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1741. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  1742. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1743. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1744. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1745. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1746. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1747. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1748. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1749. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1750. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1751. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  1752. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1753. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1754. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1755. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1756. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1757. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1758. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1759. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1760. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1761. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1762. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1763. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1764. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1765. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1766. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1767. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1768. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1769. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1770. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1771. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1772. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1773. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1774. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1775. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1776. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1777. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1778. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1779. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1780. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1781. set {ELORANDOM} to 55
  1782. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1783. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1784. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1785. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1786. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1787. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1788. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1789. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1790. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 11500 and 13499: #DIAMOND 2
  1791. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1792. set {ELORANDOM} to 125
  1793. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1794. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1795. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1796. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1797. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1798. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1799. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1800. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1801. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1802. set {ELORANDOM} to 120
  1803. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1804. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1805. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1806. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1807. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1808. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1809. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1810. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1811. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1812. set {ELORANDOM} to 115
  1813. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1814. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1815. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1816. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1817. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1818. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1819. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1820. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1821. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1822. set {ELORANDOM} to 110
  1823. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1824. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1825. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1826. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1827. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1828. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1829. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1830. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1831. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1832. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  1833. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1834. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1835. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1836. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1837. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1838. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1839. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1840. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1841. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1842. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1843. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1844. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1845. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1846. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1847. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1848. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1849. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1850. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1851. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1852. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  1853. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1854. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1855. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1856. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1857. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1858. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1859. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1860. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1861. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  1862. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  1863. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1864. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1865. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  1866. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1867. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1868. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1869. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1870. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1871. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  1872. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  1873. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1874. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1875. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  1876. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1877. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1878. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1879. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1880. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1881. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  1882. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  1883. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1884. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1885. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  1886. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1887. