
Group 80: Session 7

Nov 26th, 2013
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  1. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> ---Group 80: The Coltifornia Campaign---
  2. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> ---Session 7---
  3. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> Life can be pleasant.
  4. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> Life can be quiet and filled with small delights.
  5. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> In the safe havens of a small town, or among good company, life can be very, very good.
  6. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> But then reality ensues and snaps you back into the moment.
  7. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> It is a blasted wasteland, after all. Whatever youโ€™ve seen before, serenity is not everything with the Golden Coast.
  8. [16:54] <~Radio|GM> Reality really can be like a dream.
  9. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> Sometimes, it is like the calm of a pleasant dream, or the ecstasy that only laughter can bring.
  10. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> Other times, it is the stuff of nightmares.
  11. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> My little ponies, youโ€™ve had it sweet and easy.
  12. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> Now itโ€™s time to wake up.
  13. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> The real nightmare is about to begin.
  14. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> ---Session Begins---
  15. [16:55] <~Radio|GM> >>>Foalsom River Banks
  16. [16:56] <~Radio|GM> >>>10:41 AM
  17. [16:56] <~Radio|GM> All is still along the river. Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone have had the last few hours to themselves, to do whatever they deem worthy of doing.
  18. [16:56] <~Radio|GM> Further back, a group consisting of Chasseuse, Limuko, and Dumisani plod onward. They, too, have known little else but quiet along this walk along the torpid Foalsom River.
  19. [16:56] <~Radio|GM> The fog has cleared by now, and the sun is above. Clouds litter the sky here and there, but the weather seems promising. All is well.
  20. [16:58] * Danger_Zone cleared the fog! It didn't clear by itself! She's awesome like that.
  21. [16:58] <~Radio|GM> The rest of the fog she couldn't clear went away on its own. Danger_Zone may be awesome, but she certainly isn't all-powerful.
  22. [16:59] * Radiant_Fury can personally attest to both the clearing of the fog, and Danger_Zone's awesomeness. The last few hours have undoubtedly spent walking.
  23. [16:59] * Limuko has had a wonderful time in Coltifornia so far. So many zebra sympathizers and what not. Sure those Gang of Iron sounded like a threat, but he had the luck of being sympathized by many. As he trots toward his destination, trotting along closer to Dumisani than Chasseuse, whom he still feels nervous around, but the zebra is able to hide his blush in the presence of the beautiful Prench mare.
  24. [17:00] * Dumisani stops a moment and dips her muzzle into the river for a quick drink
  25. [17:01] <~Radio|GM> No she doesn't. Be sure to remove that from the record.
  26. [17:01] * Chasseuse continues forward, eyes peeled as she looks for Flaxseed's journal.
  27. [17:02] * Dumisani shakes her head a little. "Feel like I've walked a lot lately."
  28. [17:03] <~Radio|GM> Chassesue spots a whole lot of nothing.
  29. [17:04] * Chasseuse huffs, looking to the two beside her. "Do you zink zat you both can keep your eye out for a small, red journal?"
  30. [17:05] * Limuko turns his head to Chasseuse, pauses, but nods eventually as he tries to hide the red on his face. "Limuko will certainly look around while on journey." He said as he looked all around as he walked.
  31. [17:06] <Dumisani> "Can do Chasseuse. Not great at looking, but will."
  32. [17:07] * Radiant_Fury gives a slight yawn in the midst of examining her weapons. Still trotting as she does this, she frowns. No coffee...
  33. [17:07] <~Radio|GM> Limuko finds no red journal, but he does come across a half-corroded disk of metal in the ground.
  34. [17:07] * Chasseuse nods with a smile. "Zank you bo'z."
  35. [17:08] * Limuko blinked at the half-corroded disk of metal on the ground, eyes wide at what he thought to be a land mine. "Limuko thinks he found land mine!" He said pointing to the disk of metal.
  36. [17:09] <~Radio|GM> Said disk of metal is barely wider than the diameter of a bottle cap. It gives off a strange, golden glint.
  37. [17:10] <Limuko> Limuko took notice of the golden glint, but still looked nervous at it. For all he knew, it could be a mini-land mine!
  38. [17:10] <~Radio|GM> There it sits.
  39. [17:11] * Chasseuse blinks, looking around. "Where?" she asks, missing the glint.
  40. [17:12] * Dumisani blinks at Limuko. "Land mine?"
  41. [17:12] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse can see it now, as well. Limuko can't tell for sure whether or not it's really just an old piece of metal or a landmine.
  42. [17:13] * Limuko really wanted to see if the old piece of metal was perhaps gold, but could he risk it if it really turned out to be a land mine? He wasn't an expert on landmines, so he had no clue what the piece of metal was.
  43. [17:14] <~Radio|GM> As Dumisani and Chasseuse peer at the metal, they have no idea either.
  44. [17:15] * Chasseuse quirks her head. "Well... if it may be a mine, and you cannot disarm it... we should ignore it."
  45. [17:16] <Limuko> "C-couldn't Miss Chasseuse use pony magic to lift it up from distance?" The zebra asked nervously.
  46. [17:17] <~Radio|GM> Further ahead, where Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone are trotting along, a sudden *click* is the only warning they have as something stirs in the brush directly to their right!
  47. [17:17] * Chasseuse nods. "I suppose I can..." She shrugs. "'Opefully ze blast is not too large. Stand back."
  48. [17:18] * Limuko does what he's told and stands back.
  49. [17:21] * Chasseuse waits for Dumisani to step back.
  50. [17:21] * Dumisani carefully plods backwards a step
  51. [17:21] * Chasseuse 's horn glows as both Limuko and Dumisani move back. A light green aura surrounds the small object... and she attempts to lift it.
  52. [17:23] <~Radio|GM> The stirring in the brush reveals itself as three individual insectoid creatures. Their bodies are long and brown, a pair of large bulbous eyes resting upon a triangular head with two sharp pincers. Four legs allow them to move along the dusty ground, their front two adapted into grasping, spiked pincers.
  53. [17:23] <~Radio|GM> Their coloration, unfortunately, makes it difficult to make them out from the similarly-colored ground.
  54. [17:24] <~Radio|GM> These figures are slightly over two feet high, and they turn their attention to Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone, pincers clicking savagely.
  55. [17:25] <~Radio|GM> As Chasseuse's magic lifts up the disk, the metal reveals itself for what it is. A pre-war bit coin.
  56. [17:26] * Chasseuse chuckles. "It would seem zat our caution was unfounded." She levitates the coin to Limuko, ending her telekinesis and causing it to plop onto his head.
  57. [17:27] * Limuko had his eyes momentarily turn into caps as he looked in amazement at the pre-war bit coin. "This is pre-war coin!" He said as he took the pre-war coin.
  58. [17:27] * Radiant_Fury stops short and digs her hooves into the dirt. She looks at these creatures and blinks slightly. However, her look of confusion shifts to one of malice. She cracks her neck. "And I thought this would be a boring trip~"
  59. [17:28] * Dumisani chuckles. "You like money too much, zebra friend."
