

Dec 20th, 2018
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  1. on join:
  2. player's gamemode is survival
  3. set player's gamemode to adventure
  4. command /setkit [<text>]:
  5. permission: duel.admin
  6. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg-1 is not set:
  9. send "&cUsage: /setkit <arena>"
  10. stop
  11. if {arena::%arg-1%} is not set:
  12. send "&c%arg-1%は存在しません"
  13. stop
  14. if {arena::%arg-1%} is set:
  15. send "&bキットを設定しました"
  16. set {_slot} to 0
  17. loop 41 times:
  18. set {kit%arg-1%::%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of player's inventory
  19. add 1 to {_slot}
  20. command /settp1 [<text>]:
  21. permission: duel.admin
  22. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
  23. trigger:
  24. if arg-1 is not set:
  25. send "&cUsage: /settp1 <arena>"
  26. stop
  27. if {arena::%arg-1%} is not set:
  28. send "&c%arg-1%は存在しません"
  29. stop
  30. if {arena::%arg-1%} is set:
  31. set {arena%arg-1%::tp1} to location of player
  32. send "&b%arg-1%のテレポート地点1を%{arena%arg-1%::tp1}%に設定しました"
  33. command /settp2 [<text>]:
  34. permission: duel.admin
  35. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
  36. trigger:
  37. if arg-1 is not set:
  38. send "&cUsage: /settp2 <arena>"
  39. stop
  40. if {arena::%arg-1%} is not set:
  41. send "&c%arg-1%は存在しません"
  42. stop
  43. if {arena::%arg-1%} is set:
  44. set {arena%arg-1%::tp2} to location of player
  45. send "&b%arg-1%のテレポート地点2を%{arena%arg-1%::tp2}%に設定しました"
  46. command /addarena [<text>]:
  47. permission: duel.admin
  48. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
  49. trigger:
  50. if arg-1 is not set:
  51. send "&cUsage: /addarena <name>"
  52. stop
  53. if {arena::%arg-1%} is set:
  54. send "&c%arg-1%は既に存在しています"
  55. stop
  56. if {arena::%arg-1%} is not set:
  57. send "&bアリーナを追加しました%nl%&b/settp1,&b/settp2でプレイヤーのテレポート地点を設定し、/setkitでキットを設定してください &7(設定しなかった場合、現在の位置がテレポート地点になります)"
  58. set {arena::%arg-1%} to "%arg-1%"
  59. set {arena%arg-1%::tp1} to location of player
  60. set {arena%arg-1%::tp2} to location of player
  61. command /arenalist:
  62. permission: duel.admin
  63. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
  64. trigger:
  65. if {arena::*} is not set:
  66. send "&bアリーナは存在しません"
  67. stop
  68. else:
  69. loop {arena::*}:
  70. send "&bName: &3%{arena::%loop-value%}% &bTP1: &3%{arena%loop-value%::tp1}% &bTP2: &3%{arena%loop-value%::tp2}%"
  71. command /deletearena [<text>]:
  72. aliases: /delarena
  73. permission: duel.admin
  74. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
  75. trigger:
  76. if arg-1 is not set:
  77. send "&cUsage: /deletearena <arena>"
  78. stop
  79. if {arena::%arg-1%} is not set:
  80. send "&c%arg-1%は存在しません"
  81. stop
  82. if {arena::%arg-1%} is set:
  83. delete {arena::%arg-1%}
  84. delete {arena%arg-1%::tp1}
  85. delete {arena%arg-1%::tp2}
  86. send "&b%arg-1%を削除しました"
  87. command /duel [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  88. trigger:
  89. if arg-1 is not set:
  90. send "&cUsage: /duel <player> <arena>"
  91. stop
  92. if arg-2 is not set:
  93. send "&cUsage: /duel <player> <arena>"
  94. stop
  95. if arg-1 is player:
  96. send "&c自分自身にDUELを申し込むことはできません!"
