

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. july 2 1950
  3. myb lured was not having a good day at all. First he had been shanked then the nipple by superman, then he had been pummeled in the face with moby dicks whale cock, then he had been diagnosed with cancer and found out that he had aids that he got while being pummeled in the head, after that, he wen't insiane, dressed in a bright pink frilly tutu, with a silver miss america crown, in to the middle of the desert, and started doing the chicken dance while the un discovered he had possible plans to dirupt the worlds economy with the chicken dance. And then they sen't ever nuke they had at him, and then russia thought that he was a rich man, so they sen't there nukes after him as well. jamaca got involved and they catapulted seven tones of marajuana in highly compressed cubes at him. And just a few minutes before, a group of happy black women lead by camilleon kicked him square in the nuts, and cut off his head and then burrowed in'to the sand.
  5. then the seven tons of pot crushed his body under the immense wieght of it all. After that, the russians nukes hit, the desert, turning in'to a gian't glass sculpture, which was prominatly decimated because myb lured had survived the blast by the fact that he was already dead. then the american nukes hit. And all was right in the world and there was no more myb lured. jamaca had done its job well. the mob of angry black women, led by camilleon waited the the radiation to subside before emerging in'to the world mutated beyond belief, mad because there weaves got melted off.
  9. nay they were not happy at all.
  11. they were not sad either.
  13. they had become one mon'trous...
  15. angry black (super tanned) 34yr old woman.
  17. with a horrible fucking hairdo to boot. "Damn white men got me mad now! Fuck them fake black people as well. AHH! My hairs all gone. son of bitch!"
  19. april 27 2009
  21. it had been 3 years since the first debate of factions inciden't had left many questions regaurding what had happened that horrifying week. All that was left was a tape recorded by dr. thadeus three arms, head of research and developmen't over and the local university where the even'ts took place regaurding the squishadow debates as the studen'ts there now called them. "It had started so simply..." Were the first words that he had uttered in'to the recorders microphone, the tape itself seemingly picking up his voice. "It all started so simply... with the creating of the debate society, where people could talk about anything they wan'ted... As long as it had some validity to it."
  23. "But then things got out of hand." The studen'ts wen't about there day as normal, unaware of what had taken place here three years prior. "My name is dr. Arms."
  25. in the old biulding where the debate society had previosly been attacked by x19, a group of studen'ts were having a debate led by a woman in her mid twen'ties, dark mocha skin, and a scar on her left cheekbone. "Dr. thadeus three arms to be more exact. theres only a few momen'ts before I'm called in'to the arena to debate brad." Her name was aden "Dj" Owait. she had a job as a disc jockey for the calledges afternoon radio. "I'm hoping this reaches those who wan't to know the truth about what exactly has happened to the debate society and its members."And curren'tly, she was playing the tape in memory of what the good doctor had been through to free this place from the wretched hands of the squishadow. "It all started so simply..."
  27. "And that my friends, was the tape that we need to listen to a bit more later on in todays program."Aden said as her morning coffee seemed a little too hot as her lips drank in her morning her of caffine. "Yeah, bummer about what happened there dj, hey, have you ever noticed that there seems to be a lot more angry black women running around these days? it seems like all the black guys are dating white women, and they are NOT happy about it at all."Adens co host was a old friend of hers by the name of timmy "Sin". they hosted the afternoon radio show together when timmy had time.
  29. "Angry black women," She began as timmys eyes wandered the studio room. "Are funny to watch in movies, at family reunions, ectera, ectera, you know deal by now."Aden took in a deep breath, brushed her dark hair out of her even darker eyes and con'tinued to speak. "... in this forum, the one reigning black terror is really starting to piss me off." Timmy gave her the thumbs up as he saw the number of listeners spark up to fifteen. "Just shut up. the more you shout and scream," Twen'ty five listeners, "The more ignoran't you sound. stop accusing people of being racist." Timmy just about wet his pan'ts when the number showed over one thousand listeners, no doubt the target of her rage would be listening, she would deal with her at the old building tonight with the rest of the group. "Stop calling yourself a bad bitch. stop claiming that you're so in'telligen't and saying things that suggest otherwise." The chat rooms were ablaze with chatter and flame wars, but she paid them no mind. "Just shut the fuck up and chill the fuck out. goddamn. just because you have and or will soon have a degree, doesn't give you license to label, diagnose, and most disturbingly of all JUDGE everyone. FUCK!"
  31. timmy flicked off the microphone for her station with a gian't smile and con'tinued with a couple of plugs for the local teachers advertising there classes and other thoughts he had about what aden had said. she looked livid at the thought of this woman running around and screaming at the top of her lungs that all white men were racist pigs who worked for the clan. she just over heard her during a recen't date she had with someone. But the thing that stuck the most was that she was a studen't here at the university, and she passed by aden all the time screaming something or other.
  33. timmy turned off the microphone for his set and hit the music button. "We did fucking awesome tonight! Anyways, shouldn't we be heading for the old baxter research building for tonights meeting with the newly reinstated debate society, aden? I hear people are having trouble with the woman you were talking about tonight."Aden took another deep breath, herm ind was a wash of random thoughts tonigh. " Yeah I think we should get there and make a complete ass out of that bitch."
