
Red Eclipse v1.3 Commands

Sep 1st, 2012
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  1. Key:
  3. Type Description
  4. i integer
  5. f floating-point number
  6. s string
  7. e block of code
  8. t tagvalue - any of the above
  10. r variable name
  11. C takes all arguments as strings & concats them together with only 1 space between them.
  12. V variable arguments:
  13. - When a 'V' is preceded by a number, that number of preceding characters define the type of arguments.
  14. - For instance, '&&' below has "e1V" which can have any amount of arguments of multiple 1 with type e.
  15. - syntax> (&& <e> <e> <e>)
  16. - Or, 'case' below has "ite2V" which can have any amount of arguments of multiple 2 with types, where each pair consists of t & e.
  17. - syntax> (case <i> <t> <e> <t> <e> <t> <e>)
  18. D down - has to do with keys/buttons
  19. L variable name (for local function scope)
  22. Command Arguments
  24. | "ii"
  25. || "e1V"
  26. |~ "ii"
  27. ~ "i"
  28. ! "t"
  29. != "ii"
  30. !=f "ff"
  31. !=s "ss"
  32. & "ii"
  33. && "e1V"
  34. &~ "ii"
  35. * "V"
  36. *f "V"
  37. + "V"
  38. +f "V"
  39. - "V"
  40. -f "V"
  41. < "ii"
  42. << "ii"
  43. <= "ii"
  44. <=f "ff"
  45. <=s "ss"
  46. <f "ff"
  47. <s "ss"
  48. = "ii"
  49. =f "ff"
  50. =s "ss"
  51. > "ii"
  52. >= "ii"
  53. >=f "ff"
  54. >=s "ss"
  55. >> "ii"
  56. >f "ff"
  57. >s "ss"
  58. ? "ttt"
  59. ^ "ii"
  60. ^~ "ii"
  61. acos "f"
  62. action "iD"
  63. addallow "s"
  64. addban "s"
  65. addblendbrush "ss"
  66. addlimit "s"
  67. addmute "s"
  68. addpostfx "siisffff"
  69. addserver "sis"
  70. addzip "sss"
  71. alias "st"
  72. allow "ss"
  73. allowedweap "i"
  74. altshader "ss"
  75. ammo "i"
  76. announce "iis"
  77. asin "f"
  78. at "si"
  79. atan "f"
  80. auth ""
  81. authkey "ss"
  82. autograss "s"
  83. backward "D"
  84. ban "ss"
  85. bind "ss"
  86. brushimport "s"
  87. brushvert "iii"
  88. calclight "i"
  89. cancelsel ""
  90. case "ite2V"
  91. casef "fte2V"
  92. cases "ste2V"
  93. checkmaps ""
  94. clearallows ""
  95. clearbans ""
  96. clearblendbrushes ""
  97. clearblendmap ""
  98. clearblendmapsel ""
  99. clearbrush ""
  100. clearcompass ""
  101. cleardemos "i"
  102. cleargui "i"
  103. clearlightmaps ""
  104. clearlimits ""
  105. clearmodel "s"
  106. clearmutes ""
  107. clearpostfx ""
  108. clearpvs ""
  109. clearservers ""
  110. clearsleep "i"
  111. clearundos ""
  112. clearvote ""
  113. clearwaypoints ""
  114. clearwpcache ""
  115. compactvslots "i"
  116. compass "sss"
  117. compassactive ""
  118. complete "sss"
  119. concat "V"
  120. concatword "V"
  121. cond "ee2V"
  122. connect "sis"
  123. conout "is"
  124. conskip "i"
  125. copy ""
  126. cos "f"
  127. cubecancel ""
  128. curblendbrush ""
  129. defershader "iss"
  130. defpixelparam "siffffii"
  131. defuniformparam "sffffii"
  132. defvertexparam "siffffii"
  133. delblendbrush "s"
  134. delbrush "s"
  135. delcube ""
  136. delent ""
  137. delselwaypoints ""
  138. disconnect ""
  139. div "V"
  140. divf "V"
  141. do "e"
  142. dropent ""