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1888. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1889. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1890. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1891. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  1892. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  1893. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1894. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1895. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  1896. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1897. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1898. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1899. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1900. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1901. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  1902. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  1903. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1904. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1905. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1906. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1907. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1908. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1909. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1910. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1911. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  1912. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  1913. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1914. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1915. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  1916. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1917. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1918. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1919. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1920. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1921. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  1922. set {ELORANDOM} to 60
  1923. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1924. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1925. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  1926. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1927. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1928. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1929. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1930. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1931. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 13500 and 15499: #DIAMOND 3
  1932. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  1933. set {ELORANDOM} to 130
  1934. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1935. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1936. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  1937. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1938. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1939. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1940. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1941. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1942. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  1943. set {ELORANDOM} to 125
  1944. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1945. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1946. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  1947. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1948. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1949. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1950. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1951. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1952. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  1953. set {ELORANDOM} to 120
  1954. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1955. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1956. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  1957. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1958. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1959. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1960. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1961. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1962. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  1963. set {ELORANDOM} to 115
  1964. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1965. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1966. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  1967. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1968. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1969. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1970. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1971. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1972. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  1973. set {ELORANDOM} to 110
  1974. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1975. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1976. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  1977. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1978. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1979. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1980. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1981. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1982. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  1983. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  1984. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1985. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1986. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  1987. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1988. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1989. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  1990. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  1991. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  1992. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  1993. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  1994. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  1995. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  1996. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  1997. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  1998. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  1999. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2000. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2001. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2002. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  2003. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  2004. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2005. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2006. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  2007. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2008. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2009. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2010. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2011. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2012. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  2013. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  2014. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2015. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2016. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  2017. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2018. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2019. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2020. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2021. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2022. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  2023. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  2024. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2025. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2026. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  2027. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2028. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2029. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2030. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2031. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2032. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  2033. