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a guest
Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. # ShowEQ Import Notes:
  2. # ZERO THE FILE first
  3. # perl -pi -e 's/0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/0x0000/g' opcodes.conf
  4. # Unknown Mapping:
  5. # OP_Action2 -> OP_Damage
  6. # OP_EnvDamage -> OP_Damage ---> might have been a one time mistake
  7. # Name Differences:
  8. # OP_CancelInvite -> OP_GroupCancelInvite
  9. # OP_GMFind -> OP_FindPersonRequest
  10. # OP_CommonMessage -> OP_ChannelMessage
  12. OP_Unknown=0x0000
  13. OP_ExploreUnknown=0x0000 # used for unknown explorer
  15. # V = Verified correct
  16. # C = Most likely correct
  17. # U = Unsure, but should be correct or close
  19. # world packets
  20. # Required to reach Char Select:
  21. OP_SendLoginInfo=0x0ff4 # C
  22. OP_ApproveWorld=0x701f # C
  23. OP_LogServer=0x4762 # C
  24. OP_SendCharInfo=0x0f14 # C
  25. OP_ExpansionInfo=0x7519 # C
  26. OP_GuildsList=0x5b0b # C
  27. OP_EnterWorld=0x1c20 # C
  28. OP_PostEnterWorld=0x7c94 # C
  29. OP_World_Client_CRC1=0x0ca5 # C
  30. OP_World_Client_CRC2=0x1cb3 # C
  31. OP_SendSpellChecksum=0x5bad # C
  32. OP_SendSkillCapsChecksum=0x5d24 # C
  34. # Character Select Related:
  35. OP_DeleteCharacter=0x0254 # C
  36. OP_CharacterCreateRequest=0x4463 # C
  37. OP_CharacterCreate=0x1513 # C
  38. OP_RandomNameGenerator=0x3604 # C
  39. OP_ApproveName=0x413f # C
  41. OP_MOTD=0x192e # C
  42. OP_SetChatServer=0x7f2b # C
  43. OP_SetChatServer2=0x11f3 # C
  44. OP_ZoneServerInfo=0x5da4 # C
  45. OP_WorldComplete=0x37db # C
  46. OP_WorldUnknown001=0x2c4c # C
  47. OP_FloatListThing=0x10b5 # C
  49. # Reasons for Disconnect:
