

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. return {
  3. {
  4. REPAIR =
  5. {
  6. WRONGPIECE = "We carried it all this way and it's not even the right one!",
  7. },
  8. BUILD =
  9. {
  10. MOUNTED = "I can't place anything from atop this big lout!",
  11. HASPET = "I've already got one!",
  12. },
  13. SHAVE =
  14. {
  15. AWAKEBEEFALO = "Maybe I should wait for it to be distracted...",
  16. GENERIC = "Nu-uh.",
  17. NOBITS = "It's already shaved!",
  18. },
  20. {
  21. WRONGKEY = "Darn thing won't work!",
  22. KLAUS = "But that big ugly thing is on my tail!",
  23. },
  24. STORE =
  25. {
  26. GENERIC = "It's full already.",
  27. NOTALLOWED = "They won't let me.",
  28. INUSE = "I'll use it after they're done.",
  29. },
  30. WRITE =
  31. {
  32. GENERIC = "I can't write on it.",
  33. INUSE = "I wanna write when you're done!",
  34. },
  35. RUMMAGE =
  36. {
  37. GENERIC = "Make someone else do it!",
  38. INUSE = "There must be something good in there if you want it so bad!",
  39. },
  40. COOK =
  41. {
  42. GENERIC = "I'm not too big on cooking.",
  43. INUSE = "Hey! What're you making? Can I have it?",
  44. TOOFAR = "It's all the way over thereeeee!",
  45. },
  46. MOUNT =
  47. {
  48. INUSE = "They beat me to the hairy beast. Maybe it's for the best.",
  49. TARGETINCOMBAT = "I'll ride it when it settles down.",
  50. },
  51. SADDLE =
  52. {
  53. TARGETINCOMBAT = "I'll ride it when it settles down.",
  54. },
  55. ATTUNE =
  56. {
  57. NOHEALTH = "Ughhhh, nooo... I don't feel good.",
  58. },
  59. DRAW =
  60. {
  61. NOIMAGE = "But what should I even draw??",
  62. },
  63. CHANGEIN =
  64. {
  65. GENERIC = "Nah, too much effort.",
  66. BURNING = "That's way better than some dumb dresses!",
  67. INUSE = "Stop hogging it, I wanna dress up too!",
  68. },
  69. GIVE =
  70. {
  71. GENERIC = "Noooope!",
  72. DEAD = "They won't fully appreciate my gift.",
  73. SLEEPING = "Not right now. It's sleeping.",
  74. BUSY = "It's busyyyy.",
  75. ABIGAILHEART = "Ugh, just come back already! Geez!",
  76. GHOSTHEART = "I'm not wasting this on them!",
  77. NOTGEM = "I can cram it in there but I dunno if I could get it back out.",
  78. WRONGGEM = "It's the wrong rock!",
  79. NOTSTAFF = "I don't have to jam stuff into every hole I see!",
  80. MUSHROOMFARM_NEEDSSHROOM = "Ughh, it doesn't need this! It needs a mushroom!",
  81. MUSHROOMFARM_NEEDSLOG = "Ughh, it doesn't need this! It needs a living log!",
  82. SLOTFULL = "Naw, can't make it fit.",
  83. DUPLICATE = "Awww, we already know that one!",
  84. NOTSCULPTABLE = "I'd like to see someone try to sculpt with that!",
  85. CANTSHADOWREVIVE = "It's not working.",
  86. WRONGSHADOWFORM = "Nah. Skeleton's not right.",
  87. },
  89. {
  90. FULL = "They can't carry any more things.",
  91. DEAD = "They won't fully appreciate my gift.",
  92. SLEEPING = "I could leave it under their pillow...?",
  93. BUSY = "Hurry uppp! I have a sweet present for you!",
  94. },
  96. {
  97. FULL = "They can't carry any more things.",
  98. DEAD = "They won't fully appreciate my gift.",
  99. SLEEPING = "I could leave it under their pillow...?",
  100. BUSY = "Hurry uppp! I have a sweet present for you!",
  101. },
  102. TEACH =
  103. {
  104. KNOWN = "I knowwwww that already, geez!",
  105. CANTLEARN = "Ugh, whatever, I didn't wanna know anyway.",
  106. WRONGWORLD = "What the... this map isn't right at all!",
  107. },
  109. {
  110. EMPTY = "I'm not just gonna wrap air!",
  111. },
  112. },
  113. ACTIONFAIL_GENERIC = "I can'tttttt.",
  114. ANNOUNCE_DIG_DISEASE_WARNING = "Pfft. Fire would've worked just as well.",
  115. ANNOUNCE_PICK_DISEASE_WARNING = "Ugh, put it back!",
  116. ANNOUNCE_MOUNT_LOWHEALTH = "This beast is looking pretty bad.",
  117. ANNOUNCE_ADVENTUREFAIL = "You win THIS time, Maxwell.",
  118. ANNOUNCE_BOOMERANG = "Stupid boomerang!",
  119. ANNOUNCE_CHARLIE = "I'm not afraid of you!",
  121. ANNOUNCE_COLD = "The cold! It burns!",
  123. {
  124. "The ground's cracking!",
  125. "Tread carefully!",
  126. "Earthquake!",
  127. },
  129. {
  130. "Hey, I gotcha something!",
  131. "Dinnertime!",
  132. "Great Antlion! Take this tribute, or whatever.",
  133. },
  134. ANNOUNCE_SACREDCHEST_YES = "That did it!",
  136. ANNOUNCE_HOT = "The heat is too intense!",
  137. ANNOUNCE_DUSK = "Night is coming. I need fire!",
  138. ANNOUNCE_ENTER_DARK = "Where'd I put my lighter!?",
  139. ANNOUNCE_SNARED = "Gross, ew! Bones!",
  140. ANNOUNCE_REPELLED = "Hey! That's not fair!",
  141. ANNOUNCE_ENTER_LIGHT = "Oh, I can see! I thought I'd gone blind.",
  142. ANNOUNCE_INV_FULL = "I can only carry so much!!",
  143. ANNOUNCE_NODANGERAFK = "I'm not leaving now!",
  144. ANNOUNCE_NODANGERGIFT = "That dumb box can wait!",
  145. ANNOUNCE_NOMOUNTEDGIFT = "I gotta get down from this big oaf before opening that!",
  146. ANNOUNCE_NOWARDROBEONFIRE = "Why? This is way better.",
  147. ANNOUNCE_UNIMPLEMENTED = "Gah! That stung ya jerk!",
  148. ANNOUNCE_WORMS = "I do NOT wanna see what made that sound!",
  150. {
  151. GENERIC = "Yum!",
  152. PAINFUL = "Ugh! Nasty!",
  153. SPOILED = "That tasted terrible!",
  154. STALE = "That was kinda gross.",
  155. INVALID = "How would I even eat that!",
  156. YUCKY = "Eeeew, no way!",
  157. },
  159. {
  160. "Ughhh!",
  161. "Why am I doing this...?!",
  162. "Oooof!!",
  163. "Unghhh!",
  164. "There's... no way this is worth it!",
  165. "My arms feel like they're on fire!",
  166. "Ughhhh! I'm all sweaty!",
  167. "This... is... the worst...",
  168. "I can feel the burn... I hate it!",
  169. "Exercise... sucks!",
  170. "Hnnfhg!",
  171. },
  173. {
  174. "I probably shouldn't be here.",
  175. "This seems dangerous!",
  176. "What was that?!",
  177. },
  178. ANNOUNCE_RUINS_RESET = "Aw, everything I killed is back!",
  180. ANNOUNCE_NOSLEEPONFIRE = "It's just the collapsing that concerns me.",
  181. ANNOUNCE_NODANGERSIESTA = "It's not time for a siesta, it's time for fighting!",
  182. ANNOUNCE_NONIGHTSIESTA = "I couldn't get comfortable there.",
  183. ANNOUNCE_NONIGHTSIESTA_CAVE = "I'd really rather be inside.",
  184. ANNOUNCE_NOHUNGERSIESTA = "I can't take a siesta while my tummy is grumbling!",
  185. ANNOUNCE_SHELTER = "You're good for something besides burning after all.",
  186. ANNOUNCE_BURNT = "I wish I'd let it go up in flames...",
  187. ANNOUNCE_TOOL_SLIP = "Still got my lighter!",
  188. ANNOUNCE_DAMP = "Uh oh!",
  189. ANNOUNCE_WET = "This could be bad!",
  190. ANNOUNCE_WETTER = "I hate it!",
  191. ANNOUNCE_SOAKED = "Ugh, this is the WORST!",
  192. ANNOUNCE_HOUNDS = "Show yourself!",
  193. ANNOUNCE_HUNGRY = "I need food!",
  194. ANNOUNCE_HUNT_BEAST_NEARBY = "I'll find you!",
  195. ANNOUNCE_HUNT_LOST_TRAIL = "Ohh... he got away.",
  196. ANNOUNCE_HUNT_LOST_TRAIL_SPRING = "Boooo, I lost track of him in the mud.",
  199. ANNOUNCE_PETRIFED_TREES = "Something weird is happening...!",
  200. ANNOUNCE_KLAUS_ENRAGE = "I'm NOT fighting THAT.",
  201. ANNOUNCE_KLAUS_UNCHAINED = "Why couldn't it just stay dead?!",
  202. ANNOUNCE_KLAUS_CALLFORHELP = "Aww man, here come those weird goat things!",
  205. {
  206. [1] = "Tee hee!",
  207. [2] = "Pretty!",
  208. [3] = "Oops!",
  209. [4] = "I made a fire!",
  210. [5] = "Burn!",
  211. [6] = "I can't help myself!",
  212. },
  215. ANNOUNCE_GHOSTDRAIN = "Burn... It all must burn...",
  217. ANNOUNCE_PECKED = "No! Bad birdy!",
  218. ANNOUNCE_TORCH_OUT = "My precious light is gone!",
  219. ANNOUNCE_FAN_OUT = "Stupid thing broke!",
  220. ANNOUNCE_THURIBLE_OUT = "Awww! I liked that thing.",
  221. ANNOUNCE_COMPASS_OUT = "Arrgh the needle is stuck!",
  222. ANNOUNCE_WORMHOLE = "I'll have to burn these clothes!",
  223. ANNOUNCE_TOWNPORTALTELEPORT = "Didja miss me?! Haha!",
  225. ANNOUNCE_CRAFTING_FAIL = "I'm missing something.",
  226. ANNOUNCE_QUAKE = "That sound probably doesn't mean good things.",
  227. ANNOUNCE_NODANGERSLEEP = "No time for sleep, there's fighting to do!",
  228. ANNOUNCE_NOHUNGERSLEEP = "My tummy is grumbling, I can't sleep!",
  229. ANNOUNCE_FREEDOM = "I'm free! Time for fires!",
  230. ANNOUNCE_RESEARCH = "That was useful, even if it didn't have anything about fires.",
  231. ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP = "Like lighting a barrel of fish on fire.",
  232. ANNOUNCE_HIGHRESEARCH = "So much information!",
  233. ANNOUNCE_THORNS = "Ouch!",
  234. ANNOUNCE_NODAYSLEEP_CAVE = "Too spooky down here to sleep.",
  235. ANNOUNCE_BEES = "Aaaah! Pokey bugs!",
  236. ANNOUNCE_KNOCKEDOUT = "Argh, my little head!",
  237. ANNOUNCE_LOWRESEARCH = "Boo, that was boring.",
  238. ANNOUNCE_DEERCLOPS = "That sounded like a big mean monster man!",
  239. ANNOUNCE_CAVEIN = "I better protect my head!",
  240. ANNOUNCE_MOSQUITOS = "Get away, you bloodsucking jerks!",
  241. ANNOUNCE_NODAYSLEEP = "Who would go inside when there's a great ball of fire in the sky?",
  242. ANNOUNCE_INSUFFICIENTFERTILIZER = "It looks slightly happier.",
  243. ANNOUNCE_CANFIX = "\nI think I can fix this!",
  244. ANNOUNCE_LIGHTNING_DAMAGE_AVOIDED = "I'm safe from the sky-fire.",
  245. ANNOUNCE_TOADESCAPING = "Don't even think about running, toad!",
  246. ANNOUNCE_TOADESCAPED = "Ughh! But I was winning!",
  248. BATTLECRY =
  249. {
  250. GENERIC = "It's you or me!",
  251. PIG = "Stupid pig!",
  252. PREY = "Get over here!",
  253. SPIDER = "Grrrrar!",
  254. SPIDER_WARRIOR = "Ew, kill iiiit!",
  255. DEER = "You're deer meat!",
  256. },
  257. COMBAT_QUIT =
  258. {
  259. GENERIC = "That's what I thought!",
  260. PIG = "Get back here, pork chop!",
  261. PREY = "I'll get you next time!",
  262. SPIDER = "Bleh. I'll kill him later.",
  263. SPIDER_WARRIOR = "Not so tough now!",
  264. },
  265. DESCRIBE =
  266. {
  267. PLAYER =
  268. {
  269. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  270. ATTACKER = "Why, %s... that fire in your eyes!",
  271. MURDERER = "Burn the murderer!",
  272. REVIVER = "Who do ghosts call? %s!",
  273. GHOST = "I better get a heart for %s.",
  275. },
  276. WILSON =
  277. {
  278. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  279. ATTACKER = "Why, %s... that fire in your eyes!",
  280. MURDERER = "Hey %s! Your hair is dumb! Raaaugh!",
  281. REVIVER = "%s won't leave anyone behind.",
  282. GHOST = "I better get a heart for %s.",
  283. FIRESTARTER = "Oh, %s!! Let me help with your next fire!!",
  284. },
  285. WOLFGANG =
  286. {
  287. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  288. ATTACKER = "%s! Take it easy, big guy!",
  289. MURDERER = "Burn the murderer!",
  290. REVIVER = "Woah! %s ripped a spirit straight out of the afterlife!",
  291. GHOST = "Hey %s, did you know the heart's a muscle?",
  292. FIRESTARTER = "Don't hurt yourself, big guy.",
  293. },
  294. WAXWELL =
  295. {
  296. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  297. ATTACKER = "There's evil in you, huh %s?!",
  298. MURDERER = "%s! I knew you couldn't be trusted! Burn!!",
  299. REVIVER = "Hahaha %s, you care about us!",
  300. GHOST = "Have a heart, %s! Heh heh.",
  301. FIRESTARTER = "Amateur.",
  302. },
  303. WX78 =
  304. {
  305. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  306. ATTACKER = "Better cool it before you blow a gasket, %s!",
  307. MURDERER = "Killer robot! Burn it!",
  308. REVIVER = "Hahaha %s, you care about us!",
  309. GHOST = "I better get a heart for %s.",
  310. FIRESTARTER = "Are we lighting fires?! I want in!",
  311. },
  312. WILLOW =
  313. {
  314. GENERIC = "Hey! That's my face, %s! Give it back!",
  315. ATTACKER = "You're makin' us look nuts, %s!",
  316. MURDERER = "Murderer! Burn the impostor!",
  317. REVIVER = "Haha, nice one %s.",
  318. GHOST = "Is that really what my ghost hair looks like?",
  319. FIRESTARTER = "Burny twins! High five.",
  320. },
  321. WENDY =
  322. {
  323. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  324. ATTACKER = "I've never seen you so, uh, passionate... %s.",
  325. MURDERER = "She's gone nuts! Murderer!",
  326. REVIVER = "That girl really likes ghosts!",
  327. GHOST = "Isn't death kind of your thing, %s?",
  328. FIRESTARTER = "%s! Was that your fire? I'm so proud!",
  329. },
  330. WOODIE =
  331. {
  332. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  333. ATTACKER = "You're only fueling the fire, %s!",
  334. MURDERER = "Murderer. BURN!",
  335. REVIVER = "Is there maple syrup in your veins, %s? You're so sweet!",
  336. GHOST = "I better get a heart for %s.",
  337. BEAVER = "Calm down, %s. Wanna borrow Bernie?",
  338. BEAVERGHOST = "%s! That was hilarious!",
  339. FIRESTARTER = "Burn it all, %s! Burn it!",
  340. },
  342. {
  343. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  344. ATTACKER = "Your bun too tight, %s?",
  345. MURDERER = "Time for a good ol' book burnin'! Murderer!",
  346. REVIVER = "%s is a big softie!",
  347. GHOST = "Did your heart give out, %s? Just kidding! Hey!",
  348. FIRESTARTER = "Didn't know you had it in you, %s.",
  349. },
  350. WES =
  351. {
  352. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  353. ATTACKER = "That mime punch was really convincing! Haha, ow!",
  354. MURDERER = "Your actions speak louder than words! Murderer!",
  355. REVIVER = "Who do ghosts call? %s!",
  356. GHOST = "%s, just tell me whatcha need and I'll get it for you. Heheheh!",
  357. FIRESTARTER = "Make it BURN!",
  358. },
  359. WEBBER =
  360. {
  361. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  362. ATTACKER = "Hey %s, you're not venomous, are you?",
  363. MURDERER = "Monster! Burn them!",
  364. REVIVER = "Who do ghosts call? %s!",
  365. GHOST = "Don't cry, %s, I'm getting you a heart.",
  366. FIRESTARTER = "Your fires are so cute, %s!",
  367. },
  369. {
  370. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  371. ATTACKER = "Take it down a notch, %s!",
