
Continuity Errors

Apr 14th, 2012
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  1. Continuity Errors by Steven Moffat 7th Doctor and Bernice
  3. The Doctor visits the Library of New Alexandria to check out a restricted text about the massacre of the Deltheron species during the Drakoid invasion. However, the hostile Andrea Talwinning, who prefers to be known simply as the Librarian, refuses to let him do so, recognising him for who he is and understanding that he’s trying to warp her perceptions in order to get her to release the book. The Doctor leaves, and the Librarian, rudely rejecting her assistant Walter’s advances, questions Benny about what it’s like to travel with the most complex space-time event in the Universe. Benny is surprised when the Librarian then speaks with Walter about the tryst they’ve planned for this evening. Years ago the Librarian’s young daughter Gwen was killed by hostile plant life and her husband Fred left her shortly afterwards; however, a temporary teacher who, curiously, resembled the Doctor in many ways, taught her Tibetan mind control techniques which have enabled her to retain her optimism and compassion for other people. Benny is somewhat taken aback when the Librarian, who prefers to be known as Andrea, introduces Benny to her husband Fred, who nearly left her after their daughter’s death but reconsidered after hitching a lift with a man who talked him out of it -- a man driving a bright blue lorry with a flashing light on top. The Doctor returns and greets his old friend Andrea, and her beautiful daughter Gwen, whom he saved from hostile plants years ago and who has now become a noted doctor with an interest in nanotechnology. Though grateful for what he’s done, Andrea realises that her life is not internally consistent and that the Doctor has manipulated her history for his own reasons; thus, she still refuses to lend out the book. The Doctor thus travels back in time, to a lecture which Andrea once attended while undergoing memory augmentation. Rather than a lecture by Professor Candy about how dangerous the Doctor can be, Andrea thus listens to a guest lecturer who advises the group on the importance of lending out library books to their friends. Soon afterwards, the Doctor returns to the Library of New Alexandria the book which Andrea allowed him to check out, a restricted text about the Deltherons’ successful repulsion of the Drakoid invasion.
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