
Short Story

Nov 29th, 2013
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  1. Short Sci-Fi Military story.
  3. "1,2,1,2 Anyb-, Shit!" Johnny yelled shaking the communication device and eventually throwing it to the ground. Behind him, a hand grasped his shoulder pulling him back as the only girl in his squad bent over to pick up the communicator and have a look herself. "We're done guys, we're done!" Johnny seethed, turning from his three squad mates and heading back towards the beach.
  5. "Johnny. Come on, damnit Johnny!" Frex yelled, giving the other two squad-members huddled over the communicator an annoyed look before sprinting after Johnny. "Damned Bastard's tryin' to get us killed" Anne mumbled as she herself let the communicator dropped back onto the sandy dirt. "Look's like he was right tho, the comms down, we're stuck here with the beast until someone comes to pick us up." Wiping the sand from her hands, she dipped them into her pockets and pulled out a lighter and a box of cigs, moving to walk after Frex and Johnny. The last member of the four team squad, Jason let out a disappointed sigh and slung his CHM2 Rifle back over his shoulder and drudged behind Anne.
  7. Jason and Anne broke from the tree line to see Rex, straddling Johnny's chest and trying to settle him down. "Fuck! Get of me!" Johnny screamed, twisting underneath Rex's weight. It didn't help that his comrade had heavy combat armor on. In response to Johnny's complaints, Rex Drove his elbow into his ally's ribs, using his free hand to reach up and wrap it around the lower side of Johnny's face. "Can you just chill out for a few minutes, you're gunna piss the damn thing off and then we'll all have something to cry about!" Rex said angrily. "Boys, Boys, Can we all just bloody calm down here." Anne pleaded coming closer to the scene. "Looks like we only got a few hours of daylight left we need to set up some kind of camp." she pressed on as Rex removed his elbow from Johnny's chest, prompting Johnny to heave up and push the man off of him . "Damn fine. Just keep that oaf away from me." Johnny said sorely, moving to reach for his own CHM2 and get up from the sand.
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