

Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. [3:36:46 PM] Nitro: (Vaguely related but mostly not headcanon -- Vergil couldn't wear lapel pins if he wanted to)
  2. [3:37:29 PM] Nitro: (Or, only the ones that have a safety pin kind of design for the clasp)
  3. [3:37:50 PM] Nitro: (Otherwise they turn sideways or upside down and he's constantly fussing at it and worrying that it isn't straight)
  4. [3:38:01 PM] PurpleKoopa: (but the pin makes him a prosecutor!!! that's PHOENIX WRIGHT LAW)
  5. [3:38:25 PM] Nitro: ( (Tho that'd be a fun little habit for him to have) )
  6. [3:38:34 PM] Nitro: ( (Gets anxious, starts fidgeting with lapel pin) )
  7. [3:39:03 PM] * ZZ pets everyone, you are all precious babbus.
  8. [3:39:07 PM] * Nitro uwu
  9. [3:40:25 PM] PurpleKoopa: he probably fusses around with his office too
  10. [3:40:32 PM] Nitro: (He fusses at ties and such too -- constantly making sure they're centered properly)
  11. [3:40:49 PM] PurpleKoopa: has to make sure his law books are properly ordered
  12. [3:41:38 PM] Nitro: He never even reads them because that would mess up the perfect arrangement
  13. [3:42:25 PM] PurpleKoopa: they are mint condition! the pages must not be tarnished
  14. [3:44:21 PM] Nitro: It's a good thing he didn't have to live through the era of plastic VHS cases that were much larger than cardboard covers and therefore iMPOSSIBLE TO ORGANIZE, or the switch to DVDs which just added a third element to the equation.
  15. [3:45:01 PM] Nitro: (Well, he was probably around for the first bit but he didn't have to deal with it a /whole/ lot)
  16. [3:45:34 PM] IBLiS: but does he fuss with the giant swords
  17. [3:45:38 PM] PurpleKoopa: (the days of his youth were marked by VHS organization)
  18. [3:45:40 PM] IBLiS: or are those perfect right where they are
  19. [3:45:48 PM] PurpleKoopa: nonstop polishing
  20. [3:46:03 PM] IBLiS: and sharpening
  21. [3:46:20 PM] Nitro: They are very carefully and lovingly displayed and definitely not real swords they're just replicas why would you even ask that
  22. [3:46:20 PM] IBLiS: he has the special handmade oil imported all the way from japan
  23. [3:46:24 PM] PurpleKoopa: fussing around with where to best display them in the office
  24. [3:46:32 PM] IBLiS: cOLOR COORDINATION
  25. [3:46:48 PM] Nitro: (Incidentally they're also very strategically placed)
  26. [3:47:00 PM] IBLiS: no maybe he should do them by era
  27. [3:47:05 PM] IBLiS: /then/ color coordinate them
  28. [3:47:32 PM] Nitro: (Strategically for absolutely nothing why would he ever need to place his swords strategically in any manner but for best presentation)
  29. [3:47:52 PM] PurpleKoopa: (to intimidate his clientele)
  30. [3:48:03 PM] IBLiS: (it works very well)
  31. [3:48:15 PM] IBLiS: (sometimes he can get a plea bargain just by inviting the defense to his office)
  32. [3:48:16 PM] PurpleKoopa: (look at these awesome swords i have am i not cool and impressive)
  33. [3:48:26 PM] IBLiS: (surrounded by)
  34. [3:48:31 PM] IBLiS: (completely decorative swords)
  35. [3:48:56 PM] Nitro: (Phoenix eyes the katanas nervously)
  36. [3:49:06 PM] Nitro: (This guy's more nuts than /Edgeworth/)
  37. [3:49:28 PM] IBLiS: (and edgeworth has a steel samurai collection hidden in his closet)
  38. [3:49:51 PM] PurpleKoopa: (vergil already came out of the closet as a massive weeb)
  39. [3:50:06 PM] IBLiS: (check out his little figurine horses)
  40. [3:50:08 PM] PurpleKoopa: (man up to it, edgey)
  41. [3:50:11 PM] IBLiS: (weeb pride)
  42. [3:50:12 PM] Nitro: (Most of which isn't actually real, though I wouldn't be surprised if he had a few things,,,)
  43. [3:50:32 PM] Nitro: (Verge and Edgeworth are actually soul mates)
  44. [3:50:51 PM] Nitro: ( (And Vergil most definitely has nothing to do with the Steel Samurai nope) )
  45. [3:51:30 PM] ZZ: ...