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  2034. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2035. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2036. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  2037. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2038. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2039. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2040. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2041. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2042. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  2043. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  2044. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2045. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2046. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  2047. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2048. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2049. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2050. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2051. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2052. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  2053. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  2054. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2055. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2056. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  2057. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2058. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2059. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2060. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2061. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2062. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  2063. set {ELORANDOM} to 65
  2064. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2065. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2066. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  2067. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&bDIAMANT III&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2068. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2069. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2070. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2071. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2072. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is bigger than 15500: #GRANDMASTER
  2073. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  2074. set {ELORANDOM} to 135
  2075. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2076. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2077. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&7UNRANKED&7) getötet"
  2078. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2079. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2080. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2081. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2082. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2083. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  2084. set {ELORANDOM} to 130
  2085. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2086. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2087. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE I&7) getötet"
  2088. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2089. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2090. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2091. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2092. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2093. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  2094. set {ELORANDOM} to 125
  2095. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2096. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2097. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE II&7) getötet"
  2098. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2099. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2100. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2101. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2102. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2103. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  2104. set {ELORANDOM} to 120
  2105. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2106. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2107. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&cBRONZE III&7) getötet"
  2108. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2109. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2110. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2111. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2112. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2113. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  2114. set {ELORANDOM} to 115
  2115. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2116. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2117. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER I&7) getötet"
  2118. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2119. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2120. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2121. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2122. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2123. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  2124. set {ELORANDOM} to 110
  2125. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2126. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2127. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER II&7) getötet"
  2128. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2129. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2130. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2131. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2132. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2133. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  2134. set {ELORANDOM} to 105
  2135. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2136. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2137. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&fSILBER III&7) getötet"
  2138. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2139. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2140. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2141. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2142. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2143. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  2144. set {ELORANDOM} to 100
  2145. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2146. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2147. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD I&7) getötet"
  2148. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2149. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2150. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2151. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2152. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2153. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  2154. set {ELORANDOM} to 95
  2155. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2156. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2157. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD II&7) getötet"
  2158. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2159. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2160. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2161. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2162. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2163. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  2164. set {ELORANDOM} to 90
  2165. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2166. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2167. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&6GOLD III&7) getötet"
  2168. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2169. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2170. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2171. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2172. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2173. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  2174. set {ELORANDOM} to 85
  2175. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2176. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2177. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT I&7) getötet"
