
Brookwind and Chasseuse

Sep 7th, 2013
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  1. [20:41] * Brookwind trots into the local bar after another long day at work. She's a dark blue pegasus mare with a silver mane, wearing a trechcoat, fedora, white dress shirt, blue tie, and glasses. She takes a seat, humming softly.
  2. [20:47] * Chasseuse enters a few moments later. The unicorn mare's white coat is as clean as her light green mane, curled and cut neatly. Even her eyelashes appear styled, matching the curls of her mane. She wears a simple leather barding with several items strapped onto her legs; a knife strapped to her right foreleg, binoculars to her left, and a canteen on one of her hind legs. She looks out of place as she sits at the bar, clean while most appear at least slightly dirty.
  3. [20:49] * Chasseuse raises her head to the barman. Her speech is laced with an odd foreign accent, "A glass of wine, please," She smiles. "Zat would be 'onderful."
  4. [20:50] * Brookwind nods to the new arrival, setting her fedora down on the bar. "Evening." She says, ordering herself a bottle of whiskey. Mmmm, whiskey.
  5. [20:52] * Chasseuse smiles in Brookwind's direction. "Evening." She brings the wine glass to her muzzle with telekinesis, taking a sip.
  6. [20:53] * Brookwind pours herself a glass of whiskey, slipping over to sit next to the other mare before knocking back her drink. "Mmmm... Nothing like hard whiskey to finish off the workday."
  7. [20:55] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Or a more delicate drink." She smiles warmly, taking another small sip. "Je m'appelle Chasseuse." She blinks, giggling sheepishly. "Or rather, my name is Chasseuse."
  8. [20:57] * Brookwind grins. "Fancy eh?" She offers her hoof to Chasseuse. "Detective Brookwind."
  9. [20:59] * Chasseuse places her hoof forward and shakes, deceptively strong. "It is an 'onor to meet you, Detective."
  10. [21:01] * Brookwind isn't phased, her hoofshake rather firm as well. "Same. So, Miss Chasseuse, what's a pretty mare like yourself doing here?" She asks, pouring herself another glass.
  11. [21:04] * Chasseuse blushes slightly and shrugs. "I was from Prance, originally. It is not as peaceful as my mozer says it once was." She sighs. "Only recently 'ave I come 'ere. Zinking zat it would be more peaceful." She shakes her head. "No so much, I see... Zough, I '"
  12. [21:05] <Chasseuse> "I 'ave learned a great deal 'ere... 'ow to hunt, and I would say I am not... -too- bad."
  13. [21:11] * Brookwind nods, taking her trenchcoat off. Beneath was holstered a .45-70 Ranger Sequoia opposite her badge. "It's pretty rough out in the wastes, definitely. I used to be a Veteran Ranger for the NCR myself."
  14. [21:17] * Chasseuse nods taking a sip of her wine as she eyes the Sequoia. "I find zat weapons not requiring ammunition are more reliable." She nods her head to the knife strapped onto her leg, then turns slightly in her seat to reveal the sickle strapped to her side.
  15. [21:20] * Brookwind nods, eyeing both weapons. "Mmmm, not in my work, and revolvers don't jam." She replies. "Though once long ago I was pretty good with just my hooves."
  16. [21:21] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "Once? No more?"
  17. [21:22] * Brookwind nods. "I've been retired for 10 years. I've gotten a little rusty you could say."
  18. [21:23] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Retired? But did you not say you 'ad a tough day at work today?"
  19. [21:24] <Brookwind> "Retired from active duty as a Ranger dear. I injured my hip bad, just couldn't do it anymore after 20 years."
  20. [21:26] * Chasseuse nods. "Ah... I see." She smiles. "I 'ad not considered zat, as... you do not look zat old."
  21. [21:28] * Brookwind smiles. "Thank you, I do take care of myself still, after all." She takes another drink of whiskey. "You don't look bad yourself, a lot better than anypony else in this bar at least."
  22. [21:29] * Chasseuse smiles. "My mozer always told me to take care of myself. Alzough... being a unicorn and 'aving a spell of cleaning 'elps..."
  23. [21:32] * Brookwind nods. "Oh I bet." She loosens her tie, taking another drink. "Mmmm..."
