

Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. print([[
  3. █▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ ░░▀ █▀▀█ ░▀░ █░░ █▀▀▄ █▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀█ █░█
  4. █▄▄▀ █▀▀ █▀▀ ░░█ █▄▄█ ▀█▀ █░░ █▀▀▄ █▄▄▀ █▀▀ █▄▄█ █▀▄
  5. ▀░▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ █▄█ ▀░░▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀░ ▀░▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░░▀ ▀░▀
  6. ~ V1 ~
  7. ]])
  8. print("[UI HAS LOADED]")
  10. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
  11. local example = library:CreateWindow({
  12. text = "Login"
  13. })
  15. pointer = 0;
  17. local credits = library:CreateWindow({text='Credits'})
  18. credits:AddLabel("ColgateChef - Scripting\nBlueSuitBoy - Scripting\nAztup - Helping\nDebug Library - Punch Spam\nWally - UI\n")
  20. example:AddBox("Key", function(object, focus)
  21. if focus then -- object.Text
  22. if(game:HttpGet(""..object.Text)) == "No"
  23. then
  24. --if you're wrong
  25. print("No")
  26. else
  27. -- if you're correct
  28. local a = game:GetService("CoreGui").UILibrary.Login
  29. local b = game:GetService("CoreGui").UILibrary.Credits
  30. a:Destroy()
  31. b:Destroy()
  32. -- make new window
  33. local Teleports = library:CreateWindow({
  35. text = "Teleports Menu"
  36. })
  37. local Misc = library:CreateWindow({
  38. text = "Miscellaneous"
  39. })
  40. local Character = library:CreateWindow({
  41. text = "Character Menu"
  42. })
  43. local Settings = library:CreateWindow({
  44. text = "Settings Menu"
  45. })
  46. local Combat = library:CreateWindow({
  47. text = "Combat Menu"
  48. })
  50. -- All misc
  51. Misc:AddButton("Car Speed",function()
  52. dir = 0
  53. gs = game.GetService
  54. gs(game,"RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function()
  55. for i,v in next,workspace.Vehicles:children() do
  56. if v.Name ~= "Heli" then
  57. if v:FindFirstChild("Engine") then
  58. local bf,cf = v.Engine:FindFirstChild("NewForce"),v:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().lookVector
  59. if not bf then
  60. bf = v.Engine:FindFirstChild("BodyForce") or v.Engine:FindFirstChild("VectorForce")
  61. if bf then
  62. bf = bf:Clone()
  63. bf.Parent = v.Engine
  64. bf.Name = "NewForce"
  65. end
  66. end
  67. if bf then
  68. local fa = 1
  69. if v.Name:lower():find("bike") then fa = .3 elseif v.Name:lower():find("bugg") then fa = .5 end
  70. if v.Seat.PlayerName.Value ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name then fa = 0 end
  71. bf.Force =*300000*dir*fa,0,cf.Z*300000*dir*fa)
  72. end
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end
  76. end)
  77. val = {
  78. {Enum.KeyCode.W,1};
  79. {Enum.KeyCode.S,-1};
  80. }
  81. uis = gs(game,"UserInputService")
  82. chk = function(k)
  83. for i,v in next,val do
  84. if v[1]==k.KeyCode then
  85. return v[2]
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. uis.InputBegan:connect(function(k)
  90. dir = chk(k) or dir
  91. end)
  92. uis.InputEnded:connect(function(k)
  93. if chk(k) == dir then
  94. dir = 0
  95. end
  96. end)
  97. end)
  99. Misc:AddButton("Car Fly", function()
  100. p=game:GetService"Players".LocalPlayer
  101. m=p:GetMouse()
  103. newcclosure=newcclosure or function(w)return w end; -- use this to clear current closure.