  50. OP_ZoneUnavail=0x7930 # C
  51. OP_WorldClientReady=0x1a84 # C
  52. OP_CharacterStillInZone=0x0000 #
  53. OP_WorldChecksumFailure=0x0000 #
  54. OP_WorldLoginFailed=0x0000 #
  55. OP_WorldLogout=0x0000 #
  56. OP_WorldLevelTooHigh=0x0000 #
  57. OP_CharInacessable=0x0000 #
  58. OP_UserCompInfo=0x0000 #
  59. # OP_SendExeChecksum=0x0000 #
  60. # OP_SendBaseDataChecksum=0x0000 #
  62. # Zone in opcodes
  63. OP_AckPacket=0x3594 # C
  64. OP_ZoneEntry=0x5a6b # C
  65. OP_ReqNewZone=0x43ac # C
  66. OP_NewZone=0x5ca5 # C
  67. OP_ZoneSpawns=0x72f8 # C
  68. OP_PlayerProfile=0x6022 # C
  69. #OP_PlayerProfile=0x0924
  70. OP_TimeOfDay=0x6015 # C
  71. OP_LevelUpdate=0x6a99 # C
  72. OP_Stamina=0x3e50 # C
  73. OP_LockoutTimerInfo=0x0000 #
  74. OP_ZoneServerReady=0x0000 #
  76. OP_RequestClientZoneChange=0x4885 # C
  77. OP_ZoneChange=0x051b # C
  79. OP_ZoneInUnknown=0x0000 #
  80. OP_LogoutReply=0x0000 #
  81. OP_PreLogoutReply=0x0000 #
  83. # Required to fully log in
  84. OP_SpawnAppearance=0x10b7 # C
  85. OP_TributeUpdate=0x399b # C
  86. OP_TributeTimer=0x4423 # C
  87. OP_TaskDescription=0x7b77 # C
  88. OP_TaskActivity=0x0525 # C
  89. OP_CompletedTasks=0x5412 # C
  90. OP_Weather=0x2641 # C
  91. OP_SendAATable=0x322f # C
  92. OP_UpdateAA=0x466c # C
  93. OP_RespondAA=0x0142 # C
  94. OP_ReqClientSpawn=0x1436 # C
  95. OP_SpawnDoor=0x102f # C
  96. OP_GroundSpawn=0x33e5 # C
  97. OP_SendZonepoints=0x5821 # C
  98. OP_SendAAStats=0x57a3 # C
  99. OP_WorldObjectsSent=0x7b73 # C
  100. OP_BlockedBuffs=0x0baa # C
  101. OP_RemoveBlockedBuffs=0x064d # C
  102. OP_ClearBlockedBuffs=0x4027 # C
  103. OP_SendExpZonein=0x69cd # C
  104. OP_SendTributes=0x4786 # C
  105. OP_TributeInfo=0x4cc6 # C
  106. OP_SendGuildTributes=0x26c4 # C
  107. OP_AAExpUpdate=0x3088 # C
  108. OP_ExpUpdate=0x0e98 # C
  109. OP_HPUpdate=0x538f # C
  110. OP_ManaChange=0x50c2 # C
  111. OP_TGB=0x2d74 # C
  112. OP_SpecialMesg=0x074f # C
  113. OP_GuildMemberList=0x51bc # C
  114. OP_GuildMOTD=0xd677 # C
  115. OP_CharInventory=0x709d # C
  116. OP_WearChange=0x231f # C
  117. OP_ClientUpdate=0x7062 # C
  118. OP_ClientReady=0x6759 # C
  119. OP_SetServerFilter=0x7312 # C
  121. # Guild Opcodes
  122. OP_GetGuildMOTD=0x189e # C
  123. OP_GetGuildMOTDReply=0x7a16 # C
  124. OP_GuildMemberUpdate=0x41c0 # C
  125. OP_GuildInvite=0x4843 # C
  126. OP_GuildRemove=0x2b9d # C
  127. OP_GuildPeace=0x3f21 # C
  128. OP_SetGuildMOTD=0x481f # C