  24. [21:34] * Chasseuse finishes off her glass, setting it back onto the bar. "So, a detective in ze wasteland. What exactly do you do?" She tilts her head. "I am not sure I understand."
  25. [21:36] <Brookwind> "Well, I investigate things for ponies, normally missing pony cases, foalnappings, slaver rings, that sort of thing." She replies. "Sort of like a bounty hunter, but I don't necessarily kill all of my suspects."
  26. [21:38] * Chasseuse nods. "Interesting... And today?" She leans closer, smiling. "Maybe you can share a ze story of your day?"
  27. [21:39] * Brookwind shrugs. "All of the leads I have on my current case turned up to either be bad, non-existent, or tried to kill me instead of help me.
  28. [21:39] <Brookwind> ""
  29. [21:40] * Chasseuse grimaces. "And your current case?"
  30. [21:41] <Brookwind> "Somepony murdered one of the local bar owners and his family."
  31. [21:44] * Chasseuse frowns. "I see." She has her glass filled again, taking a sip. "A bar close to zis one?"
  32. [21:45] * Brookwind shakes her head. "This one, actually. That's why I was asked to take the case, I come here everynight after work."
  33. [21:47] * Chasseuse blinks. "Zat is all? Work zen drink?"
  34. [21:49] * Brookwind nods, chuckling. "Pretty much. Work, eat, drink, sleep." She says, a small sigh escaping from her lips that carried a trace of... lonleyness.
  35. [21:52] * Chasseuse smiles sympathetically. "Well, I would always be open to chatting, if you do not mind my company."
  36. [21:54] * Brookwind smiles to Chasseuse. "I'd love your company Miss Chasseuse." She says. "So, what brought you here from Prance?"
  37. [21:56] * Chasseuse nods. "As I said, Prance -used- to be lovely... at least, zat is what I am told. Not much word comes from ze ozer parts of ze world, so we thought, perhaps Equestria would be better." She chuckles, shaking her head. "We traveled by boat. It took... a while. And what a surprise we found when Equestria is much ze same as Prance."
  38. [21:58] * Brookwind nods. "Yeah, a few centuries will do that to pretty much everywhere."
  39. [22:00] * Chasseuse sighs. "So we spread. Ozers wanted to leave, but I decided to stay. At least in zese parts I was able to hunt, as my fazer taught me."
  40. [22:04] * Brookwind nods. "Are your parents still around?"
  41. [22:05] * Chasseuse shakes her head sadly. "Non... not any more. It is part of ze reason I was able to 'one my skill in 'unting... being alone for ze most part."
  42. [22:06] * Brookwind nods. "Ahh..." She offers a wing to Chasseuse for a hug. "My parents have long since passed as well."
  43. [22:09] * Chasseuse smiles lightly, leaning over for a hug. "It is tough, sometimes... but zank you, really."
  44. [22:12] * Brookwind smiles, hugging Chasseuse gently with her wing. "You're welcome Chasseuse." She says. "I've had some... bad experiences myself."
  45. [22:14] * Chasseuse leans away as the hug ends, quirking her head. "Oh?"
  46. [22:17] * Brookwind nods. "About... 5 years before I retired I met this stallion... most amazing pony I had ever met. He was the new sniper in our squad, and I fell for him hard and I fell for him fast. Our relationship didn't really go anywhere for about three years though... too busy, but then one night he proposes to me..." She sighs, eyes becoming distant.
  47. [22:18] * Chasseuse smiles. "J'aime beaucoup! Zat sounds lovely..." She blinks. "Zough... somezing happened?"
  48. [22:20] * Brookwind nods. "The next day we were out on patrol... and..." She bites her lip. "The round went through his scope, into his eye, and out the other side..."
  49. [22:21] * Chasseuse grimaces. "I am so sorry..." She leans over and places her hoof onto Brookwind's shoulder. "It must be difficult..." She sighs. "I cannot imagine... I 'ave never had zat kind of relationship."
  50. [22:24] * Brookwind nods, leaning sligthly into Chasseuse's hoof. "I've always swung for both teams, but I loved him more than anything..." She shakes her head. "But I've moved on... that was 12 years ago..."
  51. [22:25] * Chasseuse smiles sadly. "It is always best to keep zem, zose we love, in our 'earts and minds... to just remember, if just for zem."
