
botb profile until oct 19 2020

Oct 19th, 2020
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  1. old link listed: (<- my youtube channel, still)
  2. ----
  3. Potato on the internet who spends too much time on their PC. Uses FamiTracker and DefleMask a lot, but is willing to learn other stuffs occasionally. Also uses the emoticon "\.o./" WAY too much.
  5. \.o./
  7. [12:59] <Quirby64> yES
  8. [12:59] <Quirby64> 2 more entries plz
  9. [12:59] <Quirby64> dont fail me
  10. [12:59] <BotB> NEW ENTRY :: Ktcmoop - Seasonal Spirit :: pixel ::
  11. [12:59] <BotB> Winter Chip XII now has 232 entries!
  12. [13:00] <BotB> NEW ENTRY :: mk7 - Winter Dragon :: chipbattle_art ::
  13. [13:00] <BotB> Winter Chip XII now has 233 entries!
  14. [13:00] <Quirby64> : o
  15. [13:00] <TMM12> LOL ITS SO BAD ITS GOOD
  16. [13:00] <BotB> NEW ENTRY :: garvalf - The walnut jig :: gameboy ::
  17. [13:00] <BotB> Winter Chip XII now has 234 entries!
  18. [13:00] <TMM12> EXCEPT NOT AT ALL
  19. [13:00] <TMM12> uploading in a bit
  20. [13:00] <gtap> there you go quirbs :)
  21. [13:00] == RUSHJEt0NE [] has joined #botb
  22. [13:00] <Quirby64> \.o./
  23. [13:00] <RUSHJEt0NE> !seen mootbooxle
  24. [13:00] <MeeDori> \:D/
  25. ----
  26. [21:36] * MovieMovies1 slaps Quirby64 around a bit with a large trout
  27. [21:37] <pigdevil2010> !ohb
  28. [21:37] <BotB> OHB is about to start soon! :O ... Format will be: ALLGEAR
  29. [21:37] <pigdevil2010> :o
  30. [21:37] <pigdevil2010> just in time
  31. [21:37] <Quirby64> moviesmovies1 how do you get all these large trouts!?!?!?!
  32. [21:37] <Quirby64> are you a trout wizard?? : o
  33. [21:37] == GudPiggeh [] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
  34. [21:37] <MovieMovies1> >moviesmovies1
  35. [21:38] <lainlives_> gahhhh about time
  36. [21:38] <lainlives_> got it compiled partially
  37. [21:38] <MovieMovies1> I disown you.
  38. ----
  39. [18:56] <Quirby64> im ready for specifically 4th place
  40. [18:56] <Flaminglog> alright, sluts just about now
  41. [18:56] <NerdMcBoon> I also resubed, minerscale
  42. [18:56] <Flaminglog> TINS:
  43. [18:56] <Minerscale> but i'm still gonna lose
  44. [18:56] == muzakefron [] has joined #botb
  45. [18:56] <Minerscale> you watch
  46. [18:56] <Quirby64> *rolls drum*
  47. [18:56] <Flaminglog> RANK 7) Minerscale - ProbablyGonnaLoseHarderThanItLooks.nsf - score 10.294 - 3.900pnt penalty / 234sec late
  48. [18:56] <Quirby64> rip
  49. [18:57] <Flaminglog> RANK 6) Ranger Ravage - monostrosity.nsf - score 15.549
  50. [18:57] <Quirby64> rip also
  51. [18:57] == Zillah [] has joined #botb
  52. [18:57] <Flaminglog> BADGE PROGRESS:
  53. [18:57] <Flaminglog> RANK 5) meanings - hang 10.nsf - score 20.969
  54. [18:57] <Quirby64> riperoni but noice
  55. [18:57] <Flaminglog> RANK 4) Quirby64 - gettin low TO THE WINDOWWWWW TO THE WALLLLLL.nsf - score 22.242
  56. [18:57] <Quirby64> ohey!! : o
  57. [18:57] <meanings> i shoould have gotten last. i did it opposite
  58. [18:57] <Flaminglog> RANK 3) NerdMcBoon - Descending Pulses.nsf - score 23.977 - 1.017pnt penalty / 61sec late
  59. [18:57] <Flaminglog> BRONZE ^
  60. [18:57] <Flaminglog> SILVER:
  61. [18:57] <Quirby64> i got 4th, like i asked! what da flip
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