
The 3 Pillars of Modern Anime Fans Explanation

Nov 24th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Okay, Hear me out with this explanation. (
  2. First off, I know I haven't seen Attack on Titan or Sword Art Online yet, but frankly I'm not interested in watching them just yet. I'll do so some other day. But I feel that I've observed enough about the community and clips and gists on the anime around them to say an opinion.
  4. First off with Attack on Titan, obviously it's a shounen and that genre is popular. Shounen is like one of the top genres of all of anime. People grew up with it with shows like Naruto, Bleach, etc. When AOT came along, it took the world by storm, hell, to this day you still see people running around the internet with the same Eren Yeager profile picture (you know the one lol ( After AOT we kind of just started suddenly having a boom or shounen anime being adapted (BNHA, JJK, CSM, etc.) Because AOT became pretty mainstream, of course people would want to look for something in the same genre and then popularize that anime through similar circumstances as AOT. Hence why you barely hear any other genre of anime go trending on Twitter, It's always a shounen for that reason, and people who barely watch anime probably has seen a bit of at least 1 shounen thanks to this anime. (Yes I know the big 3 exist but they weren't as "mainstream" like AOT achieved)
  6. Next up is Sword Art Online. It seems like every season we get a new isekai anime that tries to be the next big thing but obviously they are lacking or running out of ideas (There is literally an Isekai about a vending machine (ಠ_ಠ)) But again like AOT, the whole Isekai boom pretty much started with Sword Art when this anime became mainstream. The first opening is considered the "Weeb National Anthem" and this anime spawned like- a million other anime that have this power fantasy where you insert yourself into this husk of a character like Kirito and gain a harem-like journey along the way. I don't really see as much "Waifuism" in SAO compared to the next pillar. But you cannot deny that SAO is one of the reasons why there is so much "I am the most powerful in this new world that I spawned in" Isekai. Isekai has been getting pretty stale as a genre as the years went by and I can only think of one or two that perked up the public eye (Konosuba and Mushoku Tensei I mean). But I will give it some credit. Without SAO, Isekai wouldn't have been much popular and the truck-kun meme would have faded (I know SAO didn't start that meme).
  8. For the last Pilliar we have High School DxD. Now I know what your thinking, "OH BUT THERE ARE OTHER ECCHI OUT THERE THAT TURNED HEADS'', IM TALKING ABOUT MAINSTREAM AGAIN, DO YOU STILL SEE PEOPLE REDO OF HEALER POSTING AS PROMINENT WHEN IT CAME OUT?!. Anyways, let's talk about Urusei Yatsura for a second. When Urusei Yatsura came out in 1981 it became one of the most influential anime of all time. It pretty much defined a theme in anime. That theme being "Waifuism". Lum Invader is considered to be the beginning of Waifuism, she's "Hot, Clingy, acts differently than the common girl, and all the men want her" (this is one thing I hate about modern Waifuism but that's a story for a different day).
  9. Back to High School DxD. (TL:DR: This anime is the cause of the excessive hyper-sexuality in the community/ industry)
  10. Are you in middle school? are you at the age where you want to disobey and dissapoint your parents? are you an anime lover in the year 2012? Well High School DxD is- please don't you're still a child.
  11. Other than Haruhi Suzumiya becoming another common waifu, the real hard hitter was High School DxD. It was scandalous in the way it presented itself where it showed actual nudity uncensored (also hentai wasn't as mainstream around this time). I'm sure a lot of people wanted to be Hyoudou Issei when they saw the amount of girls throwing themselves and just exposing themselves to him and stuff like that. Heck the Opening and Ending of the first season can literally be considered taunting the audience with the girls "beauty" (
  12. The phrase "I'm watching for the 'plot'" became more common than ever. Anyways you get the idea, because of this anime being something completely different than the early - late 2000s for anime. HSDxD was like a key, a key that only certain modern mangakas and studios used as a god of some sort. Because fanservice in anime became more prominent than ever, even though it's considered weird to a lot of people, "thank" this anime for opening the door to what I like to call "anime degeneracy."
  16. Yeah that's about it lol, if you got some counter arguments- message me or something lol.
  19. Thank you for reading my TED talk
  21. -NanOki (
Tags: anime
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