  372. MURDERER = "Woahh! That's not an act! Murderer!",
  373. REVIVER = "%s doesn't let anyone fall in battle!",
  374. GHOST = "Hey %s, I'll get you a heart if you let me wear your helm!",
  375. FIRESTARTER = "Yes, %s! Burn!!!",
  376. },
  377. WINONA =
  378. {
  379. GENERIC = "Hi %s!",
  380. ATTACKER = "Too rough, %s! Jeez!",
  381. MURDERER = "Murderer! Now you burn!",
  382. REVIVER = "%s never gives up on anyone.",
  383. GHOST = "A heart sure would come in handy!",
  384. FIRESTARTER = "Nice fire, %s!",
  385. },
  387. MULTIPLAYER_PORTAL = "The vines coil away from my lighter... weird!",
  389. {
  390. BROKEN = "I need to fix Bernie up.",
  391. GENERIC = "My childhood buddy - Bernie!",
  392. },
  393. BERNIE_ACTIVE = "Help me, Bernie!",
  395. GLOMMER = "It's fuzzy! And slimy...",
  397. {
  398. GENERIC = "Why does everything have to be a flower?!",
  399. DEAD = "I wonder if it burns...",
  400. },
  401. GLOMMERWINGS = "They're so small!",
  402. GLOMMERFUEL = "It's goopy and weird.",
  403. BELL = "Is it New Year's Eve? Are there FIREWORKS?!",
  404. MOOSE_NESTING_GROUND = "Ugh, it smells like bird butts!",
  406. {
  407. GENERIC = "Is that supposed to be something?",
  408. EMPTY = "Looks about the same.",
  409. },
  410. WEBBERSKULL = "It's not myyy way, but a burial will have to do.",
  411. MOLE =
  412. {
  413. HELD = "Out of the ground, into the fire.",
  414. UNDERGROUND = "Hiding from the light, huh?",
  415. ABOVEGROUND = "Coming up for a peek!",
  416. },
  417. MOLEHILL = "It burrows away from the sun's skyfire. Unnatural.",
  418. MOLEHAT = "I'm not sure about this...",
  419. NIGHTSTICK = "It'd be way cooler if it was on fire...",
  421. {
  422. GENERIC = "Ugh. Stupid rabbits.",
  423. BURNT = "Ha! Good result.",
  424. },
  425. TURF_DECIDUOUS = "The ground is boring.",
  426. TURF_SANDY = "The ground is boring.",
  427. TURF_BADLANDS = "The ground is boring.",
  428. BEARGER = "Whoa! Niiiice bear...",
  429. BEARGERVEST = "It's like swimming in fur.",
  430. ICEPACK = "Fuzzy backpack!",
  431. ANTLION =
  432. {
  433. GENERIC = "What do you want?!",
  434. VERYHAPPY = "You're in a good mood.",
  435. UNHAPPY = "There's gonna be tremors in our future.",
  436. },
  437. SANDSPIKE = "Burn it!",
  438. SANDBLOCK = "Buuurn!",
  439. GLASSSPIKE = "I can't believe that worked!",
  440. GLASSBLOCK = "See? Fire solves everything.",
  441. ANTLIONTRINKET = "Buncha junk.",
  443. {
  444. GENERIC = "Looks flammable.",
  445. LONG = "Looks flammable.",
  446. MEDIUM = "Ugh, it's weird!",
  447. SOON = "Burning is still an option.",
  448. HAUNTED_POCKET = "It's burning a hole in my pocket. Heh.",
  449. HAUNTED_GROUND = "I don't want to mess with that.",
  450. },
  452. BOOK_BIRDS = "Less reading, more burning!",
  453. BOOK_TENTACLES = "Looks like kindling to me!",
  454. BOOK_GARDENING = "Ughh, who cares?",
  455. BOOK_SLEEP = "Bo-oring!",
  456. BOOK_BRIMSTONE = "That's my favorite book!",
  457. LUCY = "We could be good friends, you and I.",
  458. BALLOONS_EMPTY = "I could fill them with flammable gas.",
  459. BALLOON = "That's just asking to be popped.",
  460. SPEAR_WATHGRITHR = "I prefer a flame, but to each her own.",
  461. WATHGRITHRHAT = "It's got a name scratched on the inside... \"W\", uh...",
  462. WAXWELLJOURNAL = "Would make a great bedtime story... for nightmares!",
  463. ROCK_MOON = "Just another rock to me.",
  464. MOONROCKNUGGET = "Just another rock to me.",
  465. MOONROCKCRATER = "Great. A rock with a hole in it.",
  467. REDMOONEYE = "This one's got fire in its eye!",
  468. PURPLEMOONEYE = "Some sort of weird rock.",
  469. GREENMOONEYE = "A big dumb rock.",
  470. ORANGEMOONEYE = "It's a rock. Ugh!",
  471. YELLOWMOONEYE = "Another rock!",
  472. BLUEMOONEYE = "That's not an eyeball! It's a rock!",
  474. BEARGER_FUR = "It's fur all the way down.",
  475. FURTUFT = "Black and white and fuzzy all over!",
  476. BIGFOOT = "What in the world!",
  477. TREASURECHEST_TRAP = "Dirty trick!",
  479. {
  480. GENERIC = "A very very old chest.",
  481. LOCKED = "I think it's judging me.",
  482. },
  483. BONESHARD = "I don't think they make good tinder.",
  484. BUZZARD = "Your neck is gross.",
  485. CACTUS =
  486. {
  487. GENERIC = "Spines! My weakness! How did you know?",
  488. PICKED = "We'll call it a tie.",
  489. },
  490. CACTUS_MEAT_COOKED = "It seems fine now.",
  491. CACTUS_MEAT = "It still looks dangerous.",
  492. CACTUS_FLOWER = "Yet another flower.",
  493. COLDFIRE =
  494. {
  495. EMBERS = "Uh oh. It's almost gone!",
  496. GENERIC = "I like fire of all kinds.",
  498. LOW = "This fire is small and boring.",
  499. NORMAL = "Burn!",
  500. OUT = "Awww. It's all over.",
  501. },
  502. CATCOON = "Here, kitty!",
  504. {
  505. GENERIC = "I wouldn't burn it while someone lives there.",
  506. EMPTY = "It's all dried up and ready for burning.",
  507. },
  508. CATCOONHAT = "Cuddly hat.",
  509. --GOLDENMACHETE = "I don't want to scuff it up.",
  510. --OBSIDIANMACHETE = "A fire machete is a girl's best friend!",
  511. --MACHETE = "Or I could just burn my way through.",
  512. --MOWER = "Or I could just burn my way through.",
  513. --BOOK_METEOR = "I'll burn through this book!",
  514. COONTAIL = "I've kept stranger things than that.",
  515. COOKPOT =
  516. {
  517. COOKING_LONG = "The fire still has quite a bit of work to do.",
  518. COOKING_SHORT = "The fire is doing its thing!",
  519. DONE = "Fire makes everything better. Mmm!",
  520. EMPTY = "All food must be cleansed with fire.",
  521. BURNT = "At least it went out in a blaze of glory.",
  522. },
  524. COMPASS =
  525. {
  526. E = "East!",
  527. GENERIC = "Can't get a reading.",
  528. N = "North!",
  529. NE = "Northeast!",
  530. NW = "Northwest!",
  531. S = "South!",
  532. SE = "Southeast!",
  533. SW = "Southwest!",
  534. W = "West...",
  535. },
  537. EYEBRELLAHAT = "Keeps the rain out your eyes and in someone else's.",
  538. ARMORDRAGONFLY = "Yay! More FIRE!!!",
  539. DRAGON_SCALES = "Oooooooh! I LIKE those.",
  540. DRAGONFLYCHEST = "I'm not sure why you'd want something that DOESN'T burn...",
  542. {
  543. BURNING = "YES! BURN!",
  544. BURNT = "I wish it was still burning.",
  545. CHOPPED = "Burning it would've been better.",
  546. GENERIC = "I bet it would burn well.",
  547. POISON = "A fire would set'em straight.",
  548. },
  549. ACORN_COOKED = "Looks like you won't become a tree after all.",
  550. BIRCHNUTDRAKE = "Aaah! Set it on fire!",
  551. FARMPLOT =
  552. {
  553. GENERIC = "Sigh. It's a pile of dirt.",
  554. GROWING = "Hurry up, dirtpile. Feed me!",
  555. NEEDSFERTILIZER = "Stupid thing needs poop.",
  556. BURNT = "It was a nice finale.",
  557. },
  559. {
  560. EMBERS = "Uh oh. It's almost gone!",
  561. GENERIC = "I could watch it for hours, even though it's cold.",
  563. LOW = "This fire is small and boring. And blue.",
  564. NORMAL = "Burn!",
  565. OUT = "Make the fire come back!",
  566. },
  568. {
  569. ON = "I wish you'd shut your lid and stop putting out fires.",
  570. OFF = "And stay off!",
  571. LOWFUEL = "Almost out.",
  572. },
  573. ICEHAT = "It's a real mood dampener.",
  575. {
  576. GENERIC = "Bouncy goat.",
  577. CHARGED = "You're crazy!",
  578. },
  579. LIGHTNINGGOATHORN = "I heard lightning when I held it to my ear.",
  580. GOATMILK = "It's fuzzy with electricity. Yuck.",
  581. MEATRACK =
  582. {
  583. DONE = "It's ready!",
  584. DRYING = "Come on meat, dry already!",
  585. DRYINGINRAIN = "Forget the rain! Dry!",
  586. GENERIC = "I want to hang some meat!",
  587. BURNT = "Maybe the fire wasn't the best drying method...",
  588. },
  589. MERMHEAD =
  590. {
  591. GENERIC = "That's what you get for being so stinky!",
  592. BURNT = "Double whammy!",
  593. },
  594. MERMHOUSE =
  595. {
  596. GENERIC = "No one would care if this burned down.",
  597. BURNT = "It's true, no one cares.",
  598. },
  599. FLOWERSALAD = "I'd rather a bowl of flames.",
  600. ICECREAM = "Well, soooometimes cold things are okay.",
  601. WATERMELONICLE = "Why would you freeze a fruit when you could burn it?",
  602. WATERMELON_SEEDS = "I could grow them, but that sounds boring.",
  603. TRAILMIX = "Crunch crunch crunch.",
  604. HOTCHILI = "Now that's my kind of heat!",
  605. GUACAMOLE = "Holy moley, that's tasty!",
  606. MOOSE = "What in the world...",
  607. MOOSEEGG = "It's huuuuge!",
  608. MOSSLING = "Its feathers are frazzled.",
  609. FEATHERFAN = "I dunno... it could put out some fires...",
  610. MINIFAN = "No fun, making me exercise to stay cool!",
  611. GOOSE_FEATHER = "So snuggly!",
  612. STAFF_TORNADO = "Always whirling! Swirling towards destruction!",
  613. PIGHEAD =
  614. {
  615. GENERIC = "I guess I have it alright.",
  616. BURNT = "It can always get worse, I guess.",
  617. },
  618. PIGHOUSE =
  619. {
  620. FULL = "He's doing pig things in there.",
  621. GENERIC = "These pigs have questionable taste in architecture.",
  622. LIGHTSOUT = "You jerk! Let me in!",
  623. BURNT = "Nice redecorating job!",
  624. },
  625. FERTILIZER = "A bucket full of nasty.",
  627. {
  628. GENERIC = "Rain is the anti-fire. Boo!",
  629. BURNT = "Take that, rain!",
  630. },
  631. RAINCOAT = "That'll do the trick.",
  632. RAINHAT = "Anything to keep the water away.",
  634. {
  635. GENERIC = "Even I don't know everything... yet.",
  636. BURNT = "There's no learning from that now.",
  637. },
  639. {
  640. GENERIC = "Even I don't know everything... yet.",
  641. BURNT = "There's no learning from that now.",
  642. },
  644. {
