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Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. local SkyrizeWeaponsHUD = {
  2. [1] = {
  3. ["weapon_physcannon"] = true,
  4. ["weapon_physgun"] = true,
  5. ["weapon_fists"] = true,
  6. ["weapon_sillyzombieclaw_v2"] = true,
  7. ["weapon_sillyzombieclaw"] = true,
  8. ["m9k_knife"] = true,
  9. ["weapon_katana"] = true,
  10. ["049_uranium"] = true,
  11. ["106_uranium"] = true,
  12. ["682_uranium"] = true,
  13. ["096_uranium"] = true,
  14. ["173_uranium"] = true,
  15. ["035_uranium"] = true,
  16. ["738_uranium"] = true,
  17. ["053_uranium"] = true,
  18. ["017_uranium"] = true,
  19. ["ia_uranium"] = true,
  20. ["066_uranium"] = true,
  21. ["079_uranium"] = true,
  22. ["1128_uranium"] = true,
  23. ["087_uranium"] = true,
  24. ["fas2_machete"] = true,
  26. },
  27. [2] = {
  28. ["mains"] = true,
  29. },
  30. [3] = {
  31. ["nightvision"] = true,
  32. ["gmod_tool"] = true,
  33. ["weapon_camo"] = true,
  34. ["weapon_keycard_level1"] = true,
  35. ["weapon_keycard_level2"] = true,
  36. ["weapon_keycard_level3"] = true,
  37. ["weapon_keycard_level4"] = true,
  38. ["weapon_keycard_level5"] = true,
  39. },
  40. [4] = {
  41. ["salute"] = true,
  42. ["fas2_glock20"] = true,
  43. ["fas2_deagle"] = true,
  44. ["fas2_m1911"] = true,
  45. ["fas2_ots33"] = true,
  46. ["fas2_p226"] = true,
  47. ["fas2_ragingbull"] = true,
  48. ["weapon_medkit"] = true,
  49. ["fas2_ifak"] = true,
  50. ["instance_uranium"] = true,
  51. ["broom"] = true,
  52. },
  53. [5] = {
  54. ["weapon_keypadchecker"] = true,
  55. ["door_ram"] = true,
  56. ["weaponchecker"] = true,
  57. ["fas2_ak12"] = true,
  58. ["fas2_ak47"] = true,
  59. ["fas2_ak74"] = true,
  60. ["fas2_an94"] = true,
  61. ["fas2_famas"] = true,
  62. ["fas2_g36c"] = true,
  63. ["fas2_g3"] = true,
  64. ["fas2_galil"] = true,
  65. ["fas2_uzi"] = true,
  66. ["fas2_mac11"] = true,
  67. ["fas2_m14"] = true,
  68. ["fas2_ks23"] = true,
  69. ["fas2_m21"] = true,
  70. ["fas2_m24"] = true,
  71. ["fas2_m3s90"] = true,
  72. ["fas2_m4a1"] = true,
  73. ["fas2_m82"] = true,
  74. ["fas2_mp5a5"] = true,
  75. ["fas2_mp5k"] = true,
  76. ["fas2_mp5sd6"] = true,
  77. ["fas2_pp19"] = true,
  78. ["fas2_rem870"] = true,
  79. ["fas2_rpk"] = true,
  80. ["fas2_rk95"] = true,
  81. ["fas2_sg550"] = true,
  82. ["fas2_sg552"] = true,
  83. ["fas2_sks"] = true,
  84. ["fas2_sr25"] = true,
  85. ["stunstick"] = true,
  86. },
  88. }
  89. local SkyrizeHUDWeapon_Names = {
  90. ["weapon_physcannon"] = "Gravity Gun",
  91. ["swep_radiodevice"] = "Radio",
  92. ["uranium_detecteur_metaux"] = "Fouille",
  93. ["uranium_tazer"] = "Tazer",
  94. ["broom"] = "Balais",
  95. ["fas2_machete"] = "Machete",
  96. ["1128_uranium"] = "Arme 1128",
  97. ["049_uranium"] = "Arme 049",
  98. ["087_uranium"] = "Arme 087",
  99. ["053_uranium"] = "Arme 053",
  100. ["017_uranium"] = "Arme 017",
  101. ["106_uranium"] = "Arme 106",
  102. ["682_uranium"] = "Arme 682",
  103. ["096_uranium"] = "Arme 096",
  104. ["173_uranium"] = "Arme 173",
  105. ["066_uranium"] = "Arme 066",
  106. ["035_uranium"] = "Arme 035",
  107. ["738_uranium"] = "Arme 738",
  108. ["ia_uranium"] = "Arme IA",