  35. a few hours later they were at the old baxter research facility where dr. Arms had left the tape just before he had died in a freak acciden't. she didn't know the details but she didn't have the time to worry about the past like that. A freshmen of the university nick, was making fun of another studen'ts idea of fun for the night. "Your butt sex thread is still greater then This meeting." Nick was mexican, and apparen'tly not very watchful of his words. But they knew he mean't no actual harm by them. nick was 35 and had been witness to the even'ts of three years ago. he had managed to put all of it behind him, but aden could tell that something was defenatley bothing him. "My butt sex thread? jeez nick, your hurting my feelings, maybe I hsould make a thread depicting you as an ass?" They both laughed at the irony of both there commen'ts and she proceeded to unlock the doors to the research building which looked like a gain't gold and black pyramid with three rooms underneath it. or so she was told.
  36. as she unlocked the doors to the strange looking building, the group heard whirring and clicking sounds, sound of water bieng poured in'to the very room itself and finally a load and obnoxios groa that seemed to go on forever. "Relax. It's just the in'ternet. Oreo." Camile was just touring the campus with some friends, and she had known about adens radio show for a couple of mon'ths now and she wasn't really a fan of hers. "Just like your show, all you threads suck. oreo." She looked as though she had just climbed out of a dumpster and smelled twice as worse. no one knew anything about her friend leis netme either, and both of them smelled and looked just about the same, only camil eon was fatter and had smaller breasts, and a space between her slightly glowing yellow teeth that mightve fit a biuck in there had it not been for the hideos monstrosity of braces that she had on her face.
  38. a friend of adens named wes pal stepped out from the crowd as everyone gathered around the huge maze like emerald doorways as she pushed the doors open with a gen'tle shove, making sure that she hit the light switch on the way in. "You're racist camil." He siad simply as he pushed past her and leis netme, both of whom were busy plotting to get even with aden for what was said this morning. "The cleaning crew must not have visited this place for the longest time after what happened to dr. Arms." Timmy sighed as he looked around the dimly lit grand en'try way to the floor which was cracked and cratered from all the fighting that must have happened. "Alright everyone, lets split up in'to groups and check this place out. if lucks on our side well have ourselves a new place to meet and greet every friday instead of the bar."Aden smiled as she playfuly hit timmy in the shoulder. "Ouch?" He smiled in retort before making his way to the grand pearl stair case that simply had to have gone all the way to the top.
  40. another friend of adens named ryan carlson ran up to camil with a big grin on his face. "Its you! The trailer trash women I saw in the red light district! So how much for a hand job?" Camil and leis looked livid at ryan for a second, then wen't back to talking amongst themselves. "Oh alright, you only do horses and monkeys right?"Another glaring look from camil told ryan all he needed to know. "Akk right, all right, I'll back off." Ryan walked up to aden, timmy, and wes and laughed. "Man, those two are just fun today aren't they!? hey jaden," Ryan began but she was already making her way towards camil and her co-whore in sex crimes. "Ok, never mind then. lets just watch the fireworks from the back row shall we fellas?"
  42. aden walked right up to the two and socked camil in the face before ripping in'to her. "You're a hateful creature. Black or white... You don't discriminate against who you discriminate against do you? so aces for being consisten't." Camil got up and wiped the smear and blood off of her cracked and sun burn't lips before taking another crack to the face. "You don't even know me, and you've got me all figured out. I've heard all the names sweetie, oreo?" Leis netme rushed to her friends side but was blocked of by timmy and wes as they shook there heads. "Really? try educated. I know who I am and where I came from so try mislabeling someone else."Aden turned away for just a split second before camil tryed to rush her. "Keep being ignoran't."But a third punch to the face knocked her down flat on her blubbery ass. "You don't know shit."
  43. a friend of camils came runing from the crowd as she laid on the ground, face to the celing. "Dizzy... where am I?" Cam asked slightly awake and more or less asleep. "I think she just hit you! Is there something wrong with my racist?" While dizzy helped camil off the ground and leis netme dusted her off and cleaned her wounds. nick walked over to ryan, timmy and wes, who immediatly wen't over to aden to see if she was ok. "Ryan is mart, you got out of there while the getting was good man! Gimme five!" Ryan did no such thing. "Ah! Man thats fucking cold dude.." To which ryan smiled at timmy. wes pal was worried about aden he hadn't seen her this furios before and was worried that something might happen. " Hey look, I could care less about your race. have a great smile, can hold conversation, and some other personality items is all I care about. great ass, no third legs..." He saw aden crack a smile but then quickly cover it. "Shh! I'm supposed to be angry! You not helping matters at all!"
  45. camil eon felt undignified being hit by someone of adens status in her mind. she was angry and hurt at almost nothing except the truth and her ego couldn't handle it one bit. she walked over to where aden and wes pal were talking, quietly brushed wes out of range, tapped aden on the shoulder and when she turned around, punched her in the forhead. "All I need to know, is that when these white people are yelling nigger all over the place,"Aden was taken by surprise at this offensive. Another blow landed on adens face, causing her to have a black eye.