  645. GENERIC = "A dark and powerful energy radiates from it.",
  646. BURNT = "Now it's dark and not very powerful.",
  647. },
  649. {
  650. GENERIC = "I can use the hat like a cauldron!",
  651. BURNT = "Double, double toil and... oh. It's burned.",
  652. },
  654. {
  655. GENERIC = "That's our insurance policy.",
  656. BURNT = "Our policy was canceled.",
  657. },
  658. ROCK_ICE =
  659. {
  660. GENERIC = "I don't think there's any way it'd burn.",
  661. MELTED = "As useless as water ever was.",
  662. },
  663. ROCK_ICE_MELTED = "As useless as water ever was.",
  664. ICE = "Chilly.",
  665. REFLECTIVEVEST = "Vests are so in.",
  666. HAWAIIANSHIRT = "I wonder if it'd burn as nicely as actual flowers do.",
  667. TENT =
  668. {
  669. GENERIC = "I got all the badges in Girl Scouts.",
  670. BURNT = "Well, I've still got my badges.",
  671. },
  672. SIESTAHUT =
  673. {
  674. GENERIC = "They taught us how to make these in Girl Scouts.",
  675. BURNT = "I always set them on fire.",
  676. },
  677. TRANSISTOR = "Electrical doo-dah, doo-dah.",
  679. {
  680. GENERIC = "It's a trunk for my junk.",
  681. BURNT = "The trunk burned nicely.",
  682. },
  683. TUMBLEWEED = "It looks highly flammable.",
  684. GRASS_UMBRELLA = "Pretty as can be!",
  685. UNIMPLEMENTED = "It's not finished. But I bet it still burns.",
  686. WALL_HAY =
  687. {
  688. GENERIC = "That looks so flammable!",
  689. BURNT = "It was flammable!",
  690. },
  691. WALL_WOOD =
  692. {
  693. GENERIC = "That could totally catch on fire.",
  694. BURNT = "It did catch on fire!",
  695. },
  696. FENCE = "I'm not painting that.",
  697. FENCE_ITEM = "No point just leaving it on the ground.",
  698. FENCE_GATE = "I guess we could pen stuff in with it.",
  699. FENCE_GATE_ITEM = "No point just leaving it on the ground.",
  700. WARG = "You're a big mean jerk!",
  701. WATERMELON = "I once knew a melon named Walter. He was a jerk.",
  702. WATERMELON_COOKED = "Warm, sweet, juicy Walter.",
  703. WATERMELONHAT = "Well, that's one use for this fruit.",
  705. {
  706. GENERIC = "It would be better if it measured fire.",
  707. BURNT = "If you'd measured fire, maybe you woulda been prepared!",
  708. },
  709. HOME = "I'm gonna burn it.",
  710. HOMESIGN =
  711. {
  712. GENERIC = "Less reading! More burning!",
  713. UNWRITTEN = "I should burn something into it.",
  714. BURNT = "Hahaha, yesss!",
  715. },
  717. {
  718. GENERIC = "Less reading! More burning!",
  719. UNWRITTEN = "I could doodle something rude here.",
  720. BURNT = "It said \"Don't play with matches\", but the \"Don't\" is crossed out now.",
  721. },
  723. {
  724. GENERIC = "Less reading! More burning!",
  725. UNWRITTEN = "I could doodle something rude here.",
  726. BURNT = "It said \"Don't play with matches\", but the \"Don't\" is crossed out now.",
  727. },
  728. BEEBOX =
  729. {
  730. READY = "Yay! Let's steal honey!",
  731. FULLHONEY = "Yay! Let's steal honey!",
  732. GENERIC = "Come on fat bees, make honey!",
  733. NOHONEY = "Nothing to see here.",
  734. SOMEHONEY = "Patience.",
  735. BURNT = "Smoked you out!",
  736. },
  738. {
  739. STUFFED = "Geez, who even needs that many mushrooms?",
  740. LOTS = "Gross, they're taking over!",
  741. SOME = "There's mushrooms growing in it now.",
  742. EMPTY = "It's just a dumb log.", -- tell the player to put a mushroom or spore into the farm to get things started
  743. ROTTEN = "Nasty. Let's burn the rot out.", -- tell the player to put a log into the farm to restore it
  744. BURNT = "Mold problem's taken care of.",
  745. SNOWCOVERED = "I'm sure fire would fix that.",
  746. },
  747. LIVINGTREE = "It might be alive, but it'll still burn.",
  748. ICESTAFF = "Booooring.",
  749. WORMLIGHT = "Light without fire. Unnatural.",
  750. WORMLIGHT_LESSER = "It feels like grandma's hands.",
  751. WORM =
  752. {
  753. PLANT = "Light without fire. Unnatural.",
  754. DIRT = "Does dirt normally move around?",
  755. WORM = "It's so furry!",
  756. },
  757. WORMLIGHT_PLANT = "Light without fire. Unnatural.",
  758. EEL = "I don't like the look it's giving me!",
  759. EEL_COOKED = "Fire improves everything.",
  760. UNAGI = "You can make it fancy but it's still an eel.",
  761. EYETURRET = "I wish it lit stuff on fire.",
  762. EYETURRET_ITEM = "It's no good until it's been placed.",
  763. MINOTAURHORN = "I wonder if the rings are an indication of age.",
  764. MINOTAURCHEST = "I want big horns like that!",
  765. THULECITE_PIECES = "This Thulecite crumbled to pieces.",
  766. POND = "This pond will definitely not ignite. How dull.",
  767. POND_ALGAE = "It must need a lot of water.",
  768. GREENSTAFF = "It won't start a fire but I guess it's still useful.",
  769. GIFT = "It's for me right?!",
  770. GIFTWRAP = "Ribbons burn real good!",
  771. POTTEDFERN = "I'd rather burn them.",
  772. SUCCULENT_POTTED = "We're keeping it.",
  773. SUCCULENT_PLANT = "It's a small, unburned plant.",
  774. SUCCULENT_PICKED = "It's been picked.",
  775. SENTRYWARD = "Pfft. It'll burn like the rest.",
  777. {
  778. GENERIC = "Magic stuff.",
  779. ACTIVE = "Walking's for suckers.",
  780. },
  782. {
  783. GENERIC = "Yuck. It smells like sulfur.",
  784. ACTIVE = "I didn't wanna walk, anyway.",
  785. },
  786. WETPAPER = "I can think of a real quick way to dry it.",
  787. WETPOUCH = "There's something inside.",
  788. MOONROCK_PIECES = "Oh look! ROCKS! Ughhhhh!",
  789. MOONBASE =
  790. {
  791. GENERIC = "It's expecting something from me.",
  792. BROKEN = "Oh look, a bunch of smashed up rocks!",
  793. STAFFED = "Hurry up already, stupid rock!",
  794. WRONGSTAFF = "That's obviously completely wrong.",
  795. MOONSTAFF = "Ughh! It's doing the exact opposite of burning!",
  796. },
  797. MOONDIAL =
  798. {
  799. GENERIC = "What the heck? I can still see the moon!",
  800. NIGHT_NEW = "A new moon! Great, I hated the old one!",
  801. NIGHT_WAX = "The moon is waxing, unlike me.",
  802. NIGHT_FULL = "That's as full as it gets.",
  803. NIGHT_WANE = "The moon's outta here!",
  804. CAVE = "Doesn't work down here.",
  805. },
  807. TREEGUARD = "You'll burn like the rest!",
  808. THULECITE = "I don't think it would burn.",
  809. ARMORRUINS = "Human beings probably shouldn't wear this.",
  810. ARMORSKELETON = "Can't hit me in this thing!",
  811. SKELETONHAT = "I've got a headache just looking at it.",
  812. RUINS_BAT = "This will keep the nasties at bay.",
  813. RUINSHAT = "It seems like there's something flowing through it.",
  815. NIGHTMARE_TIMEPIECE = --Keeps track of the nightmare cycle
  816. {
  817. CALM = "Looks normal to me.", --Calm phase
  818. WARN = "It's warning me.", --Before nightmare
  819. WAXING = "The fuel is coming to life!", --Nightmare Phase first 33%
  820. STEADY = "It's almost humming.", --Nightmare 33% - 66%
  821. WANING = "I think it's turning off.", --Nightmare 66% +
  822. DAWN = "I guess it's nearly over.", --After nightmare
  823. NOMAGIC = "I don't think it's working.", --Place with no nightmare cycle.
  824. },
  826. BISHOP_NIGHTMARE = "Ahhh!",
  827. ROOK_NIGHTMARE = "It has a nasty smile.",
  828. KNIGHT_NIGHTMARE = "It looks pretty worn down.",
  829. MINOTAUR = "Poor thing. Trapped in this maze.", --Monster in labyrinth
  830. SPIDER_DROPPER = "They come from above.", --White spider that comes from the roof
  831. NIGHTMARELIGHT = "Light without fire is unnatural.", --Lights that activate during nightmare.
  832. GREENGEM = "This one feels really light.",
  833. MULTITOOL_AXE_PICKAXE = "It's so useful!", --Works as axe and pickaxe
  834. ORANGESTAFF = "It gives me a headache.", --Teleports player.
  835. YELLOWAMULET = "It seems to absorb the darkness around it.", --Emits light, player walks faster.
  836. GREENAMULET = "I feel my mind opening when I wear it.", --Reduce cost of crafting
  837. MANDRAKE_COOKED = "The fire made this plant guy a lot quieter.",
  838. MAPSCROLL = "Nothing's on it? I can burn it then, right?",
  839. SLURPER = "Do they have little fires in their bellies?",
  840. SLURPER_PELT = "Eeewwwww, it's still alive!",
  841. SLURPERPELT = "Eeewwwww, it's still alive!",
  842. TREECLUMP = "Moooooooooooooove.",
  843. SPIDERHOLE_ROCK ="It's full of spiders.",
  844. ARMORSLURPER = "Oh, ick! Ick! Ick! Ick! Eeeeeewwwwww!",
  845. PIGTENT = "It smells terrible!",
  846. ORANGEAMULET = "It picks up burning materials!",
  847. YELLOWSTAFF = "It's magical.",
  848. YELLOWGEM = "It sparkles.",
  849. ORANGEGEM = "It'll make your fingers tingle.",
  850. OPALSTAFF = "Gotta hold it with my sleeve so my hands don't get cold.",
  851. OPALPRECIOUSGEM = "It's glittery and mesmerizing, like a fire!",
  852. ROCK = "It's, like, a rock.",
  854. TELEBASE =
  855. {
  856. VALID = "I can feel the magic!",
  857. GEMS = "It needs something more.",
  858. },
  859. GEMSOCKET =
  860. {
  861. VALID = "I wonder how they hover?",
  862. GEMS = "It's so empty!",
  863. },
  864. STAFFLIGHT = "It's so beautiful!",
  865. STAFFCOLDLIGHT = "Boo! Hissss!",
  867. LIGHTER = "It's my lucky lighter!",
  871. {
  872. WORKING = "Oooo! An afterlife intercom.",
  873. BROKEN = "The dead can't get through here.",
  874. },
  875. ANCIENT_ALTAR_BROKEN = "The dead can't get through here.",
  877. ANCIENT_STATUE = "Drat, won't burn.",
  879. LICHEN = "A gross, crusty plant.",
  880. CUTLICHEN = "Blah, tastes like sawdust.",
  882. CAVE_BANANA = "Bananas!",
  883. CAVE_BANANA_COOKED = "Yum!",
  884. CAVE_BANANA_BURNT = "That's all I wanted!",
  885. CAVE_BANANA_TREE = "Looks burnable!",
  886. ROCKY = "We don't have much in common.",