  52. [22:27] * Brookwind nods. "Never forgotten him, that's for sure..." She sighs, turning and smiling a bit to Chasseuse before knocking back what was left of her drink. "And with that, I think we should talk about something happy."
  53. [22:29] * Chasseuse nods, her hoof leaving Brookwind's shoulder as it is brought up to Chasseuse's chin, tapping as she thinks. "Hm... Rainbows... and puppies..." She chuckles. "So many topics to choose from."
  54. [22:30] * Brookwind chuckles, wing draping back around Chasseuse's shoulder. "Hmmmmmmmm, I've always wanted a puppy..."
  55. [22:31] * Chasseuse giggles. "Quite cute, with zere little tails wagging to and fro!" She nods excitedly. "I should get a puppy."
  56. [22:35] * Brookwind nods, giggling. "Yes! That is a good idea!"
  57. [22:35] * Chasseuse huffs. "But where to get a puppy is zis day and age... zat is ze question."
  58. [22:37] * Brookwind shrugs. "Dunno, but I bet if we looked har enough we could find one!" She rubs Chasseuse's back with her wing gently.
  59. [22:38] * Chasseuse smiles, a slight and very small groan of delight escaping her lips at the back rub. She blushes, clearing her throat, "Ze next adventure zen, yes?"
  60. [22:39] * Brookwind nods as she continued to gently rub Chasseuse's back. "Indeed."
  61. [22:41] * Chasseuse fidgets uncomfortably as her train of thought is broken. "Ze back rub... is quite nice. Z-zank you."
  62. [22:43] * Brookwind smiles to Chasseuse. "You're welcome. I used to be able to give massages as well, but I think that skill might have gone the way of my unarmed training."
  63. [22:45] * Chasseuse smiles to herself. "A-a nice skill to 'ave..."
  64. [22:47] * Brookwind nods, looking over to Chasseuse with a smile. "Oh yes, my squadmates loved them. It's a great way to relax after a long day of patrols."
  65. [22:48] * Chasseuse nods, closing her eyes as she relaxes into the massage... Another small groan is heard. "Mmm..."
  66. [22:49] * Brookwind moves her hooves to Chasseuse's shoulders, pressing and rubbing frimly. Apparently she still had it after all!
  67. [22:51] <Chasseuse> One of Chasseuse's rear legs begins to kick involuntarily. The unicorns white coat tints red in blush as she continues to kick , but she doesn't let out any direction that she wants the massage to stop.
  68. [22:53] * Brookwind mmms quietly, her hooves starting to work slowly down to Chasseuse's whithers and upper back, her wings going to stroke her sides gently.
  69. [22:53] * Chasseuse starts to giggle as Brookwind's wings reach her sides. She squirms. "T-ticklish!"
  70. [22:54] * Brookwind grins, pausing her wings as her hooves kept going. "Oh~?"
  71. [22:55] * Chasseuse takes in a deep breath as Brook stops with her wings, nodding. "Y-yes, zank you for stopping..." She chuckles nervously. "Quite embarrassing... 'ow ticklish my sides are..."
  72. [22:56] * Brookwind smirks at Chasseuse, folding her wings back... for now. She continues the massage down Chasseuse's back, hooves working firmly down her spine.
  73. [22:57] * Chasseuse sighs happily once again as the massaging continues, small groans accentuating the pressure Brookwind places onto her back.
  74. [22:59] * Brookwind 's hooves continue to work down Chasseuse's back, reaching her lower back now, frimly working above her hips.
  75. [23:01] * Chasseuse blushes slightly, closing her eyes once again as Brookwind's hooves move farther down. She murrs, "A very good masseuse..."
  76. [23:04] * Brookwind rubs her hooves back up Chasseuse's back. "Unless you want to, I won't go futher." She says quietly, wings unfurling again, sloooooooooowly creeping towards Chasseuse's sides.
  77. [23:05] * Chasseuse squeaks. "I-I do not zink... w-we just met, after all..."
  78. [23:06] * Brookwind nods. "That's why I asked." She smirks. "But..." She brushes her feathers ever so lightly against Chasseuse's sides.
  79. [23:06] * Chasseuse snorts, squirming at the slight touch.
  80. [23:08] * Brookwind traces her wings against Chasseuse's sides again briefly, before pulling them back again. "I do think it's adorable how ticklish you are."
