
Scootacat (Complete)

Mar 6th, 2013
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  1. >On a sunny mid-afternoon, somebody knocks at your door impatiently.
  2. >The constant banging drove you from normal to enraged in just a few seconds.
  3. "Shut the fuck up I heard you!" You scream swinging the door open
  4. >Rainbow Dash is on the other side with a huge shit eating grin.
  5. >"Heyyy Anon!" She says enthusiastically "Just the human I wanted to see."
  6. "I'm the only human Rainbow get to the point." You reply flatly before noticing something out of the corner of your eye
  7. >A small burnt orange filly is hiding behind Rainbow's back legs, and looks to the side to get a better view of you.
  8. >When you make eye contact she panics and hides herself behind Rainbows tight flank
  9. >"I was supposed to watch Scoots today. But Soarin came by, and invited me to something really important."
  10. >"To the beach right Rainbow Dash?" The little filly says as Rainbow glares back at her
  11. >"You werent supposed to tell him that!" She says angrily as she looks back at you and grins trying to save face
  12. "Important huh? Fuck you." You say going to close the door
  13. >Rainbow sticks her hoof in the way and practically forces herself in
  14. >"C'mon Anon! Don't do this to me, this is the opportunity of a life time!"
  15. "I'm not gonna watch some fucking kid so you can go to the beach and try to get laid, I have much better things to do."
  16. >"Like what!? All I ever see you do is just stay at home!"
  17. "Exactly."
  18. >Rainbow tosses herself onto the floor and grasps your legs, refusing to let go.
  19. >"Please Anon!"
  20. "No."
  21. >"I'll do anything!"
  22. "No."
  23. >"I'll pay you and do anything!"
  24. "..."
  25. >"..."
  26. "How much?"
  27. >"10 bits."
  28. "20."
  29. >"20!?"
  30. "Yeah."
  31. >"15."
  32. "...Fine. But you owe me big, and I mean it."
  33. >Rainbow Dash groans "Seriously?!"
  34. "Ok, have fun taking Jigaboo to the beach."
  35. >"All right fine! Here, she's yours for the day."
  36. "What time are you coming back for her? Cause she's not sleeping here."
  37. >"Don't worry; I'll be back before ya know it."
  39. >Having the strange little filly sit on your couch, she and you look at everything but each other.
  40. “Well, I got some magazines, food is in the fridge, and if you need anything, don’t bother asking me.”
  41. >Walking away, you look back at her as she fiddles with some of the stuff you have. In your room, you lay in bed and read a book. Flipping through the pages, Scootaloo knocks on the door.
  42. >”Hey umm Anon! Where’s the bathroom?”
  43. “Down the hall on your left!”
  44. >”….Can you show me?”
  45. “Gah!” You groan closing the book and getting up, opening the door, you walk down the hall and open the bathroom door.
  46. >”Thanks.”
  47. >Returning back to bed, you hop on and crack open your book.
  49. >Much later, Scootaloo comes knocking again.
  50. >”Hey Anon, I’m hungry!”
  51. “Foods in the fridge I told you.”
  52. >”I don’t know how to cook.”
  53. >You ignore her, but your stomach growls out. With a sigh, you close your book and get up, walking up to the door, you open it and see her crack an uneasy smile.
  54. “What do you wanna eat?”
  55. >Scootaloo sits on the table anxiously waiting on you to finish up as you grill some tofu and noodles.
  56. >”It smells good!” She smiles as you walk over and pour her a share of the meal, walking to the other side, you serve yourself and sit down.
  57. >The only sounds you hear are the clanking of the silverware as the two of you eat. Looking over at her, you look away when she looks at you.
  58. “So…you’re like Rainbow Dashes friend or something?”
  59. >”Well, she’s supposed to show me the ropes, and be like my big sister, but lately she’s kinda been blowing me off.”
  60. “Yeah she’s not really the committing type.”
  62. >”Rainbow Dash is all right sometimes, she just gets busy ya know?”