  888. BLUEAMULET = "Boo to this.",
  889. PURPLEAMULET = "Has science gone too far?",
  890. TELESTAFF = "It's quite a rush to use.",
  891. MINERHAT = "It's not real fire, but it's still pretty fun.",
  892. MONKEY = "Joke's on you! I can burn this poo.",
  893. MONKEYBARREL = "What a wonderfully flammable home.",
  895. HOUNDSTOOTH = "It's sharp. I like it!",
  896. ARMORSNURTLESHELL = "Less defense! More offense!",
  897. BAT = "Cute little guy!",
  898. BATBAT = "That thing's great for batting at enemies.",
  899. BATWING = "Yuck!",
  900. BATWING_COOKED = "Still yuck!",
  901. BATCAVE = "What would happen if I dropped a match in there?",
  902. BEDROLL_FURRY = "It's too frilly.",
  903. BUNNYMAN = "Ugh. They look so stupid.",
  904. FLOWER_CAVE = "It's burning inside.",
  906. {
  907. GENERIC = "Ew.",
  908. DISEASED = "Double ew!",
  909. },
  910. GUANO = "It burns like normal poop.",
  911. LANTERN = "Fire is not meant to be contained like this!",
  912. LIGHTBULB = "It's called a \"lightbulb\" but it's kinda heavy.",
  913. MANRABBIT_TAIL = "The rabbits lost that argument.",
  914. MUSHROOMHAT = "I don't like having my head messed with.",
  916. {
  917. ON = "Pfft, well that was a bright idea.",
  918. OFF = "I've got a few ideas on how to light it. Heh heh.",
  919. BURNT = "Now what?",
  920. },
  922. {
  923. ON = "Not as nice as a warm fire.",
  924. OFF = "This dumb mushroom's not lighting up.",
  925. BURNT = "C'mon, you saw that coming.",
  926. },
  927. SLEEPBOMB = "Who's ready for a nap!",
  928. MUSHROOMBOMB = "She's gonna blow!",
  929. SHROOM_SKIN = "Ew! Burn that!",
  931. {
  932. EMPTY = "It's a hole, what do you want from me?",
  933. INGROUND = "What is that? It's smelly.",
  934. GENERIC = "A mutant mushroom! I want it!",
  935. },
  936. TOADSTOOL =
  937. {
  938. GENERIC = "It's covered in nasty warts and fungus!!",
  939. RAGE = "Woah! It's packing a punch now!",
  940. },
  942. {
  943. GENERIC = "A big gross mushroom! Burn it!",
  944. BURNT = "How could that not work?!",
  945. },
  947. {
  948. GENERIC = "Gross. This tree is sick all over.",
  949. BLOOM = "Ack! It stinks!",
  950. },
  952. {
  953. GENERIC = "Gross. It smells like leprechaun butt.",
  954. BLOOM = "It's spreading junk everywhere.",
  955. },
  957. {
  958. GENERIC = "Gross. It's all mushroomy.",
  959. BLOOM = "Ew, I don't want to get too close.",
  960. },
  961. MUSHTREE_TALL_WEBBED = "That one got what it deserves.",
  962. SPORE_TALL =
  963. {
  964. GENERIC = "It's like colorful sparks!",
  965. HELD = "It feels flammable.",
  966. },
  968. {
  969. GENERIC = "It's like floating fire!",
  970. HELD = "It feels flammable.",
  971. },
  972. SPORE_SMALL =
  973. {
  974. GENERIC = "It has no idea where it's going.",
  975. HELD = "It feels flammable.",
  976. },
  977. SLURTLE = "I want to blow it up!",
  978. SLURTLE_SHELLPIECES = "Heh. It broke.",
  979. SLURTLEHAT = "It's perfectly head-shaped.",
  980. SLURTLEHOLE = "I should burn them out.",
  981. SLURTLESLIME = "I love this stuff!",
  982. SNURTLE = "Kaboom!",
  983. SPIDER_HIDER = "What a frustrating jerk!",
  984. SPIDER_SPITTER = "Get over here!",
  985. SPIDERHOLE = "It's full of spiders.",
  986. STALAGMITE = "Rocks are boring.",
  987. STALAGMITE_TALL = "More boring rocks.",
  989. TURF_CARPETFLOOR = "The ground is boring.",
  990. TURF_CHECKERFLOOR = "The ground is boring.",
  991. TURF_DIRT = "The ground is boring.",
  992. TURF_FOREST = "The ground is boring.",
  993. TURF_GRASS = "The ground is boring.",
  994. TURF_MARSH = "The ground is boring.",
  995. TURF_ROAD = "The ground is boring.",
  996. TURF_ROCKY = "The ground is boring.",
  997. TURF_SAVANNA = "The ground is boring.",
  998. TURF_WOODFLOOR = "The ground is boring.",
  1000. TURF_CAVE="The ground is boring.",
  1001. TURF_FUNGUS="The ground is boring.",
  1002. TURF_SINKHOLE="The ground is boring.",
  1003. TURF_UNDERROCK="The ground is boring.",
  1004. TURF_MUD="The ground is boring.",
  1005. TURF_DRAGONFLY = "My lighter doesn't work on it.",
  1006. TURF_DESERTDIRT = "The ground is boring.",
  1007. TURF_FUNGUS_GREEN = "The ground is boring.",
  1008. TURF_FUNGUS_RED = "The ground is boring.",
  1010. TURKEYDINNER = "A feast of burned bird!",
  1011. TWIGS = "A bunch of small twigs. Good for fires, among other things.",
  1012. POWCAKE = "I wonder if it is flammable.",
  1013. CAVE_ENTRANCE = "Who plugged that hole?",
  1014. CAVE_ENTRANCE_RUINS = "Who plugged that hole?",
  1017. {
  1018. GENERIC = "I don't want to go in that gross hole!",
  1019. OPEN = "I hope there's lava down there somewhere.",
  1020. FULL = "There's too many people down there.",
  1021. },
  1022. CAVE_EXIT =
  1023. {
  1024. GENERIC = "It's cooler down here, anyway.",
  1025. OPEN = "It's too dark and stuffy down here.",
  1026. FULL = "There's too many people up there.",
  1027. },
  1029. MAXWELLPHONOGRAPH = "I like more exciting music.",
  1030. PIGGUARD = "I like his attitude!",
  1031. BOOMERANG = "It's not the most exciting weapon.",
  1032. ADVENTURE_PORTAL = "Maybe that leads home.",
  1033. AMULET = "I have no idea what it does, but it feels good to wear it!",
  1034. ANIMAL_TRACK = "It leads to my new friend.",
  1035. ARMORGRASS = "A waste of flammable materials.",
  1036. ARMORMARBLE = "If you're gonna fight you might as well be protected.",
  1037. ARMORWOOD = "Now I can take on the world!",
  1038. ARMOR_SANITY = "Like being wrapped in smoke.",
  1039. ASH =
  1040. {
  1041. GENERIC = "Leftovers from a fire. I wish it was still here.",
  1042. REMAINS_GLOMMERFLOWER = "I wish I saw the way that weird flower burned.",
  1043. REMAINS_EYE_BONE = "I bet that eye thing was quite a sight wreathed in fire!",
  1044. REMAINS_THINGIE = "I wish this thing was still burning, whatever it was.",
  1045. },
  1046. AXE = "It's very sharp.",
  1048. {
  1049. GENERIC = "Even the babies are ugly.",
  1050. SLEEPING = "WAKE UP!",
  1051. },
  1052. BUNDLE = "Now I can burn a bunch of things in one go!",
  1053. BUNDLEWRAP = "We could hide some gross things, I guess.",
  1054. BACKPACK = "You could fit like a million lighters in here.",
  1055. BACONEGGS = "The yellow mucus-y part is gross, but the bacon is great!",
  1056. BANDAGE = "Eww, no!",
  1057. BASALT = "It's too hard to break!",
  1058. BEARDHAIR = "Clean up your gross hair guys! Ugh!",
  1059. BEDROLL_STRAW = "Musty.",
  1060. BEEQUEEN = "No amount of honey is worth THAT!",
  1062. {
  1063. GENERIC = "It all came from a bee's butt.",
  1064. GROWING = "Ew, burn it before it gets any bigger!",
  1065. },
  1066. BEEQUEENHIVEGROWN = "Dare you guys to smack it with a hammer.",
  1067. BEEGUARD = "Puffy flying jerk!",
  1068. HIVEHAT = "That bee's head looks kinda tasty, doesn't it?",
  1069. MINISIGN =
  1070. {
  1071. GENERIC = "Haha oh man, who drew THAT?",
  1072. UNDRAWN = "Looks kinda bare.",
  1073. },
  1074. MINISIGN_ITEM = "It's like a sign, but smaller.",
  1075. BEE =
  1076. {
  1077. GENERIC = "It's fat, but that stinger looks dangerous.",
  1078. HELD = "Pocket full of bees!",
  1079. },
  1080. BEEFALO =
  1081. {
  1082. FOLLOWER = "Er, are you following me?",
  1083. GENERIC = "What a disgusting, hairy beast!",
  1084. NAKED = "Ha! He's all naked now!",
  1085. SLEEPING = "They look even dumber when they're sleeping.",
  1086. --Domesticated states:
  1087. DOMESTICATED = "It's lost the fire from its heart.",
  1088. ORNERY = "I can see fire in its eyes.",
  1089. RIDER = "Let's go!",
  1090. PUDGY = "You need to burn some calories.",
  1091. },
  1092. BEEFALOHAT = "Beast hair to go over people hair!",
  1093. BEEFALOWOOL = "Ha! Its owner is probably naked somewhere. Or dead.",
  1094. BEEHIVE = "It's full of bees!",
  1095. BEEMINE = "Bees inside. Should've put some fire in there for good measure.",
  1096. BEEMINE_MAXWELL = "Mosquitoes inside. They don't sound happy.",
  1097. BEEHAT = "This will keep the pokeys off of me.",
  1098. BEESWAX = "That's none of my beeswax.",
  1099. BERRIES = "Red berries taste the best.",
  1100. BERRIES_COOKED = "Red berries with fire somehow taste even better.",
  1101. BERRIES_JUICY = "Mmm. They pop in your mouth.",
  1102. BERRIES_JUICY_COOKED = "Fire improves everything.",
  1103. BERRYBUSH =
  1104. {
  1105. BARREN = "Eat poop, stupid plant!",
  1106. WITHERED = "All dried out. Primed for fire!",
  1107. GENERIC = "Mmmmm. Berries.",
  1108. PICKED = "But I want more berries!",
  1109. DISEASED = "Burn the sick!",
  1110. DISEASING = "Blech. You smell.",
  1111. BURNING = "Yes!! Burn!!",
  1112. },
  1114. {
  1115. BARREN = "Did I say you could stop growing?!",
  1116. WITHERED = "It's burning up.",
  1117. GENERIC = "Ready for picking!",
  1118. PICKED = "Make mooooore!",
  1119. DISEASED = "Burn the sick!",
  1120. DISEASING = "Blech. You smell.",
  1121. BURNING = "Yes!! Burn!!",
  1122. },
  1123. BIRDCAGE =
  1124. {
  1125. GENERIC = "Bird prison!",
  1126. OCCUPIED = "Ha! Gotcha now!",
  1127. SLEEPING = "Stupid bird. Wake up!",
  1128. HUNGRY = "What's all the fuss about?",
  1129. STARVING = "He won't be quiet!",
  1130. DEAD = "At least he's quiet now.",
  1131. SKELETON = "That should probably be cleaned up.",
  1132. },
  1133. BIRDTRAP = "Gonna catch those creepy birds.",
  1134. BIRD_EGG = "It smells like a bird's butt.",
  1135. BIRD_EGG_COOKED = "Yuck. The yellow part is all runny.",
  1136. BISHOP = "It's a bishop!",
  1137. BISHOP_CHARGE_HIT = "Owwww!",
  1138. BLOWDART_FIRE = "That's my favorite thing in the whole wide world.",
  1139. BLOWDART_SLEEP = "Tranquilized things are easier to light on fire.",
