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Dec 24th, 2019
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  1. I think it's a step I have to take. I have 0% motivation to work on it, I am busy with other stuff and have other projects I prefer to work on. I spent my teenage years modding but I think I should take a hint from the fact that I have never maintained working on a mod for more than a few months. I'll go months or even over a year without thinking of TPT, then all of a sudden join the community, throw a new mod out, go hard on it for a couple weeks and then burn out again. The cycle has repeated like that since March 2012, and I don't like getting people's hopes up thinking I can just do this all day, every day. Ideally, I would update the code once every month or so, only with large releases a couple times a year. I have tried announcing planned or in development features to try to build up hype among myself and the mod's users, but that has never been effective. I'll finish up what I was working on for the Christmas release still, but after that I can't promise I'll continue working on it, which is why I am offering for anyone else to take over. I'll also mention that on the forum when the release is out.
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