
Summary Story 202111

Nov 10th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - Names are mostly not official. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  5. - Due to global localisation, Luce -> Rhus, Neiricka -> Neilikka
  6. - I usually try to follow global names except Marubom which I refuse to use Boomer (stupid name)
  8. # Chapter 2
  10. >> Rain
  12. A few days had passed after the showdown with Vanhelmer. Scene started with Rain training while pondering why Vanhelmer specifically called out his name when Vanhelmer said the line "Humans will not change no matter how long it has passed. All that's left is to burn everything down.". Rhus stepped in and asked Rain if anything happened to which Rain answered nothing. Then Rain asked Rhus about Vanhelmer. Accordingly Oscar had been searching with other squad 1 members but with no news. Rain was disappointed that they were removed from mission involving Vanhelmer. Hence he was training to become stronger. Then Nini came to announce that Myulen had a new mission for them.
  14. The new mission was to escort children who lost their families due to Omega species from a recreation centre to an orphanage. Accordingly they had been cooperating in a research facility and rested in the recreation centre as reward. Roca would be accompanying Kaledvulf in the mission again as a special exception. Rain asked if she was okay with it and she said she was fine with it since no other way to return to their world anyway. Roca added that she was concerned with Ihana for some reason.
  16. In the recreation centre nursery (?) they met a trio of children with names - brown hair girl Tria (jp: Toria), blue hair boy Sede (jp: Sede), cyan hair girl Nowem (jp: Nowemu). Since according to the staff member there more time was needed to prepare their move, Rain suggested them to play until the time. Roca suggested to use Marubom as soccer ball and froze it so that it would not be hot... Neilikka was fine with joining them but Rhus refused. Then Sede dragged him into a staring contest where one makes funny face to make each other laugh. Rain and Neilikka ended up laughing at Rhus face, resulting in Rhus shouting at them.
  18. Then, the trio wanted the adults to them to a beautiful place where the staff member used to take them there. Neilikka refused at first. The children added that they probably would not be able to come back anymore and it was nearby. The adults eventually agreed. Rhus tried to object but Neilikka asked him what to do if the children went there on their own anyway.
  20. When they were there, the children started to talk about their lives in the research facility. Accordingly they were having fun and all the tests they conducted were effortless. Rhus had a reaction when they mentioned injection. However there were small children who got lonely at night and cried. But Tria would read picture books to them to calm them down. As Rhus and Neilikka ended up alone, Neilikka commented that Rhus was surprisingly informed about flowers. Rhus muttered that it was Neilikka who taught him that but said it was nothing when Neilikka asked him if he said anything. Rhus had a flashback of when both of them were children. They were talking about flowers and young Rhus praised that young Neilikka was the flower professor of the village, to young Neilikka's embarrassment. Young Rhus asked young Neilikka to make a flower crown for him and said he would treasure anything Neilikka gave him.
  22. Then Rain came over and commented that Rhus had a sad face. Then the group gathered and got ready to return to the nursery. Tria said that their time spent there had become an important memory (memory as in reminiscence) they would never forget. Rhus clung onto the words "an important memory that would never be forgotten", and commented that he and that person once had it too. But he later muttered that there was also something better not be remembered, and the present and the future were more important.
  24. When they arrived back at the nursery, Nini informed that the current mission was temporarily suspended because Ihana was spotted nearby. The group's mission became to retrieve Ihana as soon as possible. Apparently Ihana was spotted alone without Vanhelmer. Oscar's group was too far away so although they were heading over they could not meet up. Before the group reached Ihana, Rain and Roca had a conversation whether Ihana bore some grudge against Shelna. Roca once suspected she was treated terribly in the research facility but noticed how the government was kind enough to employ Caledvulf to escort them.
  26. Finally they met Ihana. Rain wanted to talk with her before they fought. Ihana refused to answer Rain's questions but to say she and Vanhelmer would destroy Shelna. Then she summoned some Omega species. Ihana added that she did not desire this power, but the republic gave it to her. She commented on Rain's insistence to talk to her that he was being too naive, and there was hatred that no talking can solve. Then the fought began. In the battle, Rhus commented that Rain got himself too involved with Ihana. But Rain said he wanted to talk to her no matter what. Rhus said he would not stop Rain anymore if that was what made Rain strong.
  28. Ihana questioned Rain's insistence to talk. Rain mentioned about how he witnessed Fina managed to be thorough with her belief to even save her enemies. To Rain it was what it meant to save both one person's life and a hundred people's lives. Ihana said that the question was just to delay the time. She said that Rain could think that way because he had never hated someone from the bottom of his heart before. Ihana added that he would understand soon by hating her and Vanhelmer before disappearing. Then Rain managed to deduce that the nursery was in danger.
  30. Scene shifted to Illuska and Myulen. Illuska said that they did terrible things to Ihana which he did not intend. But he would not make such an excuse just because they were attacking them. Illuska said that if they did nothing the world was set to end. If such end could be avoided with some sacrifices he would not hesitate to do so. They talked about Snefringa's legend about the sacrifice spirit. However Myulen said that Vanhelmer could be thinking that if the world had to had sacrifices to continue, the world might as well be destroyed. Illuska said that Ihana and Vanhelmer must be eliminated no matter what and they commented about Ihana and Vanhelmer deciding to turn the whole world into their enemy with just two people.