  60. [17:29] * Limuko nods to Dumisani. "Limuko has learned long long ago that money gives people food and water. Always important for Limuko."
  61. [17:30] * Dumisani shrugs. "Can find food and water easily enough."
  62. [17:33] * Limuko shook his head. "But Limuko never liked eating meat, so he mostly has to barter for food." He said as he waited to resume his journey to Coltamento with the rest of his companions.
  63. [17:35] * Dumisani rolls her eyes. "Eaten worse, friend."
  64. [17:36] * Chasseuse follows Limuko, keeping her eyes out for the journal.
  65. [17:36] * Limuko continues on the journey, as well as keeping his eyes out for the journal.
  66. [17:36] * Danger_Zone smirks. "We needed the excitement!" She jumps into the air and aims two grenades right for the group of three bugs!
  67. [17:38] * Dumisani looks around as she plods behind the group.
  68. [17:40] <~Radio|GM> And BOOM go the grenades, though neither hits close enough to do any real damage. As the grenades detonate, though, the dry brush catches aflame.
  69. [17:42] <~Radio|GM> Of the three behind them, only Limuko can pick up the sound of two faint booming noises in the distance.
  70. [17:44] * Limuko took notice of the loud BOOM in the distance, his eyes widened. "Limuko does not think traveling further will be safe. Big booms he hears, big booms must be something dangerous."
  71. [17:45] * Danger_Zone is definitely something dangerous.
  72. [17:45] * Dumisani blinks at Limuko. "Or that mare that nearly blew me up."
  73. [17:46] * Radiant_Fury gives Danger_Zone a little nod, but frowns as the pegasus fails to land a direct hit. The roaring fire catches her eye. "Fire... I think... we need a little more fire." Her horn lights a fierce blue and a pillar of fire erupts from it!
  74. [17:46] * Chasseuse frowns. "Zat may actually be likely." She sighs. "So, should we check ze sound, or avoid it?"
  75. [17:47] * Limuko replies to Chasseuse and Dumisani. "Limuko has no idea who mare who nearly blew rhino friend, but Limuko thinks it is best to avoid much danger."
  76. [17:48] <~Radio|GM> If they couldn't hear the booms, the rising pillar of smoke in the distance is enough to catch their attention.
  77. [17:49] * Dumisani deadpans. "Let's go, before they burn forest down."
  78. [17:49] <~Radio|GM> The surrounding brush catches the flame nicely, erupting into crackling flame as smoke billows upwards. The mantis creatures give off horrible shrieking noises, as they try to move from the bush! Unfortunately for them, their chitinous shells catch aflame, and they lunge wildly forward towards the two mares.
  79. [17:49] * Danger_Zone is sort of impressed. Seems Fury likes to put on just as much of a show!
  80. [17:50] <~Radio|GM> Only a few feet separates the insectoid creatures from Danger_Zone and Radiant_Fury now. She best act quickly.
  81. [17:50] * Radiant_Fury then draws her flareguns and fires once at the already flaming mantises (manti?)!
  82. [17:50] <~Radio|GM> The smoke does not go unnoticed, as Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone get the sudden urge to choke, eyes watering.
  83. [17:51] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury's flareguns do nothing but fuel the conflagaration, as the smoke billows yet more, a hot wind beginning to blow back towards Chasseuse, Dumisani, and Limuko.
  84. [17:52] * Limuko nods nervously even more as he saw the pillar of flame and hot wind blowing towards him. "Let us." He squeaked as he looked around for an alternative route to walk.
  85. [17:53] * Chasseuse frowns. "I... zere is much going on. Perhaps zey need assistance?"
  86. [17:53] <~Radio|GM> Apart from fording the river and risking going off-course, Limuko sees no other paths.
  87. [17:53] * Dumisani snorts. "Stay behind me. Will keep you two covered." She starts plodding right towards the fight
  88. [17:54] * Limuko just gulps. "W-w-whatever Miss Chasseuse says." He said with a nervous smile in a failed attempt to seem optimistic.
  89. [17:54] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes, keeping up and running right next to Dumisani. "I can 'andle myself in a fight." She draws her knife, clenching her mouth around it.
  90. [17:55] <Dumisani> "Not a fight I'm worried about. Fire hard to control."
  91. [17:56] * Radiant_Fury would be coughing, if she wasn't distracted by the glory of this particular fire.
  92. [17:56] * Danger_Zone starts to cough a bit. She's low on ammo, and doesn't want to waste more on these bugs... "Hold on, I've got an idea! And I mean HOLD ON."
  93. [17:57] * Radiant_Fury looks around for something to hold on to, but most of everything around her is on fire. "There's not exactly a lot to hold on to!"
  94. [17:57] * Limuko takes out his silenced pistol out. The zebra has never really used the gun before to be honest, hating violence since that fateful day. Though he may be a conzebra, he didn't like having to kill anypony or anything. But it looked like he wouldn't have much choice.
  95. [17:59] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Well find something! Or just get out of the way!" She doesn't wait for an answer, but instead flies out behind the bugs, before flying into a high-speed circle...
  96. [18:02] <~Radio|GM> Danger_Zone does not succeed in creating a fiery tornado, unfortunately, and her antics do little but fan the flames further as they begin to spread. Spiral of flame jet upwards in the beginning of a spiral from the ground, though. It'd be awfully pretty if the situation weren't so dire.
  97. [18:04] * Radiant_Fury groans a little as Danger_Zone does something reckless and stupid. However, she does pause to marvel at the gust of fire. She's /very/ excited now, and launches another attack, this time one of pure light.
  98. [18:05] * Radiant_Fury frowns immensely! This is getting bothersome. Reloading her flaregun, she fires again!
  99. [18:06] <~Radio|GM> The attack of light proves little more than a light show. A blinding flash pierces the flame briefly, but nothing else happens. Even the mantises don't seem to be all that affected.
  100. [18:07] <~Radio|GM> At long last, the flaregun lets loose and the mantises fall, their corpses crackling in the flame.
  101. [18:08] <~Radio|GM> The group consisting of Chasseuse, Dumisani, and Limuko arrives in time to see the billowing smoke, the flaming brush, and the two mares after their battle, the charred corpses of three mantises burning not too far away.
  102. [18:08] * Radiant_Fury takes a few steps back, out of the smoke cloud, smirking wide. She sits on her haunches, watching the roaring blaze. Her only regret is that she doesn't have a cigar to light on the bonfire.
  103. [18:09] <~Radio|GM> The smoke makes its presence known to the incoming group, as it irritates their throats and makes them cough.
  104. [18:09] * Limuko gave a loud shriek as he saw Radiant_Fury, putting his pistol in it's holster as he hid behind Dumisani, coughing from the smoke.
  105. [18:09] * Dumisani coughs and sighs at the sight. "You two need supervision."