  81. [23:10] * Chasseuse blushes as the tracing causes her to continue to squirm. She giggles, shuffling in her seat before the tickling ends. "I... zank... you?" She blushes, not quite sure how to respond.
  82. [23:13] * Brookwind gives Chasseuse's neck a small nuzzle. "You're welcome." She giggles a little, a hoof going around the mare's shoulders.
  83. [23:14] * Chasseuse 's lips curl up into a small smile, nuzzling back. She looks over, seeing the hoof wrap around her shoulder, and her blush deepens.
  84. [23:15] * Brookwind returns the smile. "Where are you staying at Chasseuse?"
  85. [23:16] * Chasseuse looks down. "N-nowhere, currently... I 'ave my bedroll, and zat is usually enough."
  86. [23:18] * Brookwind frowns. "I... do have a spare room at my apartment."
  87. [23:19] * Chasseuse fiddles with her hooves. "I would not want to impose..."
  88. [23:21] * Brookwind smiles to Chasseuse. "It's fine dear, really."
  89. [23:22] <Brookwind> "Part of my job is to help ponies."
  90. [23:22] * Chasseuse smiles lightly. "Zen, yes!" Her smile widens. "Zank you, so much!"
  91. [23:23] * Brookwind grins, giving Chasseuse a tight hug and another nuzzle. "Shall we head back then?"
  92. [23:24] * Chasseuse blushes and nods. "Of course." She nuzzles Brookwind's cheek. "Zank you, again..."
  93. [23:25] * Brookwind smiles, taking Chasseuse's hoof and helping her off the barstool.
  94. [23:25] * Chasseuse chuckles, hopping down, hoof-in-hoof.
  95. [23:27] * Brookwind snags her fedora and trenchcoat, before placing a wing over Chasseuse's back and trtting with her out of the bar. Chasseuse would notice as the went that Brook had a slight limp in her step, making for a slightly offbeat gait.
  96. [23:29] * Chasseuse takes note of it, but doesn't mention it yet. For now, she trots closely to Brookwind, smiling at the prospect of sleeping on... well, anything other than a bedroll!
  97. [23:30] * Brookwind heads down the street. As they moved away from the bar, the streets began getting shadier and shadier.
  98. [23:30] * Chasseuse frowns, keeping her head down as she looks about nervously.
  99. [23:31] * Brookwind almost casually reaches into her trenchcoat, unclipping her revolver from her holster as they kept trotting. "Just one more street dear."
  100. [23:33] * Chasseuse nods, keeping her head close to her sheathed knife.
  101. [23:34] * Brookwind flicks her ears a bit, stopping suddenly. "Pile of boxes, left side of the street. Don't look at them."
  102. [23:36] * Chasseuse blinks. She knows Brook said not to, but.... She looks over out of the corner of her eyes, trying to disguise it so that she wouldn't be noticed looking.
  103. [23:38] <Brookwind> "I said, don't, look." She slips a key to Chasseuse. "Take this, it'll get you into the apartment. It's the first building on the left side of the next street, number 221B. Go, swiftly. I'll deal with these ruffians, isn't the first time they've been there."
  104. [23:40] * Chasseuse frowns, taking the key. She can take care of herself... She sighs, nodding, and trots forward, heading for and looking for the apartment number.
  105. [23:42] <Brookwind> Once Chasseuse reaches the apartment she can hear yelling from the street below. There's a convienient window, however, that lets her watch as no less than 8 stallions are attempting to back Brook into a corner, and failing miserably as they found themselves staring down her gun barrel.
  106. [14:52] * Chasseuse frowns, leaning down to grasp her knife within her muzzle, watching and waiting. If it seems to go south... she's prepared to charge to help.
  107. [14:56] * Brookwind fires a shot into the dirt at one of the stallion's hooves, which sends them running as Brookwind snorted.
  108. [14:57] * Chasseuse sheathes her knife, seeing as help won't be needed. She trots back over to the door, sitting in her haunches, and waits for Brook to make her way inside.
  109. [14:58] * Brookwind has a rather dour expression on her face as she steps through the door. "They'll be back tomorrow, like always." She grunts.
  110. [14:59] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "Zis is ze usual for you?"
  111. [15:00] * Brookwind nods, taking off her trenchcoat and hanging it up. "Sadly, yes."