  129. OP_GuildList=0x5b0b # C
  130. OP_GuildWar=0x7bfb # C
  131. OP_GuildLeader=0x1055 # C
  132. OP_GuildDelete=0x75d0 # C
  133. OP_GuildInviteAccept=0x5f25 # C
  134. OP_GuildDemote=0x15b2 # C
  135. OP_GuildPublicNote=0x2dbd # C
  136. OP_GuildManageBanker=0x11bc # C
  137. OP_GuildBank=0x0fce # C
  138. OP_SetGuildRank=0x4ffe # C
  139. OP_GuildUpdateURLAndChannel=0x5422
  140. OP_GuildMemberLevelUpdate=0x0000 #
  141. OP_ZoneGuildList=0x0000 #
  142. OP_GetGuildsList=0x0000 #
  143. OP_GuildStatus=0x5479
  144. # OP_GuildManageRemove=0x0000 #
  145. # OP_GuildManageAdd=0x0000 #
  146. # OP_GuildManageStatus=0x0000 #
  148. # GM/guide opcodes
  149. OP_GMServers=0x6989 # C
  150. OP_GMBecomeNPC=0x56e7 # C
  151. OP_GMZoneRequest=0x4578 # C
  152. OP_GMZoneRequest2=0x1912 # C
  153. OP_GMGoto=0x0402 # C
  154. OP_GMSearchCorpse=0x7872 # C
  155. OP_GMHideMe=0x34a1 # C
  156. OP_GMDelCorpse=0x0dda # C
  157. OP_GMApproval=0x72fa # C
  158. OP_GMToggle=0x7566 # C
  159. OP_GMSummon=0x596d # C
  160. OP_GMEmoteZone=0x3e7c # C
  161. OP_GMEmoteWorld=0x3e7c # C
  162. OP_GMFind=0x6e27 # C
  163. OP_GMKick=0x799c # C
  164. OP_GMKill=0x6685 # C
  165. OP_GMNameChange=0x565d # C
  166. OP_GMLastName=0x3563 # C
  168. OP_InspectAnswer=0x4938 # C
  169. OP_Action2=0x7e4d # C OP_Damage?
  170. OP_BeginCast=0x0d5a # C
  171. OP_BuffFadeMsg=0x569a # C
  172. OP_ConsentResponse=0x6e47 # C
  173. OP_MemorizeSpell=0x8543 # C
  174. OP_SwapSpell=0x3fd2 # C
  175. OP_CastSpell=0x3582 # C
  176. OP_Consider=0x6024 # C
  177. OP_FormattedMessage=0x1318 # C
  178. OP_SimpleMessage=0x5448 # C
  179. OP_Buff=0x7ea8 # C
  180. OP_Illusion=0x48f9 # C
  181. OP_MoneyOnCorpse=0x6546 # C
  182. OP_RandomReply=0x6cdc # C
  183. OP_DenyResponse=0x7ce7 # C
  184. OP_SkillUpdate=0x7f01 # C
  185. OP_GMTrainSkillConfirm=0x7ae1 # C
  186. OP_RandomReq=0x777c # C
  187. OP_Death=0x1b85 # C
  188. OP_Bind_Wound=0x3969 # C
  189. OP_GMTraining=0x7b64 # C
  190. OP_GMEndTraining=0x3c02 # C
  191. OP_GMTrainSkill=0x7686 # C
  192. OP_Animation=0x47d3 # C
  193. OP_Begging=0x6d37 # C
  194. OP_Consent=0x6bb9 # C
  195. OP_ConsentDeny=0x01e3 # C
  196. OP_AutoFire=0x1bd4 # C
  197. OP_PetCommands=0x3ad6 # C
  198. OP_DeleteSpell=0x0736 # C
  199. OP_Surname=0x7547 # C
  200. OP_ClearSurname=0x2edd # C
  201. OP_FaceChange=0x5658 # C
  202. OP_SenseHeading=0x3887 # C
  203. OP_Action=0x2c27 # C
  204. OP_ConsiderCorpse=0x37a7 # C
  205. OP_HideCorpse=0x1842