  109. ["079_uranium"] = "Arme 079",
  110. ["weapon_camo"] = "Camouflage",
  111. ["m9k_knife"] = "Couteau",
  112. ["instance_uranium"] = "S-Instance",
  113. ["weapon_katana"] = "Katana",
  114. ["gmod_camera"] = "Camera",
  115. ["gmod_tool"] = "Outils",
  116. ["fas2_glock20"] = "GLOCK",
  117. ["fas2_deagle"] = "DEAGLE",
  118. ["fas2_m1911"] = "M1911",
  119. ["fas2_ots33"] = "OTS33",
  120. ["fas2_p226"] = "P226",
  121. ["stunstick"] = "Matraque",
  122. ["fas2_ak12"] = "AK12",
  123. ["fas2_ak47"] = "AK47",
  124. ["fas2_ak74"] = "AK74",
  125. ["fas2_an94"] = "AN94",
  126. ["fas2_famas"] = "FAMAS",
  127. ["fas2_g36c"] = "G36",
  128. ["fas2_g3"] = "G3A3",
  129. ["fas2_galil"] = "GALIL",
  130. ["fas2_uzi"] = "UZI",
  131. ["fas2_mac11"] = "MAC11",
  132. ["fas2_m14"] = "M14",
  133. ["fas2_ks23"] = "KCS23",
  134. ["fas2_m21"] = "M21",
  135. ["fas2_m24"] = "M24",
  136. ["fas2_m3s90"] = "M3S90",
  137. ["fas2_m4a1"] = "M4A1",
  138. ["fas2_m82"] = "M82",
  139. ["fas2_mp5a5"] = "MP5A5",
  140. ["fas2_mp5k"] = "MP5K",
  141. ["fas2_mp5sd6"] = "MP5SD6",
  142. ["fas2_pp19"] = "PP-BIZON",
  143. ["fas2_rem870"] = "REMINGTON",
  144. ["fas2_rpk"] = "RPK",
  145. ["fas2_rk95"] = "RK95",
  146. ["fas2_sg550"] = "SG550",
  147. ["fas2_sg552"] = "SG552",
  148. ["fas2_sks"] = "SKS",
  149. ["fas2_sr25"] = "SR25",
  150. ["fas2_m67"] = "GRENADE",
  151. ["fas2_ragingbull"] = "Raging Bull",
  152. ["weapon_physgun"] = "Physics Gun",
  153. ["mains"] = "MAINS",
  154. ["pocket"] = "Poche",
  155. ["weapon_medkit"] = "Trousse",
  156. ["fas2_ifak"] = "Kit",
  157. ["weapon_fists"] = "Poings",
  158. ["weapon_keypadchecker"] = "Keypad Checker",
  159. ["door_ram"] = "DoorRam",
  160. ["weaponchecker"] = "Fouille",
  161. ["weapon_keycard_level1"] = "Carte n°1",
  162. ["weapon_keycard_level2"] = "Carte n°2",
  163. ["weapon_keycard_level3"] = "Carte n°3",
  164. ["weapon_keycard_level4"] = "Carte n°4",
  165. ["weapon_keycard_level5"] = "Carte n°5",
  166. ["salute"] = "GAV",
  167. ["weapon_sillyzombieclaw_v2"] = "Griffe",
  168. ["weapon_sillyzombieclaw"] = "Griffe",
  169. ["nightvision"] = "Vision Nuit",
  170. }
  172. local nexttime = 0
  173. local selected = 0
  175. local function SkyrizeCheckInTable(wep)
  176. local aaa = {}
  177. for k,v in SortedPairs(SkyrizeWeaponsHUD) do
  178. for a,b in SortedPairs(v) do
  179. if a == wep then
  180. return false
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  185. return true
  186. end
  188. local function SkyrizeEquipSelected(selc)
  189. local WepTbl = {}
  190. for k,v in SortedPairs(LocalPlayer():GetWeapons()) do
  191. for a,b in SortedPairs(SkyrizeWeaponsHUD) do
  192. if b[v:GetClass()] then
  193. if !WepTbl[a] then WepTbl[a] = {} end;
  194. table.insert(WepTbl[a], v:GetClass())
  195. else
  196. if SkyrizeCheckInTable(v:GetClass()) then
  197. if !WepTbl[6] then WepTbl[6] = {} end;
  198. if not table.HasValue(WepTbl[6], v:GetClass()) then
  199. table.insert(WepTbl[6], v:GetClass())
  200. end
  201. end
  202. end
  203. end
  204. end
  205. local id_tbl = {}
  206. local uid = 1
  207. for k,v in SortedPairs(WepTbl) do
  208. for a,b in SortedPairs(v) do
  209. id_tbl[b] = uid