  2178. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2179. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2180. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2181. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2182. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2183. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  2184. set {ELORANDOM} to 80
  2185. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2186. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2187. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  2188. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2189. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2190. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2191. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2192. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2193. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  2194. set {ELORANDOM} to 75
  2195. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2196. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2197. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&bDIAMANT II&7) getötet"
  2198. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2199. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2200. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2201. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2202. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2203. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  2204. set {ELORANDOM} to 70
  2205. add {ELORANDOM} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2206. remove {ELORANDOM} from {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2207. send "{@prefix}Du wurdest von &c%loop-player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) getötet"
  2208. send "{@prefix}Du hast &a%player% &7(&9&lGRANDMASTER&7) &7getötet" to loop-player
  2209. send "{@prefix}&c- %{ELORANDOM}% Elo"
  2210. send "{@prefix}&a+ %{ELORANDOM}% Elo" to loop-player
  2211. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} is smaller than 0:
  2212. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2213. set {KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%loop-player%} to {KNOCKFFA.KILLS.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2214. set {KNOCKFFA.TODE::%player%} to {KNOCKFFA.TODE.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2215. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%loop-player's uuid%}
  2216. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} to {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%}
  2219. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 0 and 499:
  2220. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 1:
  2221. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&7UNRANKED"
  2222. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 1
  2223. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &7UNRANKED" for 2 seconds
  2224. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2225. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 500 and 999:
  2226. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 2:
  2227. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 2
  2228. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&cBRONZE I"
  2229. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &cBRONZE I" for 2 seconds
  2230. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2231. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  2232. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 3:
  2233. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 3
  2234. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&cBRONZE II"
  2235. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &cBRONZE II" for 2 seconds
  2236. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2237. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  2238. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 4:
  2239. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 4
  2240. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&cBRONZE III"
  2241. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &cBRONZE III" for 2 seconds
  2242. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2243. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  2244. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 5:
  2245. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 5
  2246. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&fSILBER I"
  2247. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &fSILBER I" for 2 seconds
  2248. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2249. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  2250. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 6:
  2251. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 6
  2252. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &fSILBER II" for 2 seconds
  2253. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&fSILBER II"
  2254. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2255. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  2256. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 7:
  2257. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 7
  2258. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &fSILBER III" for 2 seconds
  2259. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&fSILBER III"
  2260. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2261. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  2262. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 8:
  2263. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 8
  2264. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &6GOLD I" for 2 seconds
  2265. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&6GOLD I"
  2266. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2267. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  2268. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 9:
  2269. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 9
  2270. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&6GOLD II"
  2271. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &6GOLD II" for 2 seconds
  2272. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2273. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  2274. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 10:
  2275. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 10
  2276. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&6GOLD III"
  2277. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &6GOLD III" for 2 seconds
  2278. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2279. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  2280. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 11:
  2281. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 11
  2282. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&bDIAMANT I"
  2283. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &bDIAMANT I" for 2 seconds
  2284. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2285. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  2286. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 12:
  2287. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 12
  2288. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&bDIAMANT II"
  2289. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &bDIAMANT II" for 2 seconds
  2290. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2291. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  2292. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 13:
  2293. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 13
  2294. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&bDIAMANT III"
  2295. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &bDIAMANT III" for 2 seconds
  2296. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2297. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%loop-player%} is bigger than 15500:
  2298. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} is not 14:
  2299. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%loop-player%} to 14
  2300. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%loop-player%} to "&9&lGRANDMASTER"
  2301. send loop-player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &9&lGRANDMASTER" for 2 seconds
  2302. play "anvil_land" to loop-player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2304. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 0 and 499:
  2305. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 1:
  2306. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 1
  2307. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&7UNRANKED"
  2308. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &7UNRANKED" for 2 seconds
  2309. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2310. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 500 and 999:
  2311. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 2:
  2312. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 2
  2313. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&cBRONZE I"
  2314. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &cBRONZE I" for 2 seconds
  2315. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2316. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 1000 and 1499:
  2317. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 3:
  2318. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 3
  2319. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&cBRONZE II"
  2320. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &cBRONZE II" for 2 seconds
  2321. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2322. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 1500 and 1999:
  2323. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 4:
  2324. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 4
  2325. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&cBRONZE III"
  2326. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &cBRONZE III" for 2 seconds
  2327. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2328. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 2000 and 2999:
  2329. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 5:
  2330. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 5
  2331. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&fSILBER I"
  2332. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &fSILBER I" for 2 seconds
  2333. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2334. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 3000 and 3999:
  2335. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 6:
  2336. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 6
  2337. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&fSILBER II"
  2338. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &fSILBER II" for 2 seconds
  2339. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2340. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 4000 and 4999:
  2341. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 7:
  2342. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 7
  2343. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&fSILBER III"
  2344. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &fSILBER III" for 2 seconds
  2345. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2346. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 5000 and 6499:
  2347. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 8:
  2348. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 8
  2349. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&6GOLD I"
  2350. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &6GOLD I" for 2 seconds
  2351. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2352. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 6500 and 7999:
  2353. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 9:
  2354. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 9
  2355. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&6GOLD II"
  2356. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &6GOLD II" for 2 seconds
  2357. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2358. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 8000 and 9499:
  2359. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 10:
  2360. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 10
  2361. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&6GOLD III"
  2362. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &6GOLD III" for 2 seconds
  2363. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2364. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 9500 and 11499:
  2365. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 11:
  2366. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&bDIAMANT I"
  2367. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 11
  2368. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &bDIAMANT I" for 2 seconds
  2369. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2370. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 11500 and 13499:
  2371. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 12:
  2372. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&bDIAMANT II"
  2373. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 12
  2374. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &bDIAMANT II" for 2 seconds
  2375. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2376. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is between 13500 and 15499:
  2377. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 13:
  2378. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 13
  2379. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&bDIAMANT III"
  2380. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &bDIAMANT III" for 2 seconds
  2381. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2382. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is bigger than 15500:
  2383. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not 14:
  2384. set {KNOCKFFA.LIGA.%player%} to "&9&lGRANDMASTER"
  2385. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 14
  2386. send player title "&aNeue Liga" with subtitle "&7» &9&lGRANDMASTER" for 2 seconds
  2387. play "anvil_land" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2388. execute loop-player command "aktuellisierestats"
  2389. stop
  2390. send "{@prefix}&cDu bist gestorben"
  2391. player's y-coordinate is smaller than {KNOCKFFA.PVPhöhe.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%}:
  2392. if {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%} is not set:
  2393. if {respawn.%player%} is not set:
  2394. set player's gamemode to survival
  2395. set {respawn.%player%} to 1
  2396. clear player's inventory
  2397. play "item_pickup" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2398. set slot 0 of player to stick named "&6Knüppel"
  2399. enchant slot 0 of player with knockback 1
  2400. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 7:
  2401. set slot 1 of player to unbreakable fishing rod named "&eEnterhaken"
  2402. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 2:
  2403. set slot 1 of player to 368 named "&2Enderperle"
  2404. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 3:
  2405. set slot 1 of player to 5 332 named "&7Schneeball"
  2406. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 4:
  2407. set slot 0 of player to stick named "&6Knüppel-II"
  2408. enchant slot 0 of player with knockback 2
  2409. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 5:
  2410. set slot 1 of player to 15 24 named "&eBlöcke"
  2411. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 6:
  2412. set slot 1 of player to 399 named "&fBoost"
  2413. command /aktuellisierestats:
  2414. trigger:
  2415. if {adsf} is not set:
  2416. if {delay.%player's UUID%} is not set:
  2417. wait 2 ticks
  2418. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  2419. loop {KNOCKFFA.ELO::*}:
  2420. add 1 to {_size}
  2421. if {} is not set:
  2422. set {} to loop-index
  2423. else:
  2424. set {_n} to 0
  2425. loop {_size} times:
  2426. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  2427. {{_n}%} is not set
  2428. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  2429. stop loop
  2430. wait a tick
  2431. set {_n} to size of {*}
  2432. loop {*}:
  2433. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  2434. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  2435. wait a tick
  2436. set {_result} to 1
  2437. loop {*}:
  2438. set {rangliste.%loop-value%} to "%{_result}%"
  2439. add 1 to {_result}
  2441. on damage:
  2442. if attacker is a player:
  2443. if attacker is not "%victim%":
  2444. loop 53 times:
  2445. set {Angreifer.%victim%} to attacker
  2446. wait 0.0625 second
  2447. set {Angriff.%attacker%.%victim%} to true