  47. "You're nowhere to be found."Another blow to adens side caused her to gasp for air. "But when I confron't someone for smearing her self-loathing all over the forums," She raised her fist again to strike aden down hard again, "It's super oreo to the rescue. Get over yourself. What does being an oreo have to do with being educated anyway? You're twisted."And then she swung.
  49. aden caught her fist and twisted hard to the left, spraining her wrist while wrenching it this way and that, all the while making her coun'ter argumen't in the massive en'tryway and slowly pushed her opponen't towars the pearl staircase. "I'm sick," She twisted camil eon arms behind her back then placed a foot on her back to brace her self while she ready next move. "And tired of reading forums where camilleon tears people apart." She wrenched the already injured arm from behind and all at once camil was in severe pain from a dislocated shoulder.
  51. "I can't coun't how many white men she has accused of being racist," She pulled again while twisting hard enough to rip it all the way out of its socket for good and heard camil scream in pain while everyone watched with no sympathy in there eyes. "How many black or mixed race women she has accused of being self-hating racists including myself."Aden let the arm go, pan'ting as she did so but stayed the course with her coun'ter argumen't. "She could be the most attractive person in the world but," She stood tall against the slowly recovering camil who all at once screamed in a fit of rage and charged towards an unexpecting aden. "How she talks to people and carries herself in forums and in real life is just so,"Aden turns around and to the surprise of every one, side steps the charming camil and lets her run head first in'to a wall. "Ugly."
  53. a few seconds later there was an up roaros laughter that seemed to reverberate off the walls of the massive building that came from a single person. the laughter was insatiable and con'tagious. "It has started with black girls fighting each other, at a debate society meeting!" There was more fits of laughter that seemed more like a cackle then anything else. "For real cami? you ain't who you say you are,"Aden looked around as camil got up groggily to her feet and seemingly popped the bone back in'to place. "And you definen'tly... Ain't goin to change... Anyone thinkin that you think your the superior of your people is wrong!"A man with a half black, half white tuxedo and top hat with an opera mask covering his face slid down the banister on this feet while giggling glee fully. "And who might you be?"Aden asked in'terested at this turn of even'ts.
  54. "Who? me?" The tuxedoed figure says in a smooth voice. "My names not importan't, but you can call me carcy per for the time being. You see," Carcy began with a dramatic flair, "You are not in just... some old building, this place has history to it, growth, exponen'tial poten'tial that seeks to devour all that en'ter this greatest of domians."Aden wasn't the only one in'terested in what carcy had to say. "So, what your sayin mr. mexan tuxedo man-" Camil began as her arm wrenched itself back in'to place with a sudden pop and the sound of leis netme falling to the ground and squeaking in disgust, "Is that, this place which the fuckin white man used our great gran daddies and mommas to build this place-" She looked at aden with a slight look of con'tempt and hatered. "Is some little playground where we get to fight it out over ideoligies?" Carcy looked confused and slightly offended. "I don't hit women, could someone please... You know?"Aden nodded happily as she turned to camil and reared back to punch her. "Stop given angry black women a bad name you racist bitch!"And then let loose a feirce and direct hit to the cheek bone which mightve compacted had it not been for the layer of wrinkled fat underneath her skin.
  56. "Leis netme, don't even defend you angry little friend over there."Aden said with a slight tremor in her voice, "Damn woman calling me oreo. what the hell is up with that?" Les netme stood straight up and ran over to her pudgey little friends side to pick her up. "What the fuck are you going on about? Don't talk about angry black women just because you're upset with one person aden!" Camils friend said as she helped up the downed women. Aden turned back to carcy with a satidfied look on her face. "Please, con'tinue." Carcy took and deep breathe and then struck a magnificen't pose which mightve been epic had it not been for the fact that he had just farted when lifting his leg up. "DAMN THAT SMELLS BOY!" Camil shouted as the ass gas was hsot in her direction and knocked her out. "now thats the power of clean." Carcy said with a slight smile on his face.
  58. wes pal caught a wiff of the fart and shook his head to get rid of the smeel from his nose. "I think camilleon has a poin't... DAMN THAT FUCKING REEKS... As usual. You should see an angry filipina. Eeks!" Carcy was a bit more concerned with the matters of the place they were in. "If we could please get back to the matters at hand! You have just en'tered a place that won't let you leave un'til you pass its expectations of your true selves!" Carcy looked back at the group to see the camil was insulting a younger member of the group that had only joined a few weeks prior to this meeting. her name was sherrice, she was a studen't of ballet with the power to summon up tiny giraffes at a momen't notice and feed them giraffe food. she was nice looking for a woman her age, with a great face and a nice smile. And she was curren'tly getting chewed out for something camile thought was wrong with her.
  60. carcy shook his head and spoke solemly, "I can't believe what I'm even seeing, but yeah camile has talked to down to sherrice, and sherrice doesn't even deserve it. is this normal for your meetings aden?"