  112. [15:01] * Chasseuse frowns as she hoofs the key to Brookwind. "But... why do zey do zis if you always pull your gun on zem?"
  113. [15:02] * Brookwind laughs. "Because they think one of these nights I'll forget it. Yeah right."
  114. [15:05] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "I could'ave 'elped at least..." She nods, looking down to her knife, and chuckles, "For my benefit of not worrying about you getting 'urt, at least."
  115. [15:08] * Brookwind nods, placing a wing around Chasseuse's back. "I was doing the same for you. They might have gone after you seperately, and while I don't doubt that you can put up a fight, they're all pretty strong.
  116. [15:08] <Brookwind> "*
  117. [15:09] * Chasseuse smiles, rolling her eyes. "I would not doubt I am as good wiz ze knife as you wiz ze gun."
  118. [15:11] * Brookwind nods, hugging Chasseuse to her lightly. "Mhm, you must be quite skilled with it."
  119. [15:12] * Chasseuse blushes lightly. "Perhaps..." She looks around the home, her blush still clear. "Zis is quite nice, I must say... better zen a simple bedroll."
  120. [15:14] * Brookwind nods. Her apartment had two bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, living room, and a small study. "It's home." She says, hugging Chasseuse a little closer. "Would you like something to eat?
  121. [15:14] <Brookwind> "
  122. [15:16] * Chasseuse ears perk. "Do you 'ave any pre-war food?" She smiles. "I enjoy zat, on occasion... eating from ze animals 'unted can be tiresome."
  123. [15:17] * Brookwind nods. "I've got some snack cakes."
  124. [15:19] * Chasseuse grins and nods. "If you would not mind... I would enjoy one."
  125. [15:19] * Brookwind nods, leading Chasseuse into her kichen and digging out a pair of snack cakes, offering one to Chasseuse.
  126. [15:20] * Chasseuse takes hers with a smile. "Zank you." She nods, nibbling at it.
  127. [15:22] * Brookwind grins. "Don't mention it." She says, starting on her own cake.
  128. [15:26] * Chasseuse continues to munch. After a few moments, she her eyes move to Brookwind's legs. "If you don't mind me asking... I noticed you wiz a limp? What caused zat?"
  129. [15:27] * Brookwind looks over to Chasseuse. "My limp? Oh, remember how I said I had to retire from the Rangers because of a bad hip injury?"
  130. [15:28] * Chasseuse nods. "Ah.... Zat makes sense."
  131. [15:30] * Brookwind nods. "Shotgun blast nearly vaporized the left side of my hip. If our medic hadn't been right there, I likely would have lost my entire leg instead of part of my hip." She says.
  132. [15:31] * Chasseuse winces. "Zat is quite unfortunate. I am sorry to 'ear..."
  133. [15:32] * Brookwind shrugs her wings. "I've gotten used to it."
  134. [15:34] * Chasseuse nods, finishing the last of her snack cake. "And again, zank you for ze food... and ze shelter."
  135. [15:36] * Brookwind smiles to Chasseuse, hugging her again. "Don't mention it."
  136. [15:36] * Chasseuse 's blush reappears as she returns the hug. "I will be sure to mention it... it is very kind." She smiles.
  137. [15:39] * Brookwind nuzzles Chasseuse's cheek lightly. "Just helping a pony in need dear."
  138. [15:41] * Chasseuse moves her head down, nuzzling Brookwind's neck before she moves back. "I waz zinking... perhaps you need 'elp in your work? In your case?"
  139. [15:41] * Chasseuse smiles. "I would like to 'elp, if you would let me."
  140. [15:44] * Brookwind smiles. "If you'd like to then yes of course." She says happily. "I'd greatly appreciate it."
  141. [15:45] * Chasseuse nodnods! "I would love to 'elp!"
  142. [15:49] * Brookwind grins, hugging Chasseuse close. "Then you've just become my new partner!"
  143. [15:50] * Chasseuse giggles. "Assistant detective Chasseuse is on ze case!"
  144. [15:52] * Brookwind giggles, guiding Chasseuse to her hooves. "I've got a spare badge in my room I think."
  145. [15:54] * Chasseuse raises her eyebrow. "A badge? Do I need one? I was not made aware zat proper law existed in zis place..."