  206. OP_CorpseDrag=0x5a6f # C
  207. OP_CorpseDrop=0x5a01 # C
  208. OP_Bug=0x02b # C
  209. OP_Feedback=0x0d1d # C
  210. OP_Report=0x6884 # C
  211. OP_Damage=0x7e4d # C or OP_Action2?
  212. OP_ChannelMessage=0x2e79 # C
  213. OP_Assist=0x2b59 # C
  214. OP_AssistGroup=0x5af6 # C
  215. OP_MoveCoin=0x1fcd # C
  216. OP_ZonePlayerToBind=0x1d3f # C
  217. OP_KeyRing=0x0a18 # C
  218. OP_WhoAllRequest=0x177a # C
  219. OP_WhoAllResponse=0x31f3 # C
  220. OP_FriendsWho=0x6a90 # C
  221. OP_ConfirmDelete=0x3d00 # C
  222. OP_Logout=0x66e0 # C
  223. OP_Rewind=0x4b7b # C
  224. OP_TargetCommand=0x17f7 # C
  225. OP_InspectRequest=0x4892 # C
  226. OP_Hide=0x1d22 # C
  227. OP_Jump=0x6c16 # C
  228. OP_Camp=0x3eec # C
  229. OP_Emote=0x7434 # C
  230. OP_SetRunMode=0x07fb # C
  231. OP_BankerChange=0x21e9 # C
  232. OP_TargetMouse=0x7bbb # C
  233. OP_MobHealth=0x47ea # C
  234. OP_InitialMobHealth=0x2d25 # C
  235. OP_TargetHoTT=0x3ec7 # C
  236. OP_TargetBuffs=0x3df8
  237. OP_DeleteSpawn=0x3164 # C
  238. OP_AutoAttack=0x3d86 # C
  239. OP_AutoAttack2=0x4ca1 # C
  240. OP_Consume=0x7ce4 # C
  241. OP_MoveItem=0x7f56 # C
  242. OP_DeleteItem=0x36f8 # C
  243. OP_DeleteCharge=0x1df9 # C
  244. OP_ItemPacket=0x34f8 # C
  245. OP_ItemLinkResponse=0x2bad # C
  246. OP_ItemLinkClick=0x3c66 # C
  247. OP_NewSpawn=0x5c29 # C
  248. OP_Track=0x4817 # C
  249. OP_TrackTarget=0x7337 # C
  250. OP_TrackUnknown=0x7b56 # C
  251. OP_ClickDoor=0x1516 # C
  252. OP_MoveDoor=0x6e97 # C
  253. OP_EnvDamage=0x5ac4 # C
  254. OP_BoardBoat=0x5cd3 # C
  255. OP_Forage=0x7b05 # C
  256. OP_LeaveBoat=0x7554 # C
  257. OP_ControlBoat=0x5bd9 # C
  258. OP_SafeFallSuccess=0x6ad2 # C
  259. OP_RezzComplete=0x42d0 # C
  260. OP_RezzRequest=0x0976 # C
  261. OP_RezzAnswer=0x6e1c # C
  262. OP_Shielding=0x2f6a # C
  263. OP_RequestDuel=0x79e0 # C
  264. OP_MobRename=0x0a1d # C
  265. OP_AugmentItem=0x0370 # C
  266. OP_WeaponEquip1=0x719e # C
  267. OP_WeaponEquip2=0x7b6e # C
  268. OP_WeaponUnequip2=0x19a8 # C
  269. OP_ApplyPoison=0x405b # C
  270. OP_Save=0x5c85 # C
  271. OP_TestBuff=0x5fc7 # C
  272. OP_DestructableRelated=0x5ea1
  273. OP_CustomTitles=0x1b26 # C
  274. OP_Split=0x53f9 # C
  275. OP_YellForHelp=0x6f79 # C
  276. OP_LoadSpellSet=0x7113 # C
  277. OP_Bandolier=0x441c # C
  278. OP_PotionBelt=0x5db5 # C
  279. OP_DuelResponse=0x1ebb # C
  280. OP_SaveOnZoneReq=0x6eff # C
  281. OP_ReadBook=0x2444 # C
  282. OP_Dye=0x3672 # C