  1140. BLOWDART_PIPE = "Good practice for blowing into a fire.",
  1141. BLOWDART_YELLOW = "Lightning is sort of like fire.",
  1142. BLUEGEM = "Ugh. This one is ugly.",
  1143. BLUEPRINT =
  1144. {
  1145. COMMON = "This will save some experimentation.",
  1146. RARE = "Woah. It doesn't burn!!",
  1147. },
  1148. SKETCH = "Trading diagrams is for dorks.",
  1149. --BELL_BLUEPRINT = "I might get a kick out of that.",
  1150. BLUE_CAP = "It smells like a gym sock!",
  1151. BLUE_CAP_COOKED = "Transformed by fire!",
  1153. {
  1154. GENERIC = "Dumb mushroom.",
  1155. INGROUND = "Hey! You! Get up here!",
  1156. PICKED = "Maybe it will return some day.",
  1157. },
  1158. BOARDS = "Boards. They'll burn, same as other wood.",
  1159. BONESTEW = "Just add fire to food and voila!",
  1160. BUGNET = "Doesn't fit over Webber's big head.",
  1161. BUSHHAT = "Too passive!",
  1162. BUTTER = "Tasty, and just a little bit insecty.",
  1163. BUTTERFLY =
  1164. {
  1165. GENERIC = "Flutter away, butterfly!",
  1166. HELD = "I want to squish it.",
  1167. },
  1168. BUTTERFLYMUFFIN = "Heehee, look at that butterfly stuck in the muffin.",
  1169. BUTTERFLYWINGS = "No more flying for that butterfly!",
  1170. CAMPFIRE =
  1171. {
  1172. EMBERS = "Uh oh. It's almost gone!",
  1173. GENERIC = "I like fire.",
  1174. HIGH = "BURN! BURN FASTER!",
  1175. LOW = "This fire is small and boring.",
  1176. NORMAL = "Burn!",
  1177. OUT = "Awww. It's all over.",
  1178. },
  1179. CANE = "It's way easier to cover ground with this!",
  1180. CARROT = "Yuck. It's all vegetabley.",
  1181. CARROT_COOKED = "Still vegetabley, but better for having been in fire.",
  1182. CARROT_PLANTED = "Maybe its special carrot friend is in the ground.",
  1183. CARROT_SEEDS = "Seeds for a yucky orange vegetable.",
  1185. {
  1186. GENERIC = "I guess I could show everyone where I've been.",
  1187. BURNING = "Yes!!",
  1188. BURNT = "Scouts don't need maps, anyway.",
  1189. },
  1190. CAVE_FERN = "Looks flammable.",
  1191. CHARCOAL = "Mmmm. Smells like fire.",
  1193. CHESSPIECE_PAWN = "What sort of peasant doesn't have a torch?!",
  1195. {
  1196. GENERIC = "That one looks like it could do some damage.",
  1197. STRUGGLE = "I don't wanna see what comes outta that!",
  1198. },
  1200. {
  1201. GENERIC = "A horse with no butt.",
  1202. STRUGGLE = "I don't wanna see what comes outta that!",
  1203. },
  1205. {
  1206. GENERIC = "Just some dumb bishop piece.",
  1207. STRUGGLE = "I don't wanna see what comes outta that!",
  1208. },
  1209. CHESSPIECE_MUSE = "Ewww, she doesn't have a head!",
  1210. CHESSPIECE_FORMAL = "I'm not afraid of that guy. He doesn't even have arms!",
  1211. CHESSPIECE_HORNUCOPIA = "Ouchhh! I think I chipped a tooth.",
  1212. CHESSPIECE_PIPE = "I prefer smokey fires.",
  1213. CHESSPIECE_DEERCLOPS = "We kicked its butt.",
  1214. CHESSPIECE_BEARGER = "Those are some pointy teeth.",
  1215. CHESSPIECE_MOOSEGOOSE = "Looks as dumb as the real thing.",
  1216. CHESSPIECE_DRAGONFLY = "I think... I think I understand art.",
  1217. CHESSJUNK1 = "Dead windup horsey.",
  1218. CHESSJUNK2 = "Dead windup priest.",
  1219. CHESSJUNK3 = "Dead windup castle.",
  1220. CHESTER = "He's so fuzzy!",
  1222. {
  1223. GENERIC = "It's rude to stare.",
  1224. WAITING = "At least it's not looking at me anymore.",
  1225. },
  1226. COOKEDMEAT = "Unseasoned meat... great.",
  1227. COOKEDMONSTERMEAT = "It's still gross.",
  1228. COOKEDSMALLMEAT = "Gonna need a lot of appetizers to survive out here!",
  1229. CORN = "A sweet vegetable, yum!",
  1230. CORN_COOKED = "Ooh, this one explodes when it goes in fire!",
  1231. CORN_SEEDS = "Seeds for my favorite explosive vegetable.",
  1232. CANARY =
  1233. {
  1234. GENERIC = "If it kicks the bucket I'm outta here.",
  1235. HELD = "You still breathing? Just checking.",
  1236. },
  1237. CANARY_POISONED = "Is that infectious? We should burn it.",
  1239. CRITTERLAB = "Is there anything cute in there??",
  1240. CRITTER_GLOMLING = "Aww, I could just squish your gross lil face!",
  1241. CRITTER_DRAGONLING = "We were made for each other.",
  1242. CRITTER_LAMB = "Look at those creepy little eyes. Aww.",
  1243. CRITTER_PUPPY = "Hah, you don't even know you're smelly.",
  1244. CRITTER_KITTEN = "You're the perfect lapwarmer.",
  1245. CRITTER_PERDLING = "I could just eat you up.",
  1247. CROW =
  1248. {
  1249. GENERIC = "I think it's waiting for me to die.",
  1250. HELD = "Not so smart now, are you?",
  1251. },
  1252. CUTGRASS = "Cut grass, ready for burning. Or maybe crafting.",
  1253. CUTREEDS = "Cut reeds, ready for burning. Or maybe crafting.",
  1254. CUTSTONE = "Perfectly squared for maximum enjoyment.",
  1255. DEADLYFEAST = "Fire didn't cure this dish of being nasty.",
  1256. DEER =
  1257. {
  1258. GENERIC = "I wish everyone'd stop fawning over that smelly thing!",
  1259. ANTLER = "Don't think that horn makes you special, deer.",
  1260. },
  1261. DEER_ANTLER = "It's a big, weird antler.",
  1262. DEER_GEMMED = "Marginally better smelling than most animals here.",
  1263. KLAUSSACKKEY = "Ha! I wouldn't wanna get smacked with that thing!",
  1264. DEERCLOPS = "Holy crap!",
  1265. DEERCLOPS_EYEBALL = "Stop staring at me!",
  1266. DIRTPILE = "Who just leaves dirt lying around in the forest?",
  1268. {
  1269. COLD = "It's making some kind of noise.",
  1270. GENERIC = "It's full of electrical junk.",
  1271. HOT = "Gah! Enough with the beeping!",
  1272. WARM = "This thing is getting noisier.",
  1273. WARMER = "Must be close!",
  1274. },
  1276. {
  1277. GENERIC = "Not sure what this does. Doesn't seem like it's fiery things.",
  1278. READY = "Just needs to be unlocked with a key. Not fire, unfortunately.",
  1279. UNLOCKED = "It's whirring now!",
  1280. },
  1281. DIVININGRODSTART = "I'll make something out of it.",
  1282. DRAGONFLY = "It's filled with fire!",
  1284. {
  1285. HAMMERED = "That's certainly a look.",
  1286. GENERIC = "Let's turn it back on!",
  1287. NORMAL = "Stick another gem in there!",
  1288. HIGH = "I think I'm in love.",
  1289. },
  1291. HUTCH = "What's your angle?",
  1293. {
  1294. GENERIC = "It's too wet to burn.",
  1295. WAITING = "It's still too wet to burn.",
  1296. },
  1298. LAVASPIT =
  1299. {
  1300. HOT = "The coolest drool!",
  1301. COOL = "Cool drool, literally.",
  1302. },
  1303. LAVA_POND = "Yes! Yessss!",
  1304. LAVAE = "Why can't we be friends?",
  1305. LAVAE_COCOON = "Aw, it lost its fiery personality.",
  1306. LAVAE_PET =
  1307. {
  1308. STARVING = "I can see her ribs!",
  1309. HUNGRY = "I think she wants some burnings.",
  1310. CONTENT = "My own little burninator.",
  1311. GENERIC = "She's... perfect.",
  1312. },
  1313. LAVAE_EGG =
  1314. {
  1315. GENERIC = "I think a fire is trying to escape.",
  1316. },
  1318. {
  1319. COLD = "It has a chill.",
  1320. COMFY = "That egg looks happy.",
  1321. },
  1322. LAVAE_TOOTH = "I hope she's not a biter.",
  1324. {
  1325. GENERIC = "What a sorry looking piece of... grass?",
  1326. },
  1327. GOGGLESHAT = "What a great look!",
  1328. DESERTHAT = "Not very stylish.",
  1329. DRAGONFRUIT = "It looks sort of like a fire!",
  1330. DRAGONFRUIT_COOKED = "It looks more like a fruit that's been in a fire now.",
  1331. DRAGONFRUIT_SEEDS = "Seeds for that fire-looking fruit.",
  1332. DRAGONPIE = "Fire fruit in a pie? Oh boy!",
  1333. DRUMSTICK = "Bang on the drum all day!",
  1334. DRUMSTICK_COOKED = "Hmm... Satisfy hunger, or bang on the drum?",
  1335. DURIAN = "Ew, stinky!",
  1336. DURIAN_COOKED = "Yuck, it smells just as bad cooked!",
  1337. DURIAN_SEEDS = "Smelly seeds for a smelly fruit.",
  1338. EARMUFFSHAT = "Smells like rabbit butt.",
  1339. EGGPLANT = "Definitely not a bird.",
  1340. EGGPLANT_COOKED = "Using fire on it made it a tastier eggplant.",
  1341. EGGPLANT_SEEDS = "Will these seeds make a plant or baby bird?",
  1343. ENDTABLE =
  1344. {
  1345. BURNT = "Alright, alright, so I was wrong about the hand!",
  1346. GENERIC = "Just a bunch of dumb flowers.",
  1347. EMPTY = "I'm telling you, there's a monsterhand under that thing!",
  1348. WILTED = "Those need replacing.",
  1349. FRESHLIGHT = "Not as good as a fire, but at least we won't be in the dark.",
  1350. OLDLIGHT = "We're gonna be in the dark soon.",
  1351. },
  1352. STUFFEDEGGPLANT = "It's still not a bird, but it's sure stuffed like one!",
  1353. DUG_BERRYBUSH = "What's the matter, got no dirt?",
  1354. DUG_BERRYBUSH_JUICY = "What's the matter, got no dirt?",
  1355. DUG_GRASS = "What's the matter, got no dirt?",
  1356. DUG_MARSH_BUSH = "What's the matter, got no dirt?",
  1357. DUG_SAPLING = "What's the matter, got no dirt?",
  1358. EARMUFFS = "Smells like rabbit butt.",
  1359. BOAT = "Must. Resist. Urge. To. Burn.",
  1361. {
  1362. BURNING = "YES! BURN!",
  1363. BURNT = "I wish it was still burning.",
  1364. CHOPPED = "One less tree in the world.",
  1365. GENERIC = "It looks like it would burn well.",
  1366. POISON = "A fire would set'em straight.",
  1367. },
  1368. ACORN = "Hey there, tree seed.",
  1369. ACORN_SAPLING = "You'll be a real tree soon.",
  1370. EVERGREEN =
  1371. {
  1372. BURNING = "YES! BURN!",
  1373. BURNT = "I wish it was still burning.",
  1374. CHOPPED = "One less tree in the world.",
  1375. GENERIC = "It looks like it would burn well.",
  1376. },
  1378. {
  1379. BURNING = "YES! BURN!",
  1380. BURNT = "I wish it was still burning.",
  1381. CHOPPED = "One less tree in the world.",
  1382. GENERIC = "Die in a fire!",
  1383. },
  1384. EYEPLANT = "They spread like fire.",