  143. dumplms ""
  144. echo "C"
  145. editbind "ss"
  146. editface "ii"
  147. editmat "si"
  148. edittex "i"
  149. edittoggle ""
  150. entattr "ii"
  151. entautoview "i"
  152. entcancel ""
  153. entcopy ""
  154. entflip ""
  155. entget ""
  156. enthavesel ""
  157. entindex ""
  158. entlink ""
  159. entloop "e"
  160. entpaste ""
  161. entprop "ii"
  162. entpush "i"
  163. entrotate "i"
  164. entselect "e"
  165. entset "ss"
  166. enttype "s"
  167. escape "s"
  168. exec "si"
  169. exectrigger "i"
  170. exists "ss"
  171. exp "f"
  172. fastshader "ssi"
  173. filter "siii"
  174. findanims "s"
  175. fixinsidefaces "i"
  176. flip ""
  177. flipnormalmapy "ss"
  178. followdelta "ii"
  179. font "ssii"
  180. fontalias "ss"
  181. fontchar "iiiiiii"
  182. fontheight ""
  183. fontoffset "s"
  184. fontscale "i"
  185. fontskip "i"
  186. fonttex "s"
  187. fontwidth ""
  188. forceshader "s"
  189. format "V"
  190. forward "D"
  191. gameid ""
  192. gamemode ""
  193. gamename "iii"
  194. gendds "ss"
  195. genpvs "i"
  196. getalias "s"
  197. getbind "s"
  198. getblendbrushname "i"
  199. getcampos ""
  200. getclienthost "i"
  201. getclientname "ii"
  202. getclientnum "s"
  203. getclientteam "i"
  204. getcolour "i"
  205. getcurtex ""
  206. getdemo "i"
  207. geteditbind "s"
  208. getfps "i"
  209. getfvarmax "s"
  210. getfvarmin "s"
  211. getintermission ""
  212. getloadweap "i"
  213. getmap ""
  214. getmaplist "iii"
  215. getmillis "i"
  216. getmodel ""
  217. getname ""
  218. getpointer "ii"
  219. getseltex ""
  220. getserver "iii"
  221. getspecbind "s"
  222. getstate ""
  223. getteam "i"
  224. getteamcolour ""
  225. getteamicon ""
  226. gettex ""
  227. gettexname "ii"
  228. gettime "s"
  229. getvar "s"
  230. getvardef "s"
  231. getvarflags "s"
  232. getvariable "i"
  233. getvarmax "s"
  234. getvarmin "s"
  235. getvartype "s"
  236. getversion "i"
  237. getvote "iii"
  238. getwaitbind "s"
  239. getweap "ii"
  240. glext "s"
  241. goto "s"
  242. gspmutname "ii"
  243. guibackground "ii"
  244. guibar ""
  245. guibitfield "ssisi"
  246. guibody "ess"
  247. guibutton "ssssi"
  248. guicheckbox "ssffsi"
  249. guicount ""
  250. guieditor "siiii"
  251. guifield "sisi"
  252. guifont "se"
  253. guiheader "s"
  254. guiimage "ssfiss"
  255. guikeyfield "sisi"
  256. guilist "e"
  257. guilistslider "sssiii"
  258. guimodify "ss"
  259. guinameslider "ssssiii"
  260. guinoautotab "e"
  261. guinohitfx "e"
  262. guiplayerpreview "iiiisfis"
  263. guiprogress "ff"
  264. guiradio "ssfsi"
  265. guishowtitle "i"
  266. guislice "ssfffsss"
  267. guislider "siisiii"
  268. guispring "i"
  269. guistayopen "e"
  270. guistrut "fi"
  271. guitab "s"
  272. guitext "ssi"
  273. guititle "s"
  274. hasauthkey ""
  275. hashpwd "s"
  276. hasweap "ii"
  277. havesel ""
  278. hexcolour "i"
  279. history "i"
  280. hmapcancel ""
  281. hmapselect ""
  282. if "tee"
  283. ignore "s"
  284. indexof "ss"
  285. inputcommand "sssis"
  286. insel ""
  287. invertblendmap ""
  288. invertblendmapsel ""
  289. iqmadjust "sffffff"