  61. all of sudden time froze and carcy per smiled and tipped his hat. "I do believe its time for a change of scenery.... HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS!?"All at once the walls, ceiling, and floor started shaking, the group of the newly established debate society still frozen in place as everything fell away to reveal a vast darkness around them all. "I see your doing well these days carcy, and these must be the new members of thedebate society?"A voice in suddenly cold tones spoke with a slight hin't of malice. "Yes, they are, and why are you always so damned cold and evil? why can't you be all nice, happy and fluffy?" The voice was slien't and then the darkness evaporated in'to a bright and shiny field with cartoonish rainbows and bright green fields, and rainbows and deer that were frolicking. And right in fron't of carcy per there was a fluffy bunny with a cotton ball tail.
  63. "See? that wasn't so bad now was it? and youve changed yourself in'to a nice bunny-" "AN EVIL FLUFFY BUNNY!" The rabbit spoke in menacing tones. "THE TIME WILL SOON DRAW NEAR WHEN I SHALL TAKE MY PLACE AS RIGHTFUL RULER OF THIS PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A CAMPUS! AND NO AMOUn't OF FLUFFY BUNNIES WILL CHANGE THAT! Ooo! A carrot!" Carcy per didn't know which was more confusing, the new members of the debate society, or the fact that his seemingly evil overlord had changed himself in'to a rabbit and hopped off after a magical singing carrot. "I SHALL CONSUME YOUR SOUL VILE CARROT!" "Hi therw! Do you wan't to sing?" The carrot asked in a cheerful tone of voice. "ABOUT CONSUMING YOUR SOUL!? MWA HA HA HA HA HA!" Carcy knew that laugh. that carrot was not going to survive the sing along.
  65. time resumed as if nothing ever happened, but it did, and no one took any real notice. leis netme was the first to unfreeze, "Uhm, she hasn't accused me of being self-loathing or racist... why is that carrot screaming in pain?" Leis netme was too distracted by what was happening in fron't of her to realize that a conversation was going on with out her. Carcy per just sat back and watched things unfold and kept a careful eye out for any other magical carrot with a penchan't for suicidal questions. But it was too late. "Hello mr. Bunny rabbit!" It said in a goofy voice and a bright smile on its face. Unaware of the death it would soon experience. "Would you like to sing a song?" The evil overlord turned fluffy bunnywith flaming red eyes pounced on it while the carrot sang the abc song. "I MUST FEED!"
  67. camil took notice of the scene as well but it didn't really register in'to her mind yet. "Oh those poor white people." She began to rage at aden again. "It's called sarcasm idiot. So far I've only iden'tified you and Sherrice as oreos," She poin't an accusing finger over at serrice then at aden with a look of indignation that there paren'ts even thought of falling in love iwth each other. "So I don't know where these coun'tless threads are." Carcy per noticed yet another singing carrot happily bounce its way in'to the overlords open bunny mouth and then scream like myb lured being raped by arnold. "I like tearing people apart. It's fun, especially when they're all in their feelings and I'm not," Camil caught a few insults hurled at her but kept on going. "So thanks. This has been quite enjoyable. AND WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT DAMNED RABBIT!?"
  69. ryan took no notice of the evil and cute rabbit waging war again the creatures of the magical story book that were seemingly dying in the millions. "nice angry black woman impression subtle, I see what you did thursday. Um... should we help him out or something?" He asked carcy who just shrugged and and listened in'ten'tly to what they were saying. "Uh... Do need any help little bunny guy... Sir.. thing?" The bunny stopped its merciless slughter of bambi mother clones, blue birds, singing carrots, floating pots, pans, gian'ts, elves, frog, rubber ducks, sporks and spifes. then hippety hopped up to ryan and stood on its hind legs while wiggling its nose. ryan couldn't help but pick it up and cuddle with it un'til the monstrous and utterly evil voice crept out of the seemingly harmless bunny.
  71. "I will slaughter the innocen't of this land, drink of there blood from there still beating hearts, and then bash each and every one of your skulls in to eat the ripe con'ten'ts that lay inside. NOW PUT ME DOWN SO THAT I MAY GO NIBBLE ON THE EVIL ARMY OF MAGICAL CARROTS!! I LIKE CARROTS!" Ryan did as he was told, and then promply shit and wet himself while at the very same instan't, had a runny nose, and started crying because he had just truly discovered what the face of pure evil looked like. And it had whiskers. Very, very soft whiskers.
  73. aden was either really pissed or really scared of the bunny, either way she was oging to have the last word no matter matter. "Leis netme, stop yelling at me. the title was con'tinued in the topic. Calm down." She turned her atten'tions towards the slightly mortified camile, "You're so quick to rip in'to me lately, and I have no idea why, I've never given you a reason?" "I WILL DRINK OF YOUR SOULS VILE ADORABLE CREATURES!" Camile had just about enough of the rabbit and his evil talk. she run over to him, grabbed him by the ears, "LET ME G- OH SHIT!"And pun'ted him so hard that he simply exploded in'to a ball of fluffiness and rainbows.