  1385. FEATHERHAT = "A phoenix reborn!",
  1386. FEATHER_CANARY = "Canary feather. It probably smells terrible on fire.",
  1387. FEATHER_CROW = "Crow feather. It probably smells terrible on fire.",
  1388. FEATHER_ROBIN = "Redbird feather. It probably smells terrible on fire.",
  1389. FEATHER_ROBIN_WINTER = "Snowbird feather. It probably smells terrible on fire.",
  1390. FEATHERPENCIL = "So what does the feather do again?",
  1391. FEM_PUPPET = "She looks scared half to death.",
  1392. FIREFLIES =
  1393. {
  1394. GENERIC = "I wish they didn't run away!",
  1395. HELD = "They're like little fires in my pocket!",
  1396. },
  1397. FIREHOUND = "I actually kind of like that one.",
  1399. SHADOWDIGGER = "Eww, it's even creepier than the real one.",
  1401. FIREPIT =
  1402. {
  1403. EMBERS = "Uh oh. It's almost gone!",
  1404. GENERIC = "I could watch it for hours.",
  1405. HIGH = "BURN! BURN FASTER!",
  1406. LOW = "This fire is small and boring.",
  1407. NORMAL = "Burn!",
  1408. OUT = "Make the fire come back!",
  1409. },
  1410. FIRESTAFF = "That's my absolute favorite toy.",
  1411. FISH = "Slippery fishy!",
  1412. FISHINGROD = "Fishing for the answer with a hook, line and sinker.",
  1413. FISHSTICKS = "What you see is what you get. Sticks of fish.",
  1414. FISHTACOS = "Convenient taco-grip.",
  1415. FISH_COOKED = "Less slippery now that it's found fire.",
  1416. FLINT = "The poor man's fire-starter.",
  1417. FLOWER =
  1418. {
  1419. GENERIC = "I don't have time to waste on flowers.",
  1420. ROSE = "I'd like to burn this flower in particular.",
  1421. },
  1422. FLOWER_WITHERED = "Looks like good kindling.",
  1423. FLOWERHAT = "A halo of flowers. Too bad it's not a burning halo of flowers.",
  1424. FLOWER_EVIL = "Ugh, that smells terrible.",
  1425. FOLIAGE = "Fuel for the fire.",
  1426. FOOTBALLHAT = "Sports are hard.",
  1427. FOSSIL_PIECE = "It's just nasty old bits of bones!",
  1429. {
  1430. GENERIC = "Needs more gross old bits.",
  1431. FUNNY = "That looks absolutely ridiculous.",
  1432. COMPLETE = "Looks passable.",
  1433. },
  1434. STALKER = "I brought you back so I could beat you up!",
  1435. STALKER_ATRIUM = "It's just bones and shadow.",
  1436. STALKER_MINION = "Yuck, it's barely even alive.",
  1437. THURIBLE = "It smells like burnt hair!",
  1438. ATRIUM_OVERGROWTH = "It's in some other language.",
  1439. FROG =
  1440. {
  1441. DEAD = "Showed him!",
  1442. GENERIC = "He's too damp to burn.",
  1443. SLEEPING = "They're cute when they're sleeping.",
  1444. },
  1445. FROGGLEBUNWICH = "If you close your eyes it's a little easier to get it down.",
  1446. FROGLEGS = "It still twitches every now and then. Freaky.",
  1447. FROGLEGS_COOKED = "The fire made it stop twitching. Fire is the best.",
  1448. FRUITMEDLEY = "Yum, fruit!",
  1449. GEARS = "These must make them move.",
  1450. GHOST = "You can't kill what's already dead.",
  1451. GOLDENAXE = "It won't light trees on fire, but at least it's shiny.",
  1452. GOLDENPICKAXE = "It won't light rocks on fire, but at least it's shiny.",
  1453. GOLDENPITCHFORK = "It won't light the ground on fire, but at least it's shiny.",
  1454. GOLDENSHOVEL = "It won't make flaming pits, but at least it's shiny.",
  1455. GOLDNUGGET = "What should we spend it on??",
  1456. GRASS =
  1457. {
  1458. BARREN = "It needs poop.",
  1459. WITHERED = "Nice, dry, and ready to burn!",
  1460. BURNING = "Fire! Wooo!",
  1461. GENERIC = "It's a flammable tuft of grass.",
  1462. PICKED = "Grass stubble is kind of useless.",
  1463. DISEASED = "Burn the sick!",
  1464. DISEASING = "Blech. You smell.",
  1465. },
  1466. GREEN_CAP = "Boring!",
  1467. GREEN_CAP_COOKED = "It's been transformed by fire!",
  1469. {
  1470. GENERIC = "Stupid mushroom.",
  1471. INGROUND = "Hey! You! Get up here!",
  1472. PICKED = "Maybe it will return some day.",
  1473. },
  1474. GUNPOWDER = "Oooooooooh! Shiny!",
  1475. HAMBAT = "Pleased to meat you!",
  1476. HAMMER = "I prefer sharp implements.",
  1477. HEALINGSALVE = "It burns! But, where's the fire?",
  1478. HEATROCK =
  1479. {
  1480. FROZEN = "Frozen solid.",
  1481. COLD = "It's stone cold.",
  1482. GENERIC = "A fire would liven this thing up!",
  1483. WARM = "No flame, no real heat... what fun is that?",
  1484. HOT = "Look at how it glows!",
  1485. },
  1486. HONEY = "Sweet and delicious!",
  1487. HONEYCOMB = "It's waxy.",
  1488. HONEYHAM = "Fire, ham and honey go well together.",
  1489. HONEYNUGGETS = "Honey-covered morsels that have met my friend, fire.",
  1490. HORN = "I can hear those hairy beasts inside.",
  1491. HOUND = "What a jerk!",
  1492. HOUNDMOUND = "Uh oh, I don't like the look of that.",
  1493. HOUNDBONE = "Gross.",
  1494. ICEBOX = "That is the opposite of fire.",
  1495. ICEHOUND = "Gross! Cold!",
  1497. {
  1498. ACTIVE = "Am I seeing things?",
  1499. INACTIVE = "Doesn't look flammable. How boring.",
  1500. },
  1501. JAMMYPRESERVES = "Wham, bam, jam! Thank you, ma'am.",
  1502. KABOBS = "Meat and fire, now with a stick!",
  1503. KILLERBEE =
  1504. {
  1505. GENERIC = "I like the cut of that bee's jib.",
  1506. HELD = "Buzz!",
  1507. },
  1508. KNIGHT = "It's a pony!",
  1509. KOALEFANT_SUMMER = "We will be great friends!",
  1510. KOALEFANT_WINTER = "He sure looks warm...",
  1511. KRAMPUS = "Stay back, you big jerk!",
  1512. KRAMPUS_SACK = "The holidays came early this year!",
  1513. LEIF = "He looks flammable!",
  1514. LEIF_SPARSE = "He looks flammable!",
  1516. {
  1517. CHARGED = "Aww, all glow but no fire.",
  1518. GENERIC = "All the lightning goes here!",
  1519. },
  1520. LITTLE_WALRUS = "He looks tasty.",
  1521. LIVINGLOG = "I hear its bitter murmurs.",
  1522. LOG =
  1523. {
  1524. BURNING = "Burn, log, buuuurn!",
  1525. GENERIC = "Wood! So flammable! Hooray!",
  1526. },
  1527. LUREPLANT = "I bet a quick fire would take care of this.",
  1528. LUREPLANTBULB = "Gross! It's so meaty!",
  1529. MALE_PUPPET = "He looks scared half to death.",
  1531. MANDRAKE_ACTIVE = "Now that's just creepy!",
  1532. MANDRAKE_PLANTED = "That's not a normal plant.",
  1533. MANDRAKE = "Why did this plant have a face?",
  1535. COOKEDMANDRAKE = "The fire didn't get rid of its face. Gives me the willies.",
  1536. MANDRAKESOUP = "The face doesn't wash away!!",
  1537. MARBLE = "It's heavy!",
  1538. MARBLEBEAN = "I guess we just... plant it? In the dirt?",
  1539. MARBLEBEAN_SAPLING = "That makes no sense!",
  1540. MARBLESHRUB = "What sort of bush doesn't burn?!",
  1541. MARBLEPILLAR = "I wonder if the rest burnt down.",
  1542. MARBLETREE = "The worst kind of tree. The non-flammable kind.",
  1543. MARSH_BUSH =
  1544. {
  1545. BURNING = "Burn, thorns!",
  1546. GENERIC = "It looks sharp.",
  1547. PICKED = "Those thorns hurt!",
  1548. },
  1549. MARSH_PLANT = "It's all plant-y.",
  1550. MARSH_TREE =
  1551. {
  1552. BURNING = "Fire, fire, FIRE!",
  1553. BURNT = "Phew! Okay, it's over.",
  1554. CHOPPED = "Not so spiky now, are you?",
  1555. GENERIC = "It looks dangerous!",
  1556. },
  1557. MAXWELL = "He's so condescending.",
  1558. MAXWELLHEAD = "He sure likes to talk.",
  1559. MAXWELLLIGHT = "These are no fun. They light themselves.",
  1560. MAXWELLLOCK = "It just needs a key.",
  1561. MAXWELLTHRONE = "Looks sticky.",
  1562. MEAT = "Something to burn!",
  1563. MEATBALLS = "Also known as Wolfgang's life blood.",
  1564. MEAT_DRIED = "This dried meat is okay.",
  1565. MERM = "I shouldn't mess with them. They're much stronger than me..",
  1566. MONSTERLASAGNA = "Noodles, meat and clumps of hair. Nasty.",
  1567. MONSTERMEAT = "Gross. It's full of hairs.",
  1568. MONSTERMEAT_DRIED = "It's dry and smells strange.",
  1569. MOSQUITO =
  1570. {
  1571. GENERIC = "So annoying!",
  1572. HELD = "Keep that mouth away from me!",
  1573. },
  1574. MOSQUITOSACK = "Blood must bubble in currents muggy and thick.",
  1575. MOUND =
  1576. {
  1577. DUG = "Better it than me.",
  1578. GENERIC = "It's full of dead stuff, I bet.",
  1579. },
  1580. NIGHTLIGHT = "It's like fire, but purple!",
  1581. NIGHTMAREFUEL = "It's like snot in my hands.",
  1582. NIGHTSWORD = "The weapon of my dreams, forged to form nightmares.",
  1583. NITRE = "There are tiny explosions trapped inside.",
  1584. ONEMANBAND = "I can do the pyrotechnics too!",
  1585. OASISLAKE = "It's a bunch of water.",
  1586. PANDORASCHEST = "Kind of tacky.",
  1587. PANFLUTE = "Very funny.",
  1588. PAPYRUS = "It'd make good tinder!",
  1589. WAXPAPER = "Heh, we rubbed a bunch of paper in beeswax.",
  1590. PENGUIN = "Run away, tiny dancers.",
  1591. PERD = "Evil bird! Get away from those yummy berries!",
  1592. PEROGIES = "Wait, can Wigfrid eat this?",
  1593. PETALS = "Cute, but mostly useless.",
  1594. PETALS_EVIL = "Ew, they're sticky.",
  1595. PETRIFIED_TREE = "How am I supposed to burn it now?",
  1596. ROCK_PETRIFIED_TREE = "How am I supposed to burn it now?",
  1597. ROCK_PETRIFIED_TREE_OLD = "How am I supposed to burn it now?",
  1598. PHLEGM = "Gross! Let's burn it.",
  1599. PICKAXE = "It's very pointy.",
  1600. PIGGYBACK = "Heavy, but spaceous.",
  1601. PIGKING = "Disgusting, miserable little men.",
  1602. PIGMAN =
  1603. {
  1604. DEAD = "I wonder how they taste.",
  1605. FOLLOWER = "Ick. It's following me.",
  1606. GENERIC = "Ugh. They're fragrant.",
  1607. GUARD = "I'm working on a way to kill them as we flute.",
  1608. WEREPIG = "You should've stayed at home.",
  1609. },
  1610. PIGSKIN = "Home run! Strike! Fore!",
  1611. PIGTORCH = "These pigs sure know how to have a good time.",