  290. iqmalphablend "si"
  291. iqmalphatest "sf"
  292. iqmambient "si"
  293. iqmanim "ssfiii"
  294. iqmanimpart "s"
  295. iqmbumpmap "sss"
  296. iqmcullface "si"
  297. iqmdir "s"
  298. iqmenvmap "ss"
  299. iqmfullbright "sf"
  300. iqmglare "sff"
  301. iqmglow "si"
  302. iqmlink "iisfff"
  303. iqmload "ssf"
  304. iqmmaterial "sii"
  305. iqmnoclip "si"
  306. iqmpitch "sffff"
  307. iqmpitchcorrect "ssfff"
  308. iqmpitchtarget "ssiff"
  309. iqmscroll "sff"
  310. iqmshader "ss"
  311. iqmskin "sssff"
  312. iqmspec "si"
  313. iqmtag "ssffffff"
  314. ircaddchan "ssssi"
  315. ircaddclient "ssisss"
  316. ircaddrelay "ssisss"
  317. ircauth "sss"
  318. ircbind "ss"
  319. ircconnect "s"
  320. ircconns ""
  321. ircfriendlychan "sss"
  322. ircgui "s"
  323. ircjoinchan "ssssi"
  324. ircnick "ss"
  325. ircpass "ss"
  326. ircpasschan "sss"
  327. ircport "ss"
  328. ircrelaychan "sss"
  329. ircserv "ss"
  330. isadministrator "i"
  331. isai "ii"
  332. isconnected "ii"
  333. ishelper "i"
  334. isignored "s"
  335. ismoderator "i"
  336. isonline ""
  337. isshaderdefined "s"
  338. isshadernative "s"
  339. isspectator "i"
  340. isthirdperson "i"
  341. iszooming ""
  342. keymap "is"
  343. keyspressed "iss"
  344. kick "ss"
  345. kill ""
  346. lanconnect "is"
  347. left "D"
  348. limit "ss"
  349. listclients "i"
  350. listcomplete "ss"
  351. listdel "ss"
  352. listdemos ""
  353. listfind "rse"
  354. listlen "s"
  355. listsplice "ssii"
  356. loadwaypoints "s"
  357. loadweap "ssi"
  358. local "L"
  359. localconnect "i"
  360. log10 "f"
  361. log2 "f"
  362. loge "f"
  363. loop "rie"
  364. loopconcat "rie"
  365. loopconcatword "rie"
  366. loopfiles "rsse"
  367. looplist "rse"
  368. loopwhile "riee"
  369. map "s"
  370. mapenlarge ""
  371. mapmodel "iiiss"
  372. mapmodelindex "s"
  373. mapmodelreset ""
  374. maprevision ""
  375. mapsize ""
  376. mapsound "sissi"
  377. mapversion ""
  378. mastermode "i"
  379. materialreset ""
  380. max "V"
  381. maxf "V"
  382. md2anim "siiff"
  383. md2dir "s"
  384. md2pitch "ffff"
  385. md3alphablend "si"
  386. md3alphatest "sf"
  387. md3ambient "si"
  388. md3anim "siiff"
  389. md3bumpmap "sss"
  390. md3cullface "si"
  391. md3dir "s"
  392. md3envmap "ss"
  393. md3fullbright "sf"
  394. md3glare "sff"
  395. md3glow "si"
  396. md3link "iisfff"
  397. md3load "sf"
  398. md3material "sii"
  399. md3noclip "si"
  400. md3pitch "ffff"
  401. md3scroll "sff"
  402. md3shader "ss"
  403. md3skin "sssff"
  404. md3spec "si"
  405. md5adjust "sffffff"
  406. md5alphablend "si"
  407. md5alphatest "sf"
  408. md5ambient "si"
  409. md5anim "ssfiii"
  410. md5animpart "s"
  411. md5bumpmap "sss"
  412. md5cullface "si"
  413. md5dir "s"
  414. md5envmap "ss"
  415. md5fullbright "sf"
  416. md5glare "sff"
  417. md5glow "si"
  418. md5link "iisfff"
  419. md5load "ssf"
  420. md5material "sii"
  421. md5noclip "si"
  422. md5pitch "sffff"
  423. md5pitchcorrect "ssfff"
  424. md5pitchtarget "ssiff"
  425. md5scroll "sff"
  426. md5shader "ss"
  427. md5skin "sssff"
  428. md5spec "si"
