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Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. What are the commands?
  2. u!help [command]: This displays the list of available commands, or specific help for a given command.
  3. u!start: This starts a new game of Uno. This command can only be used when there is no ongoing game for that server. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  4. u!join: This lets players join the game of Uno. Players can only join the game during signups. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  5. u!play <card> [color]: This plays the specified card if it is your turn. If the card is a wild card, you need to specify the color as well. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  6. u!draw: This draws a card. You must draw a card if you cannot play any card in your hand. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  7. u!pass: This passes your turn. You can only pass your turn after you draw a card. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  8. u!cards: This will send your current hand to you via DM. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  9. u!card: This will repeat the current "top" card. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  10. u!count: This will show how many cards each player is holding. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  11. u!leave: This lets you leave the game of Uno. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  12. u!notify: This will tell UnoBot to notify you via DM when the next game of Uno begins. This command can only be used in the designated Uno channel.
  13. u!stats [@player]: This will tell you your statistics, or the statistics of the specified player.
  14. u!leaderboard: This will show the top five players in your server, according to score and win percentage.
  15. u!feedback <message>: This will send feedback to the bot developer.u!info: This displays basic information about the bot itself.
  16. What are the admin commands?
  17. Admins commands require the Manage Server permission.
  18. u!kick <player>: This kicks the specified player from the game.
  19. u!stop: This ends the current game of Uno.
  20. u!uno <sub-command> [params]: This sets various server configurations.
  21. What are the u!uno sub-commands?
  22. Uno sub-commands require the Manage Server permission.
  23. u!uno help: This displays the list of sub-commands.
  24. u!uno channel: This sets the channel that the command was used in as the designated Uno game-playing channel.
  25. u!uno enable/disable: This enables/disables the playing of Uno on the current server. This will not stop an ongoing game, however.
  26. u!uno invite: This sends the UnoBot invitation link to you.
  27. u!uno maxplayers <#>: This sets the maximum number of players per game. This number must be at least 2.
  28. u!uno prefix <prefix>: This sets the bot prefix (which designates a command).
  29. u!uno role <@role>: This sets the role to mention whenever a new game begins.
  30. u!uno signuptimer <# of seconds>: This sets the amount of time players are allowed to join a game after !start has been used.
  31. u!uno turntimer <# of seconds>: This sets the amount of time players have until they are considered afk and their turn is skipped. If they miss two turns, they are automatically kicked from the game.
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