  1612. PINECONE = "Hey there, tree seed.",
  1613. PINECONE_SAPLING = "You'll be a real tree soon.",
  1614. LUMPY_SAPLING = "I should set that ugly little sprout on fire.",
  1615. PITCHFORK = "Wigfrid would call this a trident, I think.",
  1616. PLANTMEAT = "Eww, it's all slimy.",
  1617. PLANTMEAT_COOKED = "Where did I get this again?",
  1618. PLANT_NORMAL =
  1619. {
  1620. GENERIC = "I'd eat it if I had to.",
  1621. GROWING = "Hurry up, you stupid plant!",
  1622. READY = "Oh boy. Vegetables.",
  1623. WITHERED = "It's crackly and dry. Good kindling!",
  1624. },
  1625. POMEGRANATE = "Is it supposed to have this many parts?",
  1626. POMEGRANATE_COOKED = "Fire always makes things better.",
  1627. POMEGRANATE_SEEDS = "Looks like the part from inside the fruit.",
  1628. POOP = "Oh, crap.",
  1629. SCORCHED_SKELETON = "Oh. Oh no.",
  1630. --PORTABLECOOKPOT_ITEM = "Just a dumb pot.",
  1631. PUMPKIN = "I wonder what would happen if I applied fire.",
  1632. PUMPKINCOOKIE = "Cookies!!!",
  1633. PUMPKIN_COOKED = "It smells like an armpit, and tastes like a squash.",
  1634. PUMPKIN_LANTERN = "I've always wanted to carve one of these.",
  1635. PUMPKIN_SEEDS = "Seeds for fire's best vegetable-friend... the pumpkin.",
  1636. PURPLEGEM = "Spooky. Cute color, though!",
  1637. RABBIT =
  1638. {
  1639. GENERIC = "He looks tasty.",
  1640. HELD = "You're mine now!",
  1641. },
  1642. RABBITHOLE =
  1643. {
  1644. GENERIC = "I hate these ugly little things.",
  1645. SPRING = "Stupid rabbits must be stuck down there.",
  1646. },
  1647. RATATOUILLE = "Rabbit food. Bears eat meat, isn't that right Bernie??",
  1648. RAZOR = "What's it even for?",
  1649. REDGEM = "So pretty!",
  1650. RED_CAP = "I like the color.",
  1651. RED_CAP_COOKED = "I still shouldn't eat it. Very cute, though.",
  1652. RED_MUSHROOM =
  1653. {
  1654. GENERIC = "Pretty!",
  1655. INGROUND = "I'll come back in the morning.",
  1656. PICKED = "Maybe it will return some day.",
  1657. },
  1658. REEDS =
  1659. {
  1660. BURNING = "One less book for Max!",
  1661. GENERIC = "It's a burnable clump of reeds.",
  1662. PICKED = "It's just reed stubble.",
  1663. },
  1664. RELIC = "Old furniture.",
  1665. RUINS_RUBBLE = "That could probably be fixed up.",
  1666. RUBBLE = "Broken furniture.",
  1667. RESURRECTIONSTONE = "I'll be seeing you soon.",
  1668. ROBIN =
  1669. {
  1670. GENERIC = "A redbird. The color of fire, but not a phoenix.",
  1671. HELD = "It's cozy in my pocket.",
  1672. },
  1673. ROBIN_WINTER =
  1674. {
  1675. GENERIC = "It looks cold out here. I bet it wants a fire.",
  1676. HELD = "It's so fluffy.",
  1677. },
  1678. ROBOT_PUPPET = "They look scared half to death.",
  1679. ROCK_LIGHT =
  1680. {
  1681. GENERIC = "There's heat in there, just waiting to get out!",
  1682. OUT = "Aww, it's cooled off.",
  1683. LOW = "The lava is cooling.",
  1684. NORMAL = "A pool of fire!",
  1685. },
  1687. {
  1688. GENERIC = "Let's just smash it up.",
  1689. RAISED = "I can't get up there!",
  1690. },
  1691. ROCKS = "I loathe rocks.",
  1692. ROOK = "It's a castle!",
  1693. ROPE = "Ooh, me first.",
  1694. ROTTENEGG = "Gross, but with a little nitre...",
  1695. ROYAL_JELLY = "It's so sweet!",
  1696. JELLYBEAN = "Nothing better than a handful of jellybeans.",
  1697. SADDLE_BASIC = "I'm getting a rash just looking at it.",
  1698. SADDLE_RACE = "Was it worth it? I think it was worth it.",
  1699. SADDLE_WAR = "I'm going to raze some villages!",
  1700. SADDLEHORN = "I bet it stinks under the saddle.",
  1701. SALTLICK = "It's a nasty brick of salt.",
  1702. BRUSH = "It smells like burnt hair.",
  1703. SANITYROCK =
  1704. {
  1705. ACTIVE = "I wonder what these markings mean.",
  1706. INACTIVE = "Where'd it go?",
  1707. },
  1708. TWIGGYTREE =
  1709. {
  1710. BURNING = "BURN, BURN!",
  1711. BURNT = "I wish it was still burning.",
  1712. CHOPPED = "One less tree in the world.",
  1713. GENERIC = "How are you supposed to get the sticks from up there??",
  1714. DISEASED = "Burn the sick!",
  1715. },
  1716. TWIGGY_NUT_SAPLING = "It'll grow... unless something fiery happens to it.",
  1717. TWIGGY_OLD = "Fire would release it from its torment.",
  1718. TWIGGY_NUT = "Looks like campfire fuel to me!",
  1719. SAPLING =
  1720. {
  1721. BURNING = "Burn! Yeah!",
  1722. WITHERED = "It should catch fire soon. I should help!.",
  1723. GENERIC = "It'd be worth it to pick that.",
  1724. PICKED = "Poor little limp tree.",
  1725. DISEASED = "Burn the sick!",
  1726. DISEASING = "Blech. You smell.",
  1727. },
  1728. SCARECROW =
  1729. {
  1730. GENERIC = "I'm not scared.",
  1731. BURNING = "It's a burning man.",
  1732. BURNT = "Just burnt straw.",
  1733. },
  1735. {
  1736. EMPTY = "I'm not interested unless I can create a flamethrower.",
  1737. BLOCK = "I'm gonna carve a stone butt.",
  1738. SCULPTURE = "I guess that's good, too.",
  1739. BURNT = "Ha!",
  1740. },
  1741. SCULPTURE_KNIGHTHEAD = "Great, now we've irritated some marble crime boss!",
  1743. {
  1744. COVERED = "It's a marble statue, I guess.",
  1745. UNCOVERED = "That thing looks terrible.",
  1746. FINISHED = "He didn't even say \"thank you\".",
  1747. READY = "Ew! It's wriggling!",
  1748. },
  1749. SCULPTURE_BISHOPHEAD = "Gross. I don't think that was supposed to come off.",
  1751. {
  1752. COVERED = "Not burnable. Not interested.",
  1753. UNCOVERED = "The crank doesn't even turn!",
  1754. FINISHED = "Humpty Dumpty's back together again.",
  1755. READY = "Ew! It's wriggling!",
  1756. },
  1757. SCULPTURE_ROOKNOSE = "Ha, falling to pieces. Rookie mistake.",
  1759. {
  1760. COVERED = "Looks like a bunch of rubble to me.",
  1761. UNCOVERED = "What a creepy load of junk!",
  1762. FINISHED = "I'm more used to destroying things than fixing them.",
  1763. READY = "Ew! It's wriggling!",
  1764. },
  1765. GARGOYLE_HOUND = "Lookit this big dumb lawn ornament!",
  1766. GARGOYLE_WEREPIG = "At least it doesn't smell anymore.",
  1767. SEEDS = "Farming is boring.",
  1768. SEEDS_COOKED = "No good for farming now.",
  1769. SEWING_KIT = "Something to mend Bernie.",
  1770. SEWING_TAPE = "At least something around here can hold it together.",
  1771. SHOVEL = "Not great for fighting.",
  1772. SILK = "Mmmmmm. Smooth.",
  1773. INSPECTSELF = "Why didn't anyone tell me I had ashes on my face?",
  1774. ABIGAIL = "Hi, Abigail.",
  1775. SKELETON = "I hope you at least went out in a blaze of glory.",
  1776. --SKELETON_PLAYER = "That gives me the willies.",
  1779. {
  1780. MALE = "The fire of %s's life was extinguished by %s.",
  1781. FEMALE = "The fire of %s's life was extinguished by %s.",
  1782. ROBOT = "The fire of %s's life was extinguished by %s.",
  1783. DEFAULT = "The fire of %s's life was extinguished by %s.",
  1784. },
  1786. SKULLCHEST = "Ooooh, spooky!",
  1787. SMALLBIRD =
  1788. {
  1789. GENERIC = "Not quite a phoenix, but still cute. I guess.",
  1790. HUNGRY = "Are you hungry?",
  1791. STARVING = "Stop complaining, I don't care!.",
  1792. },
  1793. SMALLMEAT = "This could be made better with FIRE!",
  1794. SMALLMEAT_DRIED = "Chewy, but satisfying.",
  1795. SPAT = "I don't like your face!",
  1796. SPEAR = "I'll have to practice my jab.",
  1797. SPIDER =
  1798. {
  1799. DEAD = "You're nothing!",
  1800. GENERIC = "He's nasty. I should kill him.",
  1801. SLEEPING = "I could impale it.",
  1802. },
  1803. SPIDERDEN = "That's just nasty.",
  1804. SPIDEREGGSACK = "Tons of tiny disgusting spiders.",
  1805. SPIDERGLAND = "Eeeeew, it's slimy and stinky!",
  1806. SPIDERHAT = "Who's your mommy! Eugh.",
  1807. SPIDERQUEEN = "Bathe in fire, foe!",
  1809. {
  1810. DEAD = "It deserves less.",
  1811. GENERIC = "I could burn it and its colony.",
  1812. SLEEPING = "I could get the drop on it.",
  1813. },
  1814. SPOILED_FOOD = "At least it's still flammable.",
  1815. STAGEHAND =
  1816. {
  1817. AWAKE = "Goodness! It still scares me.",
  1818. HIDING = "I see you, you know.",
  1819. },
  1821. {
  1822. GENERIC = "It's an okay statue, I guess.",
  1823. TYPE1 = "Yikes. I'd cover that up too if I were her.",
  1824. TYPE2 = "Talk about a butterface.",
  1825. TYPE3 = "A brazier would be nicer.",
  1826. },
  1827. STATUEHARP = "Such a nice statue. Shame if something were to happen to it.",
  1828. STATUEMAXWELL = "A big stone nerd.",
  1829. STEELWOOL = "Make a spark, it'll still burn.",
  1830. STINGER = "I'm going to need a lot of these, I think.",
  1831. STRAWHAT = "Self-explanatory. Burns well.",
  1832. SUNKBOAT = "It's too far out, I can't even burn it!",
  1833. SWEATERVEST = "I hate sweating, but this will do..",
  1834. TAFFY = "Sugary things burn great, but best not waste food.",
  1835. TALLBIRD = "I don't think it wants to be friends.",
  1836. TALLBIRDEGG = "Does it like fire?",
  1837. TALLBIRDEGG_COOKED = "Fire makes them so much better.",
  1839. {
  1840. COLD = "Needs warmth.",
  1841. GENERIC = "Arise, my phoenix!",
  1842. HOT = "This thing isn't MY child, that's for sure.",
  1843. LONG = "How long is this going to take?",
  1844. SHORT = "It's getting close.",
  1845. },
  1847. {
  1848. GENERIC = "They're very defensive.",
  1849. PICKED = "The nest is empty.",
  1850. },
  1851. TEENBIRD =
  1852. {
  1853. GENERIC = "I feel like he understands.",
  1854. HUNGRY = "He sure eats a lot.",
  1855. STARVING = "Feed yourself or feed me. Your call.",
  1856. },
  1858. {
  1859. ACTIVE = "I just want to see this world burn. Again",
  1860. GENERIC = "I like the way the symbols glow.",
  1861. LOCKED = "Needs to be unlocked somehow.",
