

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  2. title dotVirus v1.0
  3. @echo off
  4. :loading
  5. rem If your adding your own content
  6. rem Make sure to include it here otherwise it might not be loaded
  7. rem this section basically Loads the game
  8. rem Be sure to not put the IF EXIST after "IF EXIST SAVEDATA\room.bat goto %room%
  9. rem because that is where the game goes to the hub
  10. rem If your adding your own custom stats add them here like this
  11. rem IF EXIST SAVEDATA\custom.bat CALL SAVEDATA\custom.bat
  12. rem Paid Stats are not loaded here They are loaded in the HUB because that is where
  13. rem It is shown it is not part of the main SAVEDATA Folder its got its own folder
  14. set /p loadsys=Load System Package? Y/N:
  15. if %loadsys%==Y goto sysload
  16. if %loadsys%==N goto loading2
  17. goto loading
  18. :sysload
  19. echo [Load System Packages for your Character to connect to]
  20. echo.
  21. echo [System Packages add to the Gameplay and can be community created or Officially Created]
  22. echo [System Packages means new contents which is often awesome]
  23. echo [Upon The First Release of the Game No Official System Packages were released]
  24. echo [System Packages are Basically the program which loads its own hub]
  25. echo [And its where it does all its thinking]
  26. echo [All the other External files are called System Data]
  27. echo [System Data controls stuff like SaveData ShopData EnemyData]
  28. echo [And everything else]
  29. set /p syspack=Load which system package
  30. :loading2
  31. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\health.bat CALL SAVEDATA\health.bat
  32. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\level.bat CALL SAVEDATA\level.bat
  33. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\protect.bat CALL SAVEDATA\protect.bat
  34. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\room.bat CALL SAVEDATA\room.bat
  35. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\money.bat CALL SAVEDATA\money.bat
  36. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\room.bat goto %room%
  37. goto start
  38. :start
  39. cls
  40. echo [Create Savefile By Hitting Any Key]
  41. echo.
  42. echo Storyline
  43. echo The Year 3000 And the world has been Infected by a Huge Virus
  44. echo However one computer was not Infected by the Virus but
  45. echo These Viruses are slowly making there way to it
  46. echo We have Installed you on that System to help try and keep the viruses away
  47. echo if the system becomes infected then the viruses could simply
  48. echo delete you and it would be all over
  49. echo However if you manage to destroy all the viruses then we can disinfect all the computers
  50. echo In the world and Save it from Infection
  51. echo.
  52. echo Basically Destroy all the Viruses
  53. echo.
  54. echo [Press any key to create your save file]
  55. pause >nul
  56. COPY BACKUPDATA\*.bat BATTLEDATA\*.bat >nul
  57. echo set bytes=500>SAVEDATA\money.bat
  58. echo set xp=0>CHECKDATA\EXP\xp.bat
  59. echo set room=hub>SAVEDATA\room.bat
  60. echo set level=1>SAVEDATA\level.bat
  61. echo set maxhealth=10>SAVEDATA\health.bat
  62. echo set protect=1>SAVEDATA\protect.bat
  63. echo
  64. exit
  65. :hub
  66. cls
  67. set opt=
  68. IF EXIST COUNTERDATA\xp_count.bat CALL COUNTERDATA\xp_count.bat
  69. IF EXIST COUNTERDATA\xp_show.bat CALL COUNTERDATA\xp_show.bat
  72. echo set bytes=%bytes%>SAVEDATA\money.bat
  73. echo set room=hub>SAVEDATA\room.bat
  74. echo set level=%level%>SAVEDATA\level.bat
  75. echo set maxhealth=%maxhealth%>SAVEDATA\health.bat
  76. echo set protect=%protect%>SAVEDATA\protect.bat
  77. echo [This Game Autosaves]
  78. echo Welcome to the HUB
  79. echo Your Stats:
  80. echo Level: %level%
  81. echo Bytes - [Money]: %bytes%
  82. ECHO Experience: %exp%
  83. set bonus=None
  84. echo Max Health: %maxhealth%
  85. echo Virus Protection: %protect%
  86. echo Last Bonus: %bonus%
  87. IF EXIST SAVEDATA\PAIDSTATS\infect.bat ECHO Infection: %infect_stat%
  88. echo.
