

Feb 23rd, 2016
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  1. ciwrl / deadman96385: I Just pushed up a couple of small changes to my honor 5x branches. With those (and the caveat that my builds seem to have a completely borked /system partition and I have to push it by hand from $OUT).
  2. <crpalmer> it boots and then reboots itself fairly quickly. I think it is probably powering down because it thinks that the battery is depleted.
  3. <crpalmer> Oh and I didn't didn't deal with the fact that you need to push /sbin/ from the stock boot.img into your boot.img (and I was too lazy to do that in the prop files franework).
  4. <crpalmer> With that pile of caveats and the fact that adb doesn't start on boot, it does boot for me.
  5. <crpalmer> And, if you can't guess from the brain dump, I'm not planning on doing any more work on it for a while.
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