
Pokemon Worlds in 2022

Mar 12th, 2022
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  1. what might pokemon worlds be like in 2022? my basic idea is that there's a (not always agreeable) federation between all of the main pokemon factions to try to align them to common goals. anitech is usually used (a high tech level that makes mecha look sleek, smooth, cel shaded and cartoony on the outside, with some simplified stylized animated/video gamey aesthetic, and allows for anime/toon/video game logic and mechanics and abilities, despite being all mechanical underneath still, fractal markings and designer outfits often used too) but some planets might break away from the norm.
  2. Island of the Giant Pokemon - steelpunk pokemon behemoths, a focus on nothing but producing bigger and more powerful mecha and conquering and posturing. trainers sometimes come here to try to fight/catch the pokemon as a way to brag or because they think it's the best thing to add to their team.
  3. PMD - very back to basics, live in a pokemon only world and go on exploring, dungeon crawling or town building as your job, immersive but can drop back to OOC as needed. trainers and outsiders can come here but are expected to immerse in the local culture and not to try to change it.
  4. regional planets (future) - builds pokemecha and pokemon trainers, big cities and sprawling environments. the traditional experience where you catch, train, fight, explore, adventure or hang out and work in cities and towns and remote outposts, and occasionally save the world against trainer or pokemon wrought calamity
  5. regional planets (past, like pokemon legends arceus) - a more wild experience where you have to be ready to fight with pokemon directly. alpha pokemon, elemental distortions and calamities from the gods can spice things up. still just as high tech as all the other factions behind the scenes.
  6. anthro/gijinka pokemon worlds - a more sandboxy and aesthetic focused world, less tied to lore and more to art, experimentation and exploration. new kinds of pokemecha styles are built, fashionable and designer made, a high focus is made on social interaction and playing around and discovering what bodies can do, and organizing your own roleplays/events as a replacement for some intended structural gameplay enforced by the world's nature.
  7. resort worlds - tourist traps, newbie zones. places for visitors to stay and enjoy themselves and immerse themselves in the culture as an outsider. basically has a tailor made experience for the visitor where everything is low difficulty, organized around them and is a way to see what it's like to be a pokemecha or trainer so you come away with a positive opinion of the pokemecha federation and fond memories.
  8. frontier worlds - untamed and not yet rezoned to have a centrally managed aesthetic/themeing/mechanics yet. full of exotic energies, mining deposits and alien ecosystems, and have native alien mecha that still follow their own natures. singled out by the pokemon federation as being an excellent site for a future planet. may still be mid exploration, mechanical pokemecha fauna might be deployed to try to outcompete and outpopulate the natives, planetary terraforming and reconstruction might be underway, etc.
  9. mining/factory/science/computronium/energy/warehouse worlds - no or livable minimal space, minimal themeing except for markings, just a raw powerhouse devoted to mining, manufacture, R&D, computation, energy production or storage for other planets in the pokemon federation. feels very behind the scenes/out of bounds, not typically meant for tourists.
  10. digital worlds - video game or cyberspace logic environments hosted entirely inside of a computronium sphere with nothing in physicality except for infrastructure needed to keep it running, defended and advertised/linked up to the rest of the world. can be a digital version of any of the above planets or follow its own physically impossible rules and gimmicks.
  11. arcade worlds - worlds devoted to holidays for both natives and outsiders. theme parks, adventure parks, water parks, hotel resorts, safari zones, plays/shows/movies, LARPs, video game arcades, VR arcades, casinos, provided at a wide variety of size scales and form factors. wagers are allowed, and are heavily enforced by the employees to make sure they're carried out fairly and honestly. an enforced neutral (no combat) zone outside of wagers and heavily enforced competitive battling arenas.
  12. divine domains - LGND and DIVINE series pokemecha and trainers are considered important enough by the federation that they're allowed to zone a whole planet to serve their needs. a personal factory and upgrade bay with a whole planet attached to it, allowing it to be curated to their aesthetic tastes and filled with all the things that delight them, as well as a staging ground for their missions, meetings and blessings. guests allowed, and they may or may not have a permanent population of servants, wild pokemecha, followers and whatnot. heavily defensible as the loss of a divine domain would be catastrophic to morale and usually set off an immediate war. divine domains also exist that are jointly used by multiple mecha, for things like councils and pantheons and large scale diplomatic meetings and governance.
  13. asteroid homes - individual pokemecha/trainers able to lay claim to a smaller cosmic body like an asteroid might redesign the whole thing based on their own resources and abilities, to turn it into a small cosmic home of their own. space stations, spaceships and deep space structures are also commonly used this way, and might even have functional purposes like being weaponized, resource gatherers or manufacturing outposts.
  14. species exclusive worlds - exclusive to a single species, its evo line, a type or a group of similar pokemon, such worlds are set up when there's a big enough push in the pokemecha base for one, to have a place where they can just be themselves and amongst their own kind, to train and socialize together, to stick up for themselves and have something to show for it. eeveelution worlds, dragon worlds, sky worlds and water worlds are common, for example. outsiders are typically not allowed but exceptions might be made.
  15. trade/craft worlds - focused around a specific skill or talent, something that can't be engineered or optimized anywhere else because all the experts needed have congregated in this world. less combat focused (except in the sense of training, calibrating or passing on martial arts expertise) and more focused on bringing together exotic designs, all the things that go into pokemecha/trainer that you'd never question, but without their availability and the keen minds and unique tools behind them would immediately go missed. also a hub for trade with other factions and the rest of the multiverse, to buy and sell and learn.
  16. overpopulated worlds - due to overcrowding, the planet has been rezoned 90%+ to cityscape, sprawling and dense and multilayered. with a lack of greenery to roam wild in, residents have to get creative to keep the 'pokemon' experience and aesthetic around them. things like tabletop games, video games, redecorating warehouses, LARPing and engaging in competitive and casual battle circuits are common.
  17. battle worlds - often stationed at the faction's border and moved or decommissioned as the need rises and falls, these pragmatic worlds are still minimally marked up (vanity occurs even here!) but are focused entirely on being heavily armoured, shielded and ruggedized worlds filled with billions of deployable pokemecha to attack any hostile force, fleet, mindless threat, force of nature or macro that threatens the pokemon federation.
  18. decommissioned worlds - whether due to poor governance, waning interest or unfixable calamity, pokemon worlds may sometimes be decommissioned. unless force is used to evacuate them, though, many mecha will stay behind. urban explorers, scavengers and critters who just enjoy the aesthetic of a world slowly falling apart from lack of maintenance and governance, slowly turning wild and being reclaimed by nature and entropy, and making their own home here where civilization recedes.
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