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Jan 31st, 2015
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  1. It was a beautiful sunny day in bacon.
  2. Jaune was walking throughout the empty halls, late to his classes. Suddenly, he felt something hit him in the back of the head. He fell to the ground stunned by the impact.
  4. He woke up underground, in a secret underground secret base of the secret organizsation - white fang.
  5. He opened his eyes and saw Neo, who was drunk on the marijuanas and thought he was Roman Torchwick, who was absent.
  6. She reached to his crotch and unzipped his pants, then took out his micropenis from his boxers.
  7. - "Roman Torch wick?" - She asked - "More like, Roman huge dick" - she finished her sentence as she put his penis in her mouth.
  9. Jaune was very confused, but knowing this is the closest he will ever be to a female, he didnt stop her.
  11. Suddenly, they hear an explosion. A hobbit with lots of acne on his face steps out of a hole in the wall.
  12. -I am soarel, and I will not allow someone else to have oral sex with my Waif- He didn't finish his sentence as neo stabbed him through the crotch with her parasol blade which killed him.
  14. -Now, Roman, shall we continue? - She asked Jaune, who had a 3 inch boner.
  15. As she was sucking on his penis, they hear another explosion.
  17. A tall figure in heavy, green armor steps out of a hole in the wall.
  18. -I'm a Spartan and I'm here to save you, Jaune! - The mysterious green person said.
  19. The soldier in green armor stepped closer and saw what's going on.
  20. -Leave my husbando alone, blood bitch! - The Spartan said and took off her helmet. It was Pyrrha.
  21. -Roman belongs to me, you red haired piece of shit - Neo said, took the umbrella out of her pocket and attacked the brave Huntress.
  23. They started fighting. Neo attempted to stab Pyrrha, but she dodged. Pyrrha tried to bash Neo with her shield. Neo dodged the attack. Neo decided to strike with her weapon, but Pyrrha dodged. Then both of them attacked at the same time. Pyrrha's umbrella and Noe's spear clashed and there was a big explosion.
  25. The explosion ripped Pyrrha's arms off and there was no way for her to continue fighting.
  26. -It's time to die... time to die... - Neo said and turned her umbrella into a blade.
  27. Neo tried to stab Pyrrha. However, she was interrupted by being hit with a red laser. A very big red laser. A green supersoldier in armor similiar to the one Pyrrha wore before taking it off stood behind Neo in the moment when she was hit by the big red laser.
  28. -I am Jaune-117. It's time to finish this fight - Jaune said, shot Neo with his red Spartain Laser again and killed her.
  29. Meanwhile, Pyrrha bled out and died.
  31. Jaune, the Master Chief, walks out of the room. He sees Weiss.
  32. -Jaune, my hero! - She says and tries to start sucking his dick, however, Jaune bitch-slaps her in the face.
  34. -It's all about you tonight, babe.
  36. He turned her around and got her on all fours then took out her panties.
  38. - Time to try Weiss' elite pussy...
  40. -Did somebody say ELITE PUSSY? - Arbiter came out of another hole in the wall. Jaune shot him with the red sparten laser.
  42. -Let us continue - Jaune said. He sticked his tongue inside weiss' vagina. After he finished, she started sucking his dick. He cummed in her face and got it in her hair, however nobody noticed since she was so pale and her hair was white. He hears another explosion.
  44. Blake, Yang and Ruby step out of a hole in the wall. They all immediately go for Jaune. Yang sticks his face in her brests and ruby sticks his 3 inch boner in her pussy while blake makes out with Weiss who was knocked out by the impact of Johann's cum.
  46. -Ruby's elite ass and pussy are the best! - Exclaimed Joan.
  48. They were all having fun until they heard another explosion. A big huge giant-sized fat man steps out of the hole in the wall.
  49. -My name is 4chan. I am here to challenge you to a dual Jaune! - He says, and a magical hammer with a fedora-shaped head appears in his right hand.
  50. -Excuse me for a second, ladies - John said and faced the monster.
  51. They started fighting. Jaune shot his Spartan Laser at the beast, but it caused no damage. Then he got hit with the euphoric weapon. There was an explosion and Jaune was knocked back. He hit a wall.
  52. -Die, autist! - 4chan said and smashed Jaune's skull.
  55. -Weiss... I have to tell you something before I die - Jaune said.
  56. -What is it?
  57. -I'm gay - He anwsered and died.
  59. Then 4chan fucked everyone in the room.
  61. THE END
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