  89. echo.
  90. echo [This Game Requires Alot Of Luck]
  91. echo [Press Enter To Check For Nearby Viruses]
  92. echo [Or Type an Option which can be found in the readme.txt]
  93. set /p opt=
  94. IF %opt%==shop goto shop
  95. IF %opt%==quit goto quit
  96. IF %opt%==inventory goto inven
  97. IF %opt%==sort goto sortinven
  98. IF %opt%==drop goto itemdrop
  99. goto viruscheck
  100. :viruscheck
  101. set /a num=0
  102. set /a num=(20 * %random%) / 32768 + 1
  103. IF %num%==4 goto loadvirus
  104. IF %num%==6 goto loadvirus
  105. IF %num%==20 goto finditem
  106. goto hub
  107. :loadvirus
  109. IF EXIST BATTLEDATA\virus%num%.bat CALL BATTLEDATA\virus%num%.bat
  110. IF NOT EXIST BATTLEDATA\virus%num%.bat ECHO Virus #%num% has Already been destroyed
  111. IF NOT EXIST BATTLEDATA\virus%num%.bat pause
  112. IF NOT EXIST BATTLEDATA\virus%num%.bat goto hub
  114. IF EXIST BATTLEDATA\WAITDATA\wait.bat goto wincheck
  115. pause
  116. goto hub
  117. :wincheck
  118. IF %win%==0 goto wincheck2
  119. IF %win%==1 DEL %LOCATION%
  120. IF %win%==2 goto gameover
  121. goto wincheck2
  122. :wincheck2
  123. set win=0
  125. goto hub
  126. :gameover
  127. cls
  128. ECHO You got Game Over sorry
  129. del SAVEDATA\*.bat >nul
  130. del ITEMDATA\*.bat >nul
  132. COPY BACKUPDATA\*.bat BATTLEDATA\*.bat >nul
  133. set /p close=Exit? Press Y and Hit Enter:
  134. IF %close%==Y exit
  135. goto gameover
  136. :shop
  137. IF EXIST SHOPDATA\shop.bat CALL SHOPDATA\shop.bat
  138. goto hub
  139. :quit
  140. echo set room=hub> SAVEDATA\room.bat
  141. echo set bytes=%bytes%> SAVEDATA\money.bat
  142. echo set level=%level%> SAVEDATA\level.bat
  143. echo set maxhealth=%maxhealth%> SAVEDATA\health.bat
  144. echo set protect=%protect%> SAVEDATA\protect.bat
  145. echo [Data has been saved :)]
  146. echo Thanks for Playing dotVirus come back soon
  147. pause
  148. exit
  149. :inven
  150. IF EXIST COUNTERDATA\inventory.bat CALL COUNTERDATA\inventory.bat
  151. pause
  152. goto hub
  153. :sortinven
  154. IF EXIST SORTDATA\sort_inven.bat CALL SORTDATA\sort_inven.bat
  155. pause
  156. goto hub
  157. :finditem
  158. ECHO You found an item.... Which Item?...
  159. echo [Press any key to Obtain the item]
  160. pause
  161. goto makeitem
  162. :makeitem
  163. set toomany=false
  164. IF EXIST WEAPONDATA\make_wep.bat CALL WEAPONDATA\make_wep.bat
  165. IF %toomany%==true ECHO Oops Turns out you already have 3 %name%
  166. IF %toomany%==true pause
  167. IF %toomany%==true goto hub
  168. ECHO You Obtained a %name% Add it to your Inventory
  169. ECHO [To add it to your Inventory type sort at the HUB then set one of the slots]
  170. ECHO [To be %addid%]
  171. ECHO To find out its stats
  172. pause
  173. goto hub
  174. :itemdrop
  175. IF EXIST COUNTERDATA\dropitem.bat CALL COUNTERDATA\dropitem.bat
  176. pause
  177. goto hub
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