  283. OP_InterruptCast=0x072f # C
  284. OP_AAAction=0x50d0 # C
  285. OP_LeadershipExpToggle=0x34c5 # C
  286. OP_LeadershipExpUpdate=0x69d0 # C
  287. OP_PurchaseLeadershipAA=0x07b3 # C
  288. OP_UpdateLeadershipAA=0x6948 # C
  289. OP_MarkNPC=0x0d4b # C
  290. OP_ClearNPCMarks=0x5033 # C
  291. OP_DoGroupLeadershipAbility=0x540b # C
  292. OP_GroupLeadershipAAUpdate=0x0c33
  293. OP_DelegateAbility=0x0322 # C
  294. OP_SetGroupTarget=0x521c # C
  295. OP_DuelResponse2=0x52b5 # C
  296. OP_Charm=0x7108 # C
  297. OP_Stun=0x2a6d # C
  298. OP_SendFindableNPCs=0x5360
  299. OP_FindPersonRequest=0x3168 # C
  300. OP_FindPersonReply=0x1ac8 # C
  301. OP_Sound=0x303e # C
  302. OP_PetBuffWindow=0x2dd3 # C
  303. OP_LevelAppearance=0x6dc3 # C
  304. OP_Translocate=0x2042 # C
  305. OP_Sacrifice=0x5805 # C
  306. OP_PopupResponse=0x2caf # C
  307. OP_OnLevelMessage=0x1154 # C
  308. OP_AugmentInfo=0x3683 # C
  309. OP_Petition=0x31d1 # C
  310. OP_SomeItemPacketMaybe=0x54e8 # C
  311. OP_PVPStats=0x6a37 # C
  312. OP_PVPLeaderBoardRequest=0x24cb # C
  313. OP_PVPLeaderBoardReply=0x6ac2 # C
  314. OP_PVPLeaderBoardDetailsRequest=0x2a99 # C
  315. OP_PVPLeaderBoardDetailsReply=0x5156 # C
  316. OP_RestState=0x292f # C
  317. OP_RespawnWindow=0x268c # C was 0x1643
  318. OP_DisciplineTimer=0x684c # C
  319. OP_LDoNButton=0x41b5 # C
  320. OP_SetStartCity=0x7bf6 # C
  321. OP_VoiceMacroIn=0x31b1 # C
  322. OP_VoiceMacroOut=0x7880 # C
  323. OP_ItemViewUnknown=0x21c7 # C
  324. OP_VetRewardsAvaliable=0x4e4e # C
  325. OP_VetClaimRequest=0x771f # C
  326. OP_VetClaimReply=0x2f95 # C
  327. OP_CrystalCountUpdate=0x2d0e # C
  328. OP_DisciplineUpdate=0x0000 #
  329. OP_BecomeCorpse=0x0000 #
  330. OP_MobUpdate=0x0000 # Unused?
  331. OP_CameraEffect=0x0d96 # V
  332. OP_SpellEffect=0x7309 # V
  333. OP_AltCurrency=0x25e4
  334. OP_ShroudProgress=0x0296
  336. # Expedition
  337. OP_DzQuit=0x054e
  338. OP_DzListTimers=0x3200
  339. OP_DzAddPlayer=0x3ba3
  340. OP_DzRemovePlayer=0xa682
  341. OP_DzSwapPlayer=0x0d8d
  342. OP_DzMakeLeader=0x1caa
  343. OP_DzPlayerList=0x74ca
  344. OP_DzJoinExpeditionConfirm=0x1772
  345. OP_DzJoinExpeditionReply=0x3c13
  346. OP_DzExpeditionInfo=0x128e
  347. OP_DzMemberStatus=0x4661
  348. OP_DzLeaderStatus=0x226f
  349. OP_DzExpeditionEndsWarning=0x1879
  350. OP_DzExpeditionList=0x3657
  351. OP_DzMemberList=0x74e4
  352. OP_DzCompass=0x35d3
  353. OP_DzChooseZone=0xd8a
  354. #0x1d99 was grouped with these too but I don't really know it's purpose.