  63. “I’ve known that mare a bit, and she CAN be cool, but most of the time she’s terrible.”
  64. >Scootaloo laughs before taking a spoonful of food into her mouth.
  65. >As the two of eat and chat, the lights flicker as a particular loud thud breaks out.
  66. >Dark skies, pouring rain, bright lightning and terrible thunder, all can be seen outside your window.
  67. >Its hard to tell what time it is, but you know this is going to drag on.
  68. “Oh great it’s fucking raining.” You comment as the lights go out “And now the powers off.”
  69. >You feel something grab your leg and you instantly jump off the chair
  70. “Jesus!”
  71. >”S.sorry.” Scootaloo replies in the dark as lightning flashes and she whimpers gripping your legs tighter.
  72. “Take it easy, it’s just lightning. C’mon, let’s get you ready for bed; its OBVIOUS Rainbow Dash isn’t coming anytime soon.”
  74. >Walking ahead, you navigate through the kitchen and hear a thud.
  75. >”Ow!” Scootaloo yells “I hit my head!”
  76. >With a sigh, you walk back and fumble around in the dark, finding her; you pick her up and carry her in your arms.
  77. >Feeling the wall, you find the bathroom, reaching over for the candle and matches; you flick it on and bring light into the dark bathroom.
  78. >Reaching over into a drawer, you open it and pull out a pack of toothbrushes.
  79. “I lose these all the time, so have one of my extras.”
  80. >”Thanks.”
  81. >Grabbing some toothpaste, you hand it over to her as you get your toothbrush ready. Luckily the water still runs, as the both of you brush your teeth over the sink, Scootaloo finishes up first.
  82. >With cleaned mouths, you grab the candle and walk out the bathroom with Scootaloo behind you.
  83. >Opening the door to the guest bedroom, you wave the candle around to light up the place.
  84. “You’ll be sleeping here.”
  85. >”What?” She asks looking up at you,
  86. “What?”
  87. >”Its nothing.” She says uneasy, “Can..can you leave the candle?”
  88. “It’s an open flame in a wooden house, no way. You scared of the dark or something?”
  89. >”No! No way. Hehe, scared of the dark.” She says before lighting flashes and she flinches
  90. "All right, have fun." You say walking out and closing the door.
  92. >”Wait!” She yells as you stop and come back in,
  93. “What?” You ask annoyed
  94. >”Umm, I just..wanna make sure you see I get in the bed.”
  95. >You stand there waiting as she doesn’t move
  96. “Well?”
  97. >”Oh yeah.” She replies before looking around the room and rushing to the bed, jumping on it, she bounces a bit before burying herself under the sheets.
  98. >Snuggled up, she looks over and grins at you waiving a hoof in the air, “See? I’m in bed!” She hollers
  99. “That’s great, now go to bed.”
  101. >With Anon gone Scootaloo looks around in the dark, her eyes haven’t fully adjusted yet, so all she can see are dark blue splotches from the candle light source.
  102. >Slowly everything comes into night view; she can make out vague outlines of furniture and bed sheets.
  103. >Lightning flashes and for a split second and she makes out grotesque black and white faces from the crumbled up bed sheets.
  104. >”Ah!” She screams before covering herself under the sheets, trembling, she peeks out of the sheets to recheck the demon sheets.
  105. >Something thuds against the window, and she honestly feels like her heart stopped. Going back under the safety sheets, she curls up as her mind goes crazy with all the things that go bump in the night.
  106. >She reaches the breaking point when she hears a skitter across the wooden floor. Slowly crawling off the bed, she takes slow steps before picking up pace to a full run. As the darkness surrounds her, she bolts out the door and down to Anon’s room.
  107. >In the room, lightning flashes to reveal a large cockroach looking around before running off into a hole in the wall.
  108. >Quickly trying to open it, she finds that it’s locked, and then bangs on the door.
  109. >”Anon! Anon!”
  110. >Heavy thuds follow as the door swings open.
  112. >Scootaloo stands before you, and in the faint light you can see she’s looking up at you.