  210. uid = uid +1
  211. end
  212. end
  213. for k,v in SortedPairs(id_tbl) do
  214. if v == selc then
  215. RunConsoleCommand("use",k)
  216. surface.PlaySound("ambient/water/rain_drip1.wav")
  217. return
  218. end
  219. end
  221. end
  224. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "SkyrizeHUDWeapon", function(len, ply)
  225. if LocalPlayer().ShowWeaponMenu then
  226. local WepTbl = {}
  227. for k,v in SortedPairs(LocalPlayer():GetWeapons()) do
  228. for a,b in SortedPairs(SkyrizeWeaponsHUD) do
  230. if b[v:GetClass()] then
  231. if !WepTbl[a] then WepTbl[a] = {} end;
  232. table.insert(WepTbl[a], v:GetClass())
  233. else
  234. if SkyrizeCheckInTable(v:GetClass()) then
  235. if !WepTbl[6] then WepTbl[6] = {} end;
  236. if not table.HasValue(WepTbl[6], v:GetClass()) then
  237. table.insert(WepTbl[6], v:GetClass())
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  241. end
  242. end
  244. local id_tbl = {}
  245. local uid = 1
  246. for k,v in SortedPairs(WepTbl) do
  247. for a,b in SortedPairs(v) do
  248. id_tbl[b] = uid
  249. uid = uid +1
  250. end
  251. end
  253. for i=1, 6 do
  254. draw.RoundedBox(0,2, 125+40+40*(i-1), 23,35, Color(48,48,48))
  255. draw.SimpleText(i, "Trebuchet24", 15-5/2+1, 125+40*i+20, Color(0,147,255),1,1)
  256. if WepTbl[i] then
  257. local b = 0
  258. for k,v in SortedPairs(WepTbl[i]) do
  259. if selected == id_tbl[v] then
  260. draw.RoundedBox(0,25+130*b, 125+40*i, 125,35, Color(0,147,255))
  261. else
  262. draw.RoundedBox(0,25+130*b, 125+40*i, 125,35, Color(142,142,142))
  263. end
  264. if SkyrizeHUDWeapon_Names[v] then
  265. draw.SimpleText(string.upper(SkyrizeHUDWeapon_Names[v]), "Trebuchet24", 5+40/2+130*b+125/2, 125+40*i+20, Color(255,255,255),1,1)
  266. else
  267. draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v), "Trebuchet24", 5+40/2+130*b+125/2, 125+40*i+20, Color(255,255,255),1,1)
  268. end
  269. b = b +1
  270. end
  271. end
  272. end
  273. if nexttime <= CurTime() then
  274. LocalPlayer().ShowWeaponMenu = nil
  275. nexttime = CurTime() +3
  276. end
  278. end
  279. end)
  281. hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "bind", function(ply, bind, pressed)
  282. if not IsValid(ply) then return end
  283. if bind == "invnext" and pressed and !input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) then
  284. if (!ply:InVehicle()) then
  285. ply.ShowWeaponMenu = true
  286. if selected < table.Count(ply:GetWeapons()) then
  287. selected = selected +1
  288. else
  289. selected = 1
  290. end
  291. end
  292. return true
  293. elseif bind == "invprev" and pressed and !input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) then
  294. if (!ply:InVehicle()) then
  295. ply.ShowWeaponMenu = true
  296. if selected > 1 then
  297. selected = selected -1
  298. else
  299. selected = table.Count(ply:GetWeapons())
  300. end
  301. end
  302. return true
  303. elseif bind == "+attack" then
  304. if ply.ShowWeaponMenu then
  305. SkyrizeEquipSelected(selected)
  306. return true
  307. end
  308. elseif string.find(bind, "slot") then
  309. return true
  310. end
  312. end)
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