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a guest
May 14th, 2014
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  1. timeit = require 'timeit'
  3. windower.register_event('addon command',function (...)
  4. command = table.concat({...},' ')
  5. if command:lower() == 'test' then
  6. if testmode then
  7. testmode = false
  8. table.sort(timearray)
  9. local basetime = 25
  10. windower.add_to_chat(8,'------ Delays ------')
  11. for i,v in ipairs(timearray) do
  12. windower.add_to_chat(8,tostring(v))
  13. if v < basetime then
  14. basetime = v
  15. end
  16. end
  17. windower.add_to_chat(121,'TP Delay should be set to about: '..basetime-0.4) -- 0.3 seconds longer than necessary.
  18. else
  19. testmode = true
  20. timearray = {}
  21. windower.add_to_chat(121,'Start shooting as fast as you possibly can.\7 Really try to spam the shit out of it.')
  22. end
  23. end
  24. end)
  26. windower.register_event('load',function ()
  27. --- You edit this ---
  28. pause_for_ws = false
  29. TPdelay = 0.35
  30. preshot_script = 'preshot.txt'
  31. midshot_script = 'midshot.txt'
  32. aftershot_script = 'aftershot.txt'
  35. --- Don't edit this ---
  36. testmode = false
  37. failurelimit = 3
  39. autoshot = false
  40. failurecount = 0
  41. radelay = 0.7
  42. wsdelay = 1.7
  43. Cancel_delay = 1
  44. windower.send_command('bind ^d lua i makeshot startshooting')
  45. windower.send_command('alias ms lua c makeshot')
  46. end)
  48. windower.register_event('unload', function ()
  49. windower.send_command('unalias ms')
  50. windower.send_command('unbind ^d')
  51. end)
  53. windower.register_event('action',function (act)
  54. local player = windower.ffxi.get_player()
  55. if player['id'] ~= act['actor_id'] then return end
  57. if act['category'] == 12 and act['param'] == 24931 then
  58. -- windower.add_to_chat(121,'Aiming a ranged attack!')
  59. if windower.file_exists(windower.windower_path .. 'scripts/'..midshot_script) then
  60. windower.send_command('exec '..midshot_script)
  61. end
  62. if testmode and ttime then
  63. timearray[#timearray+1] = ttime:stop()
  64. end
  65. elseif act['category'] == 12 and act['param'] == 28787 then
  66. if autoshot then
  67. failurecount = failurecount +1
  68. if failurecount >= 3 then
  69. autoshot = false
  70. failurecount = 0
  71. windower.add_to_chat(5,'3 Shot failures. Autoshot Canceled. Control D to restart')
  72. else
  73. windower.send_command('wait '..Cancel_delay..';lua i makeshot checktp')
  74. end
  75. end
  76. if windower.file_exists(windower.windower_path .. 'scripts/'..aftershot_script) then
  77. windower.send_command('exec '..aftershot_script)
  78. end
  79. elseif act['category'] == 2 then -- Shot Landing
  80. failurecount = 0
  81. if autoshot then
  82. windower.send_command('wait '..TPdelay..';lua i makeshot checktp')
  83. end
  84. if testmode then
  85. ttime =
  86. ttime:start()
  87. end
  88. if windower.file_exists(windower.windower_path .. 'scripts/'..aftershot_script) then
  89. windower.send_command('exec '..aftershot_script)
  90. end
  91. elseif act['category'] == 3 and pause_for_ws then -- WS Landing
  92. if autoshot then
  93. windower.add_to_chat(121,'Autoshot resumed!')
  94. windower.send_command('wait '..(wsdelay+TPdelay)..';lua i makeshot checktp')
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end)
  99. function startshooting()
  100. if autoshot or not windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_target('<t>') then
  101. autoshot = false
  102. else
  103. autoshot = true
  104. if windower.file_exists(windower.windower_path .. 'scripts/'..preshot_script) then
  105. windower.send_command('exec '..preshot_script)
  106. end
  107. windower.send_command('wait '..radelay..';input /ra <t>;')
  108. end
  109. end
  111. function checktp()
  112. local player = windower.ffxi.get_player()
  113. if ( < 100 and autoshot) or (not pause_for_ws and autoshot) then
  114. if windower.file_exists(windower.windower_path .. 'scripts/'..preshot_script) then
  115. windower.send_command('exec '..preshot_script)
  116. end
  117. windower.send_command('wait '..radelay..';input /ra <t>')
  118. elseif >= 100 and autoshot and pause_for_ws then
  119. windower.add_to_chat(121,'Autoshot canceled, WS away!')
  120. end
  121. end
  123. windower.register_event('action message',function (actor_id,target_id,actor_index,target_index,message_id,param_1,param_2,param_3)
  124. if message_id == 94 then
  125. if autoshot then
  126. failurecount = failurecount +1
  127. if failurecount >= 3 then
  128. autoshot = false
  129. failurecount = 0
  130. windower.add_to_chat(5,j..'3 Shot failures. Autoshot Canceled. Control D to restart')
  131. else
  132. windower.send_command('wait '..Cancel_delay..';input /ra <t>;')
  133. -- windower.send_command('wait '..Cancel_delay..';lua i makeshot checktp')
  134. end
  135. end
  136. if windower.file_exists(windower.windower_path .. 'scripts/'..aftershot_script) then
  137. windower.send_command('exec '..aftershot_script)
  138. end
  139. elseif message_id == 216 then
  140. send_command('@input /equip ammo "Dart" <me>;wait 1;input /ra <t>;')
  141. end
  142. end)
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