  146. [15:55] * Brookwind taps her own. "No, not necessarily, but you'd be surprised how many more ponies will cooperate with you if you have one. This is an old Trottingham Detective badge actually."
  147. [15:56] * Chasseuse examines it with interest. "Ah! And my own, you said you might have one for me?"
  148. [15:57] * Brookwind nods, trotting with Chasseuse towards her room. "Mhm, it's in my closet I think."
  149. [15:57] * Chasseuse follows at Brookwind's side. "And ze origins of ze second badge?"
  150. [16:00] * Brookwind steps into her room. "I grabbed it along with this one." She says, moving over to the closet.
  151. [16:00] * Chasseuse moves forward, looking into the closet from behind Brookwind.
  152. [16:02] <Brookwind> In the closet are some boxes, a few ties and dress shirts, and another trenchcoat. She rummages through a box. "Aha! Here it is!" She says, turnign around and presenting the badge to Chasseuse.
  153. [16:02] * Chasseuse grins, taking a look at the badge. "Wonderful!"
  154. [16:03] * Brookwind holds it out to Chasseuse. It's a little bent and beat up, but other than that was still in good condition.
  155. [16:04] * Chasseuse smiles as she takes the badge. She chuckles, holding out the badge. "Detective Chasseuse! Drop ze weapons!"
  156. [16:06] * Brookwind giggles, throwing up her hooves in surrender. "Oh no! You've caught me!"
  157. [16:07] * Chasseuse clicks her tongue. "Ah, ah, ah! You zought zat you could mislead ze detective, but nopony escapes," she strikes a pose, putting on a cute and stern face, "Detective Chasseuse!"
  158. [16:08] * Brookwind giggles, grinning at Chasseuse. "What is my punishment Detective?"
  159. [16:12] * Chasseuse blinks, a blush suddenly forming. "For your... ah." She purses her lips, thinking. "I do not know..." She clears her throat, raising an eyebrow. "I am new to zis," she breaks character. "what would you do, if our roles were switched?"
  160. [16:17] * Brookwind flicks her tail a little. "Well, I'd probably start with either cuffing me or restraining me with your hooves." She says.
  161. [16:21] * Chasseuse blushes lightly. "Oh-kay..." She quirks her head. "Do you zink you can demonstrate?"
  162. [16:23] * Brookwind blushes a little herself, before nodding. "Of course, you need to know the uhm, proper technique for restraining a, uhm, suspect." She nods, stepping over to Chasseuse. "Alright, we'll do this slow first."
  163. [16:24] * Chasseuse nods. "Of course."
  164. [16:25] * Brookwind takes Chasseuse's front hooves in her own. "Alright, so the first thing is you need to get then on the ground." She says.
  165. [16:26] * Chasseuse nods. "And so you would just trip zem, or...?"
  166. [16:30] * Brookwind nods, lifting Chasseuse's front legs up off the ground. "You can either flip them off to the side, or topple them onto the back. I normally use the latter method." She says, Chasseuse's hooves above her head and pressing forward firmly with the side of her body, likely ending up flipping Chasseuse off her hooves and onto her back on the bed.
  167. [16:31] * Chasseuse lands on the bed, not resisting the demonstration. She squirms slightly, the bed feeling rather comfortable.
  168. [16:33] * Brookwind is fully atop Chasseuse now, front hooves pinned above her head. "Now you restrain their backlegs like this." She says, locking her hindlegs around Chasseuse's, pinning them into the bed.
  169. [16:37] * Chasseuse blushes brightly as she's pinned. "I... see." Her light green eyes meet Brookwind's. "And zen?"
  170. [16:41] * Brookwind also has green eyes, funny how that works sometimes. She meets Chasseuse's gaze. "And then... you take their hooves..." She slowly guides Chasseuse's hooves down, placing them on her back without breaking eye contact.
  171. [16:43] * Chasseuse nods, still looking up.
  172. [16:46] * Chasseuse rubs her hooves into Brookwind's coat. "I see..." She smiles, hooves working in small circles.
  173. [16:51] * Brookwind lets out a quiet murr, smiling and tracing a hoof lightly across Chasseuse's cheek.
  174. [16:53] * Chasseuse blushes, her hooves continuing to work... being so close, eventually they make their way to Brookwind's wings, lightly circling around the base of each.