  46. [3:51:45 PM] ZZ: :u So I just now imagine Vergil somehow getting dragged into like.
  47. [3:51:50 PM] PurpleKoopa: i can imagine vergil and edgeworth having a business meeting that totally isn't a steel samurai marathon
  48. [3:52:24 PM] ZZ: Somehow becoming the guy who wears the Steel Samurai costume for meet and greets or something.
  49. [3:52:25 PM] IBLiS: it's a very serious business meeting attending very serious business matters
  50. [3:52:29 PM] ZZ: And hating every second of it.
  51. [3:52:38 PM] IBLiS: that's why the door's locked
  52. [3:52:56 PM] ZZ: And by hating I mean.
  53. [3:53:08 PM] ZZ: Lovingeverysecondofit.
  54. [3:53:26 PM] (non): on a scale from one to all of the ocd, how much ocd does vergil have
  55. [3:53:34 PM] PurpleKoopa: you know, i bet vergil would claim that the show isn't even historically accurate
  56. [3:53:36 PM] Nitro: tHIS COSTUME IS HORRIBLY INACCURATE -- all of the OCD
  57. [3:53:42 PM] ZZ: FFFFF
  58. [3:53:49 PM] IBLiS: so ocd that he has already organized the ocd scale to something more appropriate
  59. [3:53:53 PM] Nitro: You cannot fathom the amount of OCD -- haha, PK
  60. [3:54:01 PM] PurpleKoopa: he's reached anime adrian monk levels
  61. [3:54:17 PM] ZZ: Oh gods.
  62. [3:54:48 PM] IBLiS: you should see him when he's on caffeine
  63. [3:54:49 PM] (non): gon solve him some crimes
  64. [3:55:06 PM] Nitro: He rants and fusses angrily about Steel Samurai being the most historically inaccurate and /disgraceful/ piece of garbage he's ever had the displeasure of watching, and yet
  65. [3:55:25 PM] Nitro: (Also he's maybe the worst person to give caffeine)
  66. [3:55:34 PM] Nitro: (Or any kind of energy drink)
  67. [3:55:38 PM] IBLiS: he's the kind of guy who watches through it grousing about all the inaccuracies
  68. [3:55:40 PM] IBLiS: and still watches it
  69. [3:55:51 PM] IBLiS: no he doesn't care if it's /neo/ tokyo
  70. [3:55:55 PM] IBLiS: that is not aUTHENTIC IAJITSU
  71. [3:56:07 PM] Nitro: /HE'D/ /KNOW/
  72. [3:56:17 PM] ZZ: FFFF
  73. [3:56:59 PM] ZZ: Dave would make him watch like an episode or two with him one night, and then Vergil secretly has marathons because HE JUST CAN'T STOP.
  74. [3:57:12 PM] Nitro: He's like Squidward with Krabby Patties
  75. [3:57:20 PM] Nitro: Except less over-eating
  76. [3:57:21 PM] ZZ: Yes.
  77. [3:57:28 PM] IBLiS: but krabby patties are good for your soul
  78. [3:57:42 PM] PurpleKoopa: vergil doesn't have a soul
  79. [3:57:48 PM] PurpleKoopa: HELLFIRE
  80. [4:03:29 PM] Nitro: He sold his soul to the animes.
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