  97. stop
  98. if {duel%arg-2%} is 1:
  99. send "&c現在%arg-2%は使用中です"
  100. stop
  101. if arg-1 is offline:
  102. send "&c%arg-1%はオフラインです"
  103. stop
  104. if {arena::%arg-2%} is not set:
  105. send "&c%arg-2%は存在しません"
  106. stop
  107. else:
  108. set {duel.%player%} to 0
  109. set {request%arg-1%::player} to player
  110. set {request%arg-1%::arena} to arg-2
  111. send "&b%arg-1%に%arg-2%でのDUELを申し込みました%nl%&b10秒以内に承認されればDUELを開始します"
  112. send "&b%player%から%arg-2%でのDUELを申し込まれました%nl%&3&n/accept&bで承認できます%nl%&b10秒以内に承認すればDUELを開始します" to arg-1
  113. wait 10 second
  114. if {duel.%player%} is 0:
  115. send "&b10秒経過しても承認されなかったためDUELの申し込みは無効になりました"
  116. delete {duel.%player%}
  117. delete {request%arg-1%::player}
  118. delete {request%arg-1%::arena}
  119. on quit:
  120. if {duel.arena.%player%} is set:
  121. delete {duel.arena.%player%}
  122. command /accept:
  123. trigger:
  124. if {request%player%::*} is not set:
  125. send "&cDUEL申し込まれていないか、申し込みが無効になっています"
  126. stop
  127. if {duel.%player%} is 0:
  128. send "&cDUELを申し込んでいるため他のDUELを開始できません"
  129. stop
  130. if {duel.%player%} is 1:
  131. send "&c試合中のため他のDUELを開始できません"
  132. stop
  133. else if {request%player%::*} is set:
  134. set {duel%{request%player%::arena}%} to 1
  135. set {duel.%player%} to 1
  136. set {duel.%{request%player%::player}%} to 1
  137. send "&b申し込みが承認されたためDUELを開始します" to {request%player%::player}
  138. wait 1 second
  139. send "&b試合開始まであと3秒"
  140. send "&b試合開始まであと3秒" to {request%player%::player}
  141. play sound "block_note_pling" to player with volume 1 and pitch 5
  142. play sound "block_note_pling" to {request%player%::player} with volume 1 and pitch 5
  143. wait 1 second
  144. send "&b試合開始まであと2秒"
  145. send "&b試合開始まであと2秒" to {request%player%::player}
  146. play sound "block_note_pling" to player with volume 1 and pitch 5
  147. play sound "block_note_pling" to {request%player%::player} with volume 1 and pitch 5
  148. wait 1 second
  149. send "&b試合開始まであと1秒"
  150. send "&b試合開始まであと1秒" to {request%player%::player}
  151. play sound "block_note_pling" to player with volume 1 and pitch 5
  152. play sound "block_note_pling" to {request%player%::player} with volume 1 and pitch 5
  153. wait 1 second
  154. teleport player to {arena%{request%player%::arena}%::tp1}
  155. teleport {request%player%::player} to {arena%{request%player%::arena}%::tp2}
  156. set player's health to 10
  157. set {request%player%::player}'s health to 10
  158. set player's food to 10
  159. set {request%player%::player}'s food to 10
  160. send "&b試合が開始しました!"
  161. send "&b試合が開始しました!" to {request%player%::player}
  162. set {opponent.%player%} to {request%player%::player}
  163. set {opponent.%{request%player%::player}%} to player
  164. set {battlearena.%player%} to {request%player%::arena}
  165. set {battlearena.%{request%player%::player}%} to {request%player%::arena}
  166. play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" to player with volume 1 and pitch 5
  167. play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" to {request%player%::player} with volume 1 and pitch 5
  168. set {_slot} to 0
  169. loop 41 times:
  170. set slot {_slot} of player's inventory to {kit%{request%player%::arena}%::%{_slot}%}
  171. set slot {_slot} of {request%player%::player}'s inventory to {kit%{request%player%::arena}%::%{_slot}%}
  172. add 1 to {_slot}
  173. delete {request%player%::*}
  174. on death of player:
  175. if {duel.%victim%} is 1:
  176. strike lightning effect at victim
  177. broadcast "&b%{opponent.%victim%}%が%{battlearena.%victim%}%で%victim%との試合に勝利しました!"
  178. if shooter is set:
  179. set the death message to "&b%victim%&7 was shot by &b%attacker%"
  180. else if shooter is not set:
  181. if attacker is set:
  182. set the death message to "&b%victim%&7 was slain by &b%attacker%"
  183. if attacker is not set:
  184. set the death message to "&b%victim%&7 died"
  185. wait 3 second
  186. force victim to respawn
  187. clear victim's inventory
  188. clear {opponent.%player%}'s inventory
  189. set victim's health to 10
  190. set {opponent.%victim%}'s health to 10
  191. set victim's food to 10
  192. set {opponent.%victim%}'s food to 10
  193. wait 1 tick
  194. teleport victim to "world"'s spawn point
  195. teleport {opponent.%victim%} to "world"'s spawn point
  196. delete {duel%{battlearena.%victim%}%}
  197. delete {duel.%victim%}
  198. delete {duel.%{opponent.%victim%}%}
  199. delete {opponent.%{opponent.%victim%}%}
  200. delete {battlearena.%{opponent.%victim%}%}
  201. delete {opponent.%victim%}
  202. delete {battlearena.%victim%}
  203. on join:
  204. teleport player to "world"'s spawn point
  205. clear player's inventory
  206. set player's food to 10
  207. set player's health to max health of player
  208. on quit:
  209. if {duel.%player%} is 1:
  210. strike lightning effect at player
  211. broadcast "&b%{opponent.%player%}%が%{battlearena.%player%}%で%player%との試合に勝利しました!"
  212. wait 3 second
  213. clear {opponent.%player%}'s inventory
  214. teleport player to "world"'s spawn point
  215. teleport {opponent.%player%} to "world"'s spawn point
  216. delete {duel%{battlearena.%player%}%}
  217. delete {duel.%player%}
  218. delete {duel.%{opponent.%player%}%}
  219. delete {opponent.%{opponent.%player%}%}
  220. delete {battlearena.%{opponent.%player%}%}
  221. delete {opponent.%player%}
  222. delete {battlearena.%player%}
  223. on drop:
  224. if {duel.%player%} is 1:
  225. cancel event
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