
FS- HopeAgainstHope (Semi-Clop)

May 27th, 2012
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  1. > Day... You've stopped counting.
  2. > Equestria.
  3. > P0nyville.
  4. > You are Anon.
  5. > You are the only human in the whole of this crazy horse run land.
  6. > You've just woke up with a hangover and it's finally sunk in.
  7. > You're going to be here forever.
  9. > Feelsbadman.
  10. > Your house is nice, but too empty.
  11. > Just like your life.
  12. > Feel lonely?
  13. > Beer has the answer!
  14. > Drink!
  15. > Bad news, dude.
  16. > That doesn't seem to work anymore.
  17. > Also, testicles are now like two big blue pineapples.
  18. > When they finally explode, no p0ny will survive the flood.
  20. > Lonely and beer not working?
  21. > That's bad.
  22. > Lonely and horny and beer not working?
  23. > That's fucking terribad.
  24. > Ok brain, looking for answers...
  25. > 'go back to killing me with beer.'
  26. > Simpsonsdidit.jpg
  27. > Ok then, fuck you brain.
  28. > Hey, little brain down there, what do you think?
  29. > 'Findholefuckholefindholefuckholefindholefuc-'
  30. > That's not helping.
  31. > What do?
  32. > Take a walk.
  33. > P0nies wave and say hello.
  34. > No answer to give.
  35. > No thinking.
  36. > No hope.
  37. > Just walking.
  39. > See a familiar cottage suddenly.
  40. > Realise it's Fluttershy's.
  41. > Brain, did you do this?
  42. > 'nope. urgently require more beer pylons.'
  43. > No.
  44. > What about you little brain?
  45. > '.....'
  46. > That's a yes isn't it?
  47. > 'findholefuckhole?'
  48. > Goddammit.
  49. > Well, at least one of you is trying to help.
  50. > Been here too long.
  51. > Forgotten what women look like.
  52. > Never going home.
  53. > Have to make do.
  54. > Fuck it.
  55. > 'yeeeeesssss'
  56. > You shut up.
  58. > *knockknock*
  59. "You in there Fluttershy?"
  60. > Door flies back and almost slams off hinges.
  61. > Yellow pegasus is there.
  62. > So is little rabbit.
  63. > Angel is giving you the stink eye.
  64. > You flip him the bird as hard as you can.
  65. > "Anon! th-this is such a s-surprise... I was going to watch... umn. see you later."
  66. "Yeah. Hey, can I ask you something?"
  67. > Flutters eyes widen and she squeeks "...yes..."
  68. "You know, something personal?"
  69. > Her eyes widen further and she covers her mouth with her hooves in excitement "...yes!..."
  70. "um. yeah... in private?"
  71. > *squee*
  72. "Without hoppy the killjoy there?"
  73. > Fluttershy punts angel out of the door, clearing the yard and qualifying as first draft pick for the fillydelphia eagles.
  74. "Thank's flutter-urk!"
  75. > She drags you in with the strength of a thousand horny pegasi and the door slams shut behind you.
  77. > Fluttershy is sitting on the couch next to you.
  78. > She's trying to look sultry.
  79. > It makes her look gassy.
  80. " I've been here a long time."
  81. > She mumbles something and tousles her mane as she looks at you licking her lips.
  82. > It's meant to be seductive.
  83. > It's not.
  84. "...just stop. Listen to me."
  85. > Fluttershy stops.
  86. "I'm never going to find a way home. I'm not going to get lucky enough for that shit to happen twice."
  87. "Here is where I live now."
  88. > She's stopped trying to be alluring.
  89. > Good.
  90. > It's hard being serious when she's looks like she's trying to french her own nose.
  91. "...If I don't want to end up loosing my mind..."
  92. > ...whatever's left of it...'Buy more booze!'...shut up brain!
  93. "... I can't go on as I am."
  94. > Fluttershy is lookin up at you now, hooves crossed and eyes dampening as she hopes against hope...
  95. "You've always been there for me, 'shy. No matter how I turned you away. You still kept trying. You thought I was worth it."
  96. "I'm sorry for all the cruel things I said. Sorry for all the times I rejected you. You saw what I didn't. I'm part of this world now."
  97. > You lean in, close to her, the heat of her breath close enough to warm your mouth.
  98. "It's time I started living in it."
  100. > You can hear her heart pounding in her chest.
  101. > Her eyes are wet with held back tears.
  102. > She has both forehooves up covering her mouth, but you can see the corners of a smile peeking out at the sides.
  103. > Her ears are straight up and quivering.
  104. > So are her wings.
  105. "If you can find it in yourself to forgive me..."
  106. > She doesn't respond, eyes now pinpricks of focus, absorbing this dreamt of moment in every detail.
  107. "Then I'd like to see if we could have something together."
  108. > You lean in that last, longest inch and, moving her hooves apart, kiss her softly upon her mouth.
  109. > She's too shocked to even respond, her mouth barely moving.
  110. "Something beautiful."
  111. > You place a hand gently upon her flank and slowly circle her cutiemark with caressing, stroking motions.
  112. > This time she initiates.
  113. > Her mouth lunges forward so swiftly it almost looking like it pulls her body with her.
  114. > Shy's lips press firmly against yours and her deft tongue explores this new, welcoming territory.
  115. > Your hand slowly starts to trace it's way, meandering, up her flank and along her side.
  116. > As it comes to rest against her shoulder, you both pull away for a gasped breath, before pushing into each other again.
  117. > Your hand cups her jaw, tilting her head back, allowing you to take dominance.
  118. > Fluttershy is responsive to this, pliant... retreating.
  119. > You push gently downwards on her, assertive, swift darting motions of the tongue eliciting shudders.
  121. > As your hand begins to work it's way down her body, you gasp another breath.
  122. > At any other time this slobbering, wet, gasping noise would be comical.
  123. > Here, it speaks of a passion so fierce self conciousness has no place.
  124. > Just hunger.
  125. > Your hand strokes along her belly, down, then up again, then down.
  126. > Down further...
  127. > Further.
  128. > Passing over two firm mounds, causing a little squeek to escape her mouth, but not your's as it continues pressing against her.
  129. > Stopping to tweak a perfectly rigid nipple and to shudder yourself at the low moan that emits from deep within her, your hand then creeps lower.
  130. > You feel her parting her legs at it's approach.
  131. > You feel a warmth ahead of the tips of your seeking fingers.
  132. > A dampness on your fingers, clinging and inviting.
  133. > Stopping to breathe, to gather yourselves for what is to come, you look into her eyes.
  134. > Those teal, deep, soulful, loving eyes framed by a blush so bright it near covers her whole face.
  135. "You never did find out my fetish..."
  136. > "Does it matter?" She doesn't stutter, doesn't squeak.
  137. > All self doubt has banished by realising this want.
  138. " It's [spoiler] Orgasm denial [/spoiler]"
  140. > You get up.
  141. > Straighten your collar and walk right out of the door.
  142. > like.
  143. > a.
  144. > boss.
  145. > You leave Fluttershy sitting in a pool of her own juices, still blushing, still making a 'kissy' face and eyes starting to tear over.
  146. > The door slams behind you.
  147. > You hide in Fluttershy's bushes and tug your cock ragged to the sound of her crying.
  148. > By the time you're done, your balls look like two deflated spacehoppers and the bush like it's been TP'd by the smurfs.
  149. > You spend the next three day's in P0nyville general hospital been treated for crotch located friction burns.
  150. > Life is good again.
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