

Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. p: &eInstaller &8» &7
  3. command /is [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  4. permission: op.op
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg-1 is not set:
  7. play "click" to player at volume 100
  8. open chest with 5 rows named "{@p} &oMenü" to player
  9. wait 3 ticks
  10. if {Slot.1} is "aktiv":
  11. format slot 18 of player with 76 named "&6Skript &6reloaden" to run [make player execute command "/is reload %{Name.1}%"]
  12. format slot 0 of player with 351:10 named "&aSkript &7&o%{Name.1}%" with lore "&7&m------------||&7Status &aaktiv" to run [make player execute command "/is disssable 1"]
  13. if {Slot.1} is "aus":
  14. format slot 0 of player with 351:9 named "&aSkript &7&o%{Name.1}%" with lore "&7&m------------||&7Status &cdeaktiviert" to run [make player execute command "/is enablee 1"]
  15. if {Slot.1} is not set:
  16. format slot 0 of player with 166 named "&cFreier Slot" with lore "&7&m------------||&7Status &cdeaktiviert" to be unstealable
  17. #---
  23. if arg-1 is "help":
  24. send "{@p}Hilfe:"
  25. send "{@p}/is <slot> <name> <link>"
  26. send "{@p}/is delete <slot>"
  27. if arg-1 is "1":
  28. if arg-2 is set:
  29. if arg-3 is set:
  30. set {Slot.%arg-1%} to "aktiv"
  31. set {Name.1} to "%arg-2%"
  32. delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  33. set {_is.temp} to arg-3
  34. replace "." with "." in {_is.temp}
  35. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  36. download from "%{_is.temp}%" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  37. execute console command "sk reload %arg-2%"
  38. send "&aDu hast erfolgreich die Datei %arg-2% erstellt"
  39. if arg-1 is "delete":
  40. if arg-2 is "1":
  41. delete {Slot.%arg-2%}
  42. delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%{Name.1}"
  43. delete {Name.1}
  44. execute console command "sk reload all"
  45. send "{@p}&cErfolgreich gelöscht"
  46. if arg-1 is "disssable":
  47. if arg-2 is "1":
  48. set {Slot.1} to "aus"
  49. execute player command "is"
  50. execute console command "sk disable %{Name.1}%"
  51. if arg-1 is "enablee":
  52. if arg-2 is "1":
  53. set {Slot.%arg-2%} to "aktiv"
  54. execute player command "is"
  55. execute console command "sk enable %{Name.1}%"
  56. if arg-1 is "reload":
  57. if arg-2 is "%{Name.1}%":
  58. send "{@p}&eWird reloadet.."
  59. format slot 18 of player with 348 named "&aSkript &areloaden" to be unstealable
  60. wait 1 seconds
  61. execute console command "sk reload %{Name.1}%"
  62. play "level_up" to player at volume 100
  63. execute player command "is"
  64. send "{@p}Das Skript wurde erfolgreich &areloadet"
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