  113. >”Anon...Im scarred. c...can I sleep with you tonight?”
  114. >Normally you’re first reaction is to tell her to fuck off, but…she wasn’t like most foals, she was actually pretty laidback and mature for her age.
  115. >Unsure of just how this will go down, you sigh. Pretending to be angry, you nod and let her in.
  117. >Walking over to one side of the bed, and Scootaloo taking the other, you jump on as she tries to get up. The bed is slightly higher than she can reach, and you look over at her trying to jump up
  118. “Fly.” You comment as she stops jumping
  119. >She says nothing, but you can hear her sniffle, realizing you fucked up, you lean over and pick her off the ground.
  120. >Placing her on the side of the bed, you face her away from you
  121. “Clean your hooves, I’ll get you some socks so you don’t dirty my bed.”
  122. >Scootaloo does as she was told and cleans her hooves while you reach over to the cabinet and take out two pairs of black socks, tossing them at her.
  123. “They’re clean.” You say as she picks them up and puts them on her hooves.
  124. >Resting on her side, you and her sleep facing away, every so often she trembles despite being under the sheets.
  125. >Thunder rumbles as she shivers in fright,
  126. “You ok?”
  127. >”Yeah..yeah I’m fine.” She says as lightning follows up causing her to whimper
  128. “I never understood how ANYONE could be afraid of thunder.”
  129. >Turning to face her, she slowly looks back at you
  130. “You know, I used to be afraid of shit like that.”
  131. >” did you get over it?”
  132. “I just did, it comes with age. The older you get, the less things you fear.”
  133. >”That’s probably why you and Rainbow Dash are so fearless.”
  134. ”Hey I’m scared of stuff.”
  135. >”Really?” She asks interested “Like what?”
  136. “Aliens.” You say looking at her seriously as she laughs
  137. >”What? Aliens?! Nop0ny is scared of THAT.” She says turning around to fully face you now
  138. “I am.”
  139. >”Why? They don’t even exist.”
  140. “It’s just something I’m afraid of.” You shrug
  141. >”So if you saw an alien you’d be afraid like I am?”
  142. “Are you serious? I’d kick that alien’s ass.”
  143. >”Really?”
  145. “You bet.”
  146. >It was easy to talk a big game knowing that no aliens would show up.
  147. >”But I’m not brave like you.” She sighs as lightning strikes again causing her to wince “You see?!”
  148. “At the risk of getting arrested, come here.” You say picking her up and resting her on your chest
  149. >”What are you doing?”
  150. “Do you feel better?”
  151. >”..Kinda.”
  152. “Good…Have you ever had French toast?”
  153. >”No.”
  154. “Well, tomorrow I’ll make you some.”
  155. >”What is it?”
  156. “Well I butter some toast and toast it, drench it in syrup, and then put some powdered sugar on it.”
  157. >”That sounds good.”
  158. “Oh yeah, not very healthy, but damn good..”
  159. >You slowly reach around her body and embrace her, making sure to do it as subtle as possible.
  160. “You ponies don’t know shit about the Easter Bunny, or Santa Clause right?”
  161. >Scootaloo shakes her head
  162. “They bring joy and presents to all the good little boys and girls back home,”
  163. >She listens to you as you go on about all the fairytales back home, though you leave out the fact that they were all make-believe.
  164. >She yawns and little by little curls up and sleeps on you, not sure if she’s asleep or not, lightning strikes though she doesn’t stir.
  165. >Taking this as a sign, you gently lay her besides you and watch her as she peacefully sleeps with a big smile on her face.
  166. “Good night Scootaloo, sweet dreams.” You say before looking out the window.
  167. >Lightning strikes and lights the outside, in that flash you spot a tall, thin, humanoid form looking into the window. When lightning strikes again, it’s no longer there, instead it’s just the remnants of twigs from an old dead shrub.
  168. >Eyes locked onto the window, you bring Scootaloo close to you and hold her tightly.
  169. >Breathing out, you try to calm down
  170. "It’s just some twigs Anon, nothing to be afraid of."
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