
Just click your heels together, Adam.

Jan 31st, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood out on the front lawn as he watched Lady race around the front yard after the tennis ball he'd just tossed for her. Watching her run back with it in her mouth, he leaned down to take it from her, swinging his arm to the side and sending it flying across the yard again only for Lady to follow.-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley came downstairs after finishing off her homework for the night. She went straight to the coffee pot and got a good brew going before looking out the window at Adam and Lady. She smiled and grabbed two mugs, pouring the coffee in and making her way outside. "Hey." She called out as she fumbled to open the front door.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Hayley's voice behind him, he turned around to see her coming outside with the two mugs, breaking into a short jog up the front stairs and reaching his hands out to help her with the mugs. "Here, I got it. Careful."-
  4. Tsaaq: "I brought you something to warm up." Hayley told him as she came down the stairs. "Hey Lady." She said sweetly to the doggo. "I just finished up all school work. I need a detox." Hayley sputtered her lips.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He brought the mug up to his lips to take a small sip of the hot liquid, a smile crossing his face. "Thank you. That was very thoughtful of you." He turned to take the ball from Lady again, tossing it across the yard. "I always feel good when I finish my work for the evening. And coffee is a nice reward for that."-
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley started to laugh. "Definitely." She replied as she sipped from her mug. "And don't thank me. I wanna do nice shit for you. I should more often." She shrugged. "How did basketball tryouts go? You think you're in?" She asked.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Oh um... I'm not really sure. I'm not exactly the best basketball player. But I think I communicated that I'm willing to work hard and whatnot so hopefully the coach will see value in that. I just really want a sport to do during the winter."-
  8. Tsaaq: "They'd be crazy not to pick you. You're super good at everything and you try and work really hard." Hayley said. "And you have a girlfriend who's a cheerleader and that should be points?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: -He started to crack up, holding his mug steady as he leaned down to pick up Lady's ball to toss for her again. "I don't really think they take into account who we are or aren't dating. But I'll be sure to let the coach know just in case it's a deciding factor."-
  10. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Exactly. You never know. Cause then she'll be like, oh yeah, she's also Remy's sister!" She began to laugh again. "I told Kelsey congrats yesterday at practice. I'm super happy for her. You know if you start practicing on Mondays? Then we can go home together and stuff. Unless you think that's too much..."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Why would it be too much? Carpooling is a great idea, especially considering we're both coming home to the same place." He took another sip of his delicious black coffee, watching Lady run in circles.-
  12. Tsaaq: "I don't know. I don't want to be one of those clingy girls who needs to be around her boyfriend all the time..." She shrugged. "But it's hard because you're also like my best friend so it's not just because I want to kiss your face you just genuinely make me happy." Hayley went to sit on the second step and continued drinking her coffee.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He took a step back so he could sit down on the stairs next to her, resting his elbows on his knees. "I don't think you're clingy. I think you're the appropriate amount of loving." He leaned his head over, pressing a kiss to her temple before sitting up straight again. "You're also my best friend. Just for the record."-
  14. Tsaaq: She smiled at him and stared up at him. "Well that's comforting to know. Both of those things." Hayley said. "Twenty eighteen will be a good year for us. I've decided." She told him with a firm nod.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Oh yeah?" He asked with a small laugh, taking another quick sip of his coffee. "I hope so. I think we're already starting it off on a good foot. What's in store for us next?"-
  16. Tsaaq: "I don't know... I should probably figure out what I want to do with myself..." She said. "Or maybe not." She said. Hayley drank from her mug. "Wait. I'm getting monies. Maybe I can invest in looking up a place for us? Not soon but put some of it aside for that?" She suggested. "I like being here at OCH with Tae. Especially since I'm worried about her."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "A place? Like a house?" He asked for clarification. "I don't know if that's really a worthwhile investment if we both want to move out of Portland after we finish school. I don't think it's enough time to get a return on your investment." He finished off his coffee and leaned forward to set his mug down at his feet. "Yeah, I'm worried about her too. She didn't come home last night."-
  18. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "Not here... I guess. Well..." Hayley paused and looked at him. "Did you want to move out of Portland after school?" She asked him. "Last week there was a hole in the wall but some guy came and fixed it." She told Adam. "It was weird."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Well of course I'd want to move back to Kansas to be close to my family. They're real important to me and being so far away from them now as it is has been tough." He thought for a minute, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. "A hole in the wall?"-
  20. Tsaaq: "What about Baby B?" She asked. "And Remy and Cadence? And my parents? And our friends?" She continued to probe as she bit the inside of her cheek. "What? Oh yeah. She said she did something by mistake. I don't know. She dropped into it, fell into it. I forgot." She muttered.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Well... of course I still care about them, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be close to my family..." He trailed off, not really knowing how to explain himself. "Wait, how did she make a hole in the wall by just falling into it? She'd have to fall into it pretty hard. Is she okay?"-
  22. Tsaaq: "I don't remember. It was something weird that didn't make sense. Yeah the wall is fixed now and she looks okay but I don't knwo what happened." Hayley put down her empty mug and rubbed her head. "I guess Kansas is fine." She mumbled before going silent.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I guess I'll have to check in with her about that and make sure everything is okay." He said with a nod before pushing up to his feet and grabbing his empty mug from the ground. He whistled for Lady to call her back in from frolicking, turning to look at Hayley. "Are you ready for bed?"-
  24. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head and rose to her feet. She covered her mouth as she yawned. "I'll wash these before we go to sleep." She declared as she took his mug from his fingertips.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "You don't have to do that. You made the coffee, I'll wash them in the morning when I clean up from breakfast." He walked up the stairs and pushed the front door open, letting Lady run ahead inside before gesturing for Hayley to come inside as well.0
  26. Tsaaq: She sighed and sputtered her lips. "Are you sure? Because I can totally just do it?" She offered again as she went inside the house. "Don't forget to lock the door." She said as she looked out the windows around the door a moment.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Right." He said, turning the lock on the door once he was inside, because he usually forgets. No one locks their door in Kansas. "Don't worry about it. Let's just go to bed." He waved her on as he moved to the stairs, stepping to the side to let Lady run by and up to the bedroom.-
  28. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged as she jogged and put the dishes in the sink and went up the stairs after Lady so she could go into the room for sleeps too.
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