
Saint Saga Application

Nov 3rd, 2020
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  1. Key: Sokkxx
  3. Character: Sol (The one that kinda looks like Zuko)
  5. Saga: Saint of Cosmos (Pegasus)
  7. How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): I've watched a pretty good amount of Saint Seiya and I know how they actually act in the show. Honestly? I just want to be a shonen-chad and hit people with the fiery righteous starpower of 90s anime.
  9. Reasoning: The firewalker known as Sol was quite the sight among the people of Vipor. Enlisting in the local Sealing Hydras and making a name for himself as a leader of his own squad within it in order to rid the world of senseless violence and wanton chaos.. Trusted and looked to for his rather surprising insightfulness and righteous way of seeing the world he would be training consistently with an extensive fervor to match those blessed with extraordinary traits that separate them from humanity. The young adult would hone his potential like stoking an ember. Laying into his innate fiery nature, the officer would unearth an even greater flame of celestial passion just idly awaiting him beneath the surface...
  11. "Wildfire is devastating and all-consuming, but a tempered flame can do so much more..."
  13. (-) Aims to join the next fight of the Conquest and has been training heavily alongside his fellow officers.
  15. (-) Trying to do a cool 'starbending' style in combat with my cosmo. Already set the stage for the very unique way Sol fights and holds himself in an rp interaction.
  17. (-) (
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