
new player szejdi

Sep 21st, 2015
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  1. arx: I always played CB Div1 and never saw you there szejdi, you have another alias?
  2. KronoZ: even im played cb div 1 and never saw there szejdi
  3. szejdi: Played CB CTF div 1 in spring 2012 and got bronze, where when you then arexo?
  4. szejdi: No need to act like a faggot brother, it's not your fault third world urt is so pathetic XD
  5. szejdi: WHERE WERE YOU* FUCK
  6. szejdi: I don't really mind tbh, it just needs to be said that finals without D&G or wp* are not real finals, yo
  7. arx: szedji, wp* played a pcw instead of cw against pf. they didn't want to play the cw. not our fault
  8. arx: 2 gold with h5, 1 with glory, also 2 silver and 2 bronze with h5. pls...
  9. arx: and cb had over 100 teams playing, not 20~30.
  10. szejdi: I only mentioned one of my first awards, if you wanna discuss it some more - pm me.
  11. KronoZ: Arexo, for greater accuracy: wp don't played pcw, because this was only one player kajtek + 4 ringers
  12. KronoZ: all wp players were offline - because kajtek are shitty manager
  13. KronoZ: and there were not just pf, but mix pf + h5
  14. KronoZ: I checked it on when you played
  15. KronoZ: i hope you raped kajtek and 4 random ringers from lowdivs?
  16. KronoZ: btw, I hear for the first time about szejdi @ cb bronze. LOL sounds like szejdi was lying as usual
  17. KronoZ: anyway, since we talk about TS mode, I can say with full guarantee that szejdi has achieved nothing on CB @ TS
  18. arx: kronoz, if szedji just won ts div2 1 month ago HARDLY he ever played CB div1. not trolling, just facts.
  19. KronoZ: i totally agree with you
  20. KronoZ: szejdi @ ts = ZERO = 0
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