  1862. PARTIAL = "I'm making a monstrosity!",
  1863. },
  1864. TELEPORTATO_BOX = "It feels warm.",
  1865. TELEPORTATO_CRANK = "What's this part good for?",
  1866. TELEPORTATO_POTATO = "I don't get it!",
  1867. TELEPORTATO_RING = "This is too precious to burn!",
  1868. TENTACLE = "It speaks to me in its own twisted way.",
  1869. TENTACLESPOTS = "Ewwwww.",
  1870. TENTACLESPIKE = "It's pointy and slimy.",
  1871. TENTACLE_PILLAR = "It's quivering.",
  1872. TENTACLE_PILLAR_HOLE = "What a smell! Light a match next time!",
  1873. TENTACLE_PILLAR_ARM = "Awwww, they want hugs!",
  1874. TENTACLE_GARDEN = "I hear little digging sounds.",
  1875. TOPHAT = "Watch me pull a Bernie out of it.",
  1876. TORCH = "A tool to create the prettiest of flames.",
  1877. TRAP = "It's a bit passive aggressive, but it'll work.",
  1878. TRAP_TEETH = "It would be better with fire.",
  1879. TRAP_TEETH_MAXWELL = "I know exactly what kind of jerk leaves this lying around!",
  1881. TRINKET_1 = "Oh, so that's where that went.", --Melted Marbles
  1882. TRINKET_2 = "A cheap fake. It probably doesn't even burn properly.", --Fake Kazoo
  1883. TRINKET_3 = "Why use a knife when you can use fire?", --Gord's Knot
  1884. TRINKET_4 = "He looks like he was forged in flame.", --Gnome
  1885. TRINKET_5 = "Check out those tiny thrusters. Such explosive power!", --Toy Rocketship
  1886. TRINKET_6 = "These wires get WX all frazzled. Heh heh.", --Frazzled Wires
  1887. TRINKET_7 = "Spinning the stick in the hole could start a fire. Thanks Girl Scouts!", --Ball and Cup
  1888. TRINKET_8 = "I have no idea what this is.", --Rubber Bung
  1889. TRINKET_9 = "Cute as Wendy's lil nose.", --Mismatched Buttons
  1890. TRINKET_10 = "Hey Maxwell, I think you dropped these!", --Dentures
  1891. TRINKET_11 = "Ooh, I wonder if he has a flamethrower!", --Lying Robot
  1892. TRINKET_12 = "I bet Wilson would enjoy dissecting this.", --Dessicated Tentacle
  1893. TRINKET_13 = "She looks like she was forged in flame.", --Gnomette
  1894. TRINKET_14 = "They put a bird on it.", --Leaky Teacup
  1895. TRINKET_15 = "What is it with kings and chess?", --Pawn
  1896. TRINKET_16 = "What is it with kings and chess?", --Pawn
  1897. TRINKET_17 = "Max would appreciate some silverware.", --Bent Spork
  1898. TRINKET_18 = "I bet Wigfrid would be into this.", --Trojan Horse
  1899. TRINKET_19 = "Useful only for kindling.", --Unbalanced Top
  1900. TRINKET_20 = "FINALLY!", -- Backscratcher
  1901. TRINKET_21 = "When I crank it Wes pretends to ride unicycle circles around me.", --Egg Beater
  1902. TRINKET_22 = "I could use this as a very long fuse...", --Frayed String
  1903. TRINKET_23 = "This seems like a Maxwell sort of thing.", --Shoehorn
  1904. TRINKET_24 = "I think Ms. Wickerbottom would like this.", --Lucky Cat Jar
  1905. TRINKET_25 = "I stuck one down Wolfgang's unitard when he wasn't looking. Haha.", --Air Unfreshener
  1906. TRINKET_26 = "I would have roasted it.", --Potato Cup
  1907. TRINKET_27 = "I've been meaning to do my laundry.", --Coat Hanger
  1908. TRINKET_28 = "Chess is for pompous dorks.", --Knight
  1909. TRINKET_29 = "Chess is for pompous dorks.", --Knight
  1910. TRINKET_30 = "A game for egghead nerds.", --Rook
  1911. TRINKET_31 = "A game for egghead nerds.", --Rook
  1912. TRINKET_32 = "Just a big dumb ball.", --Cubic Zirconia Ball
  1913. TRINKET_33 = "Ewww! Who would ever wear that!", --Spider Ring
  1914. TRINKET_34 = "Unfortunate.", --Monkey Paw
  1915. TRINKET_35 = "Hey Wes! Dare you to drink the last bit!", --Empty Elixir
  1916. TRINKET_36 = "Webber! You should try these on!", --Faux Fangs
  1917. TRINKET_37 = "Maxwell's breaking these again.", --Broken Stake
  1919. HALLOWEENCANDY_1 = "That's wayyyy better than a regular apple!",
  1920. HALLOWEENCANDY_2 = "They're like wax mixed with sugar.",
  1921. HALLOWEENCANDY_3 = "What kind of sick joke is this?",
  1922. HALLOWEENCANDY_4 = "It tastes like grass!",
  1923. HALLOWEENCANDY_5 = "These are paw-ful.",
  1924. HALLOWEENCANDY_6 = "Hey Wolfgang, eat one and tell us what it is!",
  1925. HALLOWEENCANDY_7 = "Burn them!!!",
  1926. HALLOWEENCANDY_8 = "Hey, Wes, wanna watch me swallow one whole?",
  1927. HALLOWEENCANDY_9 = "Why does something so yummy have to look so gross!",
  1928. HALLOWEENCANDY_10 = "Yesssss! Lollipops!",
  1929. HALLOWEENCANDY_11 = "I'm gonna need about a dozen of these.",
  1930. CANDYBAG = "I'm gonna stuff so much candy in there!",
  1932. DRAGONHEADHAT = "Sooo ferocious!",
  1933. DRAGONBODYHAT = "Aww, I always get caught in the middle!",
  1934. DRAGONTAILHAT = "I wanna be the caboose!",
  1935. PERDSHRINE =
  1936. {
  1937. GENERIC = "I don't even like gobblers!",
  1938. EMPTY = "What do we have to do now?",
  1939. BURNT = "Well, that's burned now.",
  1940. },
  1941. REDLANTERN = "Anything with a fire in it is okay by me.",
  1942. LUCKY_GOLDNUGGET = "I don't think I'm supposed to spend this.",
  1943. FIRECRACKERS = "Light'em up!",
  1944. PERDFAN = "It's a big ol' fan.",
  1945. REDPOUCH = "Ahh, cute!",
  1947. LAVA_POND_ROCK = "No! More! Rocks!",
  1949. TRUNKVEST_SUMMER = "Now my friend will never leave.",
  1950. TRUNKVEST_WINTER = "Not as warm as a good fire, but still pretty good!",
  1951. TRUNK_COOKED = "It still doesn't look totally edible.",
  1952. TRUNK_SUMMER = "Well, part of him is still cuddly.",
  1953. TRUNK_WINTER = "It's so soft and squishy!",
  1954. UMBRELLA = "I love the color!",
  1955. WAFFLES = "Something warm to keep my belly company.",
  1956. WALL_HAY_ITEM = "Hmmm. I wonder if these will burn.",
  1957. WALL_STONE = "Eh. I guess that's okay.",
  1958. WALL_STONE_ITEM = "These are surprisingly heavy.",
  1959. WALL_RUINS = "And they'll huff and they'll puff!",
  1960. WALL_RUINS_ITEM = "Will those fit in my pockets?",
  1961. WALL_WOOD_ITEM = "I hate hiding.",
  1962. WALL_MOONROCK = "Safe for now.",
  1963. WALL_MOONROCK_ITEM = "I guess I could carry it.",
  1964. WALRUS = "Stop following me!",
  1965. WALRUSHAT = "I kind of like the look of it.",
  1966. WALRUS_CAMP =
  1967. {
  1968. EMPTY = "I'm not going in there. Yuck!",
  1969. GENERIC = "Those walls won't keep you safe!",
  1970. },
  1971. WALRUS_TUSK = "Nom nom nom.",
  1972. WARDROBE =
  1973. {
  1974. GENERIC = "Clothing is nice, too.",
  1975. BURNING = "Oh, okay! Yes!",
  1976. BURNT = "It fizzled. Aw.",
  1977. },
  1978. WARG = "You're a big mean jerk!",
  1979. WASPHIVE = "A cone full of jerks.",
  1980. WATERBALLOON = "Boo! Hissss!",
  1981. WETGOOP = "Somehow, I feel like this is Maxwell's fault.",
  1982. WHIP = "It's not my favorite tool, but it works.",
  1983. WINTERHAT = "I should give this to Wilson!",
  1985. WINTER_TREE =
  1986. {
  1987. BURNT = "Happy Winter's Feast, everybody.",
  1988. BURNING = "Now we're celebrating!",
  1989. CANDECORATE = "Looks great!",
  1990. YOUNG = "It's a bit shrimpy.",
  1991. },
  1993. {
  1994. GENERIC = "Are we gonna grow a tree?",
  1995. BURNT = "Happy Winter's Feast, everybody.",
  1996. },
  1997. WINTER_ORNAMENT = "Bibble-ty bauble-ty boo!",
  1998. WINTER_ORNAMENTLIGHT = "Easy on the eyes and warm to the touch.",
  1999. WINTER_ORNAMENTBOSS = "Woah, shiny! Nice!",
  2001. WINTER_FOOD1 = "Honestly, who DOESN'T eat the head first?", --gingerbread cookie
  2002. WINTER_FOOD2 = "Oh, this is cute.", --sugar cookie
  2003. WINTER_FOOD3 = "Gimme two of 'em and I can do a MacTusk impression.", --candy cane
  2004. WINTER_FOOD4 = "Anyone else sense the overpowering stench of evil?", --fruitcake
  2005. WINTER_FOOD5 = "In another world, this would be firewood.", --yule log cake
  2006. WINTER_FOOD6 = "Come to Willow!", --plum pudding
  2007. WINTER_FOOD7 = "Oooh, pulpy.", --apple cider
  2008. WINTER_FOOD8 = "I only like it when it's SCALDING.", --hot cocoa
  2009. WINTER_FOOD9 = "I think Maxwell spiked this one.", --eggnog
  2011. KLAUS = "A lump of coal would be really useful, actually!",
  2012. KLAUS_SACK = "Nothing says \"Open Me\" quite like a lock!!",
  2013. WORMHOLE =
  2014. {
  2015. GENERIC = "Poke it with a stick!",
  2016. OPEN = "I wonder if it likes spicy food?",
  2017. },
  2018. WORMHOLE_LIMITED = "Yuck. That won't hold long.",
  2019. ACCOMPLISHMENT_SHRINE = "I hate that arrow!",
  2020. REVIVER = "I expected it to be blacker.",
  2021. SHADOWHEART = "Oh, ewww! Who would ever touch that?!",
  2023. {
  2024. LINE_1 = "It's got a picture of some gross looking people.",
  2025. LINE_2 = "Can't tell what that was a picture of.",
  2026. LINE_3 = "I think someone spilled ink on this picture.",
  2027. LINE_4 = "Oh, gross! The people're losing their skin in this one!",
  2028. LINE_5 = "It's just a picture of a city.",
  2029. },
  2030. ATRIUM_STATUE = "Eerily lifelike.",
  2031. ATRIUM_LIGHT =
  2032. {
  2033. ON = "It's somehow even creepier when it's on.",
  2034. OFF = "Ew, creepy.",
  2035. },
  2036. ATRIUM_GATE =
  2037. {
  2038. ON = "It lit up!",
  2039. OFF = "Why would anyone want to live down here?",
  2040. CHARGING = "Something weird's going on.",
  2041. DESTABILIZING = "Is it gonna explode?!",
  2042. COOLDOWN = "I'll come back another time.",
  2043. },
  2044. ATRIUM_KEY = "The horns make it really easy to turn.",
  2045. LIFEINJECTOR = "Don't you dare stick that in me!",
  2046. },
  2047. DESCRIBE_GENERIC = "I have no idea what that is!",
  2048. DESCRIBE_TOODARK = "I can't work in the dark.",
  2049. DESCRIBE_SMOLDERING = "Hooray, it's about to light on fire!",
  2051. EAT_FOOD =
  2052. {
  2053. TALLBIRDEGG_CRACKED = "Uck. I don't know why I did that.",
  2054. },
  2055. }
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