  32. Rain's group rushed at full speed but could not manage to save the nursery and the children trio. Rain was devastated and angry. Roca commented that she had never seen Rain that angry before and she was the same. She started to wonder if it was Fina what would she do.
  34. >> Tyvas
  36. The group was heading towards Zwill (jp: Zuīru) Research Facility. According to Lund's data, it was the only place that did not hand in their activity report and King Luont visited the facility much more often than others. Hence they decided that it might have a lead on Omega's location. Tyvas recited the Snefringa VS Omega again. In this version, it was added that Snefringa was a daughter of royalty and she had a follower named Ridal (jp: Ridaru) fighting with her. They managed to defeat one Omega with their living bodies. Then, Snefringa rode the defeated Omega to continue the fight. Tyvas mentioned that the point was they defeated the first Omega with their living bodies and they could do the same.
  38. Scene shifted to Elmatir and her troop being chased by Omega species. Elmatir told her soldiers to retreat and she would stop the Omega species. Turien remarked that Tyvas expression changed for the better to which Tyvas replied that it might be because they turned from fleeing into fighting for hope. Lund also mentioned that the entire group was changing for the better. Tyvas said it is called growth and even Lund could achieve that.
  40. As Harve and Leftia headed to get water from a river, they talked about their times back in the Yolte village and the day they met. It was when Harve met amnesiac and injured Leftia collapsed outside the village. In the flashback, together they found a bird fallen to death from its nest and buried it. Leftia said that her feelings of Harve had not changed from that time, to Harve's delight. However Leftia simply said that Harve was a kind person who understood her. When Harve asked "and then?", Leftia was confused (poor Harve). Eventually, they reached the river shore and found collapsed Elmatir.
  42. Apparently Elmatir temporarily lost her sight due to Omega species poison. Harve tried to stop but Leftia insisted on carrying out first aid on Elmatir. Elmatir ended up being blindfolded and could not recognise Leftia. Thus she did a self introduction and thanked them. Elmatir went on to talk about how she was hesitating about the mission to force someone to sacrifice although it could be fine if someone was willingly sacrificing. And then they heard voices of Elmatir's troop looking for her. Elmatir wanted to asked the duo's names and introduced her saviours to the troop but Leftia and Harve fled without saying anything.
  44. Scene shifted to Ishe visiting Karl who was recuperating from his wounds. They talked about Karl waiting to return to military operations and the Tyvas search before changing topic to the conditions of the royalty. According to the doctor, King Luont suffered heavy injury but his life was not in danger, but Prince Tahat was beyond help. Ishe was worried that losing the heir could result in unstable politics. But they were interrupted by a soldier who reported that King Luont had passed away.
  46. Then scene shifted back to Leftia and Harve. Before the Elmatir encounter, Harve had asked Leftia to close her eyes and see who showed up in her mind first to know who she liked. So Harve was asking Leftia the answer. Then when they saw Tyvas, Leftia's face immediately turned red and she ran away. It was implied that Harve thought Leftia liked Tyvas and went away to another direction, leaving Tyvas in complete confusion. In the evening, Tyvas and Leftia went fishing. After some interaction, Leftia told Tyvas about the experiment Harve told her and confessed that Tyvas face showed up the first and she might like him. Tyvas replied that he was happy that Leftia told him she liked him. (At this point Harve was shown to be eavesdropping.) However he also answered that Leftia may not know the feeling of like very well and he would reply to her confession seriously if when she became adult, she could still confess to him with no hesitation. However Tyvas added that he still liked her wife so told Leftia not to expect a good reply.
  48. Eventually the group arrived at Zwill Research Facility. Harve was acting strange (sorta like impatient to impress Leftia) due to previous night. Then they found the laboratory, expecting to find intel about Omega's whereabouts. Instead, they found Omega seeds in pods. To proceed further they could not avoid battle with unmanned guard machines. Harve immediately volunteered to fight them despite Tyvas warning.
  50. Back to Ishe. Prince Tahat appeared to be fine although King Luont was dead. He announced to inherit the throne at that spot and told Ishe to relay that to the people. As Ishe and other soldiers left, Prince Tahat muttered that it was finally time for him to obtain the world as something in his body glowed green.
  52. Scene changed back to Tyvas arriving at the secret laboratory. Lund found out that they were doing experiments to artificially implant Omega seeds into ordinary monsters to create Omega species. Before they could read the document further, Guilma interrupted them. She revealed that it would be bad for them to read further since the document contained various secret information such as the location of Omega. To bury the evidences, Guilma even activated self-destruction mechanism of the laboratory. After summoning some Omega species monsters to fight the group (to which the group commented that they did not seem to be following orders and seemed likely to attack Guilma too), she started fleeing from the destruction too.
  54. When the group managed to flee outside, Harve thought of the document they left on the ground and rushed back to retrieve. And then, Tyvas chased after him. Harve managed to pick the document just as the destruction began. Tyvas managed to find him and brought him back to the group. However Harve still suffered serious injury. Harve said that it was all for Leftia and found Omega's location in the document. And then he told Tyvas to let Leftia become free (seemingly his dying words but the scene ended kind of inconclusively).
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