  104. getreg=debug.getregistry or getreg; -- use this to reach c_reg
  105. local al; -- current player hash
  106. local bc; -- current walkevent hash
  107. local io; -- current internels hash
  108. local iw; -- current jmpower hash
  109. local ow = debug.getregistry or getreg; --useless
  111. m.KeyDown:connect(function(jmp)
  112. if jmp == "g" then
  113. p.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid':ChangeState("Jumping")
  114. wait()
  115. p.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid':ChangeState("Seated")
  116. end
  117. end)
  118. end)
  119. Combat:AddButton("All Guns", function()
  120. for i,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
  121. if v:IsA("ClickDetector") then
  122. fireclickdetector(v)
  123. end
  124. end
  125. end)
  127. Character:AddButton("Esp",function()
  128. while true do for i, v in pairs(game.Teams.Police:GetPlayers()) do p = game:GetService('Players') e ='BoxHandleAdornment') e.Color3 =,0,1) e.Size =,1.6,1) e.ZIndex = 1 e.AlwaysOnTop = true e.Parent = game:GetService('Workspace') e.Adornee = v.Character.UpperTorso end wait(5) e:Destroy() end
  129. while true do for i,v in pairs(game.Teams.Criminal:GetPlayers()) do p=game:GetService('Players')'BoxHandleAdornment'),0,0),1.6,1) e.ZIndex=1 e.AlwaysOnTop=true e.Parent=game:GetService('Workspace') e.Adornee=v.Character.UpperTorso end wait(5) e:Destroy() end
  130. while true do for i,v in pairs(game.Teams.Prisoner:GetPlayers()) do p=game:GetService('Players')'BoxHandleAdornment'),77,0),1.6,1) e.ZIndex=1 e.AlwaysOnTop=true e.Parent=game:GetService('Workspace') e.Adornee=v.Character.UpperTorso end wait(5) e:Destroy() end
  131. end)
  132. Character:AddButton("WalkSpeed", function()
  133. local walkspeedplayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  134. local walkspeedmouse = walkspeedplayer:GetMouse()
  135. local walkspeedenabled = false
  136. function x_walkspeed(key)
  137. if (key == "x") then
  138. if walkspeedenabled == false then
  139. _G.WS = 80;
  140. local Humanoid = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid;
  141. Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed"):Connect(function()
  142. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = _G.WS;
  143. end)
  144. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = _G.WS;
  145. walkspeedenabled = true
  146. elseif walkspeedenabled == true then
  147. _G.WS = 20;
  148. local Humanoid = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid;
  149. Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed"):Connect(function()
  150. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = _G.WS;
  151. end)
  152. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = _G.WS;
  153. walkspeedenabled = false
  154. end
  155. end
  156. end
  157. walkspeedmouse.KeyDown:connect(x_walkspeed)
  158. end)
  159. Misc:AddButton("Engine Boost", function()
  160. dir = 0
  161. gs = game.GetService
  162. gs(game,"RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function()
  163. for i,v in next,workspace.Vehicles:children() do
  164. if v.Name ~= "Heli" then
  165. if v:FindFirstChild("Engine") then
  166. local bf,cf = v.Engine:FindFirstChild("NewForce"),v:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().lookVector
  167. if not bf then
  168. bf = v.Engine:FindFirstChild("BodyForce") or v.Engine:FindFirstChild("VectorForce")
  169. if bf then
  170. bf = bf:Clone()
  171. bf.Parent = v.Engine
  172. bf.Name = "NewForce"
  173. end
  174. end
  175. if bf then
  176. local fa = 1
  177. if v.Name:lower():find("bike") then fa = .3 elseif v.Name:lower():find("bugg") then fa = .5 end
  178. if v.Seat.PlayerName.Value ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name then fa = 0 end
  179. bf.Force =*300000*dir*fa,0,cf.Z*300000*dir*fa)
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  184. end)
  185. val = {
  186. {Enum.KeyCode.W,1};
  187. {Enum.KeyCode.S,-1};
  188. }
  189. uis = gs(game,"UserInputService")
  190. chk = function(k)
  191. for i,v in next,val do
  192. if v[1]==k.KeyCode then
  193. return v[2]
  194. end
  195. end
  196. end
  197. uis.InputBegan:connect(function(k)
  198. dir = chk(k) or dir
  199. end)
  200. uis.InputEnded:connect(function(k)
  201. if chk(k) == dir then
  202. dir = 0
  203. end
  204. end)
  205. end)
  207. Misc:AddButton("Rob small stores", function()
  208. end)
  210. Misc:AddButton("Destroy Museum Roof", function()
  211. game:GetService("Workspace").Museum.Roof:Destroy()
  212. game:GetService("Workspace").Museum.Doors:Destroy()
  213. end)
  215. Misc:AddButton("Remove buildings", function()
  216. game:GetService("Workspace").Buildings:Destroy()
  217. end)
  219. Misc:AddButton("Remove doors", function()
  220. game:GetService("Workspace").Doors:Destroy()
  221. game:GetService("Workspace").Cell.Door.Closed:Destroy()
  222. end)
  224. Misc:AddButton("Infinite Nitro", function()
  225. me=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  226. plrGUI=me:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
  227. nitro=plrGUI.MainGui.Nitro
  228. Product=plrGUI.ProductGui.Nitro
  229. ProductStructure=plrGUI.ProductGui
  230. newcclosure=newcclosure or function(w)return w end; -- use this to clear current closure.