  356. # New Opcodes
  357. OP_SpawnPositionUpdate=0x4656 #
  358. OP_ManaUpdate=0x4b61 #
  359. OP_EnduranceUpdate=0x02d6 #
  360. OP_MobManaUpdate=0x2ac1 #
  361. OP_MobEnduranceUpdate=0x6c5f #
  363. # Looting
  364. OP_LootRequest=0x2701 # C
  365. OP_EndLootRequest=0x6ad7 # C
  366. OP_LootItem=0x2b5a # C
  367. OP_LootComplete=0x41a6 # C
  369. # bazaar trader stuff stuff:
  370. OP_BazaarSearch=0x4675 # C
  371. OP_TraderDelItem=0x63c8 # C
  372. OP_BecomeTrader=0x528f # C
  373. OP_TraderShop=0x7598 # C
  374. OP_TraderItemUpdate=0x0000 #
  375. OP_Trader=0x7092 # C
  376. OP_ShopItem=0x0000 #
  377. OP_TraderBuy=0x053a # C
  378. OP_Barter=0x4b49 #
  379. OP_BazaarInspect=0x0000 #
  380. OP_Bazaar=0x0000 #
  382. # pc/npc trading
  383. OP_TradeRequest=0x47ae # C
  384. OP_TradeAcceptClick=0x064a # C
  385. OP_TradeRequestAck=0x606a # C
  386. OP_TradeCoins=0x0149 # C
  387. OP_FinishTrade=0x3ff6 # C
  388. OP_CancelTrade=0x527e # C
  389. OP_TradeMoneyUpdate=0x7452 # C
  390. OP_MoneyUpdate=0x2d1d # C
  391. OP_TradeBusy=0x0c2d # V
  393. # Sent after canceling trade or after closing tradeskill object
  394. OP_FinishWindow=0x3c27 # C
  395. OP_FinishWindow2=0x2f5d # C
  397. # Sent on Live for what seems to be item existance verification
  398. # Ex. Before Right Click Effect happens from items
  399. OP_ItemVerifyRequest=0x032a # C
  400. OP_ItemVerifyReply=0x7866 # C
  402. # merchant crap
  403. OP_ShopPlayerSell=0x0b27 # C
  404. OP_ShopRequest=0x4194 # C
  405. OP_ShopEnd=0x3753 # C
  406. OP_ShopEndConfirm=0x7114 # C
  407. OP_ShopPlayerBuy=0x436a # C
  408. OP_ShopDelItem=0x63c8 # C
  410. # tradeskill stuff:
  411. OP_ClickObject=0x5f0d # C
  412. OP_ClickObjectAction=0x5dbc # C
  413. OP_ClearObject=0x0b80 # C
  414. OP_RecipeDetails=0x49f4 # C
  415. OP_RecipesFavorite=0x1150 # C
  416. OP_RecipesSearch=0x55dd # C
  417. OP_RecipeReply=0x0643 # C
  418. OP_RecipeAutoCombine=0x1564 # C
  419. OP_TradeSkillCombine=0x4212 # C
  421. # Tribute Packets:
  422. OP_OpenGuildTributeMaster=0x6361 # C
  423. OP_OpenTributeMaster=0x2daa # C
  424. OP_SelectTribute=0x38b0 # C
  425. OP_TributeItem=0x416b # C
  426. OP_TributeMoney=0x0b89 # C
  427. OP_TributeToggle=0x45b3 # C
  428. OP_TributePointUpdate=0x7d05 # C
  429. OP_TributeNPC=0x0000 #
  430. OP_GuildTributeInfo=0x0000 #
  431. OP_OpenTributeReply=0x0000 #
  432. # OP_GuildTributeStatus=0x0000 #
  434. # Adventure packets:
  435. OP_LeaveAdventure=0x2ab6 # C
  436. OP_AdventureFinish=0x624c # C
  437. OP_AdventureInfoRequest=0x3a75 # C
  438. OP_AdventureInfo=0x3a28 # C
  439. OP_AdventureRequest=0x5a55 # C
  440. OP_AdventureDetails=0x5ed3 # C
  441. OP_AdventureData=0x05 # C
  442. OP_AdventureUpdate=0x0dcd # C
  443. OP_AdventureMerchantRequest=0x0989 # C
  444. OP_AdventureMerchantResponse=0x6ade # C
  445. OP_AdventureMerchantPurchase=0x23fc # C
  446. OP_AdventureMerchantSell=0x5363 # C
  447. OP_AdventurePointsUpdate=0x6b7f # C
  448. OP_AdventureStatsRequest=0x7e45 # C
  449. OP_AdventureStatsReply=0x6a30 # C
  450. OP_AdventureLeaderboardRequest=0x7537 # C
  451. OP_AdventureLeaderboardReply=0x7c87 # C
  453. # Group Opcodes
  454. OP_GroupDisband=0x47e7 # C
  455. OP_GroupInvite=0x5d32 # C
  456. OP_GroupFollow=0x321a # C
  457. OP_GroupUpdate=0x21be
  458. OP_GroupUpdateB=0x7351
  459. OP_GroupCancelInvite=0x5251 # C - Same as OP_CancelInvite?
  460. OP_GroupAcknowledge=0x3e22 # C
  461. OP_GroupDelete=0x58e6 #
  462. OP_CancelInvite=0x5251 # C
  463. OP_GroupFollow2=0x2736 # C
  464. OP_GroupInvite2=0x548c # C
  465. OP_GroupDisbandYou=0xc56c
  466. OP_GroupDisbandOther=0x162d
  467. OP_GroupLeaderChange=0x7545
  468. OP_GroupRoles=0x6b67
  469. OP_GroupMakeLeader=0x6087
  470. # LFG/LFP Opcodes
  471. OP_LFGCommand=0x3288 # C
  472. OP_LFGGetMatchesRequest=0x5613 # C
  473. OP_LFGGetMatchesResponse=0x7d90 # C
  474. OP_LFPGetMatchesRequest=0x0479 # C
  475. OP_LFPGetMatchesResponse=0x16f5 # C
  476. OP_LFPCommand=0x710e # C
  477. OP_LFGAppearance=0x0000 #
  478. OP_LFGResponse=0x0000 #
  480. # Raid Opcodes
  481. OP_RaidInvite=0x3b52 # C
  482. OP_RaidUpdate=0x32c6 # C
  483. OP_RaidJoin=0x0000 #
  485. # Button-push commands
  486. OP_Taunt=0x1418 # C
  487. OP_CombatAbility=0x24c5 # C
  488. OP_SenseTraps=0x1e04 # C
  489. OP_PickPocket=0x25f0 # C
  490. OP_DisarmTraps=0x0000 #
  491. OP_Disarm=0x6def # C
  492. OP_Sneak=0x03e7 # C
  493. OP_Fishing=0x7093 # C
  494. OP_InstillDoubt=0x2d41 # C
  495. OP_FeignDeath=0x3f49 # C
  496. OP_Mend=0x221a # C
  497. OP_LDoNOpen=0x6129 # C
  499. # Task packets
  500. OP_TaskActivityComplete=0x4df0 # C
  501. OP_TaskMemberList=0x34ed # C
  502. OP_OpenNewTasksWindow=0x4dd5 # C
  503. OP_AvaliableTask=0x2136 # C
  504. OP_AcceptNewTask=0x5832 # C
  505. OP_TaskHistoryRequest=0x29d7 # C
  506. OP_TaskHistoryReply=0x3d2a # C
  507. OP_CancelTask=0x726b # C
  508. OP_DeclineAllTasks=0x0000 #
  509. OP_Shroud=0x6d1f
  510. OP_ShroudRemove=0x17f6
  511. OP_ShroudUnknown1=0x169a
  512. OP_ShroudUnknown2=0x4292
  513. OP_ShroudClearAA=0x3bef
  514. OP_ShroudSelectionWindow=0x4d79
  515. OP_ShroudRequestStats=0x28ce
  516. OP_ShroudRespondStats=0x33f2
  517. OP_ShroudSelect=0x194f
  519. # Title opcodes
  520. OP_NewTitlesAvailable=0x4399 # C
  521. OP_RequestTitles=0x7327 # C
  522. OP_SendTitleList=0x158f # C
  523. OP_SetTitle=0x698a # C
  524. OP_SetTitleReply=0x4d3e # C
  526. # mail opcodes
  527. OP_Command=0x0000 #
  528. OP_MailboxHeader=0x0000 #
  529. OP_MailHeader=0x0000 #
  530. OP_MailBody=0x0000 #
  531. OP_NewMail=0x0000 #
  532. OP_SentConfirm=0x0000 #
  534. # # # # # # # # # # # Below this point should not be needed # # # # # # # # # # #
  536. # This section are all unknown in Titanium
  537. OP_ForceFindPerson=0x0000 #
  538. OP_LocInfo=0x0000 #
  539. OP_ReloadUI=0x0000 #
  540. OP_ItemName=0x0000 #
  541. OP_ItemLinkText=0x0000 #
  542. OP_MultiLineMsg=0x0000 #
  543. OP_MendHPUpdate=0x0000 #
  544. OP_TargetReject=0x0000 #
  545. OP_SafePoint=0x0000 #