  106. [18:11] <~Radio|GM> Danger_Zone's coughing intensifies, and she begins to feel lightheaded.
  107. [18:11] * Radiant_Fury admires the fire, sitting complacently on the ground. "It's so beautiful..." she muses.
  108. [18:11] * Chasseuse places her knife within its scabbard. She shakes her head. "Are you two alright...?"
  109. [18:14] * Danger_Zone stops trying to make a twister and focuses on using her wings to blow away the smoke. She starts to have a pretty bad coughing fit.
  110. [18:14] * Radiant_Fury gives a happy sigh, only now looking to the odd collection of things now arriving. "Oh... We're more than all right..."
  111. [18:14] * Limuko just glimpse from behind Dumisani, giving a fearful look at Radiant_Fury.
  112. [18:15] * Dumisani looks up at Danger_Zone. "Best to land. Smoke rises."
  113. [18:15] <~Radio|GM> The flames are spreading.
  114. [18:16] * Radiant_Fury is loving every second of it!
  115. [18:18] * Limuko was not loving every second of it, having the urge to run away from the burning scene (And Radiant_Fury).
  116. [18:19] * Radiant_Fury turns to look at Chasseuse. "I didn't think I'd be seeing you again." She catches a glimpse of the zebra and gives him a half-glare/half-confused look.
  117. [18:20] * Chasseuse groans, galloping into the flame towards Radiant_Fury. "One should not stand in fire!" She looks around. "Or so near it!" She gives a tug on Radiant's foreleg, trying to drag her away.
  118. [18:20] * Dumisani looks around at the flames. "Need to leave. Fire is out of control here."
  119. [18:21] * Radiant_Fury claps her hooves together, then points at Dumisani. "Ahhh~ Isn't it lovely?"
  120. [18:21] * Limuko nearly went into a panic attack! He tried to give his Charisma 10 smile as best as he good. "Oh ... hello fire mare ... Limuko thinks it would be best to leave burning ground." He said as he nods at Dumisani, deciding to make a mad dash out of the burning area.
  121. [18:22] * Radiant_Fury is, reluctantly, dragged away from the magnificent inferno by Chasseuse. "I was watching that."
  122. [18:22] * Danger_Zone decides it's probably best to get further back from the fire. She drops to the ground a decent distance away and starts to have another coughing fit.
  123. [18:22] * Chasseuse is already forcing Radiant to move! She drags her along, away from the fire! "And is ze process, endangering yourself."
  124. [18:23] * Dumisani stomps on a rouge bit of fire near her and plods out
  125. [18:24] * Radiant_Fury gives a derisive snort. "If there's one thing I know, Ms. Chasseuse, it's how to deal with a fire."
  126. [18:25] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes. "If 'dealing' wiz it includes burning in it, zen perhaps." She releases her hold on Radiant's foreleg. "Zough you are a brute, I do not want you to burn alive."
  127. [18:26] * Limuko turned back to his companions (and the other two mares) once he got out of the burning scene, waiting patiently for both the rhino and the Prench mare to return.
  128. [18:27] * Dumisani looks at Danger_Zone. "Did you breath in smoke?"
  129. [18:27] * Radiant_Fury finally stands up, giving one long last glance at the fire. She wipes some soot off of her leather and stretches. "A brute? You'll find that I can be /quite/ civilized, if I so choose to be."
  130. [18:29] * Chasseuse nods. "And when dealing wiz Flaxseed, you chose to be a brute."
  131. [18:30] * Danger_Zone 's voice is pretty scratchy-sounding. "Not like I could help it!" She clears her throat a bit.
  132. [18:32] * Dumisani frowns. "If you need help, I'm here. Can carry you to town if you need."
  133. [18:33] * Radiant_Fury frowns slightly at Chasseuse. "We were dealing with a person who could have, potentially, killed us for the information we had. When presented with a situation like that, I had no other choice. Even /the detective/ agreed with me."
  134. [18:36] * Chasseuse scoffs, "Of course you 'ad anozer choice. You could 'ave investigated more! Been certain!" She shakes her head. "And she was unarmed. Unless you consider sandwiches deadly weapons."
  135. [18:38] * Limuko didn't know what Radiant_Fury and Chasseuse were speaking about, but he clearly didn't like Radiant_Fury for many other reasons.
  136. [18:38] * Radiant_Fury scoffs right back. "Remind me, should I ever decide to kill you, I'll poison your sandwich." She begins to resume her trot to Coltamento. No use hanging around here.
  137. [18:39] * Chasseuse trots alongside Radiant Fury. "And yet I ate ze sandwich and did not fall. You are just too set in your ways to admit your error."
  138. [18:39] * Chasseuse adds, "Unless your goal was to make her into a crying heap."
  139. [18:39] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Yeah, like I'd need YOUR help." She coughs again, not as bad as before now that she's a bit back from the smoke. She looks toward Radiant_Fury and starts walking with her.
  140. [18:41] * Dumisani sighs. "Was just trying to help."
  141. [18:41] <Limuko> Limuko had his eyes widen a bit as he saw Chasseuse trotting near Radiant_Fury. "S-ss-she isn't becoming waliosafiri (Traveling Companion) is she?" He said nervously as he kept his distance away from the mares.
  142. [18:42] * Radiant_Fury furrows her brow. "And perhaps you're too willing to overlook the evidence because she's a 'nice pony'. If anypony in that entire Fort was capable of aiding an assassination attempt, it would be her."
  143. [18:42] * Chasseuse frowns. "Fine. Zen tell me, what evidence do you 'ave zat condemns her?"
  144. [18:44] * Chasseuse ignores Limuko for the moment.
  145. [18:46] * Radiant_Fury waves a hoof in the air mid-stride. "The same amount of evidence we have to suggest her innocence. We know that she would have a method of trading messages. Two of the messages were found in a location /directly/ connected with her. One was even in her own building. On top of that, we /know/ she has a connection to a known conspirator."
  146. [18:49] * Chasseuse frowns. "Zat doesn't prove her guilt, zough you may believe she is. Zink of it zis way, if you were to apologize to 'er, and make you zink you were no longer suspicious, would zat not benefit your investigation?"
  147. [18:50] * Limuko just gulps, deciding not to get in the conversation between the mares and hides behind anything that he could hide behind.
  148. [18:50] * Chasseuse nods. "Because I would like you to apologize to 'er."
  149. [18:50] * Radiant_Fury mulls this over for a few moments. A devilish smirk stretches across her face. "Lying to her, then?"
  150. [18:51] * Chasseuse sighs. "I would of course prefer you not to... but I believe her innocent. And your remarks and threat have hurt her more than you know."
  151. [18:52] * Dumisani Is something that could be hidden behind
  152. [18:53] * Limuko hides behind Dumisani. The trustful rhino would defend him!
  153. [18:53] * Radiant_Fury chuckles a little. "If I told her that I no longer thought she was suspicious, then I would be lying to her. I'll apologize to her, once you admit that she was acting suspicious when we met her at the river."
