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Dec 6th, 2013
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  1. 15:33 < NatPo_AFK> thou art blinded with a ridiculous false gods of trivial 2 millenia
  2. 15:33 < NatPo_AFK> enki gave thee science and delivered thee from bestiality
  3. 15:34 < yy22> the only reason why orthodox aren't whigs as well is because they're not in the west
  4. 15:34 < yy22> they talk a lot about the unchanging ancient tradition and all that crap but they don't have anyone that protects it or any coherent way of defining it
  5. 15:35 < yy22> they're all just a bunch of frostniggers out of the reach of whiggery
  6. 15:35 < yy22> out of reach of most of it, anyway
  7. 15:35 < yy22> catholics will become true christians again in the Nu Age
  8. 15:36 <+wisdomofsirach> wait Natpo so you're saying that christians oppose science shit lol?
  9. 15:36 <+raptros_> scince
  10. 15:36 <+raptros_> scineincein
  11. 15:36 < yy22> scince
  12. 15:36 <+raptros_> ok that is how this keyboard
  13. 15:36 < NatPo_AFK> I'm saying that Enki and Anu are the only true Gods
  14. 15:37 < yy22> for the record there are scholars who say that 'the christ myth' is really just the same archetypal myth that used to come up everywhere in ancient times
  15. 15:37 < yy22> horus and all that shit
  16. 15:37 < yy22> so in a way it's not really all that extraordinary or unique
  17. 15:37 < NatPo_AFK> which is true to a significant extent
  18. 15:37 < yy22> if those stories be true
  19. 15:37 < NatPo_AFK> The stories of Enki and Anu aren't just stories
  20. 15:38 <+wisdomofsirach> Natpo you mean how like Ra was born of a virgin?
  21. 15:38 < NatPo_AFK> if you look at the human genome there's all sorts of shit that doesn't add up
  22. 15:38 < NatPo_AFK> for example humans have a lot of inverted chimpanzee genes, and genes that don't appear anywhere else in nature
  23. 15:38 < yy22> oh is this like the edenism thing
  24. 15:38 < NatPo_AFK> This is hardcore edenism, yeah
  25. 15:38 <+raptros_> all becomes clear
  26. 15:38 < NatPo_AFK> Humanity didn't exist until 600,000 years ago
  27. 15:38 <+raptros_> natpo's still an edenist
  28. 15:38 < yy22> lol
  29. 15:39 < NatPo_AFK> Hardcore edenist
  30. 15:39 < NatPo_AFK> the only religion with actual facts on its side
  31. 15:39 < NatPo_AFK> Genesis is simply badly translated edenism
  32. 15:39 <+nydwracu> somebody's read too much snow crash
  33. 15:39 < NatPo_AFK> the advantage of being an edenist is that actual fossils support the case before the government squirrels them away in the secret bunkers
  34. 15:40 <+raptros_> argh nyd beats me to the snow crash ref
  35. 15:40 <+nydwracu> B)
  36. 15:40 < yy22> i found atlantis and other prehistoric civilisations mildly convincing of the possibility that aliens came to earth and did sum shit
  37. 15:40 < NatPo_AFK> Snow crash was early in my conversion to edenism
  38. 15:40 < NatPo_AFK> about 5 years ago I think
  39. 15:40 < NatPo_AFK> It lay dormant until I read Koanic a year ago
  40. 15:41 < NatPo_AFK> I recently converted to late-stage edenist frothing madness
  41. 15:41 <+raptros_> what happened to koanic btw
  42. 15:41 <+raptros_> i haven't seen him around
  43. 15:41 < NatPo_AFK> He has a new job
  44. 15:41 -!- wisdomofsirach [] has quit []
  45. 15:41 < NatPo_AFK> His diet keeps him occupied most the time
  46. 15:41 <+nydwracu> ...