  2448. set {Angriff.%attacker%.%victim%} to false
  2449. clear {Angreifer.%victim%}
  2450. stop
  2451. #
  2452. # JOIN
  2453. #
  2454. command /add [<player>] [<number>]:
  2455. trigger:
  2456. if arg-1 is set:
  2457. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%arg-1's uuid%} to arg-2
  2458. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%arg-1%} to arg-2
  2459. on join:
  2460. set join message to ""
  2461. if {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} is not set:
  2462. set {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP.%player%} to 0
  2463. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} is not set:
  2464. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2465. set {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%} to 0
  2466. if {KNOCKFFA.TODE::%player%} is not set:
  2467. set {KNOCKFFA.TODE::%player%} to 0
  2468. set {KNOCKFFA.TODE.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2469. if {KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%player%} is not set:
  2470. set {KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%player%} to 0
  2471. set {KNOCKFFA.KILLS.PLAYER::%player's uuid%} to 0
  2472. delete {build.%player%}
  2473. delete {respawn.%player%}
  2474. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.DEBUG}
  2475. wait 4 ticks
  2476. set {numbaraaa} to random element out of {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  2477. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{numbaraaa}%}
  2478. clear player's inventory
  2479. wait 1 ticks
  2480. set slot 4 of player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  2481. set player's gamemode to adventure
  2482. on quit:
  2483. set leave message to ""
  2485. #
  2486. # KnockOut Befehl
  2487. #
  2488. command /knockffa [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  2489. permission: KNOCKFFA.*
  2490. permission message: {@prefix}&cDazu hast du keine Berechtigung
  2491. trigger:
  2492. if arg-1 is not set:
  2493. send "{@prefix}Hilfe:"
  2494. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&bsetup&7> <&bName&7>"
  2495. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&baddmap&7> <&bName&7>"
  2496. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&bdeletemap&7> <&bName&7>"
  2497. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&blist&7>"
  2498. send "&8- &7/KnockFFA <&bconfigurate&7>"
  2499. if arg-1 is "setdebug":
  2500. set {KNOCKOUT.DEBUG} to location of player
  2501. send "{@prefix}&7Der Debug wurde gesetzt"
  2502. if arg-1 is "setup":
  2503. if arg-2 is set:
  2504. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is set:
  2505. set {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT} to 1
  2506. set {KnockFFA.SETUP} to arg-2
  2507. send "{@prefix}Du bist nun im &aSetup &7von der Map &d%arg-2%"
  2508. set player's gamemode to creative
  2509. set {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%} to true
  2510. clear player's inventory
  2511. wait 1 ticks
  2512. set slot 0 of player to 348 named "&7» &eSetze den Spawn"
  2513. set slot 1 of player to 267 named "&7» &bSetze die PVPhöhe"
  2514. set slot 2 of player to 152 named "&7» &cSetze die Todeshöhe"
  2515. set slot 7 of player to 145 named "&7» &6Mapwechsel: %{KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL}% Minuten"
  2516. set slot 8 of player to 388 named "&7» &aFertig"
  2517. else:
  2518. send "{@prefix}&cDiese Map gibt es nicht"
  2519. if arg-1 is "addmap":
  2520. if arg-2 is set:
  2521. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is not set:
  2522. send "{@prefix}Du hast die Map &e%arg-2% &7erfolgreich &aerstellt"
  2523. set {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} to true
  2524. add arg-2 to {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}
  2525. else:
  2526. send "{@prefix}&cDiesen Mapnamen gibt es bereits schon"
  2527. if arg-1 is "deletemap":
  2528. if arg-2 is set:
  2529. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is set:
  2530. send "{@prefix}Du hast die Map &c%arg-2% &7erfolgreich &cgelöscht"
  2531. delete {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%}
  2532. remove arg-2 from {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}
  2533. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.1}
  2534. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.2}
  2535. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.3}
  2536. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.4}
  2537. delete {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.5}
  2538. else:
  2539. send "{@prefix}&cDiese Map gibt es nicht"
  2540. if arg-1 is "list":
  2541. if {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*} is set:
  2542. send "{@prefix}Maps:"
  2543. loop {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}:
  2544. send "&8- &b%loop-value%"
  2545. else:
  2546. send "{@prefix}&cEs wurden noch keine Maps erstellt"
  2547. if arg-1 is "addspawn":
  2548. if arg-2 is set:
  2549. if arg-3 is set:
  2550. if {KNOCKFFA.MAP.%arg-2%} is true:
  2551. set {arg-3} to arg-3
  2552. if {arg-3} is smaller than 5:
  2553. set {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%arg-2%.%arg-3%} to location of player
  2554. send "{@prefix}Du hast &aerfolgreich &7den &e%arg-3%-Spawn &7auf der Map &e%arg-2% &agesetzt"
  2555. else:
  2556. send "{@prefix}&cDu kannst nur bis zu 4 Spawns setzen"
  2557. else:
  2558. send "{@prefix}&cDiese Map gibt es nicht"
  2559. if arg-1 is "configurate":
  2560. set {KNOCKFFA.minute} to 0
  2561. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 1
  2562. if arg-1 is "deletestats":
  2563. delete {ELOGRUPPE.RANKUP::*}
  2564. delete {KNOCKFFA.ELO::*}
  2565. delete {KNOCKFFA.ELO.PLAYER::*}
  2566. delete {KNOCKFFA.KILLS::*}
  2567. delete {KNOCKFFA.TODE::*}
  2568. kick all players due to "{@prefix}&cAlle Stats wurde resetet, joine neu .."
  2569. #
  2570. # MAP & KITWECHSEL
  2571. #
  2572. every 1 seconds:
  2573. remove 1 from {KNOCKFFA.sekunden}
  2574. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is smaller than 0:
  2575. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is bigger than 0:
  2576. remove 1 from {KNOCKFFA.minute}
  2577. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 59
  2578. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2579. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 0:
  2580. set {KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP} to random element out of {KNOCKFFA.ALL.MAPS::*}
  2581. broadcast "{@prefix}Es wird nun auf der &aMap &d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}% &7gespielt"
  2582. loop all players:
  2583. set {nuuuumbers} to random integer between 1 and 4
  2584. teleport loop-player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{nuuuumbers}%}
  2586. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 0
  2587. set {KNOCKFFA.KIT} to random integer between 1 and 8
  2588. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 7:
  2589. loop all players:
  2590. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&eEnterhaken"
  2591. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &eEnterhaken" for 2 seconds
  2592. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 2:
  2593. loop all players:
  2594. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&2Enderperle"
  2595. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &2Enderperle" for 2 seconds
  2596. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 3:
  2597. loop all players:
  2598. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&7Schneeball"
  2599. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &7Schneeball" for 2 seconds
  2600. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 4:
  2601. loop all players:
  2602. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&6Knüppel II"
  2603. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &6Knüppel II" for 2 seconds
  2604. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 5:
  2605. loop all players:
  2606. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&eBlöcke"
  2607. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &eBlöcke" for 2 seconds
  2608. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 6:
  2609. loop all players:
  2610. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&fBoost"