  231. getreg=debug.getregistry or getreg; -- use this to reach c_reg
  233. nitro.Name = "Fuck"
  234. Product.Destroy()
  235. local ReplicateOfNitro ="Model", ProductStructure)
  236. ReplicateOfNitro.Name = "Off"
  237. while wait() do
  238. a = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  239. a.PlayerGui.ProductGui.Nitro.Visible = false
  240. end
  241. end)
  242. Character:AddButton("NoClip [B]", function()
  244. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  246. local playersfolder ="Folder",player)
  247. local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
  248. local noclipplayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  249. local noclipmouse = noclipplayer:GetMouse()
  250. local donoclip = false
  251. local noclip = false
  253. function b_noclip(key)
  254. if (key == "b") then
  255. if noclip == false then
  256. donoclip = true
  258. noclip = true
  259. elseif noclip == true then
  260. donoclip = false
  262. noclip = false
  263. end
  264. end
  265. end
  267. noclipmouse.KeyDown:connect(b_noclip)
  269. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Touched:connect(function(cock)
  270. if cock ~= workspace.Terrain then
  271. if donoclip == true then
  272. cock.CanCollide = false
  273. else
  274. cock.CanCollide = true
  275. end
  276. end
  277. end)
  279. end)
  282. Misc:AddButton("Gun mod", function()
  283. local aI; -- [0000] - sub_03232212
  284. local aJ; -- [0000000] - sub_29033223
  285. local aK; -- [000000000] - sub_9234e54234232342332423423
  286. local aL; -- pcall[22] - sub_00
  287. local aM; -- pcall[2222] - sub_45345343534534534534534 = money shot
  289. for aN,aO in pairs(getreg())do if typeof(aO)=="table"then if aO.Pistol then aI=aO.Pistol; -- check table for pistol
  291. aJ=aO.Rifle; -- rifle
  292. aK=aO.RocketLauncher; -- rocketlauncher
  293. aL=aO.Shotgun; -- shotgun
  294. aM=aO.AK47 -- ak47
  295. end end end;
  296. if aI then aI.MagSize=math.huge;
  297. aI.FireAuto=true;
  298. aI.FireFreq=5000;aI.BulletSpread=0;
  299. aI.BulletSpeed=5000;
  300. end;
  301. if aJ then aJ.MagSize=math.huge;
  302. aJ.FireAuto=true;
  303. aJ.FireFreq=5000;
  304. aJ.BulletSpread=0;aJ.BulletSpeed=5000;
  305. end;
  306. if aK then aK.MagSize=math.huge;
  307. aK.FireAuto=true;
  308. aK.FireFreq=5000;
  309. aK.BulletSpread=0;
  310. aK.BulletSpeed=5000;
  311. end;
  314. if aL then aL.MagSize=math.huge;
  315. aL.FireAuto=true;
  316. aL.FireFreq=5000;
  317. aL.BulletSpread=0;
  318. aL.BulletSpeed=5000;
  319. end;
  320. if aM then aM.MagSize=math.huge;
  321. aM.FireAuto=true;
  322. aM.FireFreq=5000;
  323. aM.BulletSpread=0;
  324. aM.BulletSpeed=5000;
  325. end
  326. end)
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end)
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