  47. 15:41 <+nydwracu> how can a diet keep one occupied
  48. 15:41 < NatPo_AFK> He has gut lining damage from accutane. If he doesn't eat exactly the right things at exactly the right times he suffers intense pain and can't keep anything in
  49. 15:42 <+raptros_> holy shit
  50. 15:42 <+nydwracu> oh
  51. 15:43 < NatPo_AFK> He's written a fairly lengthy eBook I have a beta copy of that's best described as indestructable baseline paleo
  52. 15:43 < NatPo_AFK> minimum viable paleo diet
  53. 15:43 < NatPo_AFK> lots of natural yoghurt, lean meat, white rice, shrimp and scallops
  54. 15:43 < NatPo_AFK> he goes into the nutritional background etc
  55. 15:44 <+raptros_> hmm what about eade's contention that fatty meats are preferrable
  56. 15:44 < NatPo_AFK> part of the reason he's such a strong christian is that it happened after he made a deal with god for maximum utility.. not matter what the pain
  57. 15:45 <+raptros_> oh
  58. 15:45 < NatPo_AFK> fats are harder to digest. white rice carbs are 'cheat carbs' that are hypoallergenic in digestive terms
  59. 15:45 < NatPo_AFK> fats also carry pollutants IIRC
  60. 15:45 < yy22> what the fuck
  61. 15:45 < NatPo_AFK> bad for factory meat etc
  62. 15:45 < yy22> what's accutane
  63. 15:45 < NatPo_AFK> something you never want to fuck with
  64. 15:46 < yy22> i didn't know any diets recommended white rice
  65. 15:46 <+raptros_> they gave it as a treatment for zits
  66. 15:46 < NatPo_AFK> it's pure poison
  67. 15:46 < NatPo_AFK> lethal shit
  68. 15:47 < yy22> maximum utility of what
  69. 15:47 < NatPo_AFK> to the kingdom of heaven
  70. 15:47 < NatPo_AFK> he has a pentecostal background
  71. 15:47 < yy22> white rice is a treatment for zits
  72. 15:47 <+raptros_> yy no the accutane
  73. 15:47 < yy22> oh that sucks
  74. 15:47 < NatPo_AFK> not really
  75. 15:47 < NatPo_AFK> I follow the snow crash line on tongues
  76. 15:47 < yy22> wat
  77. 15:48 < yy22> you think the tongues thing is legitimate
  78. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> pentecostals believe in tongues
  79. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> yes
  80. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> Enki's language
  81. 15:48 < yy22> what about the rolling around on the floor screaming
  82. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> that's bullshit
  83. 15:48 < yy22> snake-charming?
  84. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> again bullshit
  85. 15:48 < yy22> ok
  86. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> tongues is a real phenomena though
  87. 15:48 < yy22> pentecostal tongues isn't
  88. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> all human beings have the deeprooted linguistic structures for it
  89. 15:48 < NatPo_AFK> when you do tongues what your mind does is bypass your concious centre
  90. 15:49 <+nydwracu> tongues follow the phonological structure of the native language though
  91. 15:49 < NatPo_AFK> it's harder to type but I can do it with a bit of effort ha la sha ra ta ma ka ni tu sha la fa rah ma na ka la rae soo su ma na fa etc
  92. 15:49 <+nydwracu> lingusts have been studying it for a while
  93. 15:49 < NatPo_AFK> tongues is basically sumerian
  94. 15:49 <+nydwracu> like, you're not gonna have sounds appearing that aren't in the languages you speak, and so on
  95. 15:49 <+nydwracu> uhhhhh
  96. 15:50 <+raptros_> should event objects have ids oh wait yes nvm
  97. 15:50 -!- NatPo_AFK is now known as NatPo
  98. 15:50 < NatPo> Sumerian is a stream of syllables near identical to tongues
  99. 15:50 < NatPo> when Enki fashioned man from erectus they needed to be able to give orders
  100. 15:50 < NatPo> this is why Sumeria is covered with Me data tablets
  101. 15:51 < NatPo> on basic stuff, how to bake bread, make wheels, etc
  102. 15:51 <+raptros_> peak stephenson
  103. 15:51 <+raptros_> wait no that was the baroque cycle
  104. 15:51 < NatPo> Yes. However, it is unfortunately true
  105. 15:51 < NatPo> The pyramids all over the world are the remnants of Sumer's ruling caste
  106. 15:52 < yy22> Chrz$B!T(Bzczy$B!F(Bwoszyce
  107. 15:52 < yy22> Brz$B!D(Bzyszczykiewicz
  108. 15:52 < NatPo> The edenist canon is that the erectus was fashioned into a slave race to mine gold
  109. 15:52 < NatPo> aurum est potas
  110. 15:53 < NatPo> please bear in mind that I have not simply taken this from a single source, but many different sources that arrived at the same conclusion through different means.
  111. 15:53 < NatPo> anyway, I have to cook some SWPL lamb burgers. Brb.
  112. 15:53 -!- NatPo is now known as NatPo_AFK
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