  2611. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &fBoost" for 2 seconds
  2612. if {KNOCKFFA.KIT} is 8:
  2613. loop all players:
  2614. set {KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT} to "&aClassic"
  2615. send loop-player title "&d%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%" with subtitle "&aKit&8: &aClassic" for 2 seconds
  2616. broadcast "{@prefix}Das Kit wurde zu %{KNOCKFFA.NEWS.KIT}% &7gewechselt"
  2617. loop all players:
  2618. set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
  2619. delete {respawn.%loop-player%}
  2620. play sound "ANVIL_USE " to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2621. clear loop-player's inventory
  2622. wait 1 ticks
  2623. set slot 4 of loop-player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  2627. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 1:
  2628. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 0:
  2629. loop all players:
  2630. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2631. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &61 Minute"
  2632. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2633. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 30:
  2634. loop all players:
  2635. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2636. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &630 Sekunden"
  2637. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2638. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 15:
  2639. loop all players:
  2640. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2641. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &615 Sekunden"
  2642. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2643. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 10:
  2644. loop all players:
  2645. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2646. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &610 Sekunden"
  2647. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2648. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 5:
  2649. loop all players:
  2650. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2651. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &65 Sekunden"
  2652. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2653. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 4:
  2654. loop all players:
  2655. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2656. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &64 Sekunden"
  2657. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2658. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 3:
  2659. loop all players:
  2660. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2661. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &63 Sekunden"
  2662. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2663. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 2:
  2664. loop all players:
  2665. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2666. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &62 Sekunden"
  2667. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is 0:
  2668. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is 1:
  2669. loop all players:
  2670. play sound "NOTE_BASS" to loop-player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2671. broadcast "{@prefix}Die &aMap &7wechselt in &61 Sekunden"
  2672. loop all players:
  2673. if {KNOCKFFA.minute} is bigger than 9:
  2674. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is bigger than 9:
  2675. set action bar of all players to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  2676. else:
  2677. set action bar of all players to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e0%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  2679. else:
  2680. if {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} is bigger than 9:
  2681. set action bar of all players to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e0%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  2682. else:
  2683. set action bar of all players to "&f» &aMapwechsel &fin &e0%{KNOCKFFA.minute}%&7:&e0%{KNOCKFFA.sekunden}% &fMinuten"
  2686. on load:
  2687. if {KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL} is not set:
  2689. delete {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  2690. add 1 to {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  2691. add 2 to {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  2692. add 3 to {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  2693. add 4 to {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.BUGFIX::*}
  2694. #
  2695. # EDITMODE
  2696. #
  2697. on rightclick with 145:
  2698. if {KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL} is not 30:
  2700. else:
  2702. set slot 7 of player to 145 named "&7» &6Mapwechsel: %{KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL}% Minuten"
  2703. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  2704. send "{@prefix}Du hast den &aMapwechsel &7auf &6%{KNOCKFFA.KARTENWECHSEL}% Minuten &7gesetzt"
  2706. set {KNOCKFFA.sekunden} to 1
  2707. on rightclick with 348:
  2708. if {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT} is 5:
  2709. set {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT} to 1
  2710. set {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%.%{KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT}%} to location of player
  2711. send "{@prefix}Du hast den &e%{KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT}%-Spawn &7für die Map &d%{KnockFFA.SETUP}% &agesetzt"
  2712. add 1 to {KNOCKFFA.SPAWN.AMOUNT}
  2713. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  2714. on rightclick with 267:
  2715. set {KNOCKFFA.PVPhöhe.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%} to y-coord of player
  2716. send "{@prefix}Du hast die &bPVPhöhe &7für &d%{KnockFFA.SETUP}% &7gesetzt"
  2717. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  2718. on rightclick with 152:
  2719. set {KNOCKFFA.TODESHÖHE.%{KnockFFA.SETUP}%} to y-coord of player
  2720. send "{@prefix}Du hast die &cTodeshöhe &7für &d%{KnockFFA.SETUP}% &7gesetzt"
  2721. play "click" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  2722. on rightclick with 399:
  2723. set {KNOCKOUT.BOOST.%player%} to location of player
  2724. play "WITHER_SHOOT" to player with volume 50 and pitch 15
  2725. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.BOOST.%player%}
  2726. wait 4 ticks
  2727. push player upwards at speed 2.0
  2728. set slot 1 of player to air named "&a"
  2729. delete {KNOCKOUT.BOOST.%player%}
  2730. on rightclick with 388:
  2731. play "level_up" to player with volume 50 and pitch 5
  2732. send "{@prefix}Du hast das &aSetup &7abgeschlossen"
  2733. clear player's inventory
  2734. delete {KNOCKFFA.EDIT.%player%}
  2735. set player's gamemode to survival
  2736. wait 1 ticks
  2737. set slot 4 of player to chest named "&7» &bExtras"
  2738. set {nuuuumber} to random integer between 1 and 4
  2739. delete {respawn.%player%}
  2740. teleport player to {KNOCKOUT.SPAWN.%{KNOCKFFA.Aktuelle.MAP}%.%{nuuuumber}%}
  2742. command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
  2743. trigger:
  2744. if {delay.%player's UUID%} is not set:
  2745. wait 2 ticks
  2746. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  2747. loop {KNOCKFFA.ELO::*}:
  2748. add 1 to {_size}
  2749. if {} is not set:
  2750. set {} to loop-index
  2751. else:
  2752. set {_n} to 0
  2753. loop {_size} times:
  2754. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  2755. {{_n}%} is not set
  2756. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  2757. stop loop
  2758. wait a tick
  2759. set {_n} to size of {*}
  2760. loop {*}:
  2761. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  2762. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  2763. wait a tick
  2764. set {_result} to 1
  2765. loop {*}:
  2766. set {rangliste.%loop-value%} to "%{_result}%"
  2767. add 1 to {_result}
  2768. wait 2 ticks
  2770. if arg-1 isn't set:
  2771. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  2772. send "{@prefix}Stats von: &d%player%"
  2773. send "{@prefix}&B"
  2774. send "{@prefix}Platzierung: &e##%{rangliste.%player%}%"
  2775. send "{@prefix}Elo: &a%{KNOCKFFA.ELO::%player%}%"
  2776. send "{@prefix}&a"
  2777. send "{@prefix}Kills: &6%{KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%player%}%"