  546. OP_IncreaseStats=0x0000 #
  547. OP_ApproveZone=0x0000 #
  548. OP_ZoneComplete=0x0000 #
  549. OP_ClientError=0x0000 #
  550. OP_DumpName=0x0000 #
  551. OP_Heartbeat=0x0000 #
  552. OP_CrashDump=0x0000 #
  553. OP_LoginComplete=0x0000 #
  555. # discovered opcodes not yet used:
  556. OP_PickLockSuccess=0x0000 #
  557. OP_PlayMP3=0x0000 #
  558. OP_ReclaimCrystals=0x0000 #
  559. OP_DynamicWall=0x0000 #
  560. OP_OpenDiscordMerchant=0x0000 #
  561. OP_DiscordMerchantInventory=0x0000 #
  562. OP_GiveMoney=0x0000 #
  563. OP_RequestKnowledgeBase=0x0000 #
  564. OP_KnowledgeBase=0x0000 #
  565. OP_SlashAdventure=0x0000 # /adventure
  566. OP_BecomePVPPrompt=0x0000 #
  567. OP_MoveLogRequest=0x0000 # gone I think
  568. OP_MoveLogDisregard=0x0000 # gone I think
  570. # named unknowns, to make looking for real unknown easier
  571. OP_AnnoyingZoneUnknown=0x0000 #
  572. OP_Some6ByteHPUpdate=0x0000 # seems to happen when you target group members
  573. OP_QueryResponseThing=0x0000 #
  576. # realityincarnate: these are just here to stop annoying several thousand byte packet dumps
  577. #OP_LoginUnknown1=0x5bad # U OP_SendSpellChecksum
  578. #OP_LoginUnknown2=0x5d24 # U OP_SendSkillCapsChecksum
  580. # Petition Opcodes
  581. OP_PetitionSearch=0x0000 # search term for petition
  582. OP_PetitionSearchResults=0x0000 # (list of?) matches from search
  583. OP_PetitionSearchText=0x0000 # text results of search
  585. OP_PetitionUpdate=0x0000 #
  586. OP_PetitionCheckout=0x0000 #
  587. OP_PetitionCheckIn=0x0000 #
  588. OP_PetitionQue=0x0000 #
  589. OP_PetitionUnCheckout=0x0000 #
  590. OP_PetitionDelete=0x0000 #
  591. OP_DeletePetition=0x0000 #
  592. OP_PetitionResolve=0x0000 #
  593. OP_PDeletePetition=0x0000 #
  594. OP_PetitionBug=0x0000 #
  595. OP_PetitionRefresh=0x0000 #
  596. OP_PetitionCheckout2=0x0000 #
  597. OP_PetitionViewPetition=0x0000 #
  599. # Login opcodes
  600. #OP_SessionReady=0x0001 #
  601. #OP_Login=0x0002 #
  602. #OP_ServerListRequest=0x0004 #
  603. #OP_PlayEverquestRequest=0x000d #
  604. #OP_PlayEverquestResponse=0x0021 #
  605. #OP_ChatMessage=0x0016 #
  606. #OP_LoginAccepted=0x0017 #
  607. #OP_ServerListResponse=0x0018 #
  608. #OP_Poll=0x0029 #
  609. #OP_EnterChat=0x000f #
  610. #OP_PollResponse=0x0011 #
  612. OP_SessionReady=0x0001
  613. OP_Login=0x0002
  614. OP_ServerListRequest=0x0004
  615. OP_PlayEverquestRequest=0x000d
  616. OP_PlayEverquestResponse=0x0022
  617. OP_ChatMessage=0x0017
  618. OP_LoginAccepted=0x0018
  619. OP_ServerListResponse=0x0019
  620. OP_Poll=0x0029
  621. OP_EnterChat=0x000f
  622. OP_PollResponse=0x0011
  624. # raw opcodes
  625. OP_RAWSessionRequest=0x0000 #
  626. OP_RAWSessionResponse=0x0000 #
  627. OP_RAWCombined=0x0000 #
  628. OP_RAWSessionDisconnect=0x0000 #
  629. OP_RAWKeepAlive=0x0000 #
  630. OP_RAWSessionStatRequest=0x0000 #
  631. OP_RAWSessionStatResponse=0x0000 #
  632. OP_RAWPacket=0x0000 #
  633. OP_RAWFragment=0x0000 #
  634. OP_RAWOutOfOrderAck=0x0000 #
  635. OP_RAWAck=0x0000 #
  636. OP_RAWAppCombined=0x0000 #
  637. OP_RAWOutOfSession=0x0000 #
  639. # we need to document the differences between these packets to make identifying them easier
  640. OP_Some3ByteHPUpdate=0x0000 # initial HP update for mobs
  641. OP_InitialHPUpdate=0x0000 #
  645. # Mercenary Opcodes
  646. OP_MercenaryDataRequest=0x4717 #
  647. OP_MercenaryDataResponse=0x1715 #
  648. OP_MercenaryHire=0x0bfd #
  649. OP_MercenaryAssign=0x6188 #
  650. OP_MercenaryTimer=0x116d #
  651. OP_MercenaryUnknown1=0x28c7 #
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