  154. [18:54] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "Is kindness really so suspicious?"
  155. [18:54] * Radiant_Fury coughs loudly. "You forget, Ms. Chasseuse, you're not in Prance anymore. Yes. Yes it is."
  156. [18:55] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "When I 'elped you, was I suspicious?"
  157. [18:56] * Radiant_Fury returns with a smirk. "Yes."
  158. [18:56] * Chasseuse blinks. "... In what way?"
  159. [18:59] * Radiant_Fury 's smirk fades into just a happy smile. "Well, my suspicions cleared when you said you were from Prance. No pony who's been out here long would be so kind." She pauses for a long while. "If it's any consolation, I am quite grateful for that."
  160. [18:59] * Dumisani just... Blinks at Chasseuse and Radiant_Fury.
  161. [19:00] * Limuko blinked as well. "Prance?"
  162. [19:01] * Chasseuse sighs, slightly dismayed. "Zen I suppose if kindness is a prerequisite... zen yes, she was being suspicious. Zough she is still, in my opinion, innocent." She nods. "And yes, Limuko. I am from Prance."
  163. [19:02] * Limuko just looked confused, never having heard of Prance before. "Limuko is not sure what this Prance is." He then remembers that Radiant_Fury was still there. "And fire mare is not coming with us, yes?" He hoped she wasn't.
  164. [19:04] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "No, Limuko... I do not zink zat our goals align." She rolls her eyes. "Unless she carries Flax's journal, she cannot 'elp me... and I doubt they are going the same place as you two."
  165. [19:05] * Radiant_Fury gives a sigh, too. Though, it's a different one. It seems she wasn't satisfied with that. "Then, the next time I see Fla-" She blinks again. "A journal?"
  166. [19:06] * Chasseuse nods, quirking her head. "Yes. Why?"
  167. [19:06] * Radiant_Fury floats out her journal of indeterminate origin from her pack. "It wouldn't look like this, would it?"
  168. [19:07] * Chasseuse eyes the journal, and her eyes widen. "Why... yes, zat is it."
  169. [19:08] * Limuko gave a look of surprise at seeing Radiant_Fury having the journal ... and being a conzebra, he had the feeling that Radiant_Fury wanted something in return.
  170. [19:10] * Radiant_Fury looks at her new piece of leverage. "This journal has a special lock on it that, apparently, can't be forced open. I'd be willing to bet that there's potentially something incriminating in here. More incriminating than this thing is now, anyway."
  171. [19:10] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes. "I would bet zere is not."
  172. [19:11] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head. "You'd think so. I'm guessing she sent you looking for this?"
  173. [19:11] * Chasseuse smiles. "What do you zink. Whoever is correct may claim ze journal?" She looks back to Dumisani and Limuko. "Can eizer of you open it, do you zink?"
  174. [19:12] * Dumisani shrugs. "I'm strong. I could try."
  175. [19:12] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "I would like it undamaged..."
  176. [19:12] * Limuko just shrugs. "Limuko is not good with lockpicking he is afraid."
  177. [19:13] * Radiant_Fury sets it down on the ground. "Chasseuse, did Flaxseed send you looking for this or not?"
  178. [19:16] <~Radio|GM> A sudden whimpering alerts CHasseuse to the fact that Barry is still with her. Where was that dog before?
  179. [19:17] * Chasseuse pets Barry, distracted by his whimpering. "Yes... she did. Zough it was previously in ze possession of ze barkeep in zat town. And she... claims it to be an almanac of insects and animals."
  180. [19:17] * Limuko took notice to the dog as well, wondering if the green text in the sky was responsible for the sudden appearance of the dog.
  181. [19:18] * Radiant_Fury hmmms. "Which one lost it?"
  182. [19:19] * Chasseuse nods. "Ze barkeep."
  183. [19:20] <~Radio|GM> Barry whimpers, his tail thumping against the ground, as he eyes the journal on the ground.
  184. [19:22] * Radiant_Fury frowns slightly. "Well then... We need to open it."
  185. [19:22] * Radiant_Fury looks at Chasseuse's sharp pointy knives.
  186. [19:23] * Limuko was not liking how this was going, looking nervously at Chasseuse to see what she was going to do.
  187. [19:24] * Chasseuse sighs. "Fine... I suppose I can pry it open." She brandishes her knife, raising it in her telekinesis. "I would 'ave 'oped to keep it in good condition..." Her knife reaches the binding, cutting around the lock.
  188. [19:26] * Danger_Zone watches curiously.
  189. [19:27] <~Radio|GM> Quite soon, it becomes obvious to Chasseuse that this is not going to work. The cover is thick and strong, and the knife succeeds only in making a thin groove around the lock.
  190. [19:28] <~Radio|GM> Barry thumps his tail, as he too comes over to investigate the book. His nose touches the cover...and a sudden clicking noise sounds from the lock.
  191. [19:28] * Chasseuse blinks. "I..." She shrugs. "Good job, Barry."
  192. [19:28] * Radiant_Fury looks between Chasseuse and the book. Interesting.
  193. [19:29] * Dumisani blinks
  194. [19:29] * Chasseuse lowers her knife back into its holder, opening the journal...
  195. [19:30] * Limuko just blinked upon seeing Barry being able to unlock the journal. He then remembered that time when he was with Catmeat, wondering if he could do the same thing with Barry. He puts thoughts to his mind, thinking he could communicate telepathically with the dog. "[How did dog know how to unlock book?]"
  196. [19:31] * Radiant_Fury trots over to peer at the journal too, next to Chasseuse. "So... how do we explain that?"
  197. [19:31] <~Radio|GM> The dog makes no response. Limuko hears nothing.
  198. [19:32] * Chasseuse shrugs. "We shall see..."
  199. [19:32] * Limuko just shrugged. Well there goes that theory. He didn't know what was going on, but he decides to stay behind Dumisani, Radiant_Fury being too close to the journal for him to read. "Limuko is confused, what is this about Flaxseed? Is this about killing attempt on Mr. Dusty?"
  200. [19:33] <~Radio|GM> The journal's pages are blank. Each page is divided roughly in half, the top half is surrounded by a border. Beneath each page is a number, in sequential order, and beneath that a set of ruled lines.
  201. [19:33] * Chasseuse frowns, flipping through. Nothing...?
  202. [19:33] * Radiant_Fury smirks. "Well, well."
  203. [19:34] * Danger_Zone frowns. "Uh... I'm no expert, but shouldn't there be /something/ in there no matter which of you is right?"
  204. [19:35] <~Radio|GM> Curious....the first few pages of the journal begin to shimmer.
  205. [19:37] * Limuko just blinked, not seeing the journal himself.
  206. [19:37] * Radiant_Fury flips to the shimmering pages, then. She's smiling and once again, very excited.