  429. md5tag "ssffffff"
  430. mdlalphablend "i"
  431. mdlalphadepth "i"
  432. mdlalphatest "f"
  433. mdlambient "i"
  434. mdlbb "fff"
  435. mdlcollide "i"
  436. mdlcullface "i"
  437. mdldepthoffset "i"
  438. mdlellipsecollide "i"
  439. mdlenvmap "ffs"
  440. mdlextendbb "fff"
  441. mdlfullbright "f"
  442. mdlglare "ff"
  443. mdlglow "i"
  444. mdlmaterial "ii"
  445. mdlname ""
  446. mdlpitch "f"
  447. mdlroll "f"
  448. mdlscale "i"
  449. mdlscalef "f"
  450. mdlshader "s"
  451. mdlshadow "i"
  452. mdlspec "i"
  453. mdlspin "f"
  454. mdltrans "fff"
  455. mdlyaw "f"
  456. me "C"
  457. menustacklen ""
  458. mergenormalmaps "ss"
  459. meteam "C"
  460. min "V"
  461. minf "V"
  462. mmodel "s"
  463. mod "ii"
  464. mode "ii"
  465. modedesc "iii"
  466. modetexlist "iiii"
  467. modf "ff"
  468. movie "s"
  469. movierecording ""
  470. music "ss"
  471. mutators ""
  472. mute "ss"
  473. mutsallowed "ii"
  474. mutscheck "iii"
  475. mutsdesc "iii"
  476. mutsimplied "ii"
  477. newcompass "sss"
  478. newent "ss"
  479. newgui "sss"
  480. newmap "is"
  481. nextblendbrush "i"
  482. nodebug "e"
  483. nonworld "e"
  484. objalphablend "si"
  485. objalphatest "sf"
  486. objambient "si"
  487. objbumpmap "sss"
  488. objcullface "si"
  489. objdir "s"
  490. objenvmap "ss"
  491. objfullbright "sf"
  492. objglare "sff"
  493. objglow "si"
  494. objlink "iisfff"
  495. objload "sf"
  496. objmaterial "sii"
  497. objnoclip "si"
  498. objpitch "ffff"
  499. objscroll "sff"
  500. objshader "ss"
  501. objskin "sssff"
  502. objspec "si"
  503. onrelease "s"
  504. optimizeblendmap ""
  505. paintblendmap ""
  506. paste ""
  507. pastebrush "s"
  508. pasteclear ""
  509. pastehilight ""
  510. patchlight "i"
  511. phystest ""
  512. pow "ff"
  513. precf "fi"
  514. prettylist "ss"
  515. printcube ""
  516. push "rte"
  517. pushsel "i"
  518. pvsstats ""
  519. quit ""
  520. rdanimjoints "i"
  521. rdeye "i"
  522. rdjoint "iisss"
  523. rdlimitdist "iiff"
  524. rdlimitrot "iifffff"
  525. rdtri "iii"
  526. rdvert "ffff"
  527. recalc ""
  528. reconnect ""
  529. recorddemo "i"
  530. redo ""
  531. registersound "sissi"
  532. rehash "i"
  533. reloads "i"
  534. reloadtex "s"
  535. remip ""
  536. removezip "s"
  537. reorient ""
  538. replace ""
  539. replaceall ""
  540. resetcompass ""
  541. resetconfig ""
  542. resetgl ""
  543. resetsound ""
  544. resettexmru ""
  545. resetvars ""
  546. resetworldvars ""
  547. result "t"
  548. right "D"
  549. rnd "ii"
  550. rotate "i"
  551. rotateblendbrush "i"
  552. savebrush "s"
  553. savemap "s"
  554. savemapconfig "s"
  555. savemapshot "s"
  556. savewaypoints "s"
  557. say "C"
  558. saycommand "C"
  559. sayteam "C"
  560. screenres "ii"
  561. screenshot "s"
  562. searchbinds "siss"
  563. searcheditbinds "siss"
  564. searchspecbinds "siss"
  565. searchwaitbinds "siss"
  566. selextend ""
  567. sendmap ""
  568. serversortreset ""
  569. setblendbrush "s"
  570. setcomplete "ss"
  571. setdesc "sss"
  572. setgrass "s"
  573. setgrassblend "f"
  574. setgrasscolor "fff"
