
5 Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-15 2215 +Alec Wright

Jan 15th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-15 2215 +Alec Wright
  4. __
  7. +Alec Wright __ Okay, you are asking because you want to know. Yes, I know what Poe's Law is. This video is not about "hot sauce" it is about the bottle that the hot sauce it is being stored in. *It is not appropriate for a centabillion dollar super serious zero gravity research facility.* It is just one of MANY clues that the "ISS" is BS. *You cannot expect "them" to hold up a big sign reading _"This is like Santa for children and for adults who have remained as children"._*
  12. You DO understand that "Santa" isn't real, right? But did an adult ever sit you down and explain it to you? Was it ever a lesson at school that you were taught about "Santa not being real"? No, of course not. You simply figured it out for yourself. The fact there was a "Santa" in every shopping centre only made it easier.
  17. There are some things in life that are BS. They are not real. They are not true. But you are not sat down and told this. Why? Because these things are used to impress beliefs upon children. So that they grow up to be good, obedient workers (or whatever is required). The "ISS" is a platform for impressing beliefs upon children. Why do you think they spend all of their time talking to YOUNG CHILDREN and not adults, university students, engineers, researchers and so forth?
  22. Why do you suppose you have never seen a five or ten minute gymnastics routine where an "astronaut" or two do as many somersaults as possible? (We only ever see between 1 and 3 somersaults - why not ever 6 or 7? Why are there no zero gravity Guinness Book of World Records?) There are many incredible feats that can be done only in zero gravity. How can it be that we have never seen two "astronauts" playing space ping pong? Wouldn't that be awesome! When I have asked people this question they reply: _"But ping pong bats and balls are not appropriate for the 'ISS' - the 'ISS' is a serious research environment and it's not the place for that"._ Etc. But yet we see plenty of other trivial items - such as this "sauce bottle" (which are hopeless even in gravity) and we also see the guitar (which was used specifically to make that "hit song" by "Chris Hadfield").
  27. There are so many things wrong about the "ISS". They always talk about their "400 different experiments" but they can show us nothing. All we get are magic tricks - some water squeezed out of a rag, water bubbles and a somersault.
  32. They do all of their interviews in the same rooms - why not do the interviews with the Earth in the background? Apparently there is a window on the floor where they do most of the "ISS" interviews. The "astronauts" constantly refer to it and look down at it. Since they are allegedly in zero gravity and have no sense of up or down - why the crikey don't they do the interview with the window showing Earth behind them? Imagine how amazing it would be to listen to them talk as continents drifted past underneath! If it were real then that's exactly what would be happening. There would be a dedicated "media room" and it would have a really nice view of the Earth as it drifted past below. Imagine the geography lessons that could be done. Imagine having an "astronaut" sit by the window and talk about the geography that is happening below. If it were real then that is what we would see.
  36. I could go on and on and on. No, this is not Poe's Law. The "ISS" really is BS - just like "Santa". The only thing that proves there is a permanent zero gravity environment is if we are shown sustained duration genuine zero gravity that upon scrutiny remains free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans. After decades of allegedly manned "space stations" such footage has never been shown. SURE! We have some seemingly long "ISS tours" but if you examine them closely they are FILLED with edit points. It's just that if you believe it's real then you won't even notice them. You may think there are photos and video showing the "ISS" as it whizzes past in the sky. All anyone can make out is a bright flash. EVERYONE who claims to have zoomed in and can make out details is LYING. I have busted a number of these liars. Why would anyone lie? They do it for attention and respect. Because there is no "ISS" they get all of the views and applause. They get all of the attention. All of the purported images of the "ISS" from Earth are fakes. If they were real then don't you think there would exist some photos of the "ISS" from Earth as taken by a child, sibling or parent of an "astronaut"? If your child, sibling or parent were to be aboard the "ISS" wouldn't you become interested in taking a photo of it as it passed overhead? Of course! So where are all of those photos? Go to "NASA's" website and they have ZERO photos of the "ISS" from Earth that make out details. They show ONLY a bright flash which could be ANYTHING (no one disputes that there is a bright flash that whizzes past according to a timetable - what is disputed is that we can take photos that show details from Earth. Not even "NASA" are foolish enough to try and make that claim!).
  41. It's all right in front of you. You are belief controlled and so can only respond in the way you are. (It's understandable and I don't hold it against you.)
  46. Rather than hate on me for effectively pointing out that "Santa" isn't real just do a simple thought experiment. Just for fun - just for giggles - pretend it's all BS and go and watch some "NASA" videos of the "ISS". You will soon see that it is ridiculous. It's not just ridiculous but it's OBVIOUSLY ridiculous. It is only because you believe it's real that you can't see what's in front of you etc.
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