  207. [19:40] <~Radio|GM> There it is. The first, second and third pages are shimmering, and suddenly the top half of each page is occupied by a colored image that looks as though it was drawn with a skillful hoof in colored pencil. And each of those images are familiar, the first page occupied with the image of a large mutant spider, the second with the enormous rounded head of some mutant rodent, and the insectoid creatures that Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone had encountered before.
  208. [19:41] * Chasseuse smiles. "Hmmmm. Perhaps your suspicion is unfounded...?"
  209. [19:42] * Radiant_Fury tips her head at the suddenly visible pictures. "Are you joking? Why would anypony have such an elaborate security measure for... this?"
  210. [19:43] * Chasseuse shrugs. "Perhaps it is precious to 'er, and if someone were to see it-- an almanac for ze dangers of Coltifornia-- it may be valuable to steal."
  211. [19:44] * Radiant_Fury turns to Barry. "And how could he open it?" She asks, flipping through the other pages, and reading the existing entries carefully.
  212. [19:45] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "Zat, I do not know, but it does not denote ill-intent."
  213. [19:45] <~Radio|GM> Barry thumps his tail on the ground, headtilting at Radiant_Fury.
  214. [19:45] <~Radio|GM> All the other entries are entirely blank.
  215. [19:46] * Radiant_Fury snorts a little. "I'd say it does. Why would a dog that wasn't hers be able to open this... seemingly magical lock?"
  216. [19:47] * Limuko blinked at Chasseuse, then looked at Barry. "Perhaps dog is magical as well?" He said with a shrug.
  217. [19:48] * Chasseuse nods. "It -is- 'er sister's. Perhaps they were working on it togezer at some point?"
  218. [19:49] * Radiant_Fury highly doubts that. "That seems unlikely. She said they hadn't spoken in months."
  219. [19:50] * Chasseuse nods, looking at the pages as Radiant flips through. "Zen do you see anyzing suspicious?"
  220. [19:52] * Radiant_Fury closes the book. "The fact that Barry could open it is supsicious. Everything about this entire scenario is suspicious! Now, if you excuse me, I need to find Flaxseed's sister and finally get some answers." She huffs, turns, and departs.
  221. [19:54] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Funny zat I need to speak wiz 'er too, zough to return 'er dog." She gestures for Limuko and Dumisani to follow. "At least for zis, until we figure out ze two sisters, perhaps we should 'elp one ano'zer?"
  222. [19:54] * Limuko sighed in relief at seeing Radiant_Fury leave, hoping that would be the /last/ of seeing that crazy mare. Wasn't she paranoid? He then turned to Chasseuse, then hearing that they should help each other out, mouth open in shock.
  223. [19:54] * Radiant_Fury gives a little chuckle. "I don't think your Zebra friend is very keen on that idea."
  224. [19:55] * Dumisani rolls her eyes. "These two are rude. Don't think they like me. But they need supervision. They are like foals."
  225. [19:56] * Radiant_Fury stops to look at Dumisani. "Pardon?"
  226. [19:56] * Chasseuse smiles to Limuko. "It will be fine, and it is only temporary, if zat reassures you."
  227. [19:57] * Limuko just gulps, but nods to Chasseuse. "V-very well! Just temporarily Miss Chasseuse says." He said as he decides to trot back to his destination, following Chasseuse at a distance.
  228. [19:57] <Dumisani> "Heard me fine. Haven't seen you act nice, so that's what I think. Will change if I see otherwise." She coughs a little. "Also, you like fire a little /too/ much."
  229. [19:58] * Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes. "Not all foals are mean, and not all mean ponies are foals. Neither Danger or myself need any 'supervision'. I don't go around starting fires for no reason, like you seem to think."
  230. [19:59] * Dumisani simply points at the roaring blaze behind them.
  231. [19:59] * Limuko did not want to anger Radiant_Fury, so he said nothing, focusing on getting to Coltamento as he brought out his map with his tail.
  232. [20:00] * Radiant_Fury snorts a little. "Perhaps you were too busy gawking at the brilliant pillars of fire to notice that we were attacked by insects. 'Mantises', as that journal calls them."
  233. [20:01] <Dumisani> "So you set half the bank on fire?"
  234. [20:01] * Radiant_Fury gives a curt "Yes." in response.
  235. [20:02] * Dumisani shakes her head. "Like I said. Need supervision."
  236. [20:02] * Danger_Zone taps a hoof. "Getting back to the /important/ things... there were only three pictures in there? Because... those pictures are suspicious too."
  237. [20:03] * Limuko turned to Danger_Zone, hiding a blush at a mare he wasn't familiar with as he replied to her. "Limuko does not see why pictures of bugs are so suspicious. This is all about killing attempt on Mr. Dusty no?"
  238. [20:06] * Radiant_Fury shoots Dumisani a glare before turning to Danger_Zone. Supervision. Pah. Like she'd ever actually do anything. She looks quizically at the pegasus.
  239. [20:10] * Danger_Zone sighs. "We've seen all three of them. The spiders, the rat, both when we found the dogs. And those mantises just now. All while looking into this... conspiracy."
  240. [20:10] * Limuko again gave a confused look at the pegasus. "Limuko doesn't know how random animals relate to the plan of killing Mr. Dusty."
  241. [20:11] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Have you seen any other animals yet?
  242. [20:11] * Radiant_Fury rubs the back of her neck. "That's true, however." She points to Barry. "We have."
  243. [20:12] * Danger_Zone pre-empts. "The dogs don't count."
  244. [20:12] * Chasseuse blinks. "So zen, perhaps it's magic is zat it only fills up wiz what ze -user- ze one who opened it- has seen?"
  245. [20:13] * Limuko just shrugs. "Limuko is no expert in magic. But this relates to plan to kill Mr. Dusty yes? Limuko is lost on what you are all speaking about."
  246. [20:14] * Radiant_Fury blinks in unison with Chasseuse. "That sounds... like an interesting theory. But why should the dogs not count?"
  247. [20:15] <Chasseuse> "Perhaps it is only wild animals?"
  248. [20:15] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes at Radiant_Fury. "They're at the heart of it! For lack of a better word... they're in on it."
  249. [20:16] * Limuko was starting to think nopony would answer his question.
  250. [20:18] * Radiant_Fury has her doubts, but knows that all this speculation is wearing on her nerves. "Enough pointless speculation. I'm taking this to Coltamento and jamming it down Flax's sister's throat if we don't get a move on!" She grabs the journal and once again starts on her way.
  251. [20:20] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes, following behind Radiant.
  252. [20:22] * Limuko just follows behind Chasseuse as well, asking his often ignored question once again. "Limuko is confused, is this something to do with plan to kill Mr. Dusty Limuko had heard about?"
  253. [20:22] * Dumisani gently pats Limuko's shoulder. "Don't know myself. Don't know magic."
  254. [20:23] * Chasseuse nods. "Ze evidence zat Radiant is collecting-- yes. Ze journal... I do not think so."