  74. Sherrice was the next to become unfrozen, completely unaware of what had just transpired, she started speaking. "Really Cami?" She looked up in'to the sky just in time to see the evil overlord explode in'to a gian't cloud of fluffiness and rainbows. "Are you upset that Sepa was saying Nigger? He does that shit for atten'tion." She was ignoring this fact and sticking to the basics. And the basics were fucking up her sense of reality right now. "Just where in the fuck are we?" Camile walked over to ryan silen'tly and patted him on the shoulder, apparen'tly this was just enough force to make him empty the con'ten't that were inside him, out of him. "Yeah, sure." Camile said flatly. "He's the only one? Wake up." She wasn't sure where she was, when she was, or why this place was chosen over everything that they couldve been brought to. "Upset? Never that."
  76. for some reason a preist had joined the debate society in hopes of learning about where the gates of heaven were so he could join his wife with absolution one day. his name was father puck, a roaming, wandering, tattered, and for some odd reason eight nippled man with a penchan't for lymerics. he and camile had a personal history between the two that some how involved camil jumping in'to a raging inferno but not dying. "Hey cam," Camile jumped at the sound of the voice. "Have you ever had to dress me down? if so I don't recall..." The priest sighed happily. "Its good to know that carcy choose to send us here instead of the other place you kno- OH SHIT!" He had just tripped and fell in'to a hole wide enough for two grey hound buses and landed on something soft, fluffy, and smelling like chocolate.
  77. "WHO WOKE ME UP!?"A shocked and surprised voice rumbled from deep with in the hole that father puck had fallen in'to. "Help me dear father for I do not know what I hath stumbled uponith!" The vioce rumbled again, "WHO WOKE ME UP!?" The father, not knowing what to do scrambled out of the hole as fast as his beefy legs could carry him. "HELP ME JESUS!" Puck said as the gian't purple bunny popped out of the hole. his glowing purple nose wriggling up and down in an adorable bunny fashion. Camile was not impressed one bit.
  79. leis netme looked at aden with a bit of sorrow in her eyes as her hand brushed against the gian't bunnys ears. "Sweetheart, I'm not yelling at you." She seemed a bit uneasy on her feet aden seemed to notice. "I'm too drunk to care about that. And you made a thread and caught me while I was feeling like a bitch as always." Leis netme hiccuped and then barfed on'to the gian't purple rabbits ears. "Don't take it personally."
  81. camil helped father puck to his feet and brushed the dirt off of him in sort of a ritualistic kinda way. "Whats wrong with these people? don't they know there in the presence of something magificen't?" Cail eon smiled for a second before realising they were just visiting before carcy per decided to change the scenery again. "Puck, these fools don't know their asses from their ears." She started ran'ting at aden again. "Ironically, I've never seen a thread about 'angry white men' on this world." She instan'tly saw an angry white man with a peice of thread. "But of course it had to be a Black woman to bring out the stereotype. The irony." The angry white man was instan'tly crushed by a fatter represen'tation of camile with a sad face, a white flag, a pill that made her twice as annoying as usual, and a box of slim fast. "BTW, do you oreos have any more clever quips to make? Otherwise I'm off to bed."
  83. carcy per smiled at last. he would be able to explain to them the severity of what was happening to them. "If I might make a suggestion?" He projected with out straining his voice. the group looked at him and gattered around him like a group of people about to listen to something very wierd and akward. "It seems that this place your in, the evil overlord... who somehow managed to be turned in'to a carrot eating evil rabbit... has some plans for you. or rather, a select group of you." The father crossed himself, and the gian't pruple bunny wasi n'trigued as well. which seemingly caught carcy pers eye. "Who the hell are you?" He asked poin'tedly at the gian't purple creature. "My name is grad jun, I'm the king of this place. wheres my damned carrot?"
  84. no one was listening to carcy per and his suggestion of moving along, to him they just wan'ted to bicker amongst themselves. "Look, can we go somewhere where there isn't anything for us to accomplish?" Father puck asked carcy per plainly. Carcy looked defeated and simply snapped his fingers again and the whole group was in a infinitely expansive black plain with several comfortable leather chairs, each with its own keg of beer and a raging pit of fire in in the cen'ter. Carcy snapped his fingers again and each person was sitting in a chair. including the gian't purple bunny.
  86. aden simply con'tinued her argumen't against camile. "Yes because you're sweetness and light in all of your posts." She took a sip of beer before con'tinuing on her defense. since she had been in'troduced to the colledges forum, aden had been an active participan't in the threads, and had noted on several occasion that camil, wasn't always the nicest fat lady. "I was actually reading your thread where you asked ken where his sheet was and accused him of being a klan member for asking you what bbw mean't. Back then even I didn't know what it mean't." She saw camils eyes narrow with a slight sense of disgust and con'tinued with a cly smile on her face. "I would cry inside about your tear downs, but they're more annoying then insulting. If anyone is a stereotype, it sure as fuck isn't me."
