
mt firewall

Nov 24th, 2018
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  1. /ip firewall filter
  2. add action=log chain=input disabled=yes in-interface=WAN1-SFP log-prefix=in_wan1_
  3. add action=log chain=input disabled=yes in-interface=sfpplus log-prefix=in_wan2_
  4. add action=log chain=output disabled=yes log-prefix=out_wan1_ out-interface=WAN1-SFP
  5. add action=log chain=output disabled=yes log-prefix=out_wan2_ out-interface=sfpplus
  6. add action=log chain=input comment="LOG NTP Request" dst-address= dst-port=123 in-interface=LAN log=yes log-prefix=NTP protocol=udp
  7. add action=accept chain=input comment="accept established connection packets" connection-state=established
  8. add action=accept chain=input comment="accept related connection packets" connection-state=related
  9. add action=drop chain=input comment="drop invalid packets" connection-state=invalid
  10. add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow access to router from known network (addresses): safe" src-address-list=safe
  11. add action=drop chain=input comment="detect and drop port scan connections" log=yes log-prefix=port-scan-detected protocol=tcp psd=21,3s,3,1
  12. add action=tarpit chain=input comment="suppress DoS attack" connection-limit=3,32 log=yes log-prefix=DoS-TARPIT protocol=tcp src-address-list=black_list
  13. add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=black_list address-list-timeout=1d chain=input comment="detect DoS attack" connection-limit=10,32 protocol=tcp
  14. add action=jump chain=input comment="jump: services" jump-target=services
  15. add action=jump chain=input comment="jump: ICMP" jump-target=ICMP protocol=icmp
  16. add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow Broadcast Traffic" dst-address-type=broadcast
  17. add action=log chain=input disabled=yes log-prefix=Filter:
  18. add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anything else" log-prefix=in-drop-
  19. add action=jump chain=forward comment="Go to chain for banning computers access" jump-target=internet_ban
  20. add action=accept chain=ICMP comment="0:0 and limit for 5p/sec" icmp-options=0:0-255 limit=5,5 protocol=icmp
  21. add action=accept chain=ICMP comment="3:3 and limit for 5pac/s" icmp-options=3:3 limit=5,5 protocol=icmp
  22. add action=accept chain=ICMP comment="3:4 and limit for 5pac/s" icmp-options=3:4 limit=5,5 protocol=icmp
  23. add action=accept chain=ICMP comment="8:0 and limit for 5pac/s" icmp-options=8:0-255 limit=5,5 protocol=icmp
  24. add action=accept chain=ICMP comment="11:0 and limit for 5pac/s" icmp-options=11:0-255 limit=5,5 protocol=icmp
  25. add action=drop chain=ICMP comment="Drop everything else" protocol=icmp
  26. add action=return chain=ICMP
  27. add action=accept chain=services comment="accept localhost" dst-address= src-address=
  28. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow MACwinbox " dst-port=20561 in-interface=LAN protocol=udp
  29. add action=accept chain=services comment="Bandwidth server" disabled=yes dst-port=2000 protocol=tcp
  30. add action=accept chain=services comment=" MT Discovery Protocol" dst-port=5678 in-interface=LAN protocol=udp
  31. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow SNMP" dst-port=161 in-interface=LAN protocol=tcp
  32. add action=accept chain=services comment="Allow BGP" disabled=yes dst-port=179 protocol=tcp
  33. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow BGP" disabled=yes dst-port=5000-5100 protocol=udp
  34. add action=accept chain=services comment="Allow NTP" dst-port=123 in-interface=LAN protocol=udp
  35. add action=accept chain=services comment="Allow PPTP" disabled=yes dst-port=1723 protocol=tcp
  36. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow PPTP and EoIP" disabled=yes protocol=gre
  37. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow OpenVPN" dst-port=22897 protocol=tcp
  38. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow DNS request" dst-port=53 in-interface=LAN protocol=tcp
  39. add action=accept chain=services comment="Allow DNS request" dst-port=53 in-interface=LAN protocol=udp
  40. add action=accept chain=services comment=UPnP disabled=yes dst-port=1900 protocol=udp
  41. add action=accept chain=services comment=UPnP disabled=yes dst-port=2828 protocol=tcp
  42. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow DHCP" disabled=yes dst-port=67-68 protocol=udp
  43. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow Web Proxy" disabled=yes dst-port=8080 protocol=tcp
  44. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow IPIP" disabled=yes protocol=ipencap
  45. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow https for Hotspot" disabled=yes dst-port=443 protocol=tcp
  46. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow Socks for Hotspot" disabled=yes dst-port=1080 protocol=tcp
  47. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow IPSec connections" disabled=yes dst-port=500 protocol=udp
  48. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow IPSec" disabled=yes protocol=ipsec-esp
  49. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow IPSec" disabled=yes protocol=ipsec-ah
  50. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow RIP" disabled=yes dst-port=520-521 protocol=udp
  51. add action=accept chain=services comment="allow OSPF" disabled=yes protocol=ospf
  52. add action=accept chain=services comment="Allow remote WinBox IP" disabled=yes dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp
  53. add action=accept chain=services comment="COMPUTER: xxxx - RDP" dst-port=18654 log=yes log-prefix=spc-fw-filter protocol=udp
  54. add action=accept chain=services comment="COMPUTER: xxxx - RDP" dst-port=18654 protocol=tcp
  55. add action=return chain=services comment="end: SERVICES"
  56. add action=reject chain=internet_ban comment="BAN: XXXXX internet" reject-with=icmp-net-prohibited src-mac-address=11:22:22:33:44:55
  57. add action=return chain=internet_ban comment="END BAN LIST
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