  255. [20:24] * Radiant_Fury says to Limuko without actually looking at him. "It's all connected. And Almond Butter is at the center."
  256. [20:24] <Limuko> "I hope Mr. Dusty stays alive." He said, looking at his map as he followed the group, keeping a distance away from any mare except for Dumisani.
  257. [20:33] <~Radio|GM> Barry whimpers.
  258. [20:35] * Radiant_Fury trottrottrots!
  259. [20:35] * Danger_Zone follows
  260. [20:36] * Limuko keeps on moving, looking at the map to see how close they are from reaching the city. He also looks around to see if he notices anything.
  261. [20:41] <~Radio|GM> The group is forced to trot on for a while. As Dusty told them, it takes them a few days, but soon the path diverges from the riverside, becoming asphalt, as they now reach a sign.
  262. [20:42] * Limuko trots up to the sign, deciding to take a read at it.
  263. [20:42] <~Radio|GM> "Coltamento: City Limits" is stenciled on a sign of old metal from the prewar era. Below is a small addition mentioning "Population", but whatever the number it was that followed has been thoroughly blotted out by what seems to be black spray paint.
  264. [20:43] * Limuko gave a smile at the sign. "Coltamento! City Limits. Limuko believes we are here!"
  265. [20:44] * Radiant_Fury looks up at the sign also. "Almost, at least. We still need to find Almond Butter."
  266. [20:45] * Dumisani glances at the sign as well, frowning slightly. "Why is population covered?"
  267. [20:46] * Limuko gave a shrug. "Perhaps too many ponies to count." He said, looking around the place.
  268. [20:47] <Dumisani> "Have a bad feeling about this..."
  269. [20:47] * Chasseuse continues forward. "Let us continue. Ze quicker we actually reach Coltamento, ze better."
  270. [20:48] * Radiant_Fury has a bad feeling about every part of this conspiracy. She trots next to Chasseuse.
  271. [20:48] * Limuko gave a look of optimism ... despite having to deal with Radiant_Fury being here. "Very well, to our destination we go." The zebra said as he follows along.
  272. [20:50] <~Radio|GM> The path continues onwards, and a set of buildings reveals itself on the horizon, becoming larger and larger as they reveal themselves as a collection of homes and stores in the collection of a town.
  273. [20:51] * Radiant_Fury looks around for some semblence of a guard, or any sort of authority. They could probably direct her in the right direction.
  274. [20:52] * Limuko looks around the large collection of homes and stores, wondering if any weren't being used for him to find some loot to sell.
  275. [20:56] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury can spot a few ponies patrolling the streets. They wear what appear to be black leather vests over rudimentary leather armor, carrying hunting rifles. Limuko's sttention is caught to a large general store in the center of the street.
  276. [20:57] * Limuko turns to the rest of the group. "Limuko will be checking out store quickly." He said as he trots to the general store.
  277. [20:57] * Radiant_Fury approaches and tries /really/ hard not to look threatening. "Excuse me." She says, approaching one.
  278. [20:59] <~Radio|GM> Limuko finds himself in a clean store, the walls lined with various goods, an older stallion snoozing behind the counter.
  279. [21:00] <~Radio|GM> The guard regards Radiant_Fury for a moment, before turning to face her. "Yeah?"
  280. [21:00] * Limuko was quite familiar with this, knowing how to barter and what not. He taps his hoof on the counter in an attempt to wake up the stallion. "Hello, Limuko would like to know what store has."
  281. [21:00] * Dumisani looks around curiously
  282. [21:01] * Radiant_Fury looks around with just as much curiosity as Dumisani. "I'm looking for Almond Butter, and I was told that she lived here. Where can I find her?"
  283. [21:05] <~Radio|GM> The stallion bolts awake with a snort. "Huh? Wha-huh? Who was that?"
  284. [21:05] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani notices Limuko as he heads inside the store.
  285. [21:06] <~Radio|GM> Barry snuffs at Chasseuse's hoof, tail thumping.
  286. [21:06] <~Radio|GM> The guard hums. "Wow, um...Almond Butter. Why'd you want to talk to her?"
  287. [21:06] * Dumisani follows Limuko inside the store
  288. [21:07] * Radiant_Fury frowns a little. "Just looking for some answers. We found her dog, too." She points to Barry, wherever he is.
  289. [21:07] * Chasseuse points to Barry, smiling. "We 'ave 'er dog."
  290. [21:07] * Limuko gave a smile that only a zebra with 10 Charisma could pull off. "Hello my friend. Limuko has been searching for pieces of gold meteorite. Has storekeeper seen it?" He said, a plot set ahead in case the storekeeper actually had what he was looking for.
  291. [21:08] <~Radio|GM> The guard nods. "Ah, well. That makes sense. Follow me." He turns tail and trots.
  292. [21:09] * Radiant_Fury turns to Chasseuse and nods slightly. "All going smoothly.'
  293. [21:09] * Chasseuse nods, following along with Barry.
  294. [21:11] <~Radio|GM> The stallion blinks. "Gold what, now?"
  295. [21:14] <Limuko> "Yes my friend, a piece of a rare gold meteorite that feel many years ago." He said, presenting his bottle of gold. "Many years ago a great cursed gold star fell upon the land of Coltifornia. It is said to bring misfortune to those who hold these pieces. My tribe has tasked me with finding every piece of the meteorite before it causes much harm."
  296. [21:16] * Danger_Zone follows with Radiant_Fury and Chasseuse.
  297. [21:16] * Limuko said all that in a serious tone.
  298. [21:17] <~Radio|GM> The guard leads Chasseuse and Radiant_Fury to one street, where he stops them. "Wait here." He steps forward and knocks on one of the doors, which presently opens. He and the pony within begin to speak to one another.
  299. [21:19] <~Radio|GM> The stallion peers at the meteorite. "That so?" He shrugs. "Sure looks an awful lot like something I saw waaaaay back when."
  300. [21:20] * Radiant_Fury once again looks to her company, Chasseuse and Danger_Zone, as she stops.
  301. [21:20] * Limuko gave a smile of hope at the stallion. "Have you my friend?"
  302. [21:20] <~Radio|GM> He nods. "You ever heard of the UCs, little colt?"
  303. [21:21] * Limuko gave a confused look at the stallion. "Limuko is not familiar with hearing UCs."
  304. [21:26] <~Radio|GM> The stallion blinks. "How do you not know what the UCs are?"
  305. [21:27] <~Radio|GM> The guard arrives, coming back to Radiant_Fury and the others. "She wants to know who you are."
  306. [21:27] * Radiant_Fury furrows her brow. "Just some travellers."
  307. [21:28] * Limuko responds to the stallion. "Limuko is just tribal who recently came out of tribe in Coltifornia." He said, pointing to his tribal armor with his tail.
  308. [21:30] * Danger_Zone taps a hoof and glares at the guard. "Her. Dog. We have it. She wants to see us so she can take it back."
  309. [21:30] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes at Radiant. "Friends of Flaxseed. She told us to deliver ze dog."
