
Shamchat - Symmetra and Sombra

Apr 9th, 2018
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  2. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: "What do you want?"
  4. Sombra: The hacker chuckled, arms folding behind her back. "Since when is getting a straight answer ever that easy?"
  6. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: She did not lower her photon projector a single millimeter. "I am giving you a chance."
  8. Sombra: "Mm...sí, I suppose this could look rather bad. Me not really belonging here and whatnot. I'm not lying if I say I'm here for information, but whether or not you believe me..." She shrugged.
  10. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: "You are not lying /yet/," Satya corrected. "And you do not belong anywhere in this facility."
  12. Sombra: "Perhaps the real question is, what do you plan on doing with me? No alarms, no calls for help..." There was a bit of a calculating gleam in the hacker's violet eyes as she studied the other woman, trying to assess the situation. Being caught? Not really part of the plan, but she liked to think she was adaptable.
  14. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: Though her face stayed as impassively flat as ever, the lack of options and a concrete plan sat like an itch under the architech's skin. The cameras and the alarms had likely all been disabled, and she was the only person in this wing of the facility this late at night. There was truly only one thing she could do, but even then- she disliked the option, unless Sombra forced her hand. "You are going to come with me."
  16. Sombra: The hacker may have set off an electromagnetic pulse or two, though she would likely never admit to it. Still, she pulled her hands forward, showing the woman her empty hands, before loosely settling her arms around her waist. "Suppose that was to be expected..." She muttered, eyes flickering around the small room and finding nothing of use. "I guess you'll be turning me in, then?" Movement would be good, more avenues for a potential escape.
  18. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: The architech could feel herself start to sway slightly despite how rigid she tried to keep herself- her body's automatic attempt to calm the suspicion and nerves. There was no one to turn her in to unless she called the authorities, and she could not call the authorities while she was within Vishkar's walls. Her teeth worried at the inside of her lip. Outside of Vishkar it was, then. "Yes." She stepped forward and caught Sombra's wrist with her prosthetic hand.
  20. Sombra: There was a hint of a smirk in her eyes, perhaps the slightest twitch upwards of her lips. But she passively let her arm be taken, noting the prosthetic with interest some might have called undue. But she could appreciate a well-made design...and the hard-light applications it could be used for were priceless. "I mean, I'm not against discussing other options for what to do with me? Turning me in...feels a bit like a wasted opportunity, no?"
  22. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: The feeling of eyes scraping across her meticulously maintained Vishkar-given tech only increased the feeling that she needed to be rid of this woman as quickly as she could be rid of her. "There are not other options. Vishkar has more than enough architechs and people like you." Satya pulled her out of the server room and through the hallway, moving with brisk and even steps.
  24. Sombra: "Oh, chica, there's only one of me. I can guarantee that." She laughed against, trailing a step behind the other woman, going over the blueprints she'd memorized. The server room had been her primary target, but it had been poor placement for her objective. But she could find another way, she was sure. She looked down at the hand gripped around her wrist, her captive hand flexing enough to brush her fingers against the prosthetic, just enough for a subtle little probe at its protections.
  26. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: Though she should not have, by any right, been able to feel the slight stroke, it felt as if its near-parabola was burned into her missing arm; if Satya cursed she would have sworn at herself for looking back at the exact moment Sombra swept her finger across the surface connection between the heel of her palm and her wrist. If she had been given the option, she would have dropped her captive the moment she was touched, but- she did not have such a luxury. Satya swallowed the buzz of deep discomfort and kept walking, unaware that its hardly-formidable security was being tested.
  28. Sombra: She was, after all, behaving like a model prisoner, following obediently along...even if the greater part of her mind was focused on hacking into the Vishkar technolovy she wore for an arm. This...was a glaring oversight on their part, she felt. Her free hand drifted down to her belt, fingers resting on the back of her machine pistol as she listened. The late hour had been a deliberate choice, and thankfully so. "Lo siento, sorry, muscle spasm..." She said, the captive hand relaxing as she began a mental countdown. Fifteen seconds to override...
  30. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: Every second she forced herself to keep holding onto Sombra was another second closer to a meltdown she did not want to have, and would not have, would not /allow/ herself to have in front of someone who could so easily spot weakness. They were moments from the door when a tingle in her elbow went to sheer numbness and spread, arcing down the circuits of her arm all the way until her grip had gone completely slack. She reeled, whirling to face Sombra, the trigger of her projector pressed hard under the pad of her finger on instinct. A beam of light swept out between them and found its way directly into the hacker's wrist.
  32. Sombra: As the woman reeled, it would be to find the barrel of the hacker's unconfiscated machine pistol staring back at her, levelled at one of her pretty dark eyes. She gave a yowl of surprise at the sudden heat on her arm, only barely the unexpected fatigue that followed. She made as though to cold-cock the woman with the butt of her gun. A flinch, that was all she needed. And, gambling on that, she input the code for her camouflage, flickering out of sight as she stumbled back, trying not to fall from the sudden exhaustion that had inexplicably settled over her.
  34. Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani: It was not the first time someone had pointed a gun at her, nor was it the first time someone had panicked at the pressure of her unique weapon and gone to give her a concussion for daring to use it. Satya kept to her instincts and dropped into a messy crouch, keeping her finger on the trigger. If she could not see her would-be prisoner, she could see her pain- and it would not be long before the exhaustion would be more than enough to keep her within reach, if Satya could keep her focus through the panic-inducing lack of an arm and the burning noise of her projector shortening the time between now and when the compartmentalized meltdown started to hurt.
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