
Xoruk Ironmaw Dwarf Scarred Witch Doctor PaizoPbP Info

Apr 13th, 2015
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  1. [spoiler=Character Sheet]XORUK IRONMAW
  2. Male [url=]Dwarf[/url]
  3. [url=]Witch[/url] ([url=]Scarred Witch Doctor[/url]) 1
  4. CN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
  5. [b]Init[/b] +3; [b]Senses[/b] Darkvision, Perception +2
  7. --------------------
  9. --------------------
  11. [b]AC[/b] 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11. . (+2 Dex, +1 armor) (17 ac, 12 touch, 15 ff w/ Mage Armor)
  12. [b]HP[/b] 14 (1d6+4+4)
  13. [b]Fort[/b] +5, [b]Ref[/b] +2, [b]Will[/b] +3 (+3 on all saves vs. poison, spells or spell-like abilities)
  15. --------------------
  17. --------------------
  19. [b]Speed[/b] 20 ft. (No Armor)
  20. [b]Melee[/b] Staff of Bazur +2 (1d6+1/20/x2)
  21. . . Morningstar +1 (1d8+1/20/x2)
  22. . . Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
  23. [b]Ranged[/b] Sling +2 (1d4+1/20/x2)
  25. --------------------
  27. --------------------
  29. [b]Str[/b] 12, [b]Dex[/b] 14, [b]Con[/b] 18, [b]Int[/b] 13, [b]Wis[/b] 13, [b]Cha[/b] 6
  30. [b]Base Atk[/b] +0; [b]CMB[/b] +0; [b]CMD[/b] 12
  31. [b]Feats[/b] [url=]Toughness[/url]
  32. [b]Traits[/b] [url=]Focused Mind (+2 Concentration checks)[/url], [url=]Glory of Old (+1 on saves vs. poison, spells and spell-like abilities)[/url], [url=]Runt of the Litter (+1 Init, +1 Fort saves)[/url]
  33. [b]Skills[/b] Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (+1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Int), Spellcraft +5 (+1 Rank, +3 CS, +1 Int), Perception +2 (+1 Rank, +1 Wis)
  34. [b]Languages[/b] Common, Dwarven, Orc
  35. [b]Combat Gear[/b] Staff of Bazur; [b]Other Gear[/b] dagger, morningstar, sling, sling bullets (20), armored kilt, 5pp 1gp 5sp, belt pouch, spell component pouch, bedroll, winter blanket, flint and steel, oil (1-pint flask) (2), silk rope (50 ft.), satchel, witch doctor's clothing, trail rations (5 days), waterskin
  37. --------------------
  39. --------------------
  41. [b]Favored Class: Witch (HP)[/b]
  42. [b][url=]Dwarf Racial Traits[/url] (Rock Stepper alternate racial trait)[/b]
  43. [b][url=]Constitution Dependent[/url][/b]
  44. [b][url=]Hex Scar[/url][/b]
  45. [b][url=]Fetish Mask (Su)[/url][/b]
  46. [b][url=]Scarshield (Su)[/url][/b]
  48. --------------------
  49. SPELLS
  50. --------------------
  52. [b]Witch[/b] (CL 1, Concentration +7)
  53. [b]0-[/b] [DC14] (3/day) [url=]dancing lights (1)[/url], [url=]daze[/url], [url=]detect magic (1)[/url], [url=]guidance[/url], [url=]light[/url], [url=]mending[/url], [url=]message[/url], [url=]read magic (1)[/url], [url=]spark[/url], [url=]stabilize[/url]
  54. [b]1-[/b] [DC15] (2/day) [url=]burning hands[/url], [url=]cause fear[/url], [url=]cure light wounds[/url], [url=]ear-piercing scream[/url], [url=]enlarge person (1)[/url], [url=]mage armor (1)[/url], [url=]reduce person[/url][/spoiler]
  56. [spoiler=Background]Quomaugh and Xoruk Ironmaw were both found in the wreckage of a Dwarven caravan by Orcish scavengers. The Ironmaw Clan, as they called themselves, were a particularly ruthless and bloodthirsty tribe of Orcs. What they were most well-known for, however, was the fact that not a single one of the clan had anything resembling intelligence. The lot of them were foolish and ignorant, and it was because of this that they took to slaughter and the sowing of chaos with such vigor.