  310. [21:30] * Radiant_Fury turns to Chasseuse and glares!
  311. [21:31] * Chasseuse ignores the glare!
  312. [21:31] <~Radio|GM> The guard raises his eyebrows. "Which one is it?"
  313. [21:33] * Chasseuse corrects, "I am a friend of Flaxseed... zey are friends of mine."
  314. [21:33] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods to Limuko. "Fair 'nuff. See, before the war, Coltifornia was basically Equestria's main hub for education. A lot of the big names in education, the colleges and whatnot - a lot of them were placed around the region. The University of Coltifornia set up a number of schools around the area, which we call the UCs. You following this?"
  315. [21:35] * Radiant_Fury sighs heavily. "Yes. Fine. That."
  316. [21:36] * Limuko nods to the stallion. "Limuko is very much listening."
  317. [21:38] <~Radio|GM> The guard glances skeptically at the mares, before nodding and turning back to converse with the mare in the doorway. Presently, he returns. "She'll see you. Come along."
  318. [21:39] * Radiant_Fury glares at Chasseuse as she trots in after the guard.
  319. [21:39] * Chasseuse shrugs. "It worked, did it not?"
  320. [21:39] * Chasseuse says this when the guard was turned, and whispers it!
  321. [21:40] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods. "Anywho. I used to live by Spurvine, and there was a UC branch closeby. I remember, because I walked around one of the ruins and saw something there, just like that. Don't remember much more, though. It was a long time ago."
  322. [21:40] * Danger_Zone gives a sigh and trots inside.
  323. [21:41] * Chasseuse trots after Danger.
  324. [21:41] <Chasseuse> "Come along, Barry!" She clicks her tongue.
  325. [21:42] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse, Radiant_Fury, Danger_Zone, and Barry find themselves in a sparsely decorated small cottage, not unlike the Wooden Wing back at Trotters Fort. There a mare stands in the center of the room, who looks remarkably like Flaxseed, only her mane is straighter and her cutie mark is that of a jar.
  326. [21:42] * Limuko takes out his map, marking Spurvine. "Thank you my friend. While I am here may I see what you have for sell?"
  327. [21:42] * Radiant_Fury narrows her gaze at this mare. "Almond Butter, how glad am I that we finally meet."
  328. [21:44] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter frowns softly at Radiant_Fury. "Have we met?"
  329. [21:46] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head lightly. "No, but I've heard a lot about you. But before I ask my questions, she'd like to return your dog. We found him wandering in the woods near Trotter's Fort."
  330. [21:47] <~Radio|GM> Barry perks up and pads towards Almond Butter, who suddenly lights up as she looks to the dog. "Barry!" The dog happily licks at her cheek, as Almond spends a few moments holding the dog.
  331. [21:49] * Chasseuse sighs, smiling faintly. It was nice having Barry around...
  332. [21:49] * Radiant_Fury floats out the last note, the one she found in Barry's collar, and levitates it to Almond Butter. "I'd like an explanation for this, if you please."
  333. [21:50] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods. "Well, a lot. Guns, ammo, food, clothing, armor, and a bunch of other stuff. You looking for something?"
  334. [21:50] <~Radio|GM> Almon interrupts her hugging for a moment to look at the note. "What's this?"
  335. [21:51] * Radiant_Fury points to the dog. "We found this tucked in Barry's collar. We figured you'd know who was using your dog as a personal courier."
  336. [21:52] * Limuko placed a hoof on his chin. "Hmm, Limuko likes guns that are silent or nonlethal. Like sleep gun."
  337. [21:52] * Dumisani chuckles softly behind Limuko.
  338. [21:53] <~Radio|GM> Almond blinks. "My dog? Personal courier?" She looks at the note. "What does this even mean?"
  339. [21:54] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods. "Well, I dunno about that. We've got a few silenced pistols, if you want those.
  340. [21:54] <~Radio|GM> "
  341. [21:55] * Limuko frowned at that. "Limuko already has one, what about ammo, food, and armor?"
  342. [21:55] * Radiant_Fury isn't sure what she isn't getting. "Your dog had that note. What is ambiguous about that? Did you not send it?"
  343. [21:55] * Danger_Zone watches Almond Butter closely.
  344. [21:56] <~Radio|GM> 5C03The stallion nods. "Those we do have. Whaddya need?"
  345. [21:56] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods. "Those we do have. Whaddya need?"
  346. [21:57] * Limuko puts one pre-war coin on the table with his tail. "Though first, Limuko would like to know how much pre-war coin costs." He said with a smile.
  347. [21:58] <~Radio|GM> The stallion shrugs. "It's worth about 5 caps, I guess."
  348. [21:59] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter frowns. "No, I didn't." She looks to Radiant_Fury. "You should start from the beginning."
  349. [22:00] * Radiant_Fury spins the outrageous tangled and conviluted yarn that is this madenning adventure. "How do /neither/ you, nor Flax, have /any/ knowledge of what happens to your dogs?!"
  350. [22:00] * Limuko scrached his hoof. "Are you sure only 5 caps? Limuko is not sure if that is right price."
  351. [22:04] <~Radio|GM> The stallion shakes his head. "Nope. It's five caps, little colt."
  352. [22:04] * Limuko just shrugs. "Very well, 5 caps it is." He said, knowing it would be unwise to argue any further.
  353. [22:04] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter listens intently. "Let me get this straight, then. Are you accusing me of something?"
  354. [22:05] <~Radio|GM> The stallion takes the bit, as he hoofs over five caps. "You need anything else?"
  355. [22:05] * Radiant_Fury cannot believe what she's hearing. "Fuck. No! Answer my question!"
  356. [22:05] * Limuko nods. "Let Limuko see food and armor."
  357. [22:09] <~Radio|GM> The stallion shows Limuko a collection of basic reinforced leather armor, and some security barding from the pre-war era, emblazoned with the letters "CHP" embroidered on the back.
  358. [22:10] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter, unlike her sister, seems to have developed a certain strength of mind over the years, as she turns to Radiant_Fury with a steely glare. "I allow my dog to go outside and explore the world for himself, knowing that he returns home on his own. Is that so strange to you?"
  359. [22:10] * Limuko nods at the armor. "Hmm, and how many caps do Limuko must pay for either?"
  360. [22:11] * Radiant_Fury returns the glare with just as much steel! "Absolutely! Your dog is being used to ferry messages between two ponies conspiring to murder a sheriff of a fairly prosperous settlement."
  361. [22:13] * Radiant_Fury takes a step closer. "What relationship do you have to the Gang of Iron?"
  362. [22:14] * Danger_Zone keeps watching! She's studying her reactions.
  363. [22:21] <~Radio|GM> The stallion regards Limuko. "200 for the leather, 250 for the security."
  364. [22:22] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter doesn't so much as bat an eye. "I have none." She locks her gaze upon Radiant_Fury. "My turn. How badly did you upset Flaxseed?"