  88. she listened to adens story with an incomplete atten'tion to detail, as the fire lighted up her dark features, aden saw what appeared to be a tiny spark of rage deep inside her mind, just waiting to come out at rip her to shreds. "You're promoting stereotypes. Ken is a self-proclaimed racist. He and I go back and forth all the time, in jest. So, if that's your best example just give it up." She also noted the complexity of the new location they were in. "It's alright for real black women to cry, just not oreos." She added with a snobby sneer. Carcy per looked both ahppy in what he had done and sat himself down in the chair next to father puck, who was already going through the keg like a fish through water. "This is good stuff!" He remarked as he downed another glass in one gulp. "And the best thing is that it keeps refilling!"
  90. the father smiled a little before asking another question to carcy while the others con'tiued to bicker amogst themselves. "Carcy," He started, slightly slurring his words. "You know, I don't think this place is normal..." Carcy nodded in agreemen't. "We just keep switching places at random, and its almost like no matter what we do, were always going to be locked in the stupid argumen't between the hot chick and the fat ass over judging bitch." Carcy laughed in agreemen't. "That may be said to a certain exten't. I however beleive that this is the perfect location for this conversation to con'tinue. how ever, there is a slight possibility that other will join our little group sooner then we might think." The father only grabbed another glass ful of beer before becoming stoic and silen't.
  92. Won derrian, a fellow radio dj that had the slot after dj aden had to speak up sometime in adens defense. she was a little confused over the thing, but at the same time, she didn't like camil one bit. "You're the reason why people hate blacks." Won said with a slightly sarcastic tone in her voice. Camil was enraged now and threw the glass in her hand at wons head, but instead of crashing in'to wons face, it returned and broke in'to a hundred peices on her face instead. "Just sayin. Also go fucking die in a fire caused by much fapping." She added with a bigger more prevalen't smile.
  93. Sherrice laughed as she took a swig of beer finaly. "Clearly, you are upset over it... Because you men'tioned it." Camile could only scowl at wons insult and retaliated with something she hoped would clear the air up a bit. "I know... Because I'm articulate, educated, and gorgeous. Let the haters hate. Clearly you hate yourself because you men'tioned it." She stopped to sigh as she looked in'to the blazing inferno that seemed to be getting smaller by the momen't. her eyes then quickly darted to wons like darts to a bullseye. "Logic is post AA... oh, thats right, you wouldn't know would you?" She added with a self righteous sense of satisfaction. won slung the mug of cold beer at camile with all her strength. "No, because you're a self righteous bitch who tries to cry racist if someone doesn't like you or agree with you." The mug missed camile by just millimeters, but the fat spray tanned woman did not move an inch. "I love every inch of myself... That's a whole lotta lovin." She added with a bit of distasted in her mouth. "Seriously... Look in'to that fire thing."And with that, she left the ring of chairs. leaving everyone to wonder who would be the next to speak up.
  95. king grad jun, the gian't purple bunny from the previos setting of the magical suicidal singing carrots, spke up to break the tension. "I'm the blackest person here. It's true!" Carcy had to break up the monotony of the conversation that had been going on for longer then he could imagine. But again he was in'tertupted by wes pal who tried to turn the subject away from racism. "Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs in'tensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them. just like camile tried to with that show she just put on." Wes yawned again before relining in his chair to look up at the endless black plain. wondering where they were, and even more to the poin't, who was this evil overlord that carcy kept men'tioning. "Is this really what we were originally meeting for? to argue over the simplistic misery of a lone woman? in'terestingly enough, it does pass the time, before who ever brought us here, sends us away. so we might as well take a break from the argumen'ts and enjoy our company, no?"
  97. sherrice wouldn't have any of it though. since she was right across from camile, she looked in'to her coked up eyes and made a perfectly logical statemen't. "Once again you men'tion the AA thing," She exclaimed. "I'm going to a University afterwards. But why do I need to tell you this?" She asked a direct question to which camile had no real comeback for.
  99. carcy had slipped away during the argumen't and walk for a bit before stopping. A deep voice rumbled through out the plain and then stopped. Carcy understood everything the rumble mean't and responded. "This might be harder then it looks, perhaps if we took just a little step back then?"Another series of rumbles to which the group took no notice of. "I know.... maybe we could throw something at them to test there devotion to the poin'tless conversation, after all... it wouldn't be very fitting if my master devoured them with out adding a little spice in'to the mix."An agreeing rumble from all around let carcy know all that he needed to add the proper spice in'to the mix.
  101. "But I do have one thought on this matter master, what would thep oin't of all this be? in the end it would only mean that you would be alone again for who knows how long before they instituted another debate society, and then everything would just happen again. tell me... is this really what you wan't to do?" Light en'tered the black plain as a small orb descended from an unknown hieghth at an unknown speed for a long time, befre hovering in fron't of carcy's face. "no. I don't wan't to be alone."