  2778. send "{@prefix}Tode: &6%{KNOCKFFA.TODE::%player%}%"
  2779. send "{@prefix}K/D: &6%{KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%player%}/{KNOCKFFA.TODE::%player%}%"
  2780. else:
  2781. if {KNOCKFFA.ELO::%arg-1%} isn't set:
  2782. send "{@prefix}&cDieser Spieler hat diesen Spielmodus noch nie gespielt!"
  2783. wait 3 seconds
  2784. delete {delay.%player's UUID%}
  2785. stop
  2786. set {_player.%arg-1%} to "%arg-1%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2787. send "{@prefix}Stats von: &d%arg-1%"
  2788. send "{@prefix}&B"
  2789. send "{@prefix}Platzierung: &e##%{rangliste.%arg-1%}%"
  2790. send "{@prefix}Elo: &a%{KNOCKFFA.ELO::%arg-1%}%"
  2791. send "{@prefix}&a"
  2792. send "{@prefix}Kills: &6%{KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%arg-1%}%"
  2793. send "{@prefix}Tode: &6%{KNOCKFFA.TODE::%arg-1%}%"
  2794. send "{@prefix}K/D: &6%{KNOCKFFA.KILLS::%arg-1%}/{KNOCKFFA.TODE::%arg-1%}%"
  2795. on right click with stone:
  2796. if {delay.%player's UUID%} is not set:
  2797. set {delay.%player's UUID%} to true
  2798. play sound "chicken_egg_pop" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2799. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  2800. open chest with 6 rows named "{@prefix}&e&lRangliste" to player
  2801. wait 0.1 ticks
  2802. format slot 26 of player with 160:8 named " " to be unstealable
  2803. format slot 27 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2804. format slot 28 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2805. format slot 29 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2806. format slot 30 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2807. format slot 31 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2808. format slot 32 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2809. format slot 33 of player with 160:7 named " " to be unstealable
  2810. format slot 34 of player with 160:8 named " " to be unstealable
  2811. wait 0.3 seconds
  2812. loop {KNOCKFFA.ELO::*}:
  2813. add 1 to {_size}
  2814. if {} is not set:
  2815. set {} to loop-index
  2816. else:
  2817. set {_n} to 0
  2818. loop {_size} times:
  2819. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  2820. {{_n}%} is not set
  2821. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  2822. stop loop
  2823. wait a tick
  2824. set {_n} to size of {*}
  2825. loop {*}:
  2826. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  2827. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  2828. wait a tick
  2829. set {_result} to 1
  2830. loop {*}:
  2831. set {rangliste.%loop-value%} to "%{_result}%"
  2832. set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2833. if {_result} is 1:
  2834. wait 0.1 seconds
  2835. format slot 11 of player with diamond block named "&b&lPlatz &l##1" to be unstealable
  2836. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2837. wait 0.1 seconds
  2838. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2839. set {_player.%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2840. format slot 20 of player with skull of {_player.%loop-value%} named "&b%{_player.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7&m---------------------||&8➥ &7Platzierung: &b##%{rangliste.%loop-value%}%|| ||&8➥ &7Kills: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7Tode: &f%{todespieler::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7K/D: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}/{todespieler::%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  2841. if {_result} is 2:
  2842. wait 0.1 seconds
  2843. format slot 13 of player with 2 gold block named "&e&lPlatz &e&L##2" to be unstealable
  2844. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2845. wait 0.1 seconds
  2846. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2847. set {_player.%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2848. format slot 22 of player with skull of {_player.%loop-value%} named "&e%{_player.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7&m---------------------||&8➥ &7Platzierung: &e##%{rangliste.%loop-value%}%|| ||&8➥ &7Kills: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7Tode: &f%{todespieler::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7K/D: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}/{todespieler::%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  2849. if {_result} is 3:
  2850. wait 0.1 seconds
  2851. format slot 15 of player with 3 iron block named "&f&lPlatz &l##3" to be unstealable
  2852. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2853. wait 0.1 seconds
  2854. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2855. set {_player.%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2856. format slot 24 of player with skull of {_player.%loop-value%} named "&f%{_player.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7&m---------------------||&8➥ &7Platzierung: &f##%{rangliste.%loop-value%}%|| ||&8➥ &7Kills: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7Tode: &f%{todespieler::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7K/D: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}/{todespieler::%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  2857. if {_result} is 4:
  2858. wait 0.1 seconds
  2859. format slot 30 of player with 4 172 named "&6&lPlatz &l##4" to be unstealable
  2860. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2861. wait 0.1 seconds
  2862. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2863. set {_player.%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2864. format slot 39 of player with skull of {_player.%loop-value%} named "&6%{_player.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7&m---------------------||&8➥ &7Platzierung: &6##%{rangliste.%loop-value%}%|| ||&8➥ &7Kills: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7Tode: &f%{todespieler::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7K/D: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}/{todespieler::%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  2865. if {_result} is 5:
  2866. wait 0.1 seconds
  2867. format slot 32 of player with 5 172 named "&6&lPlatz &l##5" to be unstealable
  2868. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2869. wait 0.1 seconds
  2870. set {_player.%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  2871. format slot 41 of player with skull of {_player.%loop-value%} named "&6%{_player.%loop-value%}%" with lore "&7&m---------------------||&8➥ &7Platzierung: &6##%{rangliste.%loop-value%}%|| ||&8➥ &7Kills: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7Tode: &f%{todespieler::%loop-value%}%||&8➥ &7K/D: &f%{killtop.kills::%loop-value%}/{todespieler::%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  2872. play sound "click" to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2873. stop loop
  2874. add 1 to {_result}
  2875. execute player command "extrsdaffda"
  2876. wait 1 seconds
  2877. delete {delay.%player's UUID%}
  2878. else:
  2879. set action bar of player to "{@p}&7&cBitte nicht Spammen!"
  2880. play sound "CREEPER_HISS " to player with volume 100.0 and pitch 15
  2882. command /extrsdaffda:
  2883. trigger:
  2884. wait 2 ticks
  2885. set {_player} to "%player%" parsed as player
  2886. loop {killtop.kills::*}:
  2887. add 1 to {_size}
  2888. if {} is not set:
  2889. set {} to loop-index
  2890. else:
  2891. set {_n} to 0
  2892. loop {_size} times:
  2893. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  2894. {{_n}%} is not set
  2895. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  2896. stop loop
  2897. wait a tick
  2898. set {_n} to size of {*}
  2899. loop {*}:
  2900. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  2901. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  2902. wait a tick
  2903. set {_result} to 0
  2904. loop {*}:
  2905. set {rangliste.%loop-value%} to "%{_result}%"
  2906. add 1 to {_result}
  2907. wait 2 ticks
  2908. format slot 53 of player with skull of {_player} named "&a%{_player}% &7(Deine Stats)" with lore "&7&m---------------------||&8➥ &7Platzierung: &a##%{rangliste.%player%}%|| ||&8➥ &7Kills: &f%{killtop.kills::%player%}%||&8➥ &7Tode: &f%{todespieler::%player%}%||&8➥ &7K/D: &f%{killtop.kills::%player%}/{todespieler::%player%}%" to be unstealable
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