  175. [16:57] * Brookwind 's wings twitch, rustling as Chasseuse's hoof rubbed against them. She brushes her hoof down to Chasseuse's chin, leaning her muzzle closer, noses just barely touching.
  176. [16:59] * Chasseuse leans forward, closing the distance between their lips. A light peck, then she pulls back, blushing brightly as ever.
  177. [17:01] * Brookwind flushes hotly at the peck, before leaning down to return it in kind, holding it for a short time before pulling away slightly.
  178. [17:05] * Chasseuse smiles, giggling. "Such a good teacher I 'ave, for 'ow to apprehend a criminal."
  179. [17:07] * Brookwind strokes her hoof against Chasseuse's chest lightly, smiling back. "I'm just an old Ranger, battered and broken."
  180. [17:09] * Chasseuse chuckles. "I do not see a broken ranger... I see a great detective!" She smiles. "Tu es trรจs gentil! You do not give yourself enough credit."
  181. [17:12] * Brookwind blushes lightly, brushing her hoof agaisnt Chasseuse's cheek, remaining silent.
  182. [17:13] * Chasseuse smiles. "I 'ave never met a pony so willing to 'elp. It is... refreshing."
  183. [17:19] * Brookwind smiles back. "It's what I do..." She says quietly. She lightly presses her lips against Chasseuse's again, working them softly against hers.
  184. [17:20] * Chasseuse blushes, maintaining the kiss as she pulls Brookwind's chest to hers.
  185. [17:22] * Brookwind presses against Chasseuse, kissing her more firmly now, closing her eyes slowly.
  186. [17:24] * Chasseuse smiles through the kiss, her own eyes closing as a small groan escapes her lips.
  187. [17:25] * Brookwind traces her hooves through Chasseuse's mane, stroking it gently as they kissed, mmming softly.
  188. [17:26] * Chasseuse 's own hooves continue to work upwards along Brook's wings as they kiss, gracefully moving along her feathers.
  189. [17:27] * Brookwind 's wings slowly spread out to her sides as Chasseuse's hooves run through her feathers, sticking out to either side of her as she wraps her hoof around Chasseuse's shoulder.
  190. [17:29] * Chasseuse presses her muzzle up, her tongue prodding at Brook's lips.
  191. [17:30] * Brookwind parts her lips, slipping her own tongue forwards to meet Chasseuse's.
  192. [17:31] * Chasseuse groans in delight as she circles around the pegasus' tongue with her own, hooves still moving along the other mare's wings.
  193. [17:32] * Brookwind lets out a soft murr as she dances her tongue around with Chasseuse's, her wings twitching a little as her hooves continued to stroke them.
  194. [17:38] * Chasseuse pulls back after several moments, catching her breath. She smiles to Brookwind as she opens her eyes. "Partners in more ways than one, no?"
  195. [17:40] * Brookwind opens her eyes slowly as the kiss ends, smiling and nodding to Chasseuse. "I think so." She says, reaching up and slipping her tie off as well as the straps that held her gun and badge.
  196. [17:46] * Chasseuse blushes, yawning. "I do not zink... zat I am ready for more... perhaps anozer time. But for now... I would not mind a comfortable sleep."
  197. [17:51] * Brookwind nods, slowly rolling off of Chasseuse and taking her shirt off, hanging it up.
  198. [17:52] * Chasseuse rolls over and off of the bed, unstrapping and slipping off her leather barding. Folding it neatly into a corner, she hops back up onto the bed. "Shall I sleep somewhere else... or?"
  199. [17:54] * Brookwind smiles, climbing back onto the bed with Chasseuse, stroking her chest lightly with a hoof. "This is fine." She says softly, lying down and motioning for Chasseuse to lie next to her.
  200. [17:55] * Chasseuse smiles, slipping in next to Brookwind.
  201. [17:56] * Brookwind gently wraps her hooves around the mare, yawning as she snuggled against her.
  202. [17:58] * Chasseuse cuddles into Brookwind's chest, resting her head against the pegasus' neck. "Good night, Brookwind..."
  203. [18:00] * Brookwind lets out a content purr. "Goodnight Chasseuse..." She lets her eyes drift closed, quickly slipping into a content slumber.
  204. [18:01] * Chasseuse smiles, curling up closely as she begins to drift off.
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