  58. However, despite their renowned idiocy, the witch doctor of the Ironmaws, Bazur the Scarred, a Half-orc man who had also led the tribe for many years, saw promise in the two infants. Unsure how they had survived the wreck of the caravan, but impressed they had managed to stay alive despite it, Bazur took both boys in as his own children. It was many years before he even began to guess what they were, but from the first moment, they were treated as Orcs.
  60. Quomaugh was apprenticed under the tribe's resident shaman, an Orc by the name of Krugg. Xoruk became a disciple of Bazur, himself. As soon as Xoruk was of-age (though they still believed both brothers to be runts) he began the training to become a witch doctor, just as his adoptive father was. The dwarven man took to the training with gusto, thoroughly intent on becoming a mighty scar-caster like Bazur. His extra-tough skin required much effort to pierce and scar, but it was never a problem for Xoruk. He adored the magic that flowed through his blood, making him strong, tough and smart. He found himself aware that even though they were among Orcs, he and Quomaugh were something else, entirely.
  62. Soon enough, an upstart Orc from outside the tribe came and demanded to be made leader of the Ironmaws. This Orc, Kilg, was far smarter than any of the Ironmaws, and immediately pointed out the two brothers for what they were. Seeing as they had been raised as Orcs, told they were Orcs, and generally believed they were Orcs, this was a grave offense. Bazur and Krugg stepped forward to defend their tribe, and their apprentices... but Kilg proved to be a mighty warrior who channeled pure evil. Slaying the Ironmaw Clan's previous leaders, Kilg had their heads mounted on pikes next to the tent Bazur used to inhabit. This infuriated Quomaugh and Xoruk, but they knew they could not fight the newcomer.
  64. The two brothers decided they no longer belonged among the Ironmaws, and set out on their own. Upon reaching the nearest town, the two went their own separate ways, as well. Now, Xoruk travels to find his place in the world, using his powerful magic to make himself a place where he can be the one in charge. Once he has built himself a new tribe, his hope is to return to the home of the Ironmaws and take revenge for his father and mentor.[/spoiler]
  66. [spoiler=Physical Description]Broad and covered in painful-looking scars, Xoruk is an intensely tough-looking dwarven man. His brown, neatly-kept beard and piercing green eyes are not the only things that set him apart from the Orcs he calls his brothers, but they are the first thing his adoptive brethren would notice. He is about four and a half feet tall, weighing about as much as most of his Orc brothers, which led to him being called "Runt."
  68. Generally not wearing more than his tribal outfit, Xoruk takes great pride in the many self-inflicted scars that cover his body. They are symbols of his strength, his fortitude, and his devotion to the spirits that guide his tribe. Likewise, the ornate fetish mask of which he uses to communicate with those spirits is one of his most prized possessions.
  70. [url=]Porrtait of Xoruk.[/url][/spoiler]
  72. [spoiler=Personality]Flighty and rude, Xoruk does not do well in the realm of dealing with others. A lifetime of being raised among Orcs has left him believing his is an Orc himself, and he very much acts the part. He is exceedingly loyal to those who earn his trust, but is not above using others to get what he needs.[/spoiler]
  74. [spoiler=The Staff of Bazur]Masterwork Ironwood Quarterstaff
  75. 7.5 ft long, 2 inches thick, 10 lbs.
  76. Mage Armor 1/day
  77. Burning Hands 1/day
  78. Speak with Dead 1/week
  79. This mighty staff has silver runes etched into it, a band of leather wrapped around the grip, and a glowing red turquiose embedded in the top of the staff. There is a slot in the staff that can accomodate a wand.[/spoiler]
  81. [spoiler=Info] [ooc][ HP: 19/14 | AC: 17 T: 12 FF: 17 | CMB: +0 CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +2 W: +3 (+3 vs. poison, spells & spell-like abilities) | Init: +3 Per: +2 | Speed: 20 | 1st: 1/2 | Effects: Mage Armor (1 hour) ][/ooc][/spoiler]
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