  575. setgrassheight "i"
  576. setgrassscale "i"
  577. setinfo "sii"
  578. setpersist "ss"
  579. setpixelparam "iffffii"
  580. setpostfx "sffff"
  581. setpriv "s"
  582. setshader "s"
  583. setshaderparam "sffffii"
  584. setteam "ss"
  585. settex "i"
  586. setuniformparam "sffffii"
  587. setversion "ii"
  588. setvertexparam "iffffii"
  589. setzoom "i"
  590. shader "isss"
  591. showblendmap ""
  592. showcompass "s"
  593. showgui "si"
  594. showscores "D"
  595. showtexgui "i"
  596. shrinklist "ssi"
  597. shrinkmap ""
  598. sin "f"
  599. sleep "is"
  600. smartmusic "ii"
  601. smdadjust "sffffff"
  602. smdalphablend "si"
  603. smdalphatest "sf"
  604. smdambient "si"
  605. smdanim "ssfiii"
  606. smdanimpart "s"
  607. smdbumpmap "sss"
  608. smdcullface "si"
  609. smddir "s"
  610. smdenvmap "ss"
  611. smdfullbright "sf"
  612. smdglare "sff"
  613. smdglow "si"
  614. smdlink "iisfff"
  615. smdload "ssf"
  616. smdmaterial "sii"
  617. smdnoclip "si"
  618. smdpitch "sffff"
  619. smdpitchcorrect "ssfff"
  620. smdpitchtarget "ssiff"
  621. smdscroll "sff"
  622. smdshader "ss"
  623. smdskin "sssff"
  624. smdspec "si"
  625. smdtag "ssffffff"
  626. sortservers ""
  627. sound "ii"
  628. specbind "ss"
  629. specmodeswitch ""
  630. spectator "is"
  631. sqrt "f"
  632. stopdemo ""
  633. strcasecmp "ss"
  634. strcmp "ss"
  635. strlen "s"
  636. strncasecmp "ssi"
  637. strncmp "ssi"
  638. strreplace "sss"
  639. strstr "ss"
  640. sublist "sii"
  641. substr "sii"
  642. sv_resetconfig ""
  643. sv_resetvars ""
  644. tabify "si"
  645. tan "f"
  646. team "s"
  647. testpvs "i"
  648. texalpha "ff"
  649. texcoastscale "f"
  650. texcolor "fff"
  651. texffenv "i"
  652. texgrass "s"
  653. texgrassblend "f"
  654. texgrasscolor "fff"
  655. texgrassheight "i"
  656. texgrassscale "i"
  657. texlayer "isif"
  658. texoffset "ii"
  659. texpalette "i"
  660. texrotate "i"
  661. texscale "f"
  662. texscroll "ff"
  663. textclear ""
  664. textcopy ""
  665. textcurrentline ""
  666. textexec "i"
  667. textfocus "si"
  668. textinit "sss"
  669. textlist ""
  670. textload "s"
  671. textmark "i"
  672. textmode "i"
  673. textpaste ""
  674. textprev ""
  675. textsave "s"
  676. textselectall ""
  677. textshow ""
  678. texture "ssiiif"
  679. texturereset "i"
  680. textwidth "si"
  681. thirdpersonswitch ""
  682. timetostr "ii"
  683. toggleconsole ""
  684. triggerclientnum ""
  685. undo ""
  686. unescape "s"
  687. unignore "s"
  688. updatefrommaster ""
  689. updateservers ""
  690. valpha "ff"
  691. variantshader "isiss"
  692. vcoastscale "fff"
  693. vcolor "fff"
  694. vdelta "s"
  695. vlayer "i"
  696. voffset "ii"
  697. vpalette "ii"
  698. vreset ""
  699. vrotate "i"
  700. vscale "f"
  701. vscroll "ff"
  702. vshaderparam "sffffii"
  703. waitbind "ss"
  704. waiting "i"
  705. waitmodeswitch ""
  706. weapon "ss"
  707. weapselect ""
  708. weapslot "i"
  709. while "ee"
  710. worldalias "ss"
  711. writecfg ""
  712. writeobj "s"
  713. writevars "sii"
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