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a guest
Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. class Array; alias i? include? end
  2. module Merb
  3. module SexyForms
  4. def sexify(model)
  5. T = DataMapper::Types
  6. do |p|
  7. if [T::Boolean, T::TrueClass].i?(p)
  8. label :"#{}"
  9. check_box :"#{}"
  10. elsif [T::String, T::Float,
  11. T::Fixnum, T::Integer,
  12. T::BigDecimal].i?(p)
  13. label :"#{}"
  14. text_field :"#{}"
  15. elsif [T::Text].i?(p)
  16. label :"#{}"
  17. text_area :"#{}"
  18. elsif [T::Date].i?(p)
  19. tag :label, :class => :date do
  20. yearc = (
  21. select :"#{}_month", :collection => (1..12).to_a; puts " / "
  22. select :"#{}_day" , :collection => (1..31).to_a; puts " / "
  23. select :"#{}_year" , :collection => (yearc).to_a; puts " / "
  24. end
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. # make sure we're running inside Merb
  31. if defined?(Merb::Plugins)
  33. # Merb gives you a Merb::Plugins.config hash...feel free to put your stuff in your piece of it
  34. Merb::Plugins.config[:sexyforms] = {
  35. :chickens => false
  36. }
  37. Merb::BootLoader.before_app_loads do
  38. Merb::Controller.send(:include, Merb::SexyForms)
  39. # require code that must be loaded before the application
  40. end
  42. Merb::BootLoader.after_app_loads do
  43. # code that can be required after the application loads
  44. end
  46. Merb::Plugins.add_rakefiles "sexyforms/merbtasks"
  47. end
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