
Code of Honor wip

Mar 3rd, 2016
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  1. + Innocent until proven guilty
  2. + Show mercy to those that may need it most
  3. + Discover the truth wherever it hides
  4. + Never stop learning
  5. + Keep your heart and mind open to new experiences
  6. + Help can come in the strangest places, repay the favor in kind
  7. + There is good in all beings. Seek it out and appeal to it before taking action
  8. + Family and Friends above all else
  9. + Those that break trust are not worthy of immediate forgiveness
  10. + Strike with a sure hand when there are no other options
  11. + Fear does not make you weak. Use it to learn and fuel your strength
  12. + Mercy is not always kind. To kill can be as merciful as to spare
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