  365. [22:23] * Radiant_Fury locks eyes with Flaxseed. If it's a glare off she wants, it's a glare off she'll get. "Fairly."
  366. [22:24] <Limuko> "Hmm, that is too expensive for Limuko. Let Limuko see food."
  367. [22:24] * Chasseuse stays out of it... for the moment.
  368. [22:25] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter edges closer, almost muzzle-to-muzzle with Radiant_Fury. "How 'fairly'?"
  369. [22:25] <~Radio|GM> The stallion takes Limuko to a part of the store lined with various canned goods and other foodstuffs.
  370. [22:26] * Radiant_Fury smirks. "She was crying. My turn again. What is it that you do around here?"
  371. [22:26] * Limuko looked around, looking more interested at anything that wasn't meat.
  372. [22:28] <~Radio|GM> There seems to be plenty of canned veggies.
  373. [22:28] * Limuko gave a smile to the stallion. "Will 3 caps be enough for a can?"
  374. [22:31] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter frowns yet more deeply. "I alternate between guarding-" She gestures to a set of armor and a rifle similar to the one of the guard before. "-and working at the town's water treatment plant. Why is that important to you?"
  375. [22:32] * Radiant_Fury stares intently. "That's not terribly important. Why is it that you and Flax haven't spoken in some time?"
  376. [22:33] * Dumisani shrugs and wanders outside, looking around once more
  377. [22:34] <~Radio|GM> Almond Butter frowns at Radiant_Fury. "We don't have many chances to. I'm busy, and Flax is kind enough not to bother me." She glares at her again, and at her company. "We're done here." She opens the door and gestures to it. "You may leave now."
  378. [22:36] * Radiant_Fury chuckles and produces the second letter. "Not quite. There's one last thing I'd like you to look at."
  379. [22:39] <~Radio|GM> Almond shakes her head. "Out. Now."
  380. [22:39] <~Radio|GM> The stallion regards Limuko. "Sounds fair. How many do you want?"
  381. [22:40] <Limuko> "Limuko will take 5 cans. 15 caps." The conzebra said, producing 15 caps from his tail.
  382. [22:42] <~Radio|GM> "Deal." The stallion takes the caps and produces 5 cans of canned vegetables for Limuko.
  383. [22:44] * Limuko smiles brightly as he took his prize. "Thank you my friend, Limuko will not forget kind store." After placing them in his bag with his tail did he head out in search of his companions.
  384. [22:47] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani finds herself on the streets, in the early afternoon. She doesn't see anything particularly out of the ordinary.
  385. [22:47] * Dumisani mills around and waits to see if anypony else would show up
  386. [22:47] * Limuko explores the town in search of his companions.
  387. [22:50] * Dumisani sighs softly and wanders around town
  388. [22:54] <~Radio|GM> A guard notices Dumisani, and blinks. "Halt!"
  389. [22:54] * Dumisani takes a final step to slow herself before stopping, blinking slowly at the guard. "Yes?"
  390. [22:56] <~Radio|GM> The guard regards Dumisani. "What...exactly /are/ you?!"
  391. [22:56] <~Radio|GM> Limuko notices Dumisani conversing with the guard.
  392. [22:57] * Dumisani snorts. "Rhino. Have traveled far too come here, and only question I get asked is what I am. Ponies need imagination."
  393. [22:57] * Limuko takes notice of Dumisani, seeing the guard questioning his rhino friend. He thought that this might be a cycle he was used to so many times: Racism. He trots up to the two as he speaks. "Is rhino friend being treated unfairly because she is not pony?"
  394. [22:58] * Dumisani glances at Limuko. "Not unfairly. Just tried of being asked the same question."
  395. [22:58] <~Radio|GM> The guard blinks. "It's not that, it's just...well, damn. Never seen the likes of you. Ever."
  396. [22:59] <Dumisani> "I understand. Rare in these parts."
  397. [22:59] * Radiant_Fury doesn't move from her spot. "No. This note was written by you, and don't you dare deny it."
  398. [23:00] <Limuko> "Then maybe guards should learn to be more considerate of feelings of races not ponies." He said to the guard.
  399. [23:01] <~Radio|GM> Almond turns to Radiant_Fury. "Let me see that."
  400. [23:02] * Radiant_Fury was already showing it to her. She shows it... more, I guess.
  401. [23:02] * Dumisani puts a hoof on Limuko's shoulder. "Easy. He was just asking. I've been asked a lot. Rhinos make commotion where they go, and I'm big. Even for rhino."
  402. [23:04] * Limuko nods to Dumisani, then turned back to guard. "My apologizes, but Limuko has seen much racism against his kind, and for a moment he thought he was seeing same thing happen to rhino friend."
  403. [23:04] <~Radio|GM> She snatches the note from Radiant_Fury's grasp and reads it, before tossing it back. "I don't know anything about this."
  404. [23:05] * Radiant_Fury snorts. "And you're lying. We have it on good authority that this is your hoof-writing."
  405. [23:08] <~Radio|GM> She scoffs. "I don't care who told you that. Just get out."
  406. [23:09] * Radiant_Fury stands her ground. "Are you going to make me?"
  407. [23:10] * Danger_Zone simply says, "Fury..."
  408. [23:11] * Chasseuse frowns at Fury. "Zis isn't ze way to do zis."
  409. [23:12] * Chasseuse leans over, speaking quietly. "Even if your accusations are founded, she can simply call ze guard outside. Ze -many-, armed guards."
  410. [23:12] * Radiant_Fury raises a hoof. "Almond, don't do anything you'll regret. We just want to find this... Lucky Lanter." She nods to Chasseuse. "There's no need to do anything stupid."
  411. [23:17] <~Radio|GM> Almond shakes her head. "You're not getting anything from me. Now scram."
  412. [23:21] * Radiant_Fury looks to the other two. "Perhaps we're not clear on what's happening. You've lied to us about writing the letter. What else have you lied to us about?"
  413. [23:22] * Chasseuse steps closer to Almond, frowning. "Answer truthfully, please." She clears her throat. "If your sister were to disappear, would you not do any'zing in your power to find and save 'er?" She eyes the mare. "We are trying to find Lucky Lantern. Zat is all we wish. To 'elp a 'eartbroken sister."
  414. [23:29] <~Radio|GM> Almond Turns to Chasseuse and Radiant_Fury, sighing softly. "My sister..." She gulps. "She's in danger too...isn't she?"
  415. [23:30] * Radiant_Fury scrunches her muzzle. "Everypony in that Fort is in danger, if Dusty dies."
  416. [23:33] <~Radio|GM> Almond sighs, as she sits down upon an old armchair, gesturing for Radiant_Fury, Danger_Zone and Chasseuse to make themselves comfortable. "I guess it's only fair to explain from the top then. From a long time ago, when Flax and I were only fillies..."
  417. [23:34] <~Radio|GM> ---End Session---
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