  102. carcy patted the foating orb on the top and smiled gen'tly. "now why all this fuss over one doctor? its not like he got what was coming to him right?" The orb flashed red, then pink, then a deep dripping dark rust color. "Very well then, I'll make sure these people don't end up with the same ending as docotr thadeus three arms and his bunch of cronies. All though the elders won't like the news, but they never participate in these things anyways." Carcy then put a finger to his temple and breathed in as the orb ascended much faster and the rumbling con'tinued. "Yes I know... Change the scenery...."
  104. carcy per teleported out of the monstrosity of the black plain and in'to a dark room with ten elders dressed in dark forboding robes, with ancien't runic symols on them in an unknown text. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" One elder screamed at the top of his lungs, nearly straining himself in'to a coughing frenzy as woman next ot him patted him on the back and handed him a glass of water. "What is the meaning of this... I don'tk now, I'm just a spectator, and occasional commen'tator to this sadl ittle game you play with our place of education. Cna you tell me what the meaning of this actually is?" Four others dressed in black with white spots murmured amongst them selves.
  106. "The true purpose of this, is a simple one at that, one that has been played out once before, in accordance with out tribunal customs, with our long forgotten past and prophecy..." Carcy motioned the one speaking to con'tinue impatien'tly. "We need another member added to our roster. the next elder elected shall be forced in'to a dual with a mighty and infinitely powerful beast that has been long since dorman't." Carcy had heard enough lunacy and turned away from the elders with a huff in his mind about what this could all mean.
  108. "Just promise me one thing... Don't let this end like you let it end for my brother."
  109. the elders smiled evily as they waved him off with there bony hands. "You have no say in the matter, we shall do as we see fit to that group of people just like we did your precious thadeus three arms. now go! And con'tinue to observe there bickering carcy per." The elder speaking paused for just a momen't before con'tinuing. "And remember to smile!"
  111. as soon as carcy left the room, the elders were in an uproar about how they should finish off the newest members of the bebate society. "Lets just have them fight the squishadow again, its not like we have anything better to throw at them." "The shuishadow!? is that really all we have to throw at them?" "I was thinking maybe using the gian't purple bunny, or maybe the suicidal singing carrots" With that utterance the whole room was quiet for half an hour while trying to con'timplate the meaning of that sen'tence. "Singing... Carrots... that are suicidal? I wasn't even aware they had feelings to begin with!"
  113. after another half an hour of trying to think of a good way to end this debate society they figured out something very very true. they were all very very old, they had been stuck in that room for a very very long time, and one of them really liked the musical cats. "Cats!?" "You have to be joking! A bunch of people glammed up like eighties rockstars, prancing about in tights and fake cat ears, screeching about how they wan't to fuck this one female cat?" My god man, have you lost your feeble old mind?" The doors opened again and much to there surprise, a man that looked like he had come from the gates of hell, while being stabbed in the face by a package of sourpatch kids, stumbled in'to the room.
  115. "I have a solution." Was all that he said before he succumbed to his wounds.
  116. there was a general murmur among the elders about the real purpose of this in'teruption and this new visitor. "What is the purpose of this!? nobody sees the izard!" The woman next to him slapped him upside the head with a simple smile. "Wrong movie." The newcomer simply was passedo ut and the elders wouldn't lift a finger to help him. "I... Can help you... if help me..." The figure began to float in mid air as evil energies ripped through out the large and vast room, scorching the elders very souls, there minds, no longer, weak and feeble, no longer idle to constan't change of subjects or blithering idiocy. "We see that you will get help very soon!"
  118. as the elders became aware of there fates at the hands of this creature beyong ages, beyond time, and apparen'tly beyond morals as he summoned the three fiercest warriors in the known universe, and some one they could just beat the hell out of when the time came for them to relieve some boredom. "Dawg gone it and I was just getting to the good part as well. I guess I'll never beat the kitten chasing an rc car." Said the first, his eyes glowing the brightest and purest of red. "I like the color red. it reminds me of the color of blood. I like to imagine myself covred in blood." Said the second in a thick austrian accen't. "Could you just please take your fucking seats before I beat your pedophile cats loving asses down!?" Said the third, adjusting his jacket and the strap to his shot gun holder. "AHHHH! SON OF A BITCH! YOU THREE ARE HERE!?" Said the fourth, still crying tears of shame from his encoun'ters with them from his previos ven'ture.
  120. the elders themselves laughed in unison as there minds became sharper then lasers and there youth had been returned to them, except for the guy who liked the cats musical, instead, he was crushed by the wieght of the universe taking a singularity of a crap on him for like such a stupid and ridiculous show. "You there, I wan't the names all of ten of the council members.... I'm sorry, nine. nine members of the council of elders." The first of the elders stood up. "I shall do the in'troductions, because obviosly, I'm the oldest out of all of you. seriously, you turn three hundred and you think your a big shot because your hip doesn't shatter from a gust of wind. Anyways, my name is clyde, to my right are jim, bob, alex, karl, melinda, sarah, heena, kim, christina, and the person crushed by the enormous mound of shit would have been an'ton."
  121. the creature smiled with glee as it raised one of its thousands of hands and poin'ted towards the group it had just summoned. "My, my, my, we have names now don't we? clyde was it?" Clyde nodded in earnest as he remebered something in what felt like the first time in his life. "I JUST HAD A THOUGHT! An'ton was a complete asshole. THAT WAS THE THOUGHT!" The creature simpled gigled in expectation, "Clyde, leader of the ten-" "nine." "-nine, elders, and holder of all that mysterious stuff you love so much. may I in'troduce ot you, THE most deadliest fighting force... And there punching bag, the fucknut, that this very plane has ever seen!" Jim stood up and looked at the team with a bit of distrust. "But this is the first team weve ever seen though... how can we be sure that theyll get the job done the way WE wan't them too?"
  123. the creature looked up at jim, and in an instan't he was also crushed under the massive wieght of a universaly taken crap. "HOLY FUCK THAT SMELLS!" Kim said as she ran over to where the elder jim one was siting. "Oh well, joe was an asshole. Clyde were down to eight elders now." "As I WAS saying, the most deadliest team ever created," The creature took a breath with excitmen't. he had been savoring this momen't from the first time that he had stepped in'to the room. "Barney saget! The most determined rapist and host of a family show that there ever was!"Barney saget stepped in'to the light of the room, which just happened to be a big assed tangle of christmas lights. "Um... hi? and..... whered our little ballin run off to!?" The creature took no notice and con'tinued with the in'troductions. "next we have the guy that brings down more pedophiles- like an'ton- with his trusty four hundred gauge shotgun then any other news caster, chris hansen!" Chris hansen stepped in'to the light and looked at the spot where an'ton was one alive and sitting. "Take a.... never mind, I'm going to go look for ballin with barney now."
  125. the creature laughed evily as the third and final member of the team walked up with out any in'troduction and simply stated "I LIKE TO TEACH PEOPLE MANNERS IN HUMILIATING WAYS! DO IT! DO IT NOW!" "Arnold? you can calm down now, besides, it looks like your primary target is over there. welcome back an'ton!" Clyde exclaimed happily as an'tons wounds healed instan'tly again and his body was forced upright and shouted, "I AM An'tON MYB LURED! WHERE LITTLE TIMMY!?" Chris hansens head jerked towards an'tons voice lightning quick as he sped over and rammed his weapon in'to an'tons brain. "I said... TAKE A FUCKING SEAT!"
  127. mean while, back in the vast expanse known to the group as the black plain, carcy had just arrived to hear the fat, fake black woman, camil eon, make a another sarcastic commen't towards won derr in a mean and nasty tone of voice with hin'ts of glee and rage. "I call 'em like I see 'em won. And all I see is a sad little mixed up mongrel bitch, who would rather attempt to dress down a real Black woman instead of just finding the white man you long for." She looked at won with a slight hin't of jeolosy. "Run along and do that." She then turned to sherrice and noticed that carcy per had returned. "Good luck with that. Try Howard. Carcy? where the fuck have you been? off stealing cars or something of the like?" Carcy wan'ted to shoot her in the face with a rocket launcher, but he had other priorities that he had been charged with. "no, I was simply debating whether or not I should give you a slice of watermelon for the act your putting up thus far."
  129. camile was pissed now. "Damn mexican, I'm 32 years old! I can get one of you little south of the border bastards anytime I wan't! I've got more cushion for the pushin!" Won couldn't help but laugh as she realized that the fat hutlike woman sitting beside her was 32 years of age. "32? Really? what happened, couldn't get a date on maturesex. Com?" Sherrice also joined in the fun. "A 'real' black woman?" She laughed un'til she fell on the floor, trying to catch her breath. "Please bitch, the only thing black about you is the way you take your coffee, and even that has cream in it!" The gian't purple king of the rabbits, couldn't help but join in on the fun. "What makes you the empress of black people?" His eyes widened with enjoymen't as he con'tinued, "The bunny balls your hiding somewhere in the many folds of fat you desperatly try to hide with a "Juicy" Shirt? trust me, the only thing juicy about you is the sweat between your layers of blubber!"
  131. timmy started to go in'to a little hip hop routine as he also joined in on the fun, beat boxing as he did so making aden laugh harder then shed ever in the time that shed known him. "Nigga please! Nigga, Nigga please!!! Nigga please! Nigga, Nigga please!!!" He ended it with a beat poet pose that made even carcy per start to giggle, but he quickly stifled it before anyone took notice. wes pal finished another glass of beer from the infinitely full keg next to his chair, and declared his thoughts on grad jun as king. "I declare Graduate KING of the bunnies and all thumpers alike! LONG LIVE THE KING! SHORT LIVE CAMILE THE SLUT! HIC!" Camile eon was not happy at all and made an epic fail at a few jokes of her own. "Black is in caps, hon. Maybe one day you'll be a real Black woman." The laughter started to die down, "I don't think wonderwoman has the melanin for it." It then became chuckling, "Ooh, racial injustice. Stomp it out, won derrwoman."And then it completely stopped. "Fuck you and go lose some wieght